March 2016 Running Challenge



  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @ceckhardt369 My husband is always asking me why I don't turn my obsession with fitness into extra income! I'm just a loner :-p I'd love to be a trainer in another life but not this one. Haha.
  • Becky71_cm
    Becky71_cm Posts: 24 Member
    It is for me too. I try and get a grasp on it, and then I get overwhelmed and when that happens I usually have a huge set back. Sometimes I think this group is too much for me, but if nothing else it keeps me moving.
    I think running gets more complicated the more I think about it.

  • KWKirkbride
    KWKirkbride Posts: 119 Member
    @Stoshew71 Thank you! Feels good to start feeling better.
    @Elise4270 Thank you as well. Sorry for not checking in earlier with an update. Was limited in keyboard use and honestly a little depressed.
    @WhatMeRunning Thank you! The best news of all is I'm alive and only broke my clavicle. Very thankful.
  • jstafaz
    jstafaz Posts: 16 Member
    Fun threads - I love the goal setting advice. Thanks! At some point I am going to have to make it official and sign up for SOMETHING. Not sure where to start with that whole thing. I started running on January 6th and NOW finally understand why so many people love it!

    My first Believe journal came today. Glass of wine in hand and headed off to enjoy it!

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    March Running Totals (miles)
    [2/28 – 7.78 easy]
    [2/29 – 7.22 easy + 4 strides]
    3/1 – 9.31 warm up + 8 x Yasso 800s
    3/2 – 6.02 easy
    3/3 – 15.05 easy
    3/4 – scheduled rest day
    3/5 – 17.01 2 easy, 13 MP, 2 easy
    Weekly total 62.39 vs. target 62

    3/6 – 7.70 easy
    3/7 – 8.17 easy + 4 strides
    3/8 – 11.67 warm up, speed work, cool down
    3/9 – 11.03 easy
    3/10 – 8.92 warm up, speed work, cool down
    3/11 – scheduled rest day
    3/12 – 15.10 easy 2 solo, pace 8, race 5
    Weekly total 62.59 vs. target 62

    3/13 – 11.00 – 4 easy, 3 MP, 4 easy
    3/14 – 5.74 easy + 4 strides
    3/15 – 7.96 easy
    3/16 – 9.41 easy
    3/17 – 9.79 easy
    3/18 – scheduled rest day 2.38 easy
    3/19 – 22.03 (14 with 8:00 pace group + 8 solo)
    Weekly total 68.31 vs. target 68

    3/20 – 7.39 easy with stride at end
    3/21 – 8.24 easy + 4 strides
    3/22 – 11.46 easy, speed work, easy
    3/23 – 7.76 easy
    3/24 – 12.13 aborted long workout, cool down
    3/25 – scheduled rest day
    3/26 – 15.10 warm up, 15K race, cool down
    Weekly total 62.08 vs. target 62

    3/27 – 7.60 easy
    3/28 – 7.55 easy + 4 strides
    3/29 – 10.83 warm up, speed work, cool down
    3/30 –
    3/31 –
    [Target for week ending 4/2 is 56]

    March total to date – 266.35

    Goal – 56, 62, or 68 miles per week, per training plan
    Expected March total - ~282 miles

    Today's notes – Today's assignment was 2 miles at E, 3 x 2 miles at T with 2 minutes recovery, 2 miles at E. I ran 2 miles from the car to where the club meets as a warmup, and listened to the pep talk. Of course, my workout didn't line up with what most of the club was doing; they were doing 800s and 1000s and later Kenyan surge drills. So after the obligatory drills, I set out to run the workout. Ran my 2 miles at E. Ran the first 2 miles at T, jogged the 2 minute recovery. Ran the next 2 miles at T, was compelled to walk the 2 minute recovery. Ran 400m at T, and I was done. Crapped out before finishing the workout again.

    Walked back to where we meet. Stretched, and thought about things. Talked to Coach when he got there. I think it's my ankle. It feels good, and it lets me run as far as I want easy, and it let me run a hilly 15K last Saturday at an average pace of MP minus 10 seconds; but I think working on healing is sucking up more energy than I normally notice, and this shows up when I attempt a challenging speed workout. Thought about that while I ran the 2 miles back to my car as a cool down.

    Fortunately, the speed workouts for the rest of the training plan aren't as challenging as the last two were.

    Next week I go into final taper for 2 weeks. The assignments are specified each day, and I couldn't get the mileage to add up to as much as the plan calls for on a weekly basis. So I asked Coach which was more important, following the specified limits or hitting the weekly mileage target. With no hesitation, he said to follow the specified limits and taper to the lower mileage.

