

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,

    Penny – your right we love pictures, and your environment is so different! Your DD has never visited? WOW – glad she is coming.

    Miriam - interesting observation on reading about eating and eating yourself, I have not noticed that in me, but will be paying more attention.

    Heather – thanks, it is interesting to see how we each deal with the issues.

    KJ and Penny – Ok Penny, KJ asked all the questions I had about Longyearbryn and WWII – except that I knew they got into Finland and parts of Russia so was not too surprised they wandered north, but Why?

    All – Heather’s book The Trouble with Herbert – is a delight and I would recommend it for grandkids

    Katla – you have never tasted pesto or never attempted to make it?

    Janetr - sending good thoughts and hugs – your family has had more than it’s share of challenges recently

    Margaret – so interesting…. I think the idea of art and flowers together is fascinating..

    Well worked in a garden today and by the time I got home I was dragging, sat down for a few minutes and my nose starting running (not running away – LOL) I have a cold. GRRRR I am drinking warm lemon juice with a bit of tea, and will be headed to bed really soon.

    Kim from N. California
  • Clairblue2
    Clairblue2 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all. Before I go to sleep, I must come clean. Friends called this afternoon & asked us to go out for dinner with them. Uh-oh, thought I, how will I keep my calorie count down? A salad! That's the ticket. Only...when we got to the restaurant there was no salad on the menu. So, I ordered a burger, at a few bites of the pasta side salad, a couple bites of the slaw, half the burger with the bun & half without the bun & a small glass of dry white wine. I thought I did fairly well until.....because service was slow, the waitress offered us desserts on the house. Oh dear. Yes, I ate a piece of orange chocolate layer cake. It was good, but because I've been off sugar for the last few weeks, it tasted very sweet & in the end probably not worth the calories. Now that I've got that off my chest, I can return tomorrow to my usual routine of eating carefully & exercising. Forgive me sisters, for I have sinned. I feel ever so much better now. Night all.
  • lapellegrina48
    lapellegrina48 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm glad I found this thread. Read most of the replies and found a lot of inspiration. I have an autoimmune disease and fibro but got off all my meds save one. While it hurts to move, I've discovered that I can move better without the pain meds. So during the last two months, I've actually reached 10,000 steps several times and am quite proud of myself. I've also lost 16 pounds so far. WOOHOO!!

    So my goals for April are:

    1. Reach 10,000 steps twice a week.
    2. Be more diligent in not eating out and preparing healthier meals.
    3. When working from home, GET UP AND MOVE! Some days, I don't even reach 2,000 steps. Not good!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Tara was 6 and her younger sister, Lisa, 4 when their Dad and I got married, so they have been a part of my life for many years and have remained very close with my daughters, both of whom are devastated by this turn of events. Yesterday the doctors gave Tara meds to lower her body temp hoping that hypothermia care would give her organs a chance to restart once her body is brought back up to normal temperature. They are now slowly raising her body temp back to normal which takes about 12 hours. In the morning they will do an EEG to check for any brain activity, at this point visual assessments for brain activity have steadily decreased. Her Dad, my ex husband, died 5months ago and her mother had a massive stroke about a year ago and has had two more smaller strokes since then and has been in a nursing home. The mom is now back in the hospital with pneumonia and a UTI and not doing well. The stress from all of this apparently contributed to Tara's stress related heart failure. It's all so heart breaking.

    Thank you all so much for your prayers, kinds words and thots, they mean a lot to me.

    Janetr, heart aching in OKC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Janetr, we're with you in spirit, honey. So many arms around you across this virtual planet...

    Love, Lisa
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, my peeples... Well, I was right about last minute hurry-up stuff with the gal who wants me to come work for her at the newsaper. Got an email right in the middle of a hailstorm that said "Can you come in Monday to do your lab tests for the job, Thursday is Bob's last day." She never mentioned job title nor salary.

    I'm fighting to be managing editor rather than news editor because that's an important distinction... and once you're in, getting the title changed becomes a promotion with a raise, something that's hard to make happen in a family-owned business. Under the heading of "you should never burn bridges when you leave," I'm very familiar with this company--have worked for two of their other papers in Texas, but life drew me away to other things. I did my best to leave on good terms, and have so far. However, the company owners can be capricious. They do try to do their best, which is more than can be said for some, but promotions and raises for editors only happen in an emergency, like when a publisher dies. Seriously.

    So I sent back a message asking the publisher to come back with a definite salary amount and title. Because I roll like that. We'll see what happens.

