

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sugardarlin- is your name Connie? I wasn't sure because of the writing before it. Anyhow, great eating and exercise goals. What type of weightlifting do you do?


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Wednesday. Today is my 7-3 day and tomorrow I am off and have my mamogram at 8 in the morning. I am not sure what is going on as I have been really feeling out of sorts the last couple days. Seems I am mad at the world and not sure why. Laid in bed last night doing a lot of talking to God. I know it will get better. I do want to thank each of you for being here and all your support.

    Becca--Proud of you for staying calm.

    Katiebug--Sorry to hear you and DH have the flu, but glad it is a lite case.

    Not a lot to say today. DH at lunch asked if I want to go see the show "Mircles from Heaven" this evening. So we are planning on going to the 650p show. Take care ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Happy Wed!
    I'm taking a lunch break. I declined to go out for Chinese. I also won't eat at my desk. So I'm having my soup and salad alone in the cafe. I've gotten up at 5:15 and did 30 min P90x3 each morning so far, so I'm not going to blow it at lunch !

    Next week I'll find a place to walk at lunch time.

    Kimses in MA

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. Had my first therapy session this morning and it went well except for when they started talking about decompression laminectomies and I said “no way”  They don’t realize I am a non-invasive kind of girl! But anyway they stretched and stretched me and were quite taken aback by my muscle spasms which are intense to say the least.

    It’s a nice sunny day here so Benny will get a short walk later and I did the cross trainer for 20 minutes, which they said was fine (they….the PT and a student).

    Pip: Hagrid is adorable!

    GRITS: I just read an interesting news article about how few men get vasectomies compared with women who get tubal ligations even though it’s a much larger surgery with far more complications and pain for women. I guess it’s a tough sell for the men!

    Vickie: we got the rain, but no hail.

    Sugardarlin’: those pictures are wonderful!

    Katla: I have missed you too! I plan to look up your book.

    Janet: have you seen the squirrel since?

    Larissa: I’d love to swim in the Senior Olympics too! I was a nationally-ranked swimmer in high school. You’d never know it now!

    Yvonne: glad you had a nice visit. Where in TX are you?

    Michele: OK bragging now…I am almost 57 and have never had a cavity! With the dog pills, they started out slowly and with meals, so it wasn’t bad, then we have just added some over time. The worst is the 4 pm one and that one again at 11 pm…Leonard sets the alarm so he gets up for that one. But it’s a seizure med (the new one) and we won’t be late or miss it for anything.

    Pip: I feel just like your black dog with his tongue hanging out…in fact I look like him too right now!

    Heather: I am sure you are just smitten with Bea!

    Dr.Katie: you crack me up! Feel better soon. We have a new outburst of influenza a here too

    Cheri: right on!

    OK, well I can’t sit much longer, so I’ll sign out and go have lunch and another steroid! Yay! LOL they usually make me VERY cranky but now I’m just so happy that they have helped the pain! Take care all, Meg from Omaha where I am very boring these days!

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Larisa- I LOVE your goals! I don't think any of it is strange. What really pushed me into getting in better shape (other than my job) was the fact that I want to fly. Crazy, but I would love to put on one of those wing suits and base jump and fly to earth. Gotta be strong and fit to do it. My hubby thinks I am nuts. Anything that gives me the sensation of flying, I am all in!
    OMG you are my sister! <3

    Larisa in Seattle
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    edited March 2016
    Kimses - Your good example might be catching! <3 I can't believe it when you US ladies talk about all the junk food on offer in your offices! To me that just seems terrible! Why? Why? Is it what everyone wants? If enough people didn't want it couldn't you bring it up at a meeting? Surely these days people are much more health conscious. I have never worked in an environment ( I was a teacher of adults ) where there was constant pressure to snack on rubbish - maybe once a year at Christmas at an end of term class party. I know you can say NO, but that kind of environment must be very dispiriting and depressing. Perhaps people would be glad if someone spoke up. (Not when you've just started there, obviously.)

    Vicki - Perhaps you are entitled to be mad at the world. :flowerforyou:

    Drkatie - Get well SOONEST! <3

    Meg - my brother had a vasectomy after 4 children. Then he divorced and married a much younger woman. Had it reversed. Had my lovely niece. Then it sealed itself up and he had to have it reversed again to have my lovely nephew. Then he had it done again. Boy, was he sore the last couple of times. Black and blue. Ouch! !

    Has SYLVIA been on here recently? I'm beginning to worry. :ohwell:

    Love Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Just noticed my anniversary from being on Mfp is coming up, 3-23-12!

    Shows my starting weight was 166

    Wow, congrats. Such progress in 4 years.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Just noticed my anniversary from being on Mfp is coming up, 3-23-12!

    Shows my starting weight was 166

    Wow, congrats. Such progress in 4 years.

