

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Irish Terri wow, almost there. You're doing a terrific job. Doing Happy Dance along with you.

    Janetr okc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »

    Not much to add right now. DH got some troubling MRI results ... Need to have them explained as the Internet is scaring the pants off of us...

    I have had to stay away from the internet as a medical resource and also stay away from friends who appoint themselves as medical resources...stay in the moment and wait for a medical professional to translate for you.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Well, no rain, so I got up and put on my headlamp and got three miles in this morning, along with my strength training:
    1 minute pushups
    1 minute Superman
    1 minute dead bug hold (yes Penny, it was hard!) ;)
    1 minute lateral lunges
    1 minute plyo squats
    (repeat four times)
    3 minute plank

    :):) That is an impressive way to start your day.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    KJ - I really admire your commitment. All that and those exhausting children! Phew!

    Marcelyn - Hope all is going well for you today and for the rest of the week. :flowerforyou:

    I will get out into the garden this afternoon. Want to weed and rake over a couple of raised beds. My heart isn't in it this year, for some reason. Usually I'm very enthusiastic at this time of year. I seem to have other things on my mind. We've got to get down to the garden centre to get beans etc and I can't be bothered. :ohwell: I did my writing this morning so I have no excuse.

    DH took down the wysteria yesterday, so he has gone out to take the branches to the dump. Still a big pile in the driveway. It's not a big loss as it only flowered well one year out of five and it was a strain on the drainpipe. We haven't got the knowledge or the inclination to train it properly.

    I expect I will hear if DDIL and baby have gone home today. She hates it in hospital, so I wouldn't be surprised.

    Love Heather UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    Heather With a name like Beatrice, your new grandbaby will probably grow up to be regal. What a wonderful name. I am so glad that these lovely names are coming back. Your children are wise to give her a name she can aspire to. Again, congratulations.

    Kimses You made it through the first day of work. Yippee.

    Connie in AR , Teri Whitcomb Janet AlabamaWelcome.

    Joyce This reminds me. I should not put off making appointments for dentist, mammogram and orthopod.

    Frustrating day at work. It was reflected in my exercising. I really wanted to match yesterday's 6 miles but only did 5. I did improve time to 10.8minutes per mile, but still.


    you did awesome!

    on the other hand, I'm not looking forward to my 7
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    Mid month Summary of goals.

    March 2016 Goals

    Start weight: 220lbs (Spring 2014)
    Current weight: 159 (on 1/01)
    Goal weight: 155 (for 31/01)
    Today's Weight: 158
    Weight lost this month: 1 lbs
    Also, lost another 3", so I'm doing a happy dance!

    Daily goals:
    :star: Pre-log/follow through. 15/15
    :star: balance carbs/protein/fat. 15/15
    :star: 8+ cups liquids. 13/15
    :star: 30+ minutes each Strength/flexibility/cardio. 15/15
    :star: 9500+ steps daily. 15/15
    :star: finish eating at 9pm 25/31 days. 13/15
    :star: finish eating at 10pm 6/31 days of my choice. 2/15
    :star: post daily goals/progress - Just for Today. 15/15
    :star: post progress - No Late Night Snacking. 15/15
    :star: complete Hogwarts/GoTs/LOTRs/12 week weight loss challenges. 15/15
    :star: Post mid-month progress report here :sunglasses: 1/1

    Irish Terri harp.gif

    awesome job!! u r almost there!!
  • trailgirl777
    trailgirl777 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey all, today is 3 weeks off all games! First time in 6 years. My eating plan is not great but my focus is on managing the game stuff. Found a small web site to assist. Very little on this in US. They are arguing if real or not - so ex gamers are setting stuff up to help themselves & others. Also some families who have lost people to it. If you have someone - gamequitters.com, Reddit & online games anonymous,
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    JanetinAla, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Come often and join right in.

    Cheri, I know your DD appreciates you being there to lend a hand. Have a nice stay.

    Heather, that baby is just beautiful!!!! I want to pick her up and snuggle so I know you do.

    TerriW, Welcome. We have a couple of Terri’s so I’ll use your last initial.  This is a great place for support so come often and tell us what’s going on with you. You can do this.

    CJ, it is fine to wish you did more, but don’t belittle the great exercise that you did get done. Just keep up the good work.

    Joyce, sending good thoughts and best wishes for Charlie’s surgery to go smoothly. When I have to get up extra early for something I find that I look at the clock all night long.

    Pip, I love the poocher pics. Thanks.

    Janetr, Olivia is an absolute doll!!!

    Gloria, glad the kids are ok to go back to school.

    IrishTerri, how wonderful that you are in spittin’ distance of your goal weight. I’m doing a Happy Dance with you. Go girl, go.

    KJ, great workout!! Wow.

    Barbie, you are so right about not listening to “friends” on subjects like health and medicine. It is amazing how many people that know nothing will offer their unsolicited opinions on a multitude of subjects. I was a realtor for many years and worked hard to know the market, the different areas of town, etc. I would have clients from out of town say, “the waitress at the restaurant last night told us that …..”. Or a guy at the service station….. I mean, why don’t you listen to the professional and ignore what some busy body tells you. smiley-angry018.gif Okay, I’m finished.

