Indian Vegetarian Recipes



  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Hi everyone. Still sick. But will update a simple salad

    Cucumber salad( Indian Style) ( Serves 2)


    Cucumber- 2 cups( cubed)
    Capsicum- 1 cup finely chopped (deseeded)
    Tomato-1 cup finely chopped (deseeded)
    Sprouts- 1 cup
    Groundnut- 1/2 cup( soaked overnight)
    Lime juice- 2 to 3 taps
    Salt- To taste
    Pepper- 1 tsp
    Olive oil- 4 to 5 tsps
    Mustard seeds- 1 tsp
    Split chick peas- 1 tsp
    Black gram- 1 tsp
    Curry leaves- 10 finely chopped.
    Coriander/ Parsley- 1/4 bunch finely chopped


    Heat a frying pan with olive oil & pop mustard, black & chick peas. Transfer it to a serving bowl, now start adding, cucumber, capsicum, tomatoes, sprouts, salt, pepper, lime juice & mix well. Garnish it with coriander, curry leaves & groundnuts.

    Happy healthy eating.....
    Shalu <3
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Hey everyone. If any of you want a specific recipe( vegetarian), Indian cuisine. You can ask. I will post the recipes.

    Happy Holi.... Happy healthy eating....
    Shalu <3
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Bitter guard fry

    I am not sure, whether bitter guard is available in US & UK. It is very good for health. Cleanses your stomach & helps in reducing sugar levels for diabetics.


    Bitter guard- 4 long ( sliced)
    Onion- 1 cup( finely chopped)
    Tomatoes- 2 cups( finely chopped)
    Tamarind- 1 small lemon size
    Jaggery- small 1 inch piece
    Refined oil- 4 tbsp
    Salt- To taste
    Chilli powder- 1 tsp
    Turmeric- 1/2 tsp
    Water- 1 to 1/2 cups

    Heat a frying pan with oil. Fry the onion until golden brown. Meanwhile, soak the tamarind in 1/4 cup of water. Now add the bitter guard & fry for 2 mins. Then add tomatoes, fry for another 5 mins. Squash the tamarind, strain the tamarind water & pour it into the pan, add the spices & jaggery, let it cook for 2 mins. Add the water, the vegetables should be covered. The water should simmer down, the bitter guard should be well cooked & it would have shrinked in size as well. Transfer it to a serving bowl & garnish with coriander. Serve it with curd rice, sambhar rice, chapathi.

    Happy healthy eating.....
    Shalu <3
  • KellieTru
    KellieTru Posts: 285 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to share your recipes with us!
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    I don't recognize some of these ingredients but they still all sound great! Next time I go to the city I am going to get what I need to try something new. Thanks!
    And I grew buttermilk last summer and didn't know what to do with it so I will save this one.
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Oy, autocorrect. Bitter melon not buttermilk.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I think I love you, and this thread!! <3 I'm not Indian, nor have ever been to India, but I could eat nothing but Indian food every single day for the rest of my life, I love it so much. I'm so excited to try these recipes!
  • augustremulous
    augustremulous Posts: 378 Member
    I don't recognize some of these ingredients but they still all sound great! Next time I go to the city I am going to get what I need to try something new. Thanks!
    And I grew buttermilk last summer and didn't know what to do with it so I will save this one.

    - If it helps, groundnuts are another word for peanuts.

    - Tamarind is a sour fruit that adds a wonderful acidity and sweetness to dishes. It's hard to find fresh in the United States, but if you go to an Indian store you can buy it in this bottle.

    It also comes dried, and you can rehydrate it before cooking.

    - Jaggery is an unrefined sugar. Basically it's what cane sugar would be if you didn't separate the molasses from the crystals. It's usually a mixture of sugars from the palm tree and from sugar cane, and the flavor is often non homegenized and may have other bits of fiber from the original plants. It's delish! It's usually sold it cubes at the Indian store.

    - coriander is actually cilantro, not parsley.

  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Thanks for sharing the information @augustremulous
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Aww! That's so sweet of you @AllOutof_Bubblegum . Thank you.
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Your welcome @KellieTru
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Today's special

    Bombay chutney( Serves 4)


    Potatoes- 4 ( boiled & mashed)
    Gram flour- 2 to 3 tbsp
    Refined oil- 2 to 3 tbsp
    Mustard seeds- 1 tsp
    Black gram- 1 tsp
    Split chick peas- 1 tsp
    Onion- 1 cup finely chopped
    Tomatoes- 1 cup finely chopped
    Green chillies-5 finely chopped
    Salt- To taste
    Turmeric- 1/2 tsp
    Coriander- 1/4 bunch finely chopped
    Curry leaves-10


    Heat a frying pan with oil, pop mustard, fry black gram, chick peas, curry leaves, chillies, onions until golden. Add the tomatoes & let it cook for 2 to 3 mins. Take a small bowl, add 2 to 3 tbsp of gram flour & mix it with half a cup of water, make sure, there are no lumps. Now, pour this mixture into the pan & let it cook for 2 mins, when it starts thickening add another 1/2 cup water & the mashed potatoes ( have few bits and pieces here & there, don't mash it completely). Add turmeric & salt. Cook it for 5 to 10 mins. Transfer it into a serving bowl & garnish it with coriander.

    Best combination for puris & chapathis.

    Happy healthy eating....

    Shalu <3
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Hey everyone. I need a information. Do you people find puris for pani puri in Indian Store? If your not familiar with it. Just Google pani puri and find out through images. I love them like hell. I am most happiest person in the cosmos when I am having it. I make it @ home. As it has been hard for me to find chaat bandhar here in Chennai, India.

    Waiting for your replies...

    Would love to post the recipe for it as well.

    Happy healthy eating...

    Lots of love
    Shalu <3
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    As well. Do you find banana stem in Indian Store? @augustremulous
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    I can find most ingredients with a trip to my Asian market but curry leaves. Is there a substitute for curry leaves. Your recipes are so good thank you for posting.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    Pinkylee77 wrote: »
    I can find most ingredients with a trip to my Asian market but curry leaves. Is there a substitute for curry leaves. Your recipes are so good thank you for posting.

    Yes I go to an Asian grocer too but it's abI don't have a problem finding curry leaves but jaggery is impossible. I would have to go to Toronto to find it. I can get blocks of tamarind and I've been waiting to use it.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    Ugh that posted before I was finished! My closest Asian grocer is 45 mins from my house so when I go I stock up and I freeze my herbs and chilies for later use.
    I have a block of tamarind that I've been waiting to use, can't wait to try something!
  • amazetome
    amazetome Posts: 637 Member
    Thanks for these recipes. I love Indian food!

    For the people who can't find curry leaves, you can actually buy them on Amazon, and they freeze very well. If you're in the US, Logee's Greenhouse sells the plants, too. Mine just finished blooming :smile:
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Make sure, the tamarind are light brown, the tamarind changes it's color over a period of time. Once it is dark brown, only use it for washing brass & copper vessels. Don't use it for cooking. It wouldn't taste that good. @zenjen13
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    That's really wonderful @amazetome