

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    So... the wash machine repair guy came yesterday and .... yup the bearing is gone. Well dah!!! So he said he will let Sears know. Wash machine is 12 years old... so he did not know if Sears would buy it out ... fix it... Somehow I think it will cost ME money!!! Never every buy a maintenance agreement again on something that is over 5 years old!!

    AND here is the positive - I get to hug ALL my babies tomorrow!!! Gotta run and clean up my house and get ready.

    Have a great Easter weekend everyone :)

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :)Yvonne,Pooka and Phineas are beautiful....if there weren't a limit on number of pets in our neighborhood, I'd get another cat (or maybe several)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited March 2016
    Mary - Have you ever been tested for 'sleep apnea'? Of course, I could 'snore' in any position so there was no way to stop me. After testing 'positive' and getting my C-pap, I slept like a log. Supposed to get a 'new' one this year and so looking forward to it, too. Supposedly it is going to be lighter, easier to transport, and easier to clean out the humidifier bowl. It'd have to be easier. I wake up 'bone tired' if I pull it out of my nose, I use a 'wisp' mask since I am so claustrophobic; DH usually wakes me up and tells me that I am snoring and to put it back on. I don't know why I pull it off, unless it is because he mask starts getting soft and collapsing. But, the sleep is very deep and I love getting up in the morning relaxed. I'll also dose off for about 40 minutes after getting up to make up for getting 8 hours with it on. You actually have to make sure that you sleep with it for 4.5 hours on average nightly. Going to 'lung' MD next week so he can send the paperwork showing that I am using it like I am supposed to. I even put it on when I take a nap, or anytime that I get 'sleepy'

    I’ve always wanted a Maine Coon cat; but, I would not give up my Tuxedo cat. My Muster-Tuxter (as we call him sometimes). Real name is Mr. Tux. For affection and/or food, he’ll do just about anything, including sitting down and giving me a ‘high 5’. Just sticking out his right hand and touching mine is a good thing. He’s not happy that Cracker comes in the house and he can’t (although occasionally he’ll run in). He usually walks the perimeter of the inside of the house, goes under DYS’s bed; and walks out again, on his own.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Has Mindy been on lately and I some how missed her? Been wondering how she and her daughter are doing.

    Janetr okc
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary: I'm so sorry you're having trouble sleeping! I hope your doctor is able to help you solve the problem. :flowerforyou:

    ljdiw: I am usually over the recommended amount of protein. My body seems to like it that way. The unfortunate side effect is that I am also usually high on fat intake. My blood work is fine and I don't worry about it. I do not use protein powder. I don't have anything against its use, but most protien powders I've seen contain lactose, which I can't digest. :noway:

    Barbie: I agree that we are both lucky to have found ways to exercise that we enjoy. I share your love for walking. :smiley:

    ydalley: I think 4 pounds lost is worth celebrating. WTG! :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: I love your memorial poem. :broken_heart::heart:

    Lillian: You are so lucky that you get to hug all your babies tomorrow. I'll be content to hug DH. :smiley:

    Yoga today with one of my favorite teachers! Yay! DH & I are taking our inflatable dinghy in to the inflatable boat store in hopes they can fix it. It appears that it had too much air pressure inside and ruptured a "weld." It came back to us this way after we loaned our son the sailboat & dinghy for his vacation last summer. There was significant damage to both boats & we are still grousing about it. The boat mechanic is coming to work on our anchor windlass on Monday. I am hoping we can enjoy the sailboat this season. If not, it will be time to consider putting it on the market. That will be a sad day for me & I hope this won't be the year.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yvonne- congratulations on the weight-loss! Even if it is over a few weeks. That is reason to celebrate!

    Margaret - I completely forgot about that remery! My problem is I can't even fall asleep. I will ask him about GABA.

    Chris - my husband went and made my appointment yesterday and they gave him paperwork about electronic acupuncture. Maybe that is something he might be thinking of for me. Did your son mind having that type of treatment? The thought of needles kinda bothers me!

    Finally I got about 3 hours of sleep. Just getting up now. I slept from 7 AM to 10 AM. Not the best timeframe but at least it will be a walking zombie today hopefully. Now to get up and do my workout.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Thanks to all of you for the support! I don't know if I could find another 10-15 hour part-time job that wouldn't require full weekends but I'm looking for a full-time with benefits job anyway so I'll add that to my search criteria in the meantime. The job doesn't pay that well but it allows me to meet the mortgage, etc. As for education, I have a bachelors degree and would have to go to school so part-time to get a masters that I truly don't think I could get it in time to help before I reach retirement age. Besides, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up! :smiley: And, I can't transfer because it is at a church. The mean person is a member, not a co-worker. After I posted, I talked with the Treasurer for a few minutes and he is disgusted with the whole affair. He is going to come by Tuesday and talk about it to see if he can intervene in any way. He's not "afraid" of the wicked witch and doesn't tiptoe around anyone! I'm going to try to take a little while to meditate when I get home to release some of the anxiety and remind myself that I can't do anything about the whole situation until next week.

    Chris - I'm so glad you decided to try the whole dating thing at least one more time. Your bad date sounds like the opposite of mine with the talking thing. I, too, am picky in that the guy has to be fit. I don't need or want a gym rat but he has to be someone who can keep up with me--or even lead the way--even if he is carrying a few extra pounds.

    Sylvia - Your day with your granddaughter sounds wonderful!!

    Heather - Your grandchildren pictures warm my slightly damaged heart.

    I can't remember who posted the picture of their kitties, but they're beautiful! I find Maine Coon cats to be fascinating.

    Meg - I feel for you! I've had more than one herniated disc and a ruptured disc. Nerve pain is indescribable! Are epidural steroid injections an option? I had a series of three when I had a herniated disc that caught the nerve between the disc and scar tissue and they were a true miracle!

    DJ - Are you ready for the onslaught of tourists this coming week? Oh, and a question for you...I saw something on Facebook about Myrtle Beach being shut down. Do you know what that is all about?

    In other news, the pastor I work with at the good church was carted out of here by ambulance on Tuesday. It turns out that he has vertigo. Thank God it was not a heart attack as they were fearing, but the vertigo is really bad! His doctor forbade him to do the Good Friday service tonight so there has been a lot of scrambling to get an alternative service in place. Although he was told that Sunday was iffy, he has gone ahead and prepared to preach. He might need to do it from a chair with a bucket beside him, though. He looks pitiful! I took stuff to him at his home yesterday and he is here at the office today. I really hope he is planning to leave before I do because I'm not at all sure I want to leave him here by himself. I have extracted the promise that he will not leave this level by either stairs or elevator and I have my ear out for a big thud!

    My daughter is also sick. She has one of the bugs going around that includes a horrible sore throat and coughing accompanied by a fever. When she texted in sick yesterday (she has no voice), she found out that one of her co-workers has the same thing. No one is allowed to be off on Saturdays so I don't know what she's going to do tomorrow. I've reminded her that sharing it with the rest of the staff is not good for the people or the business when they're ALL too sick to work. Sharing it with customers is also not cool.

    I'm excited because the boy child will be spending next weekend in Charlotte and I will have the house to myself. It will be interesting to not have a self-imposed curfew for a date weekend. :wink:

    Becca - I hope you're feeling better!

    My poor ancient mind is like a sieve--I read other stuff along the way that I wanted to comment on.

    Well, I'm off to get a few things done before time to go home.

    :heart: Carol in NC

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Carol - Glad things are getting sorted out . What a pain other people can be! Sorry for your vertigo pastor. :'(

    Got a text today from DH 'S sister. Apparently his daughter had texted her as to why the extended family had left Facebook. DSIL wanted to know who should tell his daughter. DH has now texted her asking her to ring him when it's a good time for her. Currently I see on Facebook that she is out on a holiday lunch in the sun. DSIL has textend her that it's not good news. :'(:'(:'(

    DDIL has just sent me this "arty" photo of Bea in a bucket!


    Lisa - Hope the funeral goes ok. I was moved by your poem. <3 Especially the bit about the gossip. So sad.

    Love to all. Yes, hoping Mindy is ok.

    Heather UK

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    I have never seen so many people at a funeral... Great tribute to Cody and to his family. He and they are well loved.

    One of the water tanks at the ranch has a broken float, so we're picking up stuff to fix it and heading back. Life on the ranch never stops, and water is life here....
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Lisa- Your poem/tribute to Cody is truly beautiful! And it is a lovely thing to see many people at a memorial/funeral. Says a lot about the person who passed and their family.
    Heather - At first I thought baby Bea was in a wok! I have handles on my wok just like the ones on the pail. LOL! Glad you got home safely with no problems before the holiday shut down.
    nccarol- Omigod! Church politics! That is so much worse than office politics! My sympathies. Why do people have to be such jerks and power hungry turds?! Especially over petty stuff.
    Yvonne- My sister had black cats her entire life and I have loved each one; but that Maine coon cat?! Stunning!
    Meg- Aaargh! Back/disc problems! I know how those can set you back! Never had the problem myself, but my dh has suffered with back issues since a slip and fall accident when he was 19 years old. Four surgeries and over 30 years later and he is left with pain management because there is nothing more they can do for him. Hope you feel better soon!

    The sun is out, the kids and I got a couple of hours of outdoor time today! Random running and playing and digging in the yard and about a two mile walk! They are all asleep except the six month old, who slept in the stroller during the walk. I could use a nap. I am about 340 calories from my limit for today and I still have to eat dinner. I am thinking a salad and a glass of wine. I really need the wine! B)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squat-1X5X 95/100/105/110, 5X5X 115
    Sumo squats-5X5X 100
    OHP- 1X5X 45/50/55/60, 5X5X 50
    DL-1X5X 135

    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 25X 10 X 25 = 250

    Day 25 Challenge Total = 9,120

    Yay! I am still going strong and plan to finish above my challenge goal! I was somewhat wiped out because of not getting adequate sleep but pushed myself until I finished my workout. Now to get ready to see the doctor!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Hidee Ho folks~
    Well what a day we have had!! it has been a stunner, only bummer is it started to rain a couple of hours ago...
    got up before Doris and took a walk and found this little road about 1/4 mile away and walked up it and there was a beautiful beach ,was very very windy but walked it anyway... and then walked back to the motel and had my protein shake, Doris was up and we had a canada goose walk right up to our slider, I got a picture, and if they are out there tomorrow morning we I bought some cracked corn to feed them..
    got my 10,000 steps before leaving motel...
    so we were off.. I just adore the Cape . if someday I come into a bit of money would love to get a little place to spend the summers here.. we took the scenic route up to Orleans and I dropped Doris off at a Christmas Tree Shop.. and I went to the birdwatchers general store.. another one of my favorite places to go..I have started to learn not to buy ,just to buy,but buy if I need, so I bought the geese 50 cents worth of cracked corn.ha ha
    well we did stop at 1 Christmas tree shop, they had foldable over the ear headphones with a case and adapter on the 90% off rack and they were 12.99 , so we got a deal at 1.29 I bought 1 last night and I bought 4 more today.. will give them as gifts... my mom taught me to be a good bargain hunter
    right now we are back at the hotel just relaxing... we did not go visit Ruth or Ray today..but will go tomorrow, today was just a day for us.. we did go to Nauset Beach which is on the atlantic side of the Cape and the wind almost picked us up, about 5 minutes after we got in the car it started pouring...
    we will go to dinner tonight and then come back and go to sleep early.... we will leave here in the morning.. go visit Ray bring him his clothes , then go visit Ruth, I sat up for almost 2 hours darning her house dress/muu muu that is her favorite ,it is basically thread bear and I was trying to get every little spot sewn up...
    then after we visit with her we will have lunch at a cute little place in Sandwich called Marshview and then start heading home..it takes about 4 hours to get home Doris wants to stop at Aldi before we get home will drop her off and then go back to my house, stay overnight with Tom and the boys and then back up to take care of Faith for the rest of the week through thursday..
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited March 2016
    Well my fears have been confirmed. I have Lymes Disease and Anaplasmosis that I wasn't fully recovered from a year ago, and arthritis. All of which has been causing the insomnia, joint pain, and feeling lethargic. I have been given medicine to take that may intensify my symptoms at first. It may take up to 5 plus months to get rid of. At least I'm not dying which was a thought that crossed my mind more than once. Now on the path to full recovery!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did 50 minutes of a Gay Gasper DVD. This was on the rebounder. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Tonya Larsen Step & Pump DVD.

    Right now I have a lemon "cheesecake" in the oven. There's really not the typical cream cheese in it, it's greek yogurt. I figure that's something I'll make for Easter. I'm thinking that Jess probably would like to have Easter dinner tomorrow since she'll probably have to go back Sunday. That's not a big problem at all. After the pie comes out of the oven, we'll go to Bi-Lo to get the baskets. The bad news was that we got there too late yesterday and there wasn't anyone to help me. The good news is that they think they'll be able to make it up today. I made a fudge cake for Jess' birthday and we have an ice cream cake for Colby's birthday. I want to make the lamb for dinner and then since Vince doesn't like lamb I have a pork roast for him. I'll have green beans (Jess will eat them and so will I, but not Vince) and I'll make corn for Vince. Colby will be in charge of the mashed potatoes. Since he's from Idaho he likes to make the mashed potatoes. As I was putting the "cheesecake" in the oven, some of the filling spilled out into the oven. I probably should have put it on a cookie sheet and put that in the oven. Well, I tried to clean up as much as possible, but I'll probably run the self-cleaning sometime later. I also did a load of laundry yesterday, it needs another drying cycle so that's in the dryer right now.

    Sylvia - score on those shorts and sneakers. I've never been able to use chopsticks, no matter how many times I've been shown. Jess is good with them. You didn't get the eggs at WalGreen? They're 99 cents this week

    Mary - I prefer not to take meds if I can avoid it, so I'm totally with you. Let us know what the doc says

    Chris - good luck on date #2!

    Yvonne - lovely cats!

    Lisa - what a great writer you are!

    Katla - I know how much you love the sailboat and really hope you don't have to get rid of it.

    Carol in NC - how horrible about your pastor! I hope your daughter gets well fast

    Think I'll work some on the beaded banner right now. Running the self-clean on the oven because I just know that when I go to roast the lamb, Vince is going to make a comment "it smells like something is burning in here."

    For the person who was looking for sources of protein: edamame is high in protein. Dried edamame has the added benefit of making you want to drink more water. Another good source are veggie burgers

    Mary - so glad you're feeling better

    Alison - I've been looking for foldable over the ear headphones! Wish I had been there. I'm going to post this now, if you see it before you leave, please pick me up a pair. If you don't...oh well..

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lisa ~ Your poem is a beautiful tribute to Cody.

    NC Carol ~ Glad you are having a better day.

    Heather ~ Beautiful Baby...Love all the dark hair.

    Went to my 4 yr old DGD's Bunny Walk at her Pre-K school. The children were all adorable in their decorated bonnets and hats. I worry about her starting kindergarten next summer as she will be 4 for almost a month before turning 5. I hope she will be mature enough develomentally to do well. She is like her Daddy in that sitting still is not her strong suit.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Michele, Heather, Carol/Peach, KJL, Katla, thank you.

    Mary in Minn--hope the medicine knocks down the Lyme Disease/Anaplasmosis quick... Arthritis is becoming my daily companion, so full sympathy. Your fitness and strength and support system will get you back on the other side of feeling great soon!

    Lisa in West Texas