    Pip, what’s wrong? I think that is the first time I’ve heard you say you aren’t looking forward to your riding or running. Don’t tell me you are human after all.

    Another beautiful day at the beach. (Well a couple of miles inland) This time of year I want so badly to open windows and get the fresh air but the pollen makes me think twice. I suffer so much from allergies but the meds help a lot all but my eyes. They itch so much I just want to scratch them out. Line dancing this afternoon so I’m looking forward to that. I ate very well yesterday and was already down 3 pounds this morning. I just have to keep up the eating right and exercise to get back to where I was and then hopefully will keep moving down at least a little. You ladies are doing such impressive workouts and such a great job with your weight loss and I thank you for being such good roll models.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. flowers-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    damnit - it's a process of getting used to running longer distances again. now I'm running with ankle weights and they are not much but over time, you realize how much they do weigh your legs down. I was just thinking, how the hell did I run 26.2 miles !!! yes.... yes.... I am human, just SUPER human ;0)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited March 2016
    Beth - forgot to say "Thinking of you and your DH." <3 How soon can you get to see a professional?
    I'm quite glad they don't send out results in the UK. :ohwell:

    NSV for me! I got out into the garden! First time this year. :D DH was within shouting distance, but he was cutting up the last of the wysteria, so I cleared a couple of beds on my own. I spent about 40 minutes out there and also ripped out a passion fruit vine that smothers everything including my favourite lavender by the front door.
    All this may not sound much to most of you, but I am mildly agoraphobic in a non built up environment. I'm absolutely fine in town, on the crowded metro etc, when DH isn't, as he is claustrophobic! ! :laugh: I find country lanes and sky much more scary and prefer to be with someone. If I dit down to eat at an outside table I prefer to have an umbrella overhead. :laugh: It's not debilitating and I can manage fine when I have to, but it wouldn't be my choice to go out in the countryside on my own. So I am pleased I did today's small task.
    DH has gone off again to the dump to take the two old water plastic butts he replaced the other day. A cup of tea is in order when he comes back. He will have my Allbran loaf and I will have chilli squid. :noway: :D>:)

    Here he is!
    Love Heather UK

    PS - Just heard Beatrice and DDIL are home! <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member

    Don't know where she gets that nose from! :laugh:

    I think DDIL's parents are still there to help with the other children and DS has the week off. All hands on deck!

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    look at the hair on her!!! lovely little Beatrice xoxo
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Grandmallie – DH is so tired of dentists that I doubt I could even get him to go see one at this point; he keeps telling our sons to NOT ever have their teeth all pulled like he did. His teeth stayed sore from being abscessed. I think it really was on a day that he had just ‘had enough’ of taking antibiotics that were not working. HS friend’s husband is a dentist and he told him to come to him and let him see what he could do to get them fitted correctly; but, he hasn’t done that either. His biggest complaint is that he just can’t taste food, because of the palette of the top of his mouth being totally covered. Says to eat with them in only makes him feel like he is eating cardboard and the more he chews the fuller his mouth feels. He’s learned what he can eat and not eat. I guess that fit enough not to ‘flop’; and, they were a great match for his regular teeth; but, he isn’t going to go back to a dentist, if he can help it. DDnL#1’s mother wears dentures (full set) and she can eat anything. Hers were made at one of these ‘same day’ denture places, too.

    Beth - I agree to stay away from the Internet and well-meaning friends and get your professional opinion (diagnosis/prognosis) from them. I think it is ok, to check the Internet to formulate some questions. I believe in having my questions written out, so that I make sure to touch on each thing. I asked my GYN about the C-125 test because of an email I had received about a woman who had previously had a total hysterectomy; but, still had the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. He performed that test on me and the level was at zero. I guess if it has spread from the original site prior to having a hysterectomy you could show being positive for ovarian cancer. It must be similar to a PSA test for men to check their prostate gland for cancer. My husband has been at zero since they put in radiated seeds 12+ years ago. My DDnL#1 is always checking the Internet for her symptoms; but, doesn’t like what she sees and then she is convinced that every headache means she is going to have a stroke. Getting so bent out of shape about just about everything and being obese isn’t helping. Getting involved in the drama of FB certainly doesn’t help. But, she has used up her ‘last chance’ with me about things and I try to avoid her as much as possible. She talks about me behind my back to my granddaughters and I know it by the way they act sometimes. Other times they come down and act like themselves and talk a blue streak.

    I sometimes think that if we do the same type of exercise, riding a bike, playing racquetball, running, things like that, we get 'tired' of them and have no motivation. That lack of motivation can also come up when the person we rode or played with isn't up to the game or ride and it is then easier to stop doing it so as to not interfere with what is going on with them and their journey or ability to play. It's really nobody's fault that it happens; but, it is like some friendships; you have to work very hard to make it work for you - sometimes it is best to 'leave it be' and just let it run its course. Friendships can last a life time; or, they can last for so long as a 'need' is met; then, for no real reason - it fizzles and neither party is at fault. Then pick it up later when the mood strikes you. I've been walking around the farm for my exercise now that it has warmed up some. Still waiting for the weather to get hotter earlier in the day so I can get in the pool and walk. I just cannot step up on the treadmill and walk nearly as long as I can with a huge change of scenery.

