March 2016 Running Challenge



    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    March 18th - travelled 5.64 K on the treadmill (29 minutes running, 19 minutes walking)
    March total - 83.62 K
    To reach goal - 16.38 K
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Nice seeing all the run reports coming in for the day. @louubelle16 congrats, that's awesome!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @louubelle16 - Way to go smashing that 10k PR!!!!!

    @Elise4270 - Hope it's a great race! Looking forward to a post-race report.

    @kristinegift - I hope your legs take the letter to heart and start feeling better.

    @4leighbee - Way to rock the treadmill and distance!

    @annekka - Wow, not sure what to say. I recall feeling some major life challenges working against me as my first marathon date approached last year. I wondered how much of it was mental and I may have been stressing on some things more than normal simply due to my subconscious mind trying so hard to talk some sense into me and not run that crazy long distance. In the end I was thrilled to have run it, beyond words. But at the same time everyone does have to face a level of reality if they truly are not yet trained/prepared for it and it could be wise to skip in that case. I guess just be certain with yourself that whatever decision you make is the right one.

    @Elise4270 - Oh, I see I spoke too soon and there is a post race report! Congrats on beating the time! Your hubby will reach acceptance after all the other ugly phases. Maybe some pizza therapy will help.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    12 mile long run today along my favorite hilly 12 mile route that I trained on last year. I'm happy with how it went but will spend the rest of the day wondering what my pace would have been without the 2 walking breaks to take fuel/hydrate. Lately I try to keep running through those but my ankle was trying to trick me into thinking that something might have felt off. The ankle lied.

    3/1 - 5 miles
    3/2 - 5 miles
    3/3 - 5 miles
    3/4 - Rest
    3/5 - 12 miles
    3/6 - 5 miles
    3/7 - 5 miles
    3/8 - 5 miles
    3/9 - 5 miles
    3/10 - 5 miles
    3/11 - Rest
    3/12 - 12 miles
    3/13 - 5 miles
    3/14 - 5 miles
    3/15 - 5 miles
    3/16 - 5 miles
    3/17 - 5 miles
    3/19 - 12 miles

    101/150 Miles


    Upcoming races:
    4/9 - Rock the Parkway half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    4/16 - Garmin Wickedly Fast half marathon (Olathe, KS)
    4/23 - Race for Hope half marathon (North Kansas City, MO)
    5/1 - Buffalo Bell Stampede half marathon (Leavenworth, KS)
    5/14 - Running with the Cows half marathon (Bucyrus, KS)
    6/2 - Hospital Hill 5k 7pm PRE-RUN (Kansas City, MO)
    6/3 - Hospital Hill half marathon 7am RE-RUN (Kansas City, MO)
    10/15 - Kansas City Marathon 26.2 (Kansas City, MO)
    11/5 - Jenks half marathon (Jenks, OK)
    11/6 - Kansas half marathon (Lawrence, KS)
    11/12 - Longview half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    11/13 - Gobbler Grind half marathon (Overland Park, KS)
    11/19 - White River half marathon (Cotter, AR)
    11/20 - Pilgrim Pacer half marathon (Lenexa, KS)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @louubelle16 - Way to go smashing that 10k PR!!!!!

    @Elise4270 - Hope it's a great race! Looking forward to a post-race report.

    @kristinegift - I hope your legs take the letter to heart and start feeling better.

    @4leighbee - Way to rock the treadmill and distance!

    @annekka - Wow, not sure what to say. I recall feeling some major life challenges working against me as my first marathon date approached last year. I wondered how much of it was mental and I may have been stressing on some things more than normal simply due to my subconscious mind trying so hard to talk some sense into me and not run that crazy long distance. In the end I was thrilled to have run it, beyond words. But at the same time everyone does have to face a level of reality if they truly are not yet trained/prepared for it and it could be wise to skip in that case. I guess just be certain with yourself that whatever decision you make is the right one.

    @Elise4270 - Oh, I see I spoke too soon and there is a post race report! Congrats on beating the time! Your hubby will reach acceptance after all the other ugly phases. Maybe some pizza therapy will help.

