

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Meg ... So sorry you're dealing with back pain!

    Heather ... You post all the baby photos you want ... I love them. Your idea of gifts for everyone is very sweet ...

    Kay ... Hope you feel better soon. Of course you would get ill when there is so much on your plate....

    Wendy ... I love cabbage! Sorry it gave you some tummy trouble... I wanted to add the other day ... After you shared about your son ... That I have the highest admiration for moms like yourself that have nonverbal children. While I have significant caregiver duties ... Yours are on an entirely different level.

    Margaret ... How are you doing?

    Vicki ... You've had a lot going on ... Hashing it out with God is good. Enjoy the movie! I would like to see it, but will have to wait until it comes out on DVD so I can caption it.

    Bad, bad food choices yesterday ... Surprise ... Stress eating at its worst. Today, however, is much better. Waiting on Doctor to confirm appointment date to review DHs test results. We've settled down about the report.

    Beth near Buffalo ... Where it's 60 degrees today but supposed to snow on Friday!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I've heard if you put a pinch of baking soda in cabbage and/or beans - it is supposed to help with indigestion. I don't know for sure; I never think about it while cooking either.
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 95/105/110, 5X5X 115
    Sumo squats-5X5X 100
    OHP- 1X5X 45/50/55/60, 5X5X 55
    DL- One X5X 135

    10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

    GobletSquat- 3X7X 25
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 17 X 15 X 25 = 255

    Day 16 Challenge Total = 6070

    Walking Challenge = 5 miles

    I really dread doing these exercises some days! However, I am so happy after I am finished.

    Connie- I love kickboxing! Your class looks like it would be a lot of fun!


    Mary from Minnesota

    Thanks! Looking at your workout and wishing we could be workout partners. I don't have anyone to really workout with. Most of my friends are really into zumba, which is fun, but it is not weight lifting which is my love.
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    Grits, what part of MS and LA? I grew up in Natchez, MS. Moved to LA for 10 years, now in AR. I really miss the crawfish.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    KJLaMore~ Yep I am the retired military wife :-) Spent two tours in Japan totaling 7 yrs, with my husband stationed 9 years(three tours). I am just a dependent, and used to follow my active duty Navy man around. They say if a military man should be married, they would have issued him one in his ditty bag! I think as long as I am on the phone with the Insurance company, and I use no "colorful metaphors" then I am doing good!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Vickil57~Thanks, sometimes I use Lamaze breathing when I am on the phone with the gals that sound 12 yrs old... Once a claim wasn't paid because the code on the visit was obesity related and Tricare wouldn't pay it. I said, "It was a new patient, introduction, Adult Wellness visit!" We talked about ALOT of things, obesity was ONE of many. I had to give my doctors office an EARFUL on that one. Change the code immediately whydontcha! Aaack.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,680 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    drkatiebug wrote: »

    On a lighter note re internet medical advice. I decided once that my over-endowment was the cause of some back and shoulder pain, and I wanted to see what Dr. Google had to say about it. Without thinking about it much, I typed "big breasts" into the search engine. I learned very quickly that I should have been more specific.

    Kay ... Thank you for the laugh!
    [She has a Bachlor degree in Spanich, did not study art in school.
    ArkLaMiss Connie

    SugarDarlin ... I know what you meant to type ... But my tired brain switched the letters around and I thought you said she got a degree in Spinach!


    I love the funny sentences that if you don't use the correction punctuation, it changes everything...

    Let's eat Grandpa.

    Let's eat, Grandpa.

    Correct punctuation can save a person's life.

    being silly in
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Today I had a nice time at the TOPS meeting. I was a "turtle" (didn't lose or gain) which after dealing with my period is just hunky dory with me! Our group lost a combined total of 25 lbs, and gainers gained 6 lbs, so fairly awesome for the lot of us! I did the games, passed around some cards that need signed to send to people that has surgeries, illness's. The old guy (a Marine so we call him gunny), at the laundromat we go to, said it looked like I had lost some weight. My dear husband, getting change, yelled back at him saying, "Yep she surely has". Sweet eh? I was wearing my lightest clothes for the weigh-in which are my yoga pants, and my TOPS tee-shirt. We all have funny stories of "weighing our clothes" to find the lightest ones, and to take off ALL jewelry, pee, take our gum out, shoes off, pee...oh wait I already said that...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,334 Member
    OK, Beth, Gayle, etc. You asked for it.

    Cuddles all round tomorrow!



    Love Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather, LOVE the pics. Intro to Baby Holding 101. :) Great pics.

    Janetr okc
  • SugarDarlin1959
    SugarDarlin1959 Posts: 73 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    drkatiebug wrote: »

    On a lighter note re internet medical advice. I decided once that my over-endowment was the cause of some back and shoulder pain, and I wanted to see what Dr. Google had to say about it. Without thinking about it much, I typed "big breasts" into the search engine. I learned very quickly that I should have been more specific.