  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good morning everyone. Hope you all are having a good day. With each day I am one step closer to getting back to normal living. It was 2 weeks ago today at about this time that I had surgery. I am basically confined to home because I cannot drive yet. I would be ok being stuck at home if I could do something constructive like clean out a closet, clean house, reorganize but all those things require ab muscles. I was told not to lift anything weighing more than 5lbs. Before surgery I was using 12-25lb dumbells for bicep curls and overhead tricep extensions, depending on the number of sets and reps. I worked out with a trainer about 3 years ago and really enjoyed lifting much heavier weights, sumo squats with 90lb dumbell, bench pressing 155lbs. I really love weights :) Cardio, not so much. Stay strong.
    ArkLaMiss Connie
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet: Your granddaughter is precious! :heart:

    Gloria: I'm happy for you and the boys that they're well enough to go back to school! :bigsmile:

    TerriRichards: Congratulations on all of your success! You're doing very well at meeting your goals IMHO. :flowerforyou:

    Penny: Sorry your Garmin is a slacker. I don't have any tracking gizmos other than my wrist watch. It has always worked well enough provided I do my part. I forgot that my iphone tracks steps. If I do any sort of other exercise, the MFP program takes the iphone steps away, anyway. Not very motivating but I still seem to have plenty of motivation on my own. :smiley:

    Grits: Both of my parents had false teeth from an early age. My dad was the victim of early orthodontia experimenting and ended up having all of his teeth pulled. Mom had soft teeth and in the days before flouride, they didn't old up well enough. I've been much luckier & still have my own teeth. My good luck has a lot to do with my parent's diligence when I was small, good habits they instilled in me, and improvements in dentistry. From watching their situation, I know it is possible to get dentures that fit. They aren't cheap but they last a long time. :flowerforyou:

    KJLaMore: My dad used to talk about cooling your heels. Thanks for the memory. :smiley:

    Heather: I love and agree with your comments on will power. My mom always talked about will power and won't power--as in I won't eat the dessert. She said she had plenty of will power but not enough won't power. :smiley: She fought the "battle of the bulge" all of her life but was very slim when she died due to severe emphysema caused by chain smoking. :tear: On a happier note, I am happy your DDIL & baby got to go home! :heart:

    trailgirl: Congratulations on three game free weeks! WTG! :bigsmile:

    DJ: Good luck in managing your allergies. I hope the season is short this year. I've been allergic to Scotch Broom forever, but the allergy meds I used to take are not favorable for brain health. SOOO I'm hoping for a short scotch broom season. Luckily, people around here don't plant it any more, and there is some effort to get rid of it because it is a non-native invasive species. :grumble:

    Beth: I hope the MRI results lead to a resolution, and not just a heap of stress. :(((HUGS)))

    Pip: You are wonder woman in my book! Your consistent focus on health is inspiring. :bigsmile:

    Joyce You and Charlie are in my prayers. :heart:

    I have no plans for today, and that is unusual for me. My first step was to take my osteoporosis meds and now the timer is done, I've had my coffee, and my day can begin. I'm shifting to the once weekly dose of osteoporosis meds on Sunday or Monday morning. My doctor has already called in the new prescription and all I have to do is go pick it up. :bigsmile: I wanted this change because it is obnoxious to take a pill first thing each morning, and then be obliged to sit upright for 30 minutes before doing anything else or even having morning coffee. :grumble: :devil: :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Katla - Happy for you that you've got the meds you want. Once a week is bearable. :)

    Alcohol free day today. About time! ;) Having Hairy Bikers' Spanish Chicken Bake tonight. With asparagus. Delish!

    Heather UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Katla, do you have to just sit upright or can you walk around after taking the medicine?
  • HomeatWDW
    HomeatWDW Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone, I hope you don't mind if I hop in. I'm 51 and excited to find a group of those in the same age group with similar goals. I'm actually wishing desperately for menopause as I'm in the pre-phase where I'm awash with estrogen and totally off what used to be a like-clockwork schedule. This looks like a great play to hang out (and that baby is adorable!).
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    I'm loving the baby and doggie pics, ladies! I have neither, so in the grand tradition, I present my three companions: The Fluffy One and The Mouthy One, shown here agreeing to disagree regarding the latter's mesmerizing beauty; and my little buddy Birdface. Yes, I am weird with names. :blush:

    Hmm, the photos are kinda huge. Sorry about that!

    Larisa in Seattle
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Larisa, I love your cats...also your bird.

    "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." - Mikhail Baryshnikov

    This applies to all the things we do...I don't compare the weights I lift with the weights that Mary lifts, I don't compare my cooking to Heather's and no one should compare their daily step count with mine.