    I've already offered some retail therapy. He's thinking on it. He has admitted that HIS time was pretty darn good.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    March Running Totals (miles)
    [2/28 – 7.78 easy]
    [2/29 – 7.22 easy + 4 strides]
    3/1 – 9.31 warm up + 8 x Yasso 800s
    3/2 – 6.02 easy
    3/3 – 15.05 easy
    3/4 – scheduled rest day
    3/5 – 17.01 2 easy, 13 MP, 2 easy
    Weekly total 62.39 vs. target 62

    3/6 – 7.70 easy
    3/7 – 8.17 easy + 4 strides
    3/8 – 11.67 warm up, speed work, cool down
    3/9 – 11.03 easy
    3/10 – 8.92 warm up, speed work, cool down
    3/11 – scheduled rest day
    3/12 – 15.10 easy 2 solo, pace 8, race 5
    Weekly total 62.59 vs. target 62

    3/13 – 11.00 – 4 easy, 3 MP, 4 easy
    3/14 – 5.74 easy + 4 strides
    3/15 – 7.96 easy
    3/16 – 9.41 easy
    3/17 – 9.79 easy
    3/18 – scheduled rest day 2.38 easy
    3/19 – 22.03 (14 with 8:00 pace group + 8 solo)
    Weekly total 68.31 vs. target 68

    March total to date – 178.29

    Goal – 56, 62, or 68 miles per week, per training plan
    Expected March total - ~282 miles

    Today's notes – I pace 8:00 or 8:30 with a local training group on Saturdays. Most of the time, there are no runners wanting to run at an 8:00 pace. Today, there was my friend Jim who paces 8:30 but can run 8 and one other Boston qualified runner I had not met previously. She has been running with the 8:30 group, but Jim has told me she could run 8:00. So the three of us set out with no fixed pace target other than whatever felt good between 8:00 and 8:30.

    It turned out that what felt good to the other Boston trainee was somewhere in the 8:03 to 8:05 range. The assignment for the training program was 14 miles, structured as an 8 mile plus a 6 mile. The three of us ran the 8, coming in at 8:03 or 8:04 average. Jim ran a mile and a half more with us before dropping out because his hard training day is tomorrow; the other runner and I finished 14 at about that same pace. Then I went and ran the 8 again to get my miles in. Turned out I ran a negative split, and ended up doing 22.03 miles in 2:55:21 for an average pace of 7:58.

    Realization: It was easier to run 22 miles capping a 68 mile week today than it was to run 22 miles capping a 41 mile week before my first marathon. I don't feel as beat up afterward, even given my right ankle situation compared to no specific injuries the last time. I conclude there's something to the concept of having a solid base in addition to the long run. I might quibble about the exact percentage of the week that a long run can be, but the idea that it shouldn't be the super-dominant part of the training week is making a lot of sense.

    The route was just a bit longer than the stated 8 and 6, so I could have run a little further to get back to the start. But I stopped when I did because I saw a photo opp. This is what Lake Ontario looked like while I was running this morning:


    Technically, the picture was taken immediately after I stopped running; but it is similar to the views I had while running the path or streets near the lake shore. The white caps indicate that there was a north wind. The wind was no big deal for the first 14 miles, but picked up a bit and I felt it on the northbound stretches of the last 8. Temperature was 25° F (-4° C) when I started, and might have warmed a bit during the run but probably didn't quite reach the freezing point.

    This was a real confidence booster for me. The ankle felt a little better this morning than yesterday morning, and felt good enough after the run that it didn't seem like I needed to ice it. I iced it anyway, on general principle.

    No more 22 mile runs for me before Boston, and the weekly mileage will be stepping down between now and race day.

    Upcoming races:
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    I need to catch up again here on everyone's races and runs but in the meantime I have been reading about running form and found a really good article:
    There are a number of embedded links to videos and other detailed articles.

