Why do people on Myfitnesspal ask for motivation and support?



  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    At first when I read Anthony's post, I had the same reaction as some of you, but then I thought... what's the big deal? It's a simple, honest question. He's not being pretentious or anything. Alot of you have been quite polite and forthcoming with your answers, yet some of you have been terribly negative, rude, and defensive. It was an honest question. In all of his responses, he seems genuinely interested, curious, and actually quite polite considering how rude some of you have been. I do appreciate some motivation and support myself, but I see nothing wrong with his question. Check yourselves and deal with your own issues.

    LOLs. New here?
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member

    A person who cannot understand the concept of people needing people---- needs more than most.
  • JollyHodgers87
    JollyHodgers87 Posts: 165 Member
    I can speak from personal experience. I used to use this app and stopped for a while. Anyway, the first time I used it, I didn't have friends on here to support me because I was new to it and very shy about it. This second go around, I have actually seen a support group and I have found it much more helpful.

    It's not because I'm unmotivated or anything. But if you can say that every day you have 100% motivation and it you never have days where you feel less self motivated than others, you my friend are either lying to yourself and others or you are much stronger than I!

    Somedays are harder than others. It helps when someone comments, "Great burn!" or "Keep it up!" And I feel more self motivated when I motivate others as well.

    Why does that offend you. I can think of much more offensive stuff. It will be ok.
  • JollyHodgers87
    JollyHodgers87 Posts: 165 Member
    edited April 2016
    I guess I am curious on why one would join a weight loss community for anything other than accountability and support. I don't need constant motivation verbally, but I look at the success stories, read about others when they mess up and get right back in it and I also enjoy the challenges. It's good to know we are not alone. I don't have support at home, so it's nice to find it here.

    The main reason I use this website is to track calories really. It makes me wonder if nobody got any support on here, would they back out of their fitness goal entirely? That seems alarming to me.

    I wouldn't. Like I say, I've done this with and without support. But I feel lots of people on here give good advice. Sure I can do it on my own, but it speeds up the process when you have a goal to know what your doing when.And while I'm smart, I don't know everything. So it never hurts to talk to people. It's not like I form personal relationships with them! Haha it's not like it's Dietersmeet.com. I see nothing but helpfulness from it. But to each their own.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I don't understand why you don't understand
    I started to enjoy more when I found the forums and started to add friends
    It's nice to be able to talk nonstop about food and fitness
    Real life friends are not always interested

    I rue the day I discovered the forums and long for that time of innocence the first six months I was here just logging calories.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited April 2016
    I wouldn't mind a discussion group for those of us who are doing our own thing, who don't feel that we need support to do it. I get good ideas from other people who have successfully maintained their weight loss, who are not emotionally invested in my goals. In my experience, social support can backfire. People sometimes get mad, or tired of you, if they support you and you fail. They frequently want you to follow their advice. You often have to agree with them, or there's tension. Sometimes people don't really want you to succeed. (These are all reasons that I don't discuss weight loss with my friends, aside from the fact that my weight loss is a boring topic).