    I should be able to do what I have planned with my sister (already told her I'd be gone one Friday a month) as well as the editing position, but will take each day as it comes. The editing position won't pay much, but will come with benefits, which is a good thing. Should make really good money with the resale angle, if the thing works out with toting stuff for resale across Texas. But it's definitely a big "IF." Which my sis and her hubby are well aware of... plus their business is cyclical. Some months they can't even deal with how much work they get, and some months they're not busy at all.

    We only had one minor disaster on the way yesterday. The van had a tire go all bulgy... it was rocking and rolling at slow speeds, and a bit nerve wracking at 75 mph. We stopped in the tiny town of Graham, pulled off into a parking lot so the DH could look at it, and of course it started just peeing down rain. When it slowed a bit, he got out and looked at it, and when he did, looked across the street, and we had literally parked in front of a tire shop. They had us in and out with two new front tires in less than a half hour, and for a very good price. Lucky is an understatement.

    The storms threw a few rainbows in our path and about three minutes of thumb-size hail, and that was it. Today is just a 20 percent chance of rain, and tomorrow for trailer-loading is supposed to be raining.

    Off for second cup of coffee... the Pooh cup. :blush: One hopes. Traveling is not conducive to Pooh. He gets quite cranky. Bahahahaha!

    Later, y'all,
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    Morning ladies~
    didnt get to sleep until 11 last night, and was up at 6, and slept fitfully...
    Janet~ how heart wrenching ,like Lisa said we love you and hugs from around the world are there for you.
    working 7:30-noon today and then coming home and mowing the lawn if it doesnt rain.
    right now I feel exsuasted.. but hopefully I get a second wind...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :) I read a lot of books with great descriptions of food...Joanne Fluke's books about Hannah who owns a cookie shop, Diane Mott Davidson's books about Goldie the caterer, series set in a doughnut shop, a cheese shop, an upscale coffee house, a pizza parlor, and a detective who cooks great meals. The way I eat now is so simple and satisfying that the food in the books doesn't seem to be a problem for me.

    :) Be sure to watch for the announcement of the new thread at the end of the day which for me will be about 6:30 PM PDT (that will be after bedtime for all of you in Europe, and very early for all the night owls in the PNW.

    :) Time now for meditation followed by dog walking (I'm listening to an audio book set on a cruise ship---another food filled location)

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Ladies, it has been a few days and I missed 8 pages. For some reason I have been really down and lazy this week. I've been sick and on antibiotics so maybe this is reason. Not much exercise since the gardening marathon. Well, off to walk this morning. I just heard from friend I lost touch with this year- diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, and not a smoker. I am taking her out today. A reminder to stay in touch with people regardless of what happens to fill up our time. Most of it is busy work, not meaningful. I can kick myself for being so self-indulgent.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Clairblue2 wrote: »
    Hi all. Before I go to sleep, I must come clean. Friends called this afternoon & asked us to go out for dinner with them. Uh-oh, thought I, how will I keep my calorie count down? A salad! That's the ticket. Only...when we got to the restaurant there was no salad on the menu. So, I ordered a burger, at a few bites of the pasta side salad, a couple bites of the slaw, half the burger with the bun & half without the bun & a small glass of dry white wine. I thought I did fairly well until.....because service was slow, the waitress offered us desserts on the house. Oh dear. Yes, I ate a piece of orange chocolate layer cake. It was good, but because I've been off sugar for the last few weeks, it tasted very sweet & in the end probably not worth the calories. Now that I've got that off my chest, I can return tomorrow to my usual routine of eating carefully & exercising. Forgive me sisters, for I have sinned. I feel ever so much better now. Night all.

    I forgive you. Sometimes we are so strict with ourselves that we fall completely "off the wagon", Get up in the morning and dust yourself off and carry on.

    Lillian from West Central Saskatchewan
  • tracefork421
    tracefork421 Posts: 13 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    Janetr-sending prayers to you for you and your family today. Strength to get you through these days.

    I am off to spend the day with my sister today. Looking forward to some much needed girl time. We got baby chickens and a ducking last week. All are doing well, just waiting for the weather to get more consistent before moving them to the coop. Our grandchildren are really enjoying them.

    Well enough babbling for now. Enjoy your Saturday everyone.

