

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    In the airport ready to head back to Milwaukee. I'm certain I gained so my co-workers and I will start with new commitment and drive. I will do a proper check in with you all when I get caught up at home and work
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    MightyLolo wrote: »
    Sorry I have not been posting but trying to focus on my eating since I am a non eater with emotional stress. Trying to push myself to eat but the nausea can be overwhelming. Feels like I have a stomache bug when I go through this.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    I did the same thing when my ex walked out. I was in complete physical shock and dropped more than 25 pounds almost instantly. I couldn't eat and what I forced down did not stay there. I, fortunately, have a wonderful naturopathic MD that I've been seeing for years and she prescribed some natural supplements that helped. Some worked on my stress and others helped directly with my digestion.

    Me, too; I called it "divorce guts". At the time, I just took the weight loss, since I had the extra to spare.

    Anne, mind if I ask what some of the supplements were? Thanks!

    Larisa in Seattle

    Think you mean TheRealMsWolf for the supplements.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    For the first time in a week, my poor kitty's belly looks better than the last time I changed her bandages. The difference? Instead of using antibacterial ointments, I put a bandage soaked in HONEY on it. There is LESS pus and more healing! Wow! Cross your fingers that it continues to improve! She is sticky, but I can deal with that (after 15 years as a beekeeper's wife!)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
    Hello to all: DD and I worked hard this last weekend and yesterday when she had the day off and we have about 1/3 of our compost bin built. Arborist was here today and has now finished with the apple tree. It had not been pruned for over ten years and needed about 80% of its growth trimmed out but it is only safe to do 40% without killing the tree so we will let it grow for a year now and have it pruned again next year. We may or may not get apples from it this year. She also cut down a cedar tree that had been planted right next to the barn and its roots are under the foundation. She cut it at stool height so we can sit on it. Crocus have bloomed and gone, daffodils are presently blooming and hyacinth are coming up, all surprises as we have not lived here in spring before and did not know they were there.

    Along with some others of you I have the crud. I am seeing a new pulmonologist next week and hoping not to go back on prednisone.

    Lenora - I loved your list.

    Pip - I sympathize with Kirby on the frozen shoulder. Some PTs do not like to work on them because treatment is so painful for the patient. I wish him good luck on the manipulation.

    Kim - And here I am stomping hay seeds into the pasture and trying to get them to grow! LOL

    Lisa - Hope things work out for the best for you.

    Sylvia - Glad you stopped and tried to help the kitty.

    Katla - Glad you had a good time sailing and were able to make good memories.

    Miriam - Hope your kitty continues to heal.

    Take care, Sue in WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    evening ladies, had a couplf of stuffed mushrooms for dinner, and will be going to bed soon. The troll is doing her usual ,especially when I am in and around the front desk,I could be busy doing other stuff, and she will purposely wait for me to answer the phone, she wont pick it up..and if she does answer the phone she will put them on hold until i come up and she says answer the phone.. and she is the front end office manager.. really? ticks me right off...
    that poor kitty with the arrow through it, I hope they find it and can help the poor thing...
    well ta ta foor now...
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    :heart: :sunglasses:
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello ladies ((((group hugs to you all)))) I sent an email to middle Navy out in the China Sea son, and he replied back saying he is doing well. Doing exercises with other ships, and getting food shipments where they form a human chain transporting boxes from one area to another. Imagine lifting boxes from one persons hands to another, and the boxes being 80 lbs, and you are doing that for hours on end! Definitely getting his exercise. He is on an aircraft carrier, so its not a frigate like his fathers ships, but he says on rough seas, its just a rocking, and it puts him right to sleep. :-) He works on aircraft. His time up with the Navy is in 2017, and he hopes to go to school studying electrical engineering. His wife gets out in 2018, and he hopes to have a job by the time she gets out. I think he just wants to start his married life, and be genuinely happy. I would imagine its hard when you are worrying about your mate that is in the Navy too. I think that is the difference because I think I calmed my husband by "keeping the home fires burning" and all that, sending him a bit of the normalcy of life, talking about what the boys were doing etc.