    I had been thinking that way, but I tend to doubt myself. Absent feedback from Coach, there's a good chance I would have talked myself into modifying the assignments in the final 2 weeks to add up to the weekly mileage targets. Like many other runners, I'm stupider for myself than I am for other people. That's one reason it's a Good Thing to have a coach.

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY)
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hilton, NY)
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY)
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @Elise4270 You could definitely win an AG with a 25 min PR, but just don't sign up for a race that attracts a lot of Masters runners! Some of the 40-something women in my Oiselle team can run 18-19 minute 5ks weekend after weekend. They amaze me!
    I am also hemming and hawing about summer training. I'd like to keep up my marathon momentum, but maybe a few months off would be nice. I guess I'll have some time to think about it in May while I reverse taper my legs!

    @WhatMeRunning It sounds like those experiences have taught you important lessons though in hindsight!

    @4leighbee Look at you, the Sneaky Coach!!

  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    No time to read, so posting and I sure hope I'll have more time to stay on top of this group next month!

    3/1.....3.0 @ 10:40 on the TM, plus strength training
    3/3....3.5 @ 11:25 on the TM
    3/5....4.5 @ 10:33 on the TM ( .5 walking and 4 @ 10:00, which I think is my farthest distance at that speed)
    3/8....4.5 @ 11:53 on the park trail
    3/9...2.5 @ 15:00ish walking the world's fattest, most slothful dog :)
    3/10...4.25 @ 11:37 on the rail trail near my house. It was so nice to be outside--and warm!--at 6 am!
    3/11...3.00 @ 10:39 on the rail trail
    3/14...3.0 @ 10:56 on the rail trail--it was a little wet and slippery; I almost landed on my rear in the creek at the water crossing!
    3/15...3.0 @ 10:24 on the treadmill and strength training
    3/17...2.25 @ 11:06 on the treadmill and strength training
    3/21...5.0 @ 12:00 on the treadmill
    3/23...3.25 @ 10:39 on the treadmill and strength training
    3/25...3.0 @ 10:57 on the treadmill and strength training. So very, very sore!
    3/28...5.0 @ 12:00 on neighborhood streets on a beautiful day!
    3/29...2.0 @ 12:00 on the treadmill and strength training


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Stoshew71 Thank you! Feels good to start feeling better.
    @Elise4270 Thank you as well. Sorry for not checking in earlier with an update. Was limited in keyboard use and honestly a little depressed.
    @WhatMeRunning Thank you! The best news of all is I'm alive and only broke my clavicle. Very thankful.

    Totally understandable. You were killin' some miles. So it won't be long until you're back in the groove.

    Just think of the well timed excess calories and recovered muscle waiting for your new PR's.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 You could definitely win an AG with a 25 min PR, but just don't sign up for a race that attracts a lot of Masters runners! Some of the 40-something women in my Oiselle team can run 18-19 minute 5ks weekend after weekend. They amaze me!
    I am also hemming and hawing about summer training. I'd like to keep up my marathon momentum, but maybe a few months off would be nice. I guess I'll have some time to think about it in May while I reverse taper my legs!

    On athlinks (stats listed too) I saw a few races with very low turn out. Less than 300. Might be a good place to start. I got 2nd once with a 35:xx, but my husband registered me as a male. So no medal.

    Nice thing about the 5k is the recovery time will be less. Maybe I'll try to run 5 or 6 throughout the summer. My 5k race list may start to look like @WhatMeRunning 's HM list. :grin: I'm stoked with a new goal.

    Those Oiselle birds are flyin'!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited March 2016
    10 km - Very Slow and Cautious. Took me over 2 km's to get the Kinks and Spider webs out of the Right Hamstring. Then I was able to cautiously pickup the pace to a Blisteringly Slow 7:30/km. After a 1km cool down walk, clean-up, supper and then going out for a second walk to stretch/test the Ham String it all feels pretty good.
    Just happy to get in a run and test out the Hammy. Might have pushed it a little to far which I will find out tomorrow. With less than 3 weeks to the Jasper Half Marathon my concern is to recover and complete 2 more long runs before the HM.

