

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi all!

    Janet - I am so sorry! As the others have said, please take time to feel the virtual hugs being sent.

    Nikki - I believe you asked about online dating. I joined both OurTime and Zoosk. Both have their perks. Zoosk seems to have more to choose from. I've met a couple of nice guys a couple who weren't so nice. I'm allowing my subscriptions to both lapse for now because 1) I am seeing someone as our schedules allow (he has an 11-year-old daughter whom he has every other weekend) and 2) it wasn't fun anymore. When John and I go our separate ways--I have no illusions that this is a life time thing--I will probably re-join. As for writing your profile, don't stress over it. You are welcome to message me if you'd like to read mine.

    Ladies, I have discovered my new favorite sandwich! I got some bagel thins on sale and one package was everything bagels. I put two tablespoons of spreadable cream cheese on one, a serving of sandwich ham, and some red/orange/yellow pepper strips. For 260 calories, it cannot be beat! Just be sure to check your teeth afterwards because those poppy seeds tend to get caught! :grin:

    I splurged with pizza last night. I had a good number of calories left for dinner so I went over by like 37 for the day. I'm not worried about that!

    The boy child is doing sound and video for a NCAAP benefit being held at our church tonight. He is supposed to get paid, but no one has told him how much yet.

    I received a call from my pastor earlier this week. He is going to take a public stance on North Carolina's HB2 this Sunday. He asked me to help him come up with the Biblical backing he needs and, because of a shared history of sexual abuse, how to make it clear to the congregation how ridiculous the alarmists tactics used by the right wing politicians have been -- without being political about it. I sent him numerous articles by Bible scholars and a few scripture references that I hope he can use. Our bishop has already taken a public stance so he's safe in her eyes. The ignorance of people never ceases to amaze me. He also asked me to make a point if be there so that he would be assured of a friendly face to look at when others start rolling their eyes and crossing their arms. I guess this is both political and religious, so I hope no one is offended.

    I suppose I should get busy with the weekend cleaning. I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!

    :heart: Carol in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited April 2016
    Katla - Start making that pesto! Home made is much the best, but the Sacla Original does in an emergency. It's not low in calories :'( and the jar kind is salty, but the homemade is a little taste of heaven! <3<3<3

    Carol - Googled your HB2. Hugs from over the pond. Muddled thinking appears to be the order of the day in all political systems. We currently have a huge fuss over here over anti-semitism. Wildly distorted thinking on all sides.
    Sometimes I am glad I am not famous, nor in a position of authority. My thoughts about many matters would fall on deaf ears and I recognise I am in the minority. Of course I am right and they are wrong. :laugh: :D
    I have great respect for those who are able to put their heads above the parapet.

    The squid stew was heavenly! :bigsmile:

    Heather UK

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited April 2016

    I'm new and just started my journey this week. I'm a 64 yr old retired lady who loves to quilt. My goal is to lose 60 lbs.
    Many years behind a desk in a stressful job packed on the pounds. I've decided to do something to put me in a good place again. I found MFP and started recording my food and activity to see what needs to be worked on. Yesterday I bought and assembled a new elliptical trainer to motivate me to do *something* whether the weather is fair or foul.

    With a positive group of like minded ladies to keep me honest I may have found the last important piece for my fitness plan.

    C. from Colorado
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Carol in NC bravo to your pastor & to you.

    Lisa enjoy your exploits...very astute thinking re: working in a family owned business at least I know a few that fit your description...get it before you're in or you never get it!

    Having a down day which is not like me...healthy breakfast but 300 cal worth of Skinny Girl dark chocolate for lunch (candy never's been a big craving of mine until today I guess) and still out of sorts. Tried to go to the fish market...parade of some sort going on all streets closed in the town...so bagged the fish & drove up Rt 1 to the cleaners...clothes not ready...got a summons for jury duty the day before my birthday...wasted most of my morning getting little done...but such trivial annoyances especially in light of what a number of you are going thru...I shouldn't even have written this...I'm being a petulant child...I think the darn chocolate has really put me over the top!

    Caring thoughts to those who really need them!

    <3 GLo on the North Shore of Ma.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hard to believe another month is almost gone.Can't keep up with all the posts,but did go thru a couple pages.JANETR,so sorry to hear about your Tara.She has surely been going thru rough times. Prayers for her & all of the family.

    May is lovely here,so looking forward to that. Someone said trees aren't blooming in their area. Our trees are leafed out,so very green. The pink & white dogwoods are spectacular,redbuds pretty.Bradford pears & crab apples are about done.

    Weight wise......I'm pretty much not loosing nor gaining.Appetite has slown down,never really hungry it seems.That is a blessing,food choices not a problem.

    Our oldest Grson is home after Marine basic training.Will send a pic. See you all in June,Pat

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Tara, my