    Today was a fantastic day! Had my doctors' appointment. Rechecking my cholesterol levels, and she said I was in the 3.5 range for total cholesterol. She said when it gets to 5.0 range that is high. My bad cholesterol is high but the good cholesterol went up. I visualize the good cholesterol as the "dump trucks that carry out the bad cholesterol". So I have a lot of trucks. My blood pressure was 137/72 which is OK. I would like to see my BP in the 125/70 range so something to aim at. I have a condition called lichen sclerosus which is a skin condition with no real cure. Just a bothersome thing, so I had looked it up and found some creams some "snake oil" salesmen were selling.. The doctor is setting up a dermatologist appointment so hopefully I can get a handle on this. I have had it for years.... Also chatting with her about my "having a difficult settling down my bladder" at night before I go to bed. She said cut out the stimulants like coffee, or chocolate. Well no nightly cup of coffee! Dang lol. Looking up "food's that stimulate your bladder" and posting it on my refrigerator! Also a listing of foods that are high in cholesterol. Being proactive!

    After my appointment my husband walked me to another medical bldg. where there is a piano. I had rec'd a gift card for some free coffee at the "coffee/snack bar" area that is in the alcove area, from the front desk lady that appreciated my last playing stint. So with my cafe latte' I sat and played for about 45 minutes. The second floor of this bldg. overlooks the front desk waiting room area, so people coming from upstairs would mouth to me "wonderful playing" as they walked by... It was fun, and the front desk lady gave me another card for $6 of coffee, snacks at the snack bar. My husband said I need new songs, but its difficult to keep these 8 or so songs I have made up in my head as it is! Do any of you have any piano books you aren't using? I can read music, but its not at a level that I play my made up songs at. I define my songs as "art gallery music", or upscale elevator music. My dream is to learn some Windham Hill music like from George Winston, or Liz Story. I can play some classical stuff like Bach, if I read it slowly.

    Well tonight is tilapia fish night! Son and husband having beef brats hotdogs, If my husband cooks them he always sets off the fire alarm....so I will try to char it without setting off the delicate stupid sensors...
    Hugs to ya all!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    I am having such a hard time with sleeping at night and not needing a nap in the afternoon. I can't get anything
    done because I am always tired. Last night I tried sleep eeezz and they helped but I woke up feeling groggy and ended up taking a afternoon nap anyway and getting up just in time to go to work. I started taking ginseng today to see if that helps. I just found out a few months ago that I have type 2 diabetes , my blood sugar was 170 this morning after a 6 hour fast. I am thinking maybe it's a side effect of my diabetes. I tried doing aerobics last week to see if that would help bring my energy up, it did for about 3 hours, then it was nap time. I am really getting discouraged. I hate this feeling. This is no life to live.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    Stats for the day-
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.23min, 13.4amph, 144mhr, 2.9mi = 98c
    stairclimber- 20min, lvl7, 80fl, 68stpmin, 134mhr = 158c
    rowing machine- 20min, 57aw, 139mhr, 1328meters = 170c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.20min, 13.6amph, 144mhr 1.4mi = 77c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.47min, 9.1amph, 152mhr, 2.7mi = 179c
    Total cal 682
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    17,000 steps
    195 minutes of dog walking
    52 minutes riding the exercise bike
    2 minute plank

    weight-lifting-smiley-emoticon.gifStrong Lifts with dumbbells
    sumo squats 5X5 @ 45 lbs
    deadlift 5X5 @ 55 lbs
    overhead press 5X5 @ 30 lbs

    Cherie, the reason I can get up so early is that I go to bed early. It is 6 PM now and I'm having my bedtime snack and I will be under the covers by 7:30

    Penny, I love the community spirit of the sun festival

    Mary, do you own kettle bells in several different weights?

    Alison, the best thing you can do for yourself is become like the clock ticking in the thunderstorm when Tom starts ranting.

    Mindy, I hope you have started going to Al-Anon so you can learn from others who have been in your shoes.

    drkatie, great workout

    Brandy always has some digestive trouble after being away from us so she got me up four times in the middle of the night to walk her....then of course, Sasha wanted to walk....I had almost 4000 steps by 3:30 AM when I went back to sleep for two hours.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    MightyLolo wrote: »
    [Me, too; I called it "divorce guts". At the time, I just took the weight loss, since I had the extra to spare.

    Anne, mind if I ask what some of the supplements were? Thanks!

    Larisa in Seattle

    Larisa - Maybe TMI, but I didn't just vomit, I got the runs. For that, she had me take charcoal - it comes in capsules. I also just ate very little at a time and eventually it got better. For my mood, I took Cerenity (made by Ortho Molecular). I still take this one, but I've reduced the amount substantially. She recommended Melatonin for my insomnia, but it didn't work for me. Since then, I've discovered that I took it wrong - you're supposed to let it dissolve under the tongue and I just swallowed it. When I used it the right way, it worked like a charm! Go figure. >:) (Anne - this might be something you can try! Just read the directions, lol) That's all that I can remember. She didn't want me taking too much since I couldn't keep anything down anyway. I also had acupuncture, which I recommend to anyone and everyone for absolutely everything!

    I take a number of supplements on an ongoing basis. Feel free to ask me about them at any time.

  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Silverstar - you might also look into Melatonin. It's a natural sleep aid and when I take it correctly, it works.
  • silverstar65
    silverstar65 Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you Kristan , I will pick it up tonight. :smile:

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, I think some men just like to hear themselves bark. It reinforces the animal in them. When Katla mentioned the characters she did, I also thought of Archie Bunker in All in the family.

    Beth, my girls both took music in college. One was majoring both in piano and vocal and had to have a 1 hour solo audition of both. It was nerve racking for the both of us plus at the time she had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which has some short term memory loss. My other daughter wanted to be in the concert choir and had to audition for that and was applying for non music major scholarship. She sang a simple Christmas carol out of the Baptist Hymnal. So the daughter that was music major got a very nominal amount of scholarship and the other daughter got a pretty substantial amount! Oh was my oldest daughter mad.She worked so hard to have 2 hours of music memorized and her sis sings a Christmas carol that so many people sing every day and gets bunches of money.

    Went to see nurse practitioner today after my echocardiogram. HMMM, the echo. I know the technician isn't supposed to tell you anything but I was talking of seeing my different valves and calling them by name. So I have 3 valves that are leaking. I will get the report that the cardiologist actual says tomorrow or the next. Then I did some errands and went to the doctor. She put me on a different antibiotic and gave me a nasal cortisone spray. She also prescribed me some Ambien. I fought that for quite awhile. I am afraid I will be addicted to it. And she scheduled a cat scan of mu sinuses. I told her I dreamed about having to go see a throat specialist and he did a scope and found out I had cancer! So she said she would send me to one if I wanted to but I said no for now. Now if this 2 month old sore throat continues after these new prescriptions I may reconsider. When I picked up the prescription i guess the pharmacist has a habit of talking to anyone who has a new script for Ambien. She said my dose of Benadryl, 75 mg, was way to high and I should not be taking it with Melatonin. She said if Melatonin is taken to long it can lead to depression. So I will try to go with Ambien for now. I know several years ago I didn't take anything. So that's my news for today. Oh, my sister and I went to Culver's this afternoon. I had a coupon for a free one dip sundae. You will be proud to know I had just one dip of the ice cream (custard) with no topping. /tomorrow I HAVE to make an appointment to see my dentist that I no longer have insurance to see. Nurse practitioner says that the jaw pain sounds tooth related although I have no tooth or gum tenderness around it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    I had a NSV at the Red Cross blood donation today. The guy cuffed my arm, getting ready for the big stick, then he said: I need a different cuff. This one is too big. Guess pumping that iron is paying off. LOL!

    I also wore a pair of purple pants today that would not button last summer. Now they are almost too loose.

    Good night, my friends!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of Shaun T's Cardio Core Dynamic Core DVD. I really like his workouts, they really work you. The plan for tomorrow is to do an extremecardio DVD

    barbie - welcome home! Awesome pic

    Heather - I really like the way you look at things "I'm strong enough to do this"

    Pole Penny - I can believe that older kids come out for treats. I'm surprised at the ages of some of the kids who come trick-or-treating. Loved reading all about the festival

    Alison - do you grill in the house or outside?

    Lisa - a friend of mine used to say "short people are the first to see the flowers grow and the last to feel the raindrops fall"

    miriam - I have always heard that honey is a good ointment.

    drkatiebug - you go girl!!!! Way to go on those NSV's

    Michele in NC