    Kay ... Thank you for the laugh!
    [She has a Bachlor degree in Spanich, did not study art in school.
    ArkLaMiss Connie

    SugarDarlin ... I know what you meant to type ... But my tired brain switched the letters around and I thought you said she got a degree in Spinach!


    LOL I see what I typed now. She has a degree in Spanish. A Bible study group I was a part of hosted some international students for lunch one day. We noticed they were laughing. We asked our daughter what they were saying and she said they were talking about the way one of the ladies in my group laughs. They had no idea there was someone there that understood their language.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Day 3 has been rough. The kids have been fine. Grandma has been grouchy. A direct response to NO SLEEP! Grandchilden #10 and #11 (ages 18 months and 2 1/2. They are exactly a year apart in age) decided that screaming and crying for mama and daddy would be a proper way to spend the time until about 1 am. *sigh* I can't really blame them, it's their first time away from both parents at the same time. I had to be up at 6:30 for Grandchildren #2 and #5 to be dropped off for the day so my sleep was about five hours long.. The day has gone okay but I'm just dragging....

    Got everyone up. Breakfast. Had them make their beds and then we did an exercise video. It was a hoot watching them do it. They were all game for it. The little ones just wandered around us and imitated us. Then sent the older kids outside to play for a while and I picked up, started laundry. Lunch with my daughter and then we did school with the homeschooled two ( no problem, I homeschooled all my kids so this was the easy part of the day). We did math, reading and science. Went for a mile and a half walk pushing the two younger ones in a stroller and the older kids rode bikes and scooters. Now they are doing games and I'm trying to keep pens and pencils out of the little one's hands. Didn't realize I had so many stray writing utensils laying about. After dinner it will be baths, reading time (I'm reading them the book The Bronze Bow aloud) and then bed. BED! I can already feel it.

    My husband is out of town so I'm on my own for a couple of days. He will be here this weekend. I have six for the next two days then the last three I only have the four. The older kids are a joy. I just have forgotten how busy little ones are when you have them all day long!

    Better start dinner.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Hi gals,

    Newbies – welcome!!!!

    Joyce – glad Charlie has his arm use back.

    Alison – could you do a bike?

    Heather – Bea is so cute!

    Lillian - 1958 was pretty good too! LOL my b-day is in August – Saskatchewan has it right with time change, I wish we could just stay the time the same.

    Katiebug – LOL!!!!

    Connie – your daughter skills are amazing!!!

    Carol - LOVE older ladies!

    Vickie – some days are like that – take care!

    So over the weekend my garden club had a planned tour to a local garden – it rained all day a bit over 2 inches – but we went any way… so here are some pictures.

    me with the tulips


    the BACK entrance to the house on the estate

    Kim from N. California
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    kim those pics are making me happy, tulips look amazing. Now i really cant wait for spring!

    Counting my blessing, the crud has got me to lose 2 lbs!! So the secret is, if you cant taste it, why bother eating it! Also i feel so bad i just dont want to eat..have even lost my taste for my afternoon cup of coffee....so why am i struggling with insomnia??? Ah well, this to shall pass.

    marcelyn before you know it, the grands will be back at home, you sound like youve got it completely and wonderfuly planned out...lucky little ones!

    Cheeres, karen from ny
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Heather keep sharing - no more babies coming anytime soon in my family :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Today I had a nice time at the TOPS meeting. I was a "turtle" (didn't lose or gain) which after dealing with my period is just hunky dory with me! Our group lost a combined total of 25 lbs, and gainers gained 6 lbs, so fairly awesome for the lot of us! I did the games, passed around some cards that need signed to send to people that has surgeries, illness's. The old guy (a Marine so we call him gunny), at the laundromat we go to, said it looked like I had lost some weight. My dear husband, getting change, yelled back at him saying, "Yep she surely has". Sweet eh? I was wearing my lightest clothes for the weigh-in which are my yoga pants, and my TOPS tee-shirt. We all have funny stories of "weighing our clothes" to find the lightest ones, and to take off ALL jewelry, pee, take our gum out, shoes off, pee...oh wait I already said that...

    If only we had a laugh button. You have a wit that always puts a smile on my face. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,341 Member
    edited March 2016

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey%5E_%5Egeorgia%5E_%5E3%5E_%5E5%5E_%5EWelcome! Newbies!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.



    Irish Terri harp.gif
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    16,000 steps
    153 minutes of dog walking
    60 minutes riding the exercise bike
    2 minute plank
    line dance class

    weight-lifting-smiley-emoticon.gifStrong Lifts with dumbbells
    sumo squats 5X5 @ 45 lbs
    deadlift 5X5 @ 55 lbs
    overhead press 5X5 @ 30 lbs

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness
