Which of these 2 Cereals should I eat? (Harder than I thought)



  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    Because it's disgusting. Your taste buds should mature as an adult. And if they don't, you should at least have the common sense to know that it's pure junk.

    Awesome, She has spoken. Let me tell y'all about my disgusting, filthy bowls of Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch today (but store brand knock-offs because I'm not a sucker).

    First, I grabbed my LC (as it call it) and tenderly (but firmly!) opened the box top. The plastic bag inside yielded to my touch and parted for my eager tongue. Excitedly, I raised the box to the sky and looked up within. A shower of green clovers and blue diamonds was my lusty reward, all over my joyful face and cascading down my body.

    But I was insatiable! Captain Crunch was next. I ripped off the box top and swung wildly, the hard crunchy cereal spraying across the floor! I took off my clothes and knelt down for my reward, rolling with great abandon. Grinding the cereal into a fine, yellow powder on my Italian marble floor.

    This continued for a half-hour session. Then I rinsed off with a jug of milk and tipped my Cereal Assistant an extra $50. "See you next Monday, Esmerelda. Oh, and bring the Fruity Pebbles next time." I winked and did double-finger guns as she left my estate, and then I took a well-deserved nap.

    How was your day?
    Ooooh yesss.....

    Ill take the Trix. Not the new one...the OLD Trix from like 15 years ago or whatever, actually shaped like the fruit with the perfect amount of coating. OMG. And the smell. I die.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    Apple Jacks sound awful and as though they are made for children. Are you a child?

    There is nothing wrong with enjoying 'kid' cereals. I still eat Lucky Charms when I can, though I prefer the generic ones because the 'marshmellows' are better. There's no rule saying when you hit a certian age number you have to give up all things you enjoyed when you were younger. If you stick with a single serving of a kid cereal and it fits in your daily goal, why not?

    Because it's disgusting. Your taste buds should mature as an adult. And if they don't, you should at least have the common sense to know that it's pure junk. If that's how you want to treat your body, then good luck to you.

    I pour wine on my Fruit Loops. Is that mature enough for you?

    You. I like you.

    Ewwww, that makes your cereal soggy! XD

    Although, a kid cereal flavored vodka might be a good seller....*ponders*

    you could mix all these for a fruit loopy-taste. ;)6q3x812dqzpb.jpg
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    Kashi!! It has a bit more fiber, more protein, better ingredients, and well... you get more!! Kashi is also more likely to stick with you a bit longer than the Apple Jacks.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    Apple Jacks sound awful and as though they are made for children. Are you a child?

    There is nothing wrong with enjoying 'kid' cereals. I still eat Lucky Charms when I can, though I prefer the generic ones because the 'marshmellows' are better. There's no rule saying when you hit a certian age number you have to give up all things you enjoyed when you were younger. If you stick with a single serving of a kid cereal and it fits in your daily goal, why not?

    Because it's disgusting. Your taste buds should mature as an adult. And if they don't, you should at least have the common sense to know that it's pure junk. If that's how you want to treat your body, then good luck to you.

    I pour wine on my Fruit Loops. Is that mature enough for you?

    You. I like you.

    Ewwww, that makes your cereal soggy! XD

    Although, a kid cereal flavored vodka might be a good seller....*ponders*

    Eh, I'm just teasing :) No soggy cereal for me. I actually don't put anything on cereal when I eat it. I like the crunch factor too much. I could see myself drinking a glass of wine while munching Froot Loops though. (Just realized it's Froot and not Fruit.)
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    The level of immaturity knows no bounds...so be it.


  • heatherwartanyan
    heatherwartanyan Posts: 66 Member
    Point.t blank processed calories dont nourish the body.....why they are considered empty
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 212 Member
    Kashi's serving is almost half again as much cereal - 40 grams vs 27

    The first ingredient in Apple Jacks is sugar. Yikes.

    Kashi has 5 grams of fiber to keep you full longer.

    And I just realized that adinterim already said this and better. Haha. At least we think alike!
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Just a note to the op. I was running a hit low on iron and noticed the "healthy" Kashi I was eating had no iron in it. Stuff like captain crunch had 50% rda.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Your body will better digest and convert whole foods better. And use up that energy as while foods that are nutrient dense can be used across the board. While processed chemical layden foods are harder to digest and use. It's that simple.

    Highly refined foods are extremely easy for your body to digest, especially if they are low in fiber (many cereals are high fiber, I didn't check these). That's why they are supposed to be bad for weight loss -- as you digest them quickly and in their entirety you get all the calories from them and often don't stay full particularly long.
    Where the apple Jacks will require less energy to burn and will be stored more easily as fat and sugar in the body.

    No, this depends on whether you have a calorie surplus or not. (Topping up your glycogen might be useful if you are planning on going for a run, also.)
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    Apple Jacks sound awful and as though they are made for children. Are you a child?

    There is nothing wrong with enjoying 'kid' cereals. I still eat Lucky Charms when I can, though I prefer the generic ones because the 'marshmellows' are better. There's no rule saying when you hit a certian age number you have to give up all things you enjoyed when you were younger. If you stick with a single serving of a kid cereal and it fits in your daily goal, why not?

    Because it's disgusting. Your taste buds should mature as an adult. And if they don't, you should at least have the common sense to know that it's pure junk. If that's how you want to treat your body, then good luck to you.

    I pour wine on my Fruit Loops. Is that mature enough for you?

    You. I like you.