    I went for a long walk with the pup last evening and there were so many runners out on the trail. Gave me a serious case of runners envy, so bad at one point that I actually almost convinced myself that I could run some! Hobbes was not helping by making it clear he was not at all satisfied with our slow pace. I finally talked myself down by thinking how ridiculous I would look running with a big bandage/cast on my arm and the mess it would be if I fell and damaged it!
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    3/01: 3 miles, easy (am)
    3/01: 6 miles, 2x1 mile at LTP (7:30) then 800m @ 5K pace (pm)
    3/02: 6 miles, easy
    3/03: 5 miles, 5x800m @ 6:45 pace with 400m recovery jog between
    3/04: 5 miles, easy
    3/05: 6 miles, easy
    3/06: 13.1 miles, long and easy
    3/07: Off, have the flu
    3/08: 4.25 miles, easy
    3/09: 5 miles, easy (am)
    3/09: 5 miles, easy (pm)
    3/10: 4.75 miles, 3x800m @ 6:45 pace + 2x400m @ 6:30 pace with 400m recovery jog between
    3/11: 5 miles, super easy
    3/12: 2 miles, warm up
    3/12: 5K race, 23:27
    3/13: 9 miles, easy with strong finish
    3/14: 5 miles, easy
    3/15: 5 miles, 1.5 miles at LT pace (7:40)
    3/16: 5 miles, easy
    3/17: 5 miles, 3x1/2 mile @ 7:00 pace with 1/2 mile recovery
    3/18: Off, rest day
    3/19: 3 miles, easy with quick finish
    Total: 105.74 miles

    Nice easy run today before my 10 mile race tomorrow! It was raining pretty hard but I really wanted to get this run in. The nice thing about FL is that you never have to worry about cold, cold rain like we have in Chicago so I didn't mind getting soaked haha. Averaged ~9:20 pace for the first 2.5 miles, then picked it up to ~7:50 (goal race pace?) for the last half mile to stretch my legs out. My goal for tomorrow is under 1:20 (or under an 8 minute mile); it's looking like we might get some hard rain for the race though so I might have to adjust my goal a bit. Wish me luck!


    Races I'm registered for:
    03/20 - Excalibur 10 Miler
    03/26 - Chicago Quarter Marathon
    04/03 - Shamrock Shuffle (8K)
    04/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon
    04/24 - Ravenswood Run (5K)
    05/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
    10/09 - Chicago Marathon
    11/27 - Space Coast Half Marathon
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,109 Member
    edited March 2016
    01/03 3.5miles
    02/03 3.5miles
    04/03 3.5miles
    05/03 3 miles
    07/03 3 miles
    09/03 4.5miles
    11/03 5 miles
    12/03 3.75miles
    14/03 3.5 miles
    15/03 3 miles
    16/03 3.5miles
    19/03 5 miles - still on target for the month. My ankles are aching!


  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    edited March 2016
    W7D2 of C25K in the books! Felt strong the whole time, breathing has been great. Looking forward to the end soon...!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - I keep going back to your shoe picture. Man I am in love with those shoes, love the design and color! Just wish I didn't have so many issues with Brooks! Also love the treadmill video! Hilarious!!
    @4leighbee - Hahaha - so glad you managed to keep breathing and on the treadmill! :laugh:
    @ccnagain and @9voice9 - which wireless headphones are you using? I must have missed that post.
    @Stoshew71 - @MorningGhost14 was having some personal issues and going through a divorce and I suspect that is why he dropped off again. I was happy to see him back so I hope he resurfaces when things get better for him.
    @CivicSista - welcome to our group of running crazies!
    @louubelle16 - Congratulaions!! That is an awesome PR!!
    @Elise4270 - congrats on beating the DHs time, even if it wasn't a PR. So if he thinks his time was pretty darn good that must mean he think your time was awesome, right. He will come to that realization soon but I think pizza therapy is the right approach! Good luck tomorrow on your HM and enjoy that retail therapy at the expo - you might try taking the hat back to see if they will exchange it even without the receipt.