    Janetr OKC

    when I started out BEFORE mfp, I was at 198 and I had lost 32 lbs and I had reached a plateau and couldn't loose anymore even though I was still riding at that time and was working out before AND after work. this mfp was one thing that I tried to see if it would get me over the hump. and as much as I hate counting calories and weighing food (because I wasn't before), that's where I lost the extra weight and got me over the hump
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather - Sylvia posted yesterday afternoon. Back about 3 or 4 pages :)

    Meg - No, we have not seen the baby squirrel since then. I'm going to go look in the pecan orchard and see if I see him anywhere.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I did my weight resistance training this morning, yesterday I rode the stationary bike for 45 minutes.

    Janetr OKC
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Sugardarlin- is your name Connie? I wasn't sure because of the writing before it. Anyhow, great eating and exercise goals. What type of weightlifting do you do?


    Mary from Minnesota

    Yes, my name is Connie :) I currently am recovering from surgery but in a couple of weeks I will be back to my weights. I use free weights at home, dumbbells 8-25lbs, barbell with weights. I worked out with a trainer about 3 years ago, with his guidance I lifted heavier weights, sumo squats with 90lb dumbbells. I love lifting heavy. I also know the dangers of not having a spotter, not personally but through an acquaintance. I also lead a class once a week, mainly to keep me motivated and challenged.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :)Connie, Thank you for sharing you food plan and your longer term plan for exercise. When I started MFP at age 62 after years of failing at one weight loss plan after another, I finally made a food plan for the day and stuck to it no matter what, then I did it the next day and the next. I gradually added exercise and a miracle happened---I actually lost weight and kept the weight off. Checking in with this thread every day helped me stay focused and gave me relief from the people "out there" who urged me to eat things that weren't part of the plan I made.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    katiesbug, I had to laugh about your web search on 'big breasts'. I am sure a lot of teenage boys have searched for that.

    Went to bed as usual and so did. Of course Charlie's is earlier since he hopes he can get a head start on sleep before the diarrhea starts. So I am restless and not really sleeping and eventually realizing that I am hearing a lot of activity going on. this man has always managed to get to the bathroom in time from bed. I don't know if the percocet made any difference or not but he did not make it. So I get up to this guy doing a load of laundry, trying to clean the mattress and also trying to turn the mattress. It never entered his mind to get me up. His mattress is old so it is time to get a new one.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Happy Wed!
    I'm taking a lunch break. I declined to go out for Chinese. I also won't eat at my desk. So I'm having my soup and salad alone in the cafe. I've gotten up at 5:15 and did 30 min P90x3 each morning so far, so I'm not going to blow it at lunch !

    Next week I'll find a place to walk at lunch time.

    Kimses in MA


    learning to say "No" and set boundaries for when, where, and what for eating is a good recipe for success
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »

    On a lighter note re internet medical advice. I decided once that my over-endowment was the cause of some back and shoulder pain, and I wanted to see what Dr. Google had to say about it. Without thinking about it much, I typed "big breasts" into the search engine. I learned very quickly that I should have been more specific.

    Kay ... Thank you for the laugh!
    [She has a Bachlor degree in Spanich, did not study art in school.
    ArkLaMiss Connie

    SugarDarlin ... I know what you meant to type ... But my tired brain switched the letters around and I thought you said she got a degree in Spinach!

  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    This is the normal me, when well. Once a week as a motivation and a challenge to me, I lead a weight training / fitness kickbox class. The first part of the class we use weights. In the second part, the class puts on gloves and I put on mitts. We begin by going through sequences of jabs, hooks, kicks. Then I go through the class and let them hit my mitts. The ladies have told me that they didn't know that they like to hit something. I got started with boxing when I worked out with a trainer a few years ago. We would finish my workout with me hitting his mitts. 9e3atotatbv3.jpg
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Happy Wed!
    I'm taking a lunch break. I declined to go out for Chinese. I also won't eat at my desk. So I'm having my soup and salad alone in the cafe. I've gotten up at 5:15 and did 30 min P90x3 each morning so far, so I'm not going to blow it at lunch !

    Next week I'll find a place to walk at lunch time.

    Kimses in MA


    learning to say "No" and set boundaries for when, where, and what for eating is a good recipe for success

    good job :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 95/105/110, 5X5X 115
    Sumo squats-5X5X 100
    OHP- 1X5X 45/50/55/60, 5X5X 55
    DL- One X5X 135

    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    GobletSquat- 3X7X 25
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 17 X 15 X 25 = 255

    Day 16 Challenge Total = 6070

    Walking Challenge = 5 miles

    I really dread doing these exercises some days! However, I am so happy after I am finished.

    Connie- I love kickboxing! Your class looks like it would be a lot of fun!