    03/01 – 0.0 Km – 0.0 - 140 km
    03/02- 10.0 Km – 10.0 - 130 km
    03/04- 11.0 Km – 21.0 - 119 km
    03/05- 13.0 Km – 34.0 - 106 km
    03/06- 8.0 Km – 42.0 - 98 km
    03/12- 20.0 Km – 62.0 - 78 km
    03/13- 6.0 Km – 68.0 - 72 km
    03/14- 7.0 Km – 75.0 - 65 km
    03/16- 8.0 Km – 83.0 - 57 km
    03/23- 9.0 Km – 92.0 - 48 km
    03/26- 10.0 Km – 102.0 - 38 km
    03/29 –10.0 Km – 112.0 –28.0 km –YTD 375.8 Km

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @Ch1psNQueso - oh my gosh - I'm so sorry about your bike accident. Glad you are back.
    @skippygirlsmom - I was dying laughing at your spider story. How in the world did you not completely lose it!? I would have just told the guy NO WAY and I don't care if I make my daughter deathly afraid of spiders! You killed a spider in the garage with your bare hands... WOW.
    @WhatMeRunning - love the beaver story - was cracking up on that. The image of a beaver turning around and looking at you... LOL
    @ohhim - You are right, it is much better with a group. I had a great group with my 63 mile tour de cure ride and another one I did last year. Hopefully some of them will do the 100 miles... but I think they may not want to and it's the faster riders who want to do 100. I'm improving but not sure I can sustain a 20+ ride for that long.

    Wow - can't keep up with all these posts! But trying! What a great group!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    I'm not training for a race, have never ran a race, and don't intend to ever run a race. So it's a little hard for me to figure out what I'm doing and why. I honestly just started running because it was the next thing after walking so much to lose weight and doing other indoor aerobics. I still just run as part of a well-rounded active lifestyle. ///// I just like being challenged. Just rambling here.....

    @greenolivetree I do the races as a way to travel to different areas and see different parts of the world with friends from our local running club. Never say Never as life has a way of surprising us and offering new challenges.
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @greenolivetree - Not everyone wants to run a race, and not everyone who wants to run a race wants to run it as fast as they possibly can. //// My number one goal is to avoid injury and keep running at least 3 days a week. //// And some just like to run and don't want to bother with the organizational hassle of races. It's all good, and it's okay for your to take some time to figure out what kind of runner you are.

    @MobyCarp Well said. I will never be a record breaker. Avoiding injury, maintain - improve fitness and enjoying the improved social life are some of my short and long term goals

    As @kristinegift and @Stoshew71 said the Social Life that I have gained from the local running club has been amazing.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,403 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    @kristinegift Ya. 60mph gusts (70 yesterday). I'd say 35-45mph sustained. Wind sucks, but for a (flat?) race it shouldn't be that bad. Throw in big verticals though and you will be questioning continuing every 1/10mi lol. Good luck on you're race!
    Yep - you are getting the winds that we had yesterday and today in So. California! I didn't go out today because they were so bad! Hope they die down a bit before your race!
    @Ch1psNQueso - Wow! I had wondered where you had gotten off too and assumed you were busy with life! I am so sorry about your accident and hope you did more damage to the car than it did to you!
    @Stoshew71 and @kristine - You all here are my running community since there isn't much of one around my area!
    @greenolivetree - I run because it makes me feel great! I didn't need/want to race but discovered it is lots of fun, I get to commune with lots of other runners and have a great time and I discovered I have just a tiny bit of a competitive streak with myself :)
    @ceckhardt369 - I love the sense of accomplishment too when I can lift at a heavier weight than I ever imagined possible! It is equally addicting to me as running is.
    @jstafaz - You definitely have to get over the hard painful initial running part before it gets easier and then addicting! But then there is no turning back though...
    @Elise4270 - I got 2nd in my age group in a 10k in Seattle in the pouring rain and finished under an hour (9:30 pace) and that is also my fastest pace for a 5k... Both were 2 years ago. I just can't get excited about a 5k, I can't get going fast enough. Now that I have aged up I am considering doing a few more 10k's mixed in with my HMs but I can't compete with most of the masters runners out here.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    @shanaber Ya it was wild today. My friend's massive willow tree fell on his house last night! Thankfully not much damage done to the house. And next week is looking HOT! Mid 80s ekk. Winds will likely be mild during high pressure system over the area.
  • Ron_Dco
    Ron_Dco Posts: 51 Member
    @Stoshew71, @MobyCarp that was some great inspiring writings in couple of pages. I have bookmarked these pages, to go-through again in future when I need motivation.