    Ewwww, that makes your cereal soggy! XD

    Although, a kid cereal flavored vodka might be a good seller....*ponders*

    Eh, I'm just teasing :) No soggy cereal for me. I actually don't put anything on cereal when I eat it. I like the crunch factor too much. I could see myself drinking a glass of wine while munching Froot Loops though. (Just realized it's Froot and not Fruit.)

    Oh, I'm not the only one! Most people look at me funny for preferring my cereal dry, but I just don't like soggy cereal. The texture is all wrong!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member

    Well, I filled up "on the right stuff" alright. I filled up to more than 300 pounds eating mostly whole and healthy foods, got pre-diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, all by the simple act of overeating. It didn't matter that the foods I overate were mostly healthy, and that I snacked on healthy nuts instead of "junk". It all didn't matter.

    Not everything needs to be eaten from a health perspective. Not everything needs to be compared. If you are eating a colorful diet full of vegetables and enough protein and fat to sustain your functions, anything else is just extra and can be purely for your taste buds. You don't get extra credit for overloading on nutrients. A bowl of cereal in the morning followed by a nutrient rich day (and a bit of chocolate if you want) is healthy and perfectly balanced.

    The problem "anti-junk" people have is that they paint a picture of a person who eats nothing but sugary cereals, doughnuts and jelly beans, then believe it to be true. That's not how most people on a diet eat, even those who count calories and allow themselves some "taste bud foods".
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited March 2016
    Point.t blank processed calories dont nourish the body.....why they are considered empty

    I don't actually expect an answer, but what is a processed calorie and how can I tell it apart from a non processed calorie?

    And, since you certainly are using "calorie" incorrectly to mean food, please explain to me why smoked salmon and plain greek yogurt do not provide nourishment.

    Or are you going to refuse to engage and actually stand behind what you post?
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    Apple Jacks sound awful and as though they are made for children. Are you a child?

    There is nothing wrong with enjoying 'kid' cereals. I still eat Lucky Charms when I can, though I prefer the generic ones because the 'marshmellows' are better. There's no rule saying when you hit a certian age number you have to give up all things you enjoyed when you were younger. If you stick with a single serving of a kid cereal and it fits in your daily goal, why not?

    Because it's disgusting. Your taste buds should mature as an adult. And if they don't, you should at least have the common sense to know that it's pure junk. If that's how you want to treat your body, then good luck to you.

    I pour wine on my Fruit Loops. Is that mature enough for you?

    You. I like you.

    Ewwww, that makes your cereal soggy! XD

    Although, a kid cereal flavored vodka might be a good seller....*ponders*

    Eh, I'm just teasing :) No soggy cereal for me. I actually don't put anything on cereal when I eat it. I like the crunch factor too much. I could see myself drinking a glass of wine while munching Froot Loops though. (Just realized it's Froot and not Fruit.)

    Oh, I'm not the only one! Most people look at me funny for preferring my cereal dry, but I just don't like soggy cereal. The texture is all wrong!

    I too cannot stand soggy cereal. So I pour in a little at a time AND I will admit to eating too fast to avoid the dreaded puff and sogg.
    My kids can spend 10+ mins eating cereal. Im like hurry up before it gets soggy!! Yeaaaah, thats not a reality for them.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    Apple Jacks sound awful and as though they are made for children. Are you a child?

    There is nothing wrong with enjoying 'kid' cereals. I still eat Lucky Charms when I can, though I prefer the generic ones because the 'marshmellows' are better. There's no rule saying when you hit a certian age number you have to give up all things you enjoyed when you were younger. If you stick with a single serving of a kid cereal and it fits in your daily goal, why not?

    Because it's disgusting. Your taste buds should mature as an adult. And if they don't, you should at least have the common sense to know that it's pure junk. If that's how you want to treat your body, then good luck to you.

    I pour wine on my Fruit Loops. Is that mature enough for you?

    You. I like you.

    Ewwww, that makes your cereal soggy! XD

    Although, a kid cereal flavored vodka might be a good seller....*ponders*

    Eh, I'm just teasing :) No soggy cereal for me. I actually don't put anything on cereal when I eat it. I like the crunch factor too much. I could see myself drinking a glass of wine while munching Froot Loops though. (Just realized it's Froot and not Fruit.)

    Oh, I'm not the only one! Most people look at me funny for preferring my cereal dry, but I just don't like soggy cereal. The texture is all wrong!

    I too cannot stand soggy cereal. So I pour in a little at a time AND I will admit to eating too fast to avoid the dreaded puff and sogg.
    My kids can spend 10+ mins eating cereal. Im like hurry up before it gets soggy!! Yeaaaah, thats not a reality for them.

    I can't stand soggy crackers in soup either. I've stopped eating tomato soup entirely because I would eat an entire sleeve of crackers (or more :flushed: !) with one cup of soup. It's awful but I almost like the feeling of the scratchy crackers going down my throat.
  • heatherwartanyan
    heatherwartanyan Posts: 66 Member
    The fact is. Your body is still not going to use the calories from crap the same as from real nutrient dense foods.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    The fact is. Your body is still not going to use the calories from crap the same as from real nutrient dense foods.

    Says who?
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    OK, I'm sorry but I couldn't read through 4 pages about cereal, of all things. Forgive me if this has been said (and I suspect it has):

    1. Eat what you like, as it fits into your calorie goal.
    2. Apple Jacks are not bad.
    3. Do you agonize over every food decision like this? If so, you'll drop weight pretty quickly because you'll spend more time trying to decide between cereals....and bread....and soups....and types of lettuce....that you won't actually eat anything.