    Good Luck to everyone racing tomorrow!!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Mar 01      3.7      3.7
    Mar 02      3.8T     7.5
    Mar 04      3.8     11.3
    Mar 08      4.1T    15.4
    Mar 10      5.1     20.5
    Mar 12      6.5     27.0
    Mar 13      5.1     32.1
    Mar 15      3.5T    35.6 Hills, L8, 6.5MPH, 30+
    Mar 17      4.0T    39.6 Hills, L10, 6.5MPH, 35+
    Mar 19      6.5     46.1


    Wow, a really lousy run. Cool and sunny, so great weather. But the treadmill Hill program workouts have turned my legs to lead! Meeting my nephew tomorrow to run the St. Patrick's Day 5K in Southie, and will hope for a better performance!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    W7D2 of C25K in the books! Felt strong the whole time, breathing has been great. Looking forward to the end soon...!

    That's great! keep it up!
  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    3.19.16 - 8 miles. EZ recovery pace. And last day of winter I think? :)

    Upcoming Runs:
    4.3.16 - Knoxville Marathon
    5.1.16 - Flying Pig Marathon
    5.29.16 - Buffalo Marathon
    6.18.16 - Grandma's Marathon
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @ccnagain and @9voice9 - which wireless headphones are you using? I must have missed that post.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Grats to @louubelle16, @Elise4270, and the other folks who ran races today - especially for those PR folks (and close to PR).

    Race Report: Cherry Blossom Road Race - 5K. 31:31 (don't yet have chip time posted). I believe it was pretty close to 5K distance (based on Garmin). This is my 4th best 5K time, at 10:09/mile.
    * Okay - who's idea was it to START the friggin' thing on an incline? Not really a hill - ~3.5%, for about a 1/3 of a mile, but really? Start uphill? Sure, that means you end the out-and-back downhill, but still.
    * Ran the first .85 mile or so non-stop (non-walk), so pretty happy with that.
    * 10 or so drops down into walking (one of them for the water "stop"), so okay with that. Getting better.
    * Kept enough reserve to run the last tenth to the finish close to all-out - I know, there's some contention about that, whether to "burn it on the course" or "leave it for the end". But I like doing it.
    * A little cool and humid (rainy past couple days), so I kept on my long-sleeve compression undershirt - worried a little about over-heating, but didn't really notice it out on the course.

    Overall, one of my better runs. At least for this year. :wink:
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    3/02 3 miles
    3/05 3 miles
    3/09 3 miles
    3/13 13.1 miles (San Diego Half - first time ever! :blush: )
    3/17 2 miles
    3/19 3 miles
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited March 2016
    Date Miles today. Miles for March
    3/1 7.25 miles - 7.25
    3/2 4 miles - 11.25
    3/3 9 miles - 20.25
    3/4 3.5 miles - 23.75
    3/5 6.2 miles - 29.95
    3/6 2 miles - 31.95 << race warm-up
    3/6 5 miles - 36.95 << 8K race
    3/7 6.2 miles - 43.15
    3/8 8 miles - 51.15
    3/8 4.1 miles - 55.25 << daily double
    3/9 6.2 miles - 61.45
    3/10 8 miles - 69.45
    3/10 4 miles - 73.45 << another daily double
    3/11 6.25 miles - 79.70
    3/12 16.25 miles - 95.95
    3/13 REST DAY
    3/14 10.75 miles - 106.7
    3/15 8 miles - 114.7
    3/15 4.1 miles - 118.8 << daily double
    3/16 6.6 miles - 125.4
    3/17 9.35 miles - 134.75
    3/17 4 miles - 138.75 << lunch time daily double
    3/18 6.2 miles - 144.95
    3/19 15.15 miles - 160.1 << 2,297 ft. elev of trail running


    Upcoming races:
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler - 6/25

    This morning I decided to go with a new group over at Monte Sano State park and get some trail running in. Beautiful morning and a beautiful run. Tough as hell. I had to walk for most of the last 2 of 3 miles especially up an amazing climb. Great workout.






  • ceckhardt369
    ceckhardt369 Posts: 115 Member

    Arghhh give me sun

    Lol this totally sums up my run today!