

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Heather how exciting! Much love and hugs to all! Hope DDnL is doing well also - baby-girl.gif
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies~
    Grits~ Jeanne Robertson is a hoot isnt she? just love her.. she has been a rehab place because she broke her leg.. but I remember the one about the list.. she numbered the list 1.2.3. etc and sent left brain to the store, so when he gets home, he had gotten one of something ,2 of something, and so on, until the whole kitchen was overflowing lol..
    I had to ice both my heels this morning which is not good, trying to figure out how to get the cardio in at the gym...
    Heather~ Beatrice such a beautiful name... so Happy for your whole family
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited March 2016
    Mid month Summary of goals.

    March 2016 Goals

    Start weight: 220lbs (Spring 2014)
    Current weight: 159 (on 1/01)
    Goal weight: 155 (for 31/01)
    Today's Weight: 158
    Weight lost this month: 1 lbs
    Also, lost another 3", so I'm doing a happy dance!

    Daily goals:
    :star: Pre-log/follow through. 15/15
    :star: balance carbs/protein/fat. 15/15
    :star: 8+ cups liquids. 13/15
    :star: 30+ minutes each Strength/flexibility/cardio. 15/15
    :star: 9500+ steps daily. 15/15
    :star: finish eating at 9pm 25/31 days. 13/15
    :star: finish eating at 10pm 6/31 days of my choice. 2/15
    :star: post daily goals/progress - Just for Today. 15/15
    :star: post progress - No Late Night Snacking. 15/15
    :star: complete Hogwarts/GoTs/LOTRs/12 week weight loss challenges. 15/15
    :star: Post mid-month progress report here :sunglasses: 1/1

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey%5E_%5Egeorgia%5E_%5E3%5E_%5E5%5E_%5EWelcome! Newbies!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.



    Irish Terri harp.gif
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited March 2016
    Everybody has been so chatty!
    Everybody's posts seem to be all glommed together in my brain. I do have sorted out the fact that Beatrice is beautiful!!!
    Otherwise, I feel like a disappointment as far as being a morale booster on a personal level. I hope you all are doing fine, but if not that you will be soon!
    And welcome to the new people!

    You get used to the chat lol! I usually have to skim read and don't often have time to comment. The names and personalities begin to gel after a while so hang in there!

    Irish Terri
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Anne - my problem also has always been abandonment. My bio mom left when I was barely 5yrs old with 3 younger siblings. My first husband and I had discussed this and he said he would never leave but he did (not that I blame him I was a clinger and didn't like him out of my sight for fear he would find another woman). After that whenever I was in a relationship I was always preparing for when it would end so never let myself be really happy. In fact when things were going well I would look for things to be wrong. It took me years of therapy to realize that I was always sabotaging myself by choosing men who 'loved' me but were not good for me. I often wonder how I would be now in a relationship - I'd have to learn how to compromise again. And most men my age are not going to want to raise kids again devil-violin-130.gif
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Look out. Rant coming!

    Darn Garmin isn't registering my calorie burn. The numbers are all right there in each separate activity but the program isn't summing them up and putting them into the little display window. I burned 700 calories before 9 am and I want my positive feedback for it! smiley-angry019.gif

    Rant over. Back to work.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Janetr - Olivia is such a cutie - I have a great-granddaughter named Olivianna. Now that I think of it the lead actress in Scandal is named Olivia.

    hello.GIF to everyone new!

    My allergies are acting up so better get my allergy meds filled - itchy eyes, voice that makes me sound like a smoker. Didn't have any allergies until I moved to WA but they say here that if you didn't come with them you will end up with some kind of seasonal allergies. Whoopee! Oh yeah and webbed feet! rainy-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Wishing you all good health and happy thoughts - don't forget to SMILE! happy-118.gif

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kimses....starting the new job is a great time to start the habit of only eating whatb ou have planned to eat and logged....step away from the snack area...repeat step away from the snack area.... lol. So why is there so.much junk food
    at work, theres a good discussion...food
    sabatogers, folks getting junk out of their own
    homes, boredom, the list goes on. Just dont
    start in, bring alternatives so you can be social
    and busy chewing, not eating junk.

    Heather, welcome beautiful beatrice. God bless.