    @Ch1psNQueso... Glad you are back, welcome back.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    5 easy effort miles in the dark this morning. I described a bit of the run just a couple posts above. I took a flashlight along. Not so much to avoid blindly stumbling over any deer, foxes or coyotes, they should be able to handle that. Mostly I took the flashlight in case I encountered any other humans who might be spooked by some guy running towards them in the middle of the night on dark park trails. I really don't want pepper spray chafing. After 3 miles I began to realize that nobody else was out and about. But then just after mile 4 I passed a runner going the other way with an anti-vampire light on their hat, and then just a short bit later a guy walking his dog but without any vampire protection at all (unless the dog is trained for that perhaps). So at least there are two others that are as equally crazy to be out there at that time of day...err...night...umm...whatever time that is.

    Hahaha! :smiley:

    I walked this morning, with my headlamp. I met two others in the dark, neither of which were using any form of illumination.

    My boss (and my running guru) says your eyes get used to the dark and you can see, but I'm too paranoid about twisting my ankle.

    Orphia wrote: »

    Total: 121.8 km
    Goal: 60 km – I’m WAY over!

    @Orphia Wow, you are WAY over your goal! Way to go! You're killing it this month!!

    Thanks! I made my goal 60 km since I almost did that much in February, when I'd been hit by a couple of injuries.

    Didn't dare hope to do twice that much, but I have!

    Thanks, @MNLittleFinn for starting the discussion about goals. It's been very interesting reading.

    Wildlife? I've seen a wallaby (or 3 different wallabies) 3 times this week, and I live close to the centre of town!

    OK, it's a small town. :)

    I'm not training for a race, have never ran a race, and don't intend to ever run a race. So it's a little hard for me to figure out what I'm doing and why. I honestly just started running because it was the next thing after walking so much to lose weight and doing other indoor aerobics. I still just run as part of a well-rounded active lifestyle. I had originally thought that I'd probably max out at 6 miles/1 hour long runs this spring but since I've slowed down and quit killing myself with running so fast, I can now kinda think of 5 miles as not a big deal, which leaves me wondering how far to take the long run? Do I even NEED a long run if I'm not training for anything? I kinda think I want to run 10 miles but not for any reason. I just like being challenged. Just rambling here.....

    @greenolivetree Nice rambling! I'm sort of the same.

    I started running because I loved walking but one day last September I had a primal urge to go faster.

    Now I've been running 6 months, I would like to get my 5K under 30 minutes, and I *think* I want to do a half marathon distance, but I'm a bit scared of official events.

    It's the personal challenge achievements that really thrill me, too!

    They give the "runner's high" an even extra boost. :smile:

    @Ch1psNQueso Great to hear from you! Well done on doing your best eating for recovery, and planning to get back into training.

    I hope you are not in too much pain still, are you?

    And finally, it it just me who is wondering if @Stoshew71 and @skippygirlsmom are married?
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    @Orphia They do actually adjust very well (for me at least). I run in the dark all the time.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited March 2016
    @Orphia for me, it depends on the level of darkness. When I was living in the suburbs of a big city, I ran a lot without lights, for example in parks without any street lights. It looked dark at first, but my eyes did indeed adjust as I was moving away from lit streets into the darker areas.
    Now I live in a much more rural area, and I've realised how much ambient/scattered light must still have been around in my "dark" city parks. When I run between the fields here or in the little nearby forest after dusk, it's sometimes pitch black. There's no adjusting of the eyes for me, because there just isn't any light at all! On paved ways between the open fields, my phone light is enough to make the ground visible enough for running, but in the forest I need a flashlight on top, otherwise I'd be stumbling across roots or running into trees all the time.
    And when I'm running along roads, there might be enough light for me to see, but in those places I'm worried about being seen, so some blinking "anti-vampire lights" (lol @WhatMeRunning) are a must.
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    Regarding difficulty setting race goals, I used to find setting goals for races hard, in my previous running life (as I like to call it), but this time round I've gotten much better. My personal trainer suggested that I set three goals for each race rather than just one, then you can feel your pace out on the day and are less likely to be discouraged. He recommended that I set an 'acceptable', 'good' and 'amazing' target for each race - so for my half marathon this weekend my 'acceptable' is 2:30, my 'good' would be 2:20 and my 'amazing' would be sub 2:15. I know I should be able to do 2:20, but having turned my ankle this weekend at a gig I've made it my 'good' time instead of my 'acceptable' time. This makes goal setting much easier for me :)
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    5.1 miles today, it was the hardest run ever. I didn't eat enough yesterday, just found out that along with my anaemia I also have cealiacs disease. Nearly all the food in my house has gluten in it so it was a bit of a struggle to eat. Off shopping now to fill my cupboards with overpriced and tasteless gluten free yuck, can't wait lol.