    Jamie from Indiana
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Janetr I am so sorry. Virtual hug coming your way.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Janetr, heart aching in OKC

    So very sorry to hear all that is going on in your family. Prayers and healing thoughts going out for you today.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Janetr, my heart is just breaking for you.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Thinking of you Janetr. Such a sad situation it just makes the heart ache.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member

    supposed to do 11 mi today, but kirby says we won't be able to do that today cuz we got a lot to do today (secretly relieved i guess) probably will do it tomorrow..

    tonite is the auction, haven't decided if we are going to ride or drive. got a co-worker to trim off my dead ends at work and straighten my bangs. letting my gray come in, it looks purdy. i had kirby color it with a box (natural hair color) 3 or 4 times now. i don't have that raccoon kinda gray, comes out in spurts.

    later peeps
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    Spent all day at a viewing/funeral/wake for a lady from our church. Her son and I are friends and we have known them for over 40years. It was terribly emotional so I drove mom there then had to check dad when we got back as he was not feeling well. He ia s diabetic and has terrible kidney issues. I ate at the wake. Had only 2hrs of sleep after work and no breakfast but did not eat too badly. Got home in time to change and go to Xan',s lacrosse game at 7. Brought pizza home after the game so ate 2pieces at930 then went to bed. Today is a down day...raining and cold and nothing on the calendar-thank goodness.
    Janet-so very sorry...I know words cannot possibly be enough to take the pain away but prayers to you all
    D- in icky Maryland
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Quiet day today. Caught up with reading the paper.
    Made grapefruit and aperol sorbet. (Aperol is a sweet orange wine) It was meant to be blood orange, but we couldn't find the juice anywhere. Tastes lovely anyway. I'm going to have it for dessert when my yoga teacher comes for lunch on Tuesday and it will also do for my DSIL if I bake a few orange shortbreads.
    Also made a squid stew for dinner. :love: I used to finish it with rouille, but have changed, for calories sake to fresh chopped tomatoes and smoked paprika. It's one of our favourite things. DH has rice with his and we have green beans.

    Otherwise, DH was mowing the lawn when the mower started smoking and sparking!!!!!!!!!! It's only 5 years old. Everything seems to be causing us problems this month! That's the phone line, Internet, lavatory, printer, my mobile phone and now the mower. :noway: Can get expensive and extremely frustrating. A new mower and an expensive plumber . :sad:

    Not the most important problems in the world, I know.
    My step daughter put on Facebook last night that her 16 month "one night stand" had just ended. I know she was trying to take it lightly and she knew it wasn't going anywhere as he was much younger than her, but it still hurts like crazy. Sometimes, when relationships end, she rings DH in floods of tears and he makes an emergency dash up to London to drink beer with her, shoot pool and sleep on her sofa. He left his family when she was around 4 or 5 and she remembers how awful it was. :'( No doubt that has left scars. She is 42 now with no man or children. Instead she is an obsessive traveller, never at home for long. Funny where life takes you. I am very fond of her. <3

    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I've never made Pesto. I may have eaten it but not known what it was. One of my favorite authors wrote a book with a heroine whose ambition was to open a pesto take out business. That is as close as I've knowingly come to trying it. :wink:

    Clairblue2: Don't worry about your meal out other than to start putting together a plan for your next social eating adventure. Log your calories and get to work burning off the excess with exercise. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr: Continued prayers for Tara and the family, and for you. :heart:

    Lisa: I'm glad you had good luck with the tire emergency. :bigsmile:

    CJ: I'm so sorry about your friend with stage 4 lung cancer. Since she wasn't a smoker, my next possible culprit would be second hand smoke or asbestos exposure. I had an uncle who died from that. I know there are a lot of chemicals out there that can cause problems. :broken_heart:

    Heather: I'm sorry that your stepdaughter is having a hard time. I hope she will build a happy life for herself. :flowerforyou:

    DS's sailboat has been sold and the new owners are taking it to Washington where they live. I hope they have fun with it. In our case, it was a learning experience and not so much fun. We did have lots of lovely visits from our son while he worked on it and I'm grateful for the time spent with him. Now we have space in our storage unit for a huge something or another. DH is looking at motor homes. I'm skeptical but will see. There are places in the US & Canada that I'd love to visit and an RV might get us there.

    Riding lesson today! Yay!!! I'm going later than usual so that another student can have my time slot and then head of on a shopping expedition for a Prom dress with her daughter. I'm happy enough with the later time today. It is cold outside & I keep hoping it warms u a bit before my lesson. NOAA predicts a high of 66 and sunny today. That is good enough for me.

    Have a great day!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison