

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon, Ladies,

    Bonjomac, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. If you want to be held accountable I’ve even been known to give a virtual swift kick when someone needs it. Come often and tell us what’s going on and you will get there. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called.

    Heather, glad you had a good meal on the train. I know you will enjoy your time with the grands. I can just imaging hugging on Bea but guess you have to be careful not to ignore the other two. Sorry DH had more unhappy news from the family front.

    Barbie, that is great that you love your new car. Your old one will find someone new to love it.

    MicheleNC, I feel your pain, girlfriend! Men can sometimes make the simplest things so hard. *shakin head*

    Kay, I’d just have to call the Honda number to see if they were going to “loan” me a car until they could fix mine or what their deal is. Sometimes I must have time on my hands???? I do hope the problem is not the airbags with the shrapnel in them. There were so many of those.

    Allie, so glad you are headed to the Cape. I hope you have a Ball!!!

    Sylvia, are the kids going with their mom without any supervision? I always worry what she might do. I hope the shopping was fun.

    Kurzap, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. I’ve been stuck for months also but I lost 60 pounds before I got stuck. I’d think you should still be losing. How many calories do you eat? Do you weight and measure so you are sure you don’t underestimate the amount? Are you drinking plenty of water? Just some things to consider. Come often and join right in. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Cheri, glad your DD is doing well and you get to head home. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed for your DH to find the job of his dreams. You are a good mommy to help like you did.

    Heather, I can’t imagine caring for 3 little ones but I’m sure you are doing a fabulous job. I agree that 6 would be over the top!!! All I can say for next week is plan lots of activities. (Later) Love the pictures. I want Bea for my Granddaughter!!!!! Please send her to me????

    Yvonne, you made a good point that there are a lot of people living within their means whose means are way less than they used to be. The economy has taken a huge chunk out of our retirement savings leaving us to watch our pennies even more carefully than before.

    Pip, so glad Kirby is on the road to recovery. **Go Kirby, Go Kirby, Go Kirby*

    Joyce, I can’t believe your sis wouldn’t let you know what’s going on. Sending you strength and support for all you go through. (((Hugs)))

    CarolGA, congrats on your ebay sales!!! You just never know, do you?

    CarolNC, you can vent any time and I would too. But lay off the twix bars, mini or not!!!

    Ann, it’s easy for us to say, “I wish I had your problem” but the truth is, it’s probably a lot healthier to be overweight than to be in your situation. Glad you are making progress, so keep it up.

    Becca, sorry you are feeling like Ralph rotten. Hope you get well soon.

    Meg, so sorry about the discs. Sending healing thought your way.

    Barbie, you enjoy that dishwasher. I’d probably have to try it at least the second day even if it was only half full. You have such willpower.

    Marcelyn, that is a bit unusual to get such a spiffy loaner. You just enjoy yourself while you can.

    Sylvia, it sounds like you and DGD had a wonderful day shopping. So happy for you both. I agree that your DH can scrape the frosting off or cut his piece out of the middle. Lol

    Janetr, love your cartoon. That was often how I felt before I retired. Gosh I love not having to go to work.

    Katla, I assure you that I don’t have Barbie’s skill at line dancing but I still get the exercise and the other ladies don’t make fun of me. I am getting a bit better and I think it’s only been about 8 months now? LOL

    Chris, you knew you’d have to kiss a frog or two along the way, so you just got one out of the way quickly. frog-kiss.gif Hope the rest of your dates are more enjoyable even if they aren’t “the one”.

    Karen, it sounds like a glorious day with your DD. Mine has been gone across country for two years now and I miss her something terrible. So glad you both had a great day.

    Heather, so happy that DH got his mind off the family problems while you were with the grands. He reminds me of my DFIL who was wonderful with the grands and told such wonderful stories, usually about “Little Bear”. happy-nodding-smiley-face-emoticon.gif [later] Oh, that precious baby in the bucket!!!!

    Yvonne, those are two big cats! Beautiful, too. They are each a head taller than the coffee table unless the picture is deceptive? The dog may be scared of them.

    Lisa, that was beautiful. Too bad your friend can’t hear it.