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited March 2016
    Soywoman and CoffeeandPie – Tell us a little about yourselves. Married, children, grandchildren, hobbies, what you prefer to be call (if you have a common name like “Betty” make up another last thing, some use where they’re from, where are you from (general or specific). This is a great thread for encouragement, ranting and/or venting. We’re all women, so we don’t have to worry about ‘toning it down because of a man being here’. We talk about anything. We don’t discuss ‘politics’ or ‘religion’ too many opinions and we don’t want to offend others. CoffeeandPie – I’ve been cutting my portions (from restaurants in half and eating it the next day or day after). Very good way to prevent overeating. Most restaurants up way too much food on your plate. I even try to plan my meals ahead of time and then correct my tracking depending on whether my mood had changed about a meal. Easiest way to be able to post to many people is to open a word processing program and putting them side by side with the double blow-up icon. You can’t go back a day (it will ease what you have written, unless you ‘save and post’ it. Just because the person before you posts, we are all posting at various times of the day so your post to that person might not show up right under their posts. Sometimes it means you have to go back and read earlier posts to understand what they are talking about. Some people read them all; some people start on the current day (especially if they have gone several days without being on it). It will take you back to your last post and work forward. Be sure to bookmark this thread by clicking on the outline of the star; it will turn yellow. After that you’d just need to click on the gray star between the bell and gear and a drop down will show up. Barbiecat always posts a link to go to for the next month on the last day of the month. If there is a number from the previous month (like there usually is, hit that one first to catch up. Welcome – you should enjoy this site. Some of us post daily (or several times a day) others just come in to say, ‘Hello’.

    Lillian – We change here, too. They are ‘talking’ about going back to the old way. I think I’d like that because it gives us more time with daylight that way (especially in the EST).

    KJL – I’m not sure they had a ‘chicken pox’ vaccine when my boys were younger. Both have had ‘shingles’; pretty bad. Youngest one had it in his mouth and had to have his gums repaired by a Periodontist, closest one to him was across the state from him. His regular dentist did not know what it was. Nurse at Periodontist got him to come look at him before cleaning his teeth; and, he sent him over to the MD next door to be treated first. I had a ‘shingles’ vaccine as an adult. It is supposed to help cut down on the severity of it if I get it. DYS had to go back to his place at the lake because his step-daughter had not had ‘chicken pox’ and he would have been able to ‘expose’ her because he was contagious for a few days. They decided to make him stay at lake house for 2 weeks so they would know he did not have them. I had to go to the Periodontist today to have my gums cut back because of the Dilantin I take for seizure control. This is the 2nd or 3rd time (all in different areas of my gums); it did not hurt but they are getting sore now, so I might have to take the pain meds he gave me. He told me to go home and take it easy. I probably might not walk today. With the influx of people from other countries, I believe in vaccinations. They should have to have them to stay here. So many diseases have not be eradicated as they have in the USA. IMHO.

    Sugardarlin1959 – I am an artist, too. I was commissioned to paint my neighbor’s dog who was about to die from complications of cancer and diabetes. They were ‘nuts’ over that dog. She slept with them (between them) and when she died, they had a coffin made for her, just like one for a human and they had their preacher come say some words over her. Now that is really stretching it, again, IMHO.
    I then swore I’d never paint another totally ‘white’ dog; the other thing I might not ever paint is someone in the ‘military uniform’. I made a good profit on both; I would just charge more than I did for these. I would take my neighbor’s pix over to them between times that I worked on it and get their opinion about how I was doing. My HS friend did not want to see his; and actually paid me before he saw it. We delivered it to him (in MS) when we were going to Louisiana to visit with son. He was thrilled; but, I had to order 3 different tubes of olive drab to get the color of his uniform ‘spot on’ and he ended up sending me his bars so that I could get the accurate color of them as well. I had a brush that might have had 3 bristles for doing it. Each bar is made up of 64 threads; some of them only had one bar that color. He was a full Colonel and had about 9 rows of bars (6 wide). He wanted something that maybe his children would fight over (when he died); I asked him if they were going to fight over who got to throw darts at it first. LOL!

    Pip – I got on a thread that I thought was basically a ‘game’; it got naughty and then very naughty and worse. I deleted it. It was a ‘get to know you’ type of thread. I guess nobody ever said anything about it. I know on FB, there are people that posts nudes (on a backdoor to it). Two of them were kin to my DOGD. The other grandmother of one, posted it on the regular FB page and said that it was under another group on FB and she did not think it was appropriate. If one of them had been friends with them, it’d show up on their Wall. It was the ‘aunt’. Need I say what their ‘professions’ were … NAHDA … use your imagination.

    K – RITFLMAO! I can just imagine what you got taken to. My DDnL#1 has big breasts; and, I once told her that if they ever got health insurance, she should think about a breast reduction. She was highly offended. She is beginning to be stoop-shouldered like her Mother and she complains about her back hurting all the time, which ends up giving her migraines.

    Nccarolb – Hysterical; took me to several other videos that was also pretty funny, too.

    Megblair1 – One of the main reasons son had vasectomy vs. wife having a tubal ligation was due to her having blood clots several days after their youngest daughter was born; and, to make sure she did not get pregnant again. They told her not to get pregnant again; and, surgery would might have been just as dangerous due to the blood clots. Son said, ‘well, if I can’t have a boy; at least I have a child who looks just like me’! And she does! Now my DSY and DDnL#2 are trying to get pregnant. She’s going to a specialist; I think my son has also been tested; MD just tells them there is no reason she can’t and also told her that she had 2 eggs that were ready. I did not know that they could tell that. Lots have changed in the 37 years since I had my last baby. He was just upset that he had to go through it twice.