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True confessions! No judgement!



  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    I've got tons confession, but I'll start with two....

    1. I'm an alcoholic. There I said it. I drink 6-18 beers night and I have since I was 12 years old, and I'm now 41. It is something I desperately need to change, but it is what it is.

    2. I idolize @projectsix. Not in a bad way, but in the way that sees that he's made a change in himself that I can't fathom. Have you seen this guy?! A hundred pounds down and looks like a superhero, with all the physical and nutritional info you'll ever need as well. Funny, cool... That dude is my goal.

    Admitting it is the first step :)

    And I'm with you on point #2. I still fangirl over @projectsix and the fact that someone so amazing is my friend and that I can have big chats with him about his journey and life in general. And just how amazing a transformation he has undergone. He's a hero to many, as are you @Kasner1975
  • ArmyMedic2016
    ArmyMedic2016 Posts: 180 Member
    If it wasn't for the support of all you guys on here in the last 12 months, l can honestly say l would not be alive today. I was on here before as PTSDUK. There were days l felt like ending it all, but my friends on here helped me though.
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    If it wasn't for the support of all you guys on here in the last 12 months, l can honestly say l would not be alive today. I was on here before as PTSDUK. There were days l felt like ending it all, but my friends on here helped me though.

    My brother..we PTSD survivors need to stick together, because we understand each other...I know where you are coming from...been there, done that and got the T-shirt to prove it. I had times where I even tried to end. That PTSD is one of the things that makes you the great guy you are....own it...and if you can share with people the affects of the PTSD, it helps other people...Keep up the fire, my brother....
  • your_pal_crusher
    your_pal_crusher Posts: 4,437 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    I think I forgot to put in deodorant today

    Put in deodorant? Do I dare ask where exactly you put it in?

    Perhaps I meant on?

    I know sorry - can't help myself....

    Thank you for calling that out, @candiinprogress I was thinking the same thing!

    I confess that I was distracted in TRX class this morning by the "new girl" :blush:
  • your_pal_crusher
    your_pal_crusher Posts: 4,437 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    EJJKMc6 wrote: »
    When I first got on this app two years ago I was so dedicated with my diet - eating clean and losing weight. The last eight months I have been terrible! I'm 15 pounds over where I feel and look good. I can't seem to get back on track for more than a week at a time. I've been consistent with working out but we all know it's 80% diet. I'm over my calories for the second time already this week. I'm very unhappy with how I look, and have been for months now. I don't know how to get back on track for good.

    @EJJKMc6 I hope you understand that it's ok. There's no rush. You'll get the balance that you're looking for. I also hope you know that despite how you feel, that you are one of the greatest friends I've ever had. You are stunningly beautiful, funny, kind to a fault, caring, loving, and deeply passionate. I would selfishly like to think that I was the only one that saw that, but it's clear that everyone else on MFP does as well. Ask anyone! I hope you feel that. Breathe... you've got it.

    This guy ( @Kasner1975 ) is a really good guy. I confess that I'd like to be THAT nice of a guy. And @EJJKMc6 , he's right.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Panera Bread's new advertising campaign of everything on their menu being "clean" annoys the *kitten* out of me. Especially the one billboard on my way home from work that states "Every Sandwich is Clean". No.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    edited October 2016
    @Kasner1975 I had no idea of your struggle of course, why should I because we've not talked... but regardless, I wish you health and happiness. you deserve it, we all do. don't let anyone or anything tell you differently. Your a brave man and I know from the comments you make your a good man..where it counts...on the inside.

    I never anticipated MFP to be what it has become when I downloaded this app a year ago. later found this forum and still never anticipated it to reveal all that it does.

    Makes me sad to see the struggles people face....anything from from serious disease to addictions to heart wrenching relational issues to just aloneness and loneliness.. and makes me realize that in life we should take nothing for granted and we should be patient and understanding to everyone. you just never know whats really going on inside our fellow human beings.

    and @EJJKMc6 well.....your just beautiful ...soooo.. strive for more if you wish, but just know...from a unbiased bystander, your just plain beautiful.
  • Iscah13
    Iscah13 Posts: 1,954 Member
    The thought of posting a before and after of my weight loss is making me feel sick to my stomach.
  • your_pal_crusher
    your_pal_crusher Posts: 4,437 Member
    Iscah13 wrote: »
    The thought of posting a before and after of my weight loss is making me feel sick to my stomach.

    Just know that it can be very inspiring for people to see that it's possible and to hear your story.
  • miissalexandria
    miissalexandria Posts: 430 Member
    edited October 2016
    I had a slice of taco pizza for breakfast :#
  • simon0000
    simon0000 Posts: 1,432 Member
    I had a slice taco pizza for breakfast :#

    Likes this ^^
  • Tr4pQueen
    Tr4pQueen Posts: 127 Member
    I judged all the confessions
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Tr4pQueen wrote: »
    I judged all the confessions

    I won't judge you on that.
  • miissalexandria
    miissalexandria Posts: 430 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    I had a slice of taco pizza for breakfast :#

    I don't know what taco pizza is, but I'm sure I want it in my face

    yes, yes you do!