    Karen from ny
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce Indiana – My DH was basically talked into getting all his teeth pulled to get dentures. They’ve never fit right; but, he was also too stubborn to go back to have them fitted. I don’t have much sympathy for that. He could have kept some so that he could have gone and tried to have posts put in and maybe a couple of bridges. He had such pretty teeth; but, they stayed infected and hurt. He’ll take them out and put them in a napkin and into his pocket. Twice, at lunch and in front of our son who works with him, he has dropped them and had them bounce across the floor. Mortifying DOS. He wants him to take them out before he gets inside the restaurant. DH is good natured about dropping them, not so with my son. With my inheritance money I took it and had several teeth pulled, several capped, and my front 4 capped so they’d ‘look’ even. I had what they referred to as a ‘horseshoe palette’ (a sort of a kind of birth defect). I’ve never had any problems with them other than once popping a cap of when I bit into one of my protein bars (which I had kept refrigerated). They got taken out of the fridge and never have had any others do that. They also tastes better. Now, at the age of 74; he thinks it would be a waste of $$$ to go and have them retro-fitted with posts or to have posts put in period.

    Grandmallie – Oh, sorry to hear about Jeanne Robertson being in rehab; she must have really taken a bad fall to have to be in rehab.

    gloworminWA – I’ve always held the belief that ‘if you think negatively, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I try to find the good in everything; and, try not to be disappointed too long if things don’t happen the way I think they should. Each time, something came along better and made me think, “Whew, I am glad I did not go down that road’! I have always had this mindset with losing weight as well; I try not to beat myselt up if I gain a little back from time-to-time. This next time, I hope to have lost what I gained because I have been walking more, around the farm, this time. My path takes me about 45 minutes to do; and, I’m not totally out of breath doing it that way.

    Our DYS went online and dated several women he had met there; then after some nudging he met the woman at a place where they both hunted. She had not wanted to meet him; now, she wishes she had met him a lot longer ago; but, I tell her that she might not have liked a 'younger' Will. She says he is perfect for her at the moment, second, minute, hour, and day she met him. I don't think she ever was expecting to find someone who would marry someone with a child. They dated a while before her daughter was introduced to him. He drove up beside her at a traffic light and honked the horn. Her daughter looked over and asked her Mother if she knew who he was; and, she said 'a friend'. Then her daughter said, 'He's HOT'! That is when they got introduced to one another. She wrote me a letter telling me how much she loves him (and wishes that he could be her 'real' dad or her boyfriend - but that her mother met him first). DDnL#2 told her why that wouldn't be possible; she understood it, but loves that he is her step-Dad. She and her 'ex' share custody which makes for a strange situation. He has been a butt about her keeping her so that she can come visit with us; this Thanksgiving she told him that they WILL come here for the duration of the week of Thanksgiving; and, if he did not like it he could risk taking her back to court; and, then she'd go for full custody. The Judge they have had over the past 7 years told him last time to settle and never appear in front of him again, or he would not like the fact that he would side with DDnL#2 and make him pay her more and change custody to every other weekend and on Wednesdays during the week. She was going to cosmetology school and had little to no income. So he decided to try to take her from her. That backfired big time.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good Morning! Happy Tuesday and Beware the Ides of March! I don't know why, but this date just sticks in my head and always has since I learned about the "Ides" in high school. I guess I am just amazed that a day of remembrance would be set aside to remember the day that Brutus betrayed Ceasar. Well, no rain, so I got up and put on my headlamp and got three miles in this morning, along with my strength training:
    1 minute pushups
    1 minute Superman
    1 minute dead bug hold (yes Penny, it was hard!) ;)
    1 minute lateral lunges
    1 minute plyo squats
    (repeat four times)
    3 minute plank
    In your face, to the bad luck and Ides! In your face Brutus! Try that back stabbing on me and I'm kicking your butt!

    Gloria, Anne, and all of the other survivors of the "heartache"- My heart just breaks for all of you! But wow! What an inspiration you all are! Truly strong women, getting stronger, and getting things accomplished! I do sometimes wish we could do a Benjamin Button type of life and begin with all of the wisdom and confidence that we have now. I think we all would have made different and wiser choices in our youth. I think we also would have been kinder to ourselves. BUT, that's not possible and I think we ALL are doing great jobs at managing, juggling, doing, etc. We should ALL be wearing capes and have a holiday named for us!

    Irish Terri- I just looked at your mid month goals and realized that I am starting my journey right about where you started! You are giving me hope and inspiration, lady! Great job, great stats!

    Betty- I have days where all I can manage is to read and try to keep every one straight. Sometimes I get in a funk and it is too hard to focus on reading, let alone replying. But I love this group for the simple fact that many times the stuff I am dealing with, will usually be something some one else is working through, too; and it will come up in topic and some one will say something brilliant or inspiring that will help.

    Allie- Hope your feet feel better soon! Have you tried swimming? lol Just have to say, the mention of "icing your heels" reminds me of when I was a teen and I was getting myself worked up over something my dad would say "sit down and cool your heels!"

    Lenora- Just can't tell you how happy I am to see your chapters on here, again! :p Love you dearie, and I love the fact that I can ALMOST hear you speak when I read your comments! So much personality!

    Welcome Janet from AL, Terri Whitcomb, and Connie from AR (even though I welcomed you as SugarDarlin)! I hope you find much support and many friends here!

    Gloria- glad the kids are feeling better and headed back to school! Stay healthy!

    Janetr- Olivia is a doll-baby! She is so adorable! I love the way you told about her "helping" and "fixing" things. I think she needs a little tool belt and tool bench of her own! Sweet little face!

    BArbie- Wowsa! That is a LOT of movement in one day! You go girl!

    Pip- Your furbabies look so comfy all curled up on their blankies and pillows. I half expect to see you, Barbie, or Mary curled up next to them; exhausted from all of your exertions! (I am sure that will be the next picture!)

    Michele- Where I grew up we had red clay. Family of eight so that stuff was tracked EVERYWHERE! I remember my dad doing two things. He would either use just a regular hose sprayer to wash off the clay (he would have to use his hands also to help it along) or he would sweep or brush it off when it was dry. Believe it or not, I remember he had an electric shoe brush that he would use to speed it up and brush it off quicker. But yeah, that red clay was messy. Re: the period not coming until 17&1/2, I was not worried bc my mom let me know that she didn't get hers until she was 17; but I was angry that my younger sister got hers at 12 and she was only a year younger than I was! ON the upside, I am almost all of the way through menopause and she is just beginning! Mwahahahahaa!

    Joyce- Thinking of you this morning as Charlie has his surgery! Praying for skilled surgeons and complete and smooth recovery!

    CJ- I know the frustration with life sidelining your exercise/healthy choices. Don't be too hard on yourself. You still got out there and got it done! Maybe not as far or as long as you wanted; but you did it! I weighed my self Sunday, and found that I was up one pound. Must have been the two Guinness that I had over the weekend? Or perhaps, it is my HEAVY week. I find I have one of those and then the following week my weight begins dropping again. Here's to next week!

    Kids arriving! Gotta fly! No rain today, so we will get outside and pretend we are camping and pick up all the sticks in my yard and put them in the firepit for our camp fire! >:)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Lenora~ here is my take on your DH dentures... I have worked at a dentist office for 10 yrs, the absolute best thing he could do for himself is get implants to hold those teeth in, yes they are a bit expensive but sooo sooo worth it..
    we have patients with both kinds, and by far the patients with the implants that snap the dentures in have a much higher success rate and enjoy eating more.. yes he can have them relined every few years, as bone loss occurs gradually.. just my take on things but want him to be able to enjoy life..
    I did 45 minutes on treadmill and 15 on the recumbant bike and the weight machines took a shower and came home, now off to feed DFIL
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    MightyLolo wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    I LOVE this.
    Congrats on your highly active day!

    Larisa in Seattle
    Barbie, this quote is worthy of a great deal of meditation time! I am going to try to incorporate this into my way of thinking. Some days I do not have enough willpower to have willpower, but I could latch on to strategy.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited March 2016
    Janetr Darling!

    Kim hope new job is going well.

    Barbie love the quote: Strategy is stronger than will power!

    :heart: Margaret
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Olivia is adorable!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited March 2016
    I can definitely echo Barbie's quote STRATEGY IS STRONGER THAN WILLPOWER!

    I have very little willpower, >:) but I do have good strategy. :bigsmile: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Oh yes!
    Did you know that research has shown that we have a limited amount of willpower and it can "run out" during the course of a day. People who have to exert a lot of willpower in their job, for example, have very little left for themselves. People who use a lot early in the day are running low on it by the evening. Relying on willpower alone under those circumstances is doomed to failure. That is when good strategies, like keeping temptation out of the house, and developing new good habits, that don't cost us any willpower once we have developed them successfully, are so useful. A new habit takes a while to get going, but it makes life easier in the long run.
    If you think of willpower as a precious and diminishing resource throughout the day, then you will be able to think of ways not to test it and make life easier for yourself. :flowerforyou: <3

    Heather UK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Janetr ... Olivia is a sweetie!

    Joyce ... Praying Charlie's surgery is successful

    KJ ... Picking up sticks for a campfire .... Very, very clever!

    Betty ... This thread keeps getting more difficult to manage each month ...

    Not much to add right now. DH got some troubling MRI results ... Need to have them explained as the Internet is scaring the pants off of us...

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Beth wrote:
    Not much to add right now. DH got some troubling MRI results ... Need to have them explained as the Internet is scaring the pants off of us...
    Internet does that. Stay in the moment, breathe, and wait for an explanation from a professional. :heart: ((((hugs))))
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janetr - Olivia is sooooooo sweet! <3

    Heather. UK

    Thank you, Heather. Grandkids are great fun. Then you can send them home for bath and bed time. :)

    Janetr okc