    Lillian, sorry about the washer but happy about seeing all your grands. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Ydaley, 4 pounds loss is wonderful. I’m doing a happy dance for you even if you aren’t.

    Katla, I hope you don’t have to sale the sail boat this year. I know you have said it’s coming but always better to be later than soon.

    CarolNC, there was a thing for about 3 days that DHEC posted signs that the water in the ocean wasn’t safe to swim in near the areas where the rainwater drained into the ocean. It’s all been given the all clear now. To be honest, I haven’t seen any beaches on the east coast where the water seems real clean and it’s never clear. Oh to have water like the Caribbean. island-smiley-emoticon.gif And yes I’m ready for the tourist. I just don’t let the traffic bother me. Enjoy having your house to yourself this weekend.

    Mary, Oh I’m so sorry ab out your health issues. Why couldn’t it be something that could clear up in a week? Hang in there, you are doing great!!! ((((Hugs)))

    CarolGA, you worry about your DGD but do any kids at that age know how to sit still? I think the teachers are used to it and hopefully she’ll do fine.

    welcome.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    We had a HVAC guy come this morning to check out our units. If there was nothing wrong, the check up was free. If they found something we had to pay but a reduced rate. Everything checked out fine except one unit is leaking coolant. He found the leak in the coil. It can’t be repaired and to replace just the coil is over $2000. Gosh I don’t even want to know what it costs to replace the entire unit!!! At any rate, DH found one online for $200 and we will see if we can find someone to install it for less than $2000. Never a dull moment, is there? I did get in touch with a Handy Man who will come tomorrow to replace my kitchen faucet and look at a couple of other projects I need done around the house. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that his price are reasonable.

    Sending good thoughts for all of you and wishing you each a healthy and happy day. happy-spring-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited March 2016
    Lisa- thanks! I know how you feel with the arthritis. I have great admiration for all you do. Have you ever seen a Homeopathic Dr? Supposedly arthritis pain and symptoms can be lessened with treatment.

    DJ- thanks! I guess I just need to keep on doing what I have been. At least I know why I am so tired and lethargic. Now I won't feel like I'm lazy! I hope your handyman is reasonable.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    Mary at least now you know what is the cause. I am sorry you have Lymes. It sounds like you have a good team behind you to help you get it out of your system. It is not always easy to diagnosis. I am glad they caught it.

    I try to take precautions when I work out in the yard here. We live near a park with deer. I wear rubber boots and spray myself with essential oils. I also rub exposed skin with a paper towel after working in the yard. Even with these precautions I have had to go on anitbiotics twice to ensure I did not get it.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Mary ~ Hope the meds work quickly. So sorry for the diagnosis.

    DJ ~ Sounds like a possibly expensive repair. Owning a home seems to always turn up things that need replacing/repairing. Thanks for you comments on the GD. I guess it bothers me because I was a very young first grader (no kindergarten for this little country girl) and I had a very difficult time. Had to have a tutor teach me how to read in 2nd grade due to the fact that I had memorized the Dick and Jane books and never learned to read in 1st.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Mary - I suppose it is better to have a diagnosis, but I do feel your frustrations so very much. It is so hard when you are doing everything you can to be fit and healthy. Let's hope the treatment knocks it for six really quickly. <3

    DJ - I'm with you on the expense! Being a householder is a very expensive business. It's never ending. :'( But at least we have a house. For that we must be very, very grateful.

    The "Bea in a bucket" picture is because DDIL asked a friend of hers, who is a professional photographer, to come and take some playful photos of the family at home. I was complaining that she had sent me loads of wonderful photos, but she wasn't in any of them as she was taking them all. ;) While the photographer was setting things up she grabbed the chance to take a quick snap of Bea. Can't wait to see what her friend has managed to produce!

    Barbie - Are you still having your numbness and tingling?

    Lisa - My hips just get worse and worse! :sad: How on earth do you manage with your running? I have to take pain killers even to go for a walk! Luckily I have our machines to work out on which are low impact. I highly recommend the rowing machine .

    Love to all. I'm going to bed now. I'm reading a book called, AFTER ECSTASY, THE LAUNDRY. How true!

    Heather UK
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm so over ovulating! I've been doing that **** for 40 years...I could quit now. Really.
    I was on the bus to the pool when the pain kicked in. Fortunately, nothing can overcome my joy of being in the water. :smiley:

    Larisa in Seattle
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited March 2016

    Lisa - My hips just get worse and worse! :sad: How on earth do you manage with your running? I have to take pain killers even to go for a walk!

    OMG hips. I've had both of mine resurfaced (better in my case, than replacement). I feel for you both!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Mary, so sorry about the Lymes disease. What is the other one. Does it automatically go along with Lymes? Hopefully it was caught early enough so that treatment will act quickly and have full recovery.

    Lisa, what a beautiful poem. Will you give it to his widow? I'm sure she will treasure it for not only what it says but that you wrote it.

    Heather, Bea just gets cuter every day!

    Was so surprised. I have said that my BIL does not kike anyone at the hospital when my Sis has her surgeries. But she told me this morning that her husband had a good friend couple stay with him the whole time. Her main anxiety is that when she got out of surgery last night, the oncologist office was closed so they couldn't make an appointment for her and today being Good Friday they are closed. So she has no idea when she will be seeing him. She has 3 incisions and each one really hurts, one in both underarm and then the one where the original melanoma is and it's over on the right side above the hip area. So there is no comfortable way to sit or sleep.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member

    Lisa- I got teary when I read your poem. What a moving tribute. You are a beautiful writer.

    Carol in NC I really hope that your pastor gets well soon. Our caregivers (and the clergy are prime examples) are so busy taking care of US, that they forget about themselves.

    Mary- I am so sorry that you have Lymes Disease and Anaplasmosis as well as arthritis. A triple whammy. I hope you have a very quick recovery. It certainly explains all the symptoms, especially the lethargy and insomnia. My doctor once told me to find new hobbies that do not take me outdoors.

    Chris Keep those standards high. At our age, there is no reason to "settle" . We are worth so much more. It has been 2 lifetimes ago, but, I never really cared about looks. I wanted someone who could engage in challenging conversation and took care of himself.

    DJ Looking online for the part is a great solution. Do you have a community college with HVAC training? They may be able to recommend some good graduates who are just starting out but have received all their licenses to work on this.

    Yvonne What gorgeous cats. I hope they don't scare the foster dog. They certainly look majestic.

    Marcelyn That's a loaner? What fun!. This is usually what I am given.

    Car problems 101- it seems that the passenger side air bag problems extend to the other Japanese brands also, not just Honda. When I took my car into the dealer, he told me that they could not reproduce the problem that perhaps the person in the front seat did not weigh enough. I told him to look at me!

    I got my car back from getting the brakes done last week and they forgot to bleed the air from the lines. I had no brakes. The only way the car stopped was by pumping to turn on the ABS. You can be sure that they got a tongue lashing and that they had to repair the repair.

    Sylvia What a fun shopping day. It sounds like your DGD will grow up into quite the frugal fashionista.

    Michele Can you please post the lemon cheesecake recipe. I adore cheesecake but am so disappointed with the lower calorie versions. Mine takes several pounds of cream cheese, sour cream and real cream and butter so I make it only to take places and never bring back leftovers. A Greek yogurt cheesecake sounds like just right thing.

    I got my exercise today the old fashioned way - gardening for three hours. Cleaning out beds, cutting back overgrowth and pulling weeds. My goal is to have a completely native garden. I have removed over half the lawn in front and replaced it with shrubs and plants. I have qualified as a NWF certified Wildlife Habitat but there is more to do. This is the web site. Someone from the local affiliate organization came to my home. It was so informative. Several families in my neighborhood have done this. We also have lots of veggie gardeners and some years, it is all we can do to get rid of the zucchini or tomatoes. I intend to replace the raggedy trees in my side yard and put in additional raised beds in the back yard and a very large wildflower garden. I have to get more grass seed for the back. Until I have the time and money to put my plan into place, I will have to at least maintain the back yard.

    Unfortunately, I seem to be fighting the same bug that the rest of you are talking about. I took a nap right after eating lunch and woke up a couple of hours later. I guess I needed it.

  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Heather What a bucket of joy!!! Your DDIL is so very clever. <3
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    <3Mary, sorry to hear about the severity of your diagnosis, but happy to hear that it explains your symptoms and is treatable...you have done some amazing exercise even with terrible symptoms.

    <3Lisa, sorry to hear that arthritis has been such a problem for you.

    <3Heather, yes, I still have the pain and tingling and numbness in my legs....after all the tests, there is still no explanation for it....the pain is reasonably well managed with medication and I'm able to do most of what I want to do.

    :) Today is my birthday...I thought I had kept the date private, but today my line dance class set up a celebration at the break in the class. They sang "Happy Birthday" to me and had a table with treats and a gift set up. The person who organized the event knows me well enough to know that I don't eat recreational sugar so the treats were a veggie and dip tray and small pieces of french bread with hummus and a cucumber slice. They also gave me a daisy plant to plant in my yard and a gift certificate for $100.00 for my second favorite Chinese restaurant.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited March 2016
    Mary I'm sorry to hear about your health troubles! I'm glad you have a diagnosis so now you can begin addressing it, and clearly you are a superhero! to be keeping up your exercise program so well. <3

    CSSJ09 (sorry, I don't know your name :wink:) I love the NWF wildlife habitat program. I have a fifth-floor patio garden on the densest-populated block in downtown Seattle, and by following their guidelines, I have flocks of songbirds in my tiny habitat. For all the urban density I live in, I hear birdsong far more than buses. :love: Bless you for joining the 'movement' :smile:

    Barbie, happy birthday! :smiley:

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    Barbie Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Heather adorable!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    he was looking for a handout and I got him some cracked corn lol.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    [img]https://us.v-cdn.net/5021879/uploads/editor/54/82j6rcd3tnif.jpg[/img very chilly but a beautiful Chatham beach at the Coast Guard Station[/img]
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I went to bed yesterday evening at about 6pm, listening to some "nature sounds, meditative music", was up at 2:30am for medicine dose, 7:00am for medicine dose, then slept until 1:30pm! This isn't even medicine with a sleep aide, just Alka-Selzer cold medicine generic kind. I have stayed up since 1:30 though, even though I am so wiped out. It's my sinuses, draining and making my throat sore. I ate a nice breakfast/lunch of 2 Kashi blueberry waffles, with blueberry compote on it, and a dusting of powdered sugar, and coffee. Dinner will be a cup of hamburger helper with 1/2 cup of steamed corn. This afternoon I had a flour tortilla with butter on it. Not the healthiest of items, but my taste buds are off. Can't wait to wake up feeling better. Right now I am in a mode of medicine taking and hacking. Shall go to bed early and think healthy thoughts! (((hugs))) to you all
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Carol: I'll send an extra prayer for your vertigo pastor, that God takes pity on him and cures him or sends a substitute for church services. :wink: Based on what you've said, the likelihood of your Pastor missing Easter seems pretty high at this point. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: The funeral seems to have been a tribute to the lost man. Someday his family may take just a little comfort from that. :sad:

    Alison: Your trip sounds lovely. :smiley: The goose is quite handsome! :flowerforyou:

    Mary: Lyme disease scares me. Follow every step and take every bit of the medicine. (((HUGS)))

    Joyce: I am so sorry for your sister's situation. I hope that she is well cared for by the hospital staff. :heart:

    DJ: It looks like we will need a new dinghy if we keep the sailboat. We have a boat mechanic on the calendar for the sailboat & will see it put in order. Then we'll try to use it. If we can enjoy time aboard we'll keep it, otherwise we'll seriously consider selling. It does make a great guest room for us when our house is full. :wink:

    Larissa: I've never heard of hip resurfacing and would love to learn more about it. I wonder about my cranky knee. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Tomorrow's weather forecast shows possible showers, but only a 30% chance. It would be lovely to ride outside, but not very probable. I'm looking forward to my riding lesson, inside or out.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Happy Birthday, Barbie!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    stats for the day:
    ski machine- 25min, 10incl, 35resist, 1.1mi = 202c
    other, 2 shoulder stretches = 28c
    other- physical therapy- 40 min = 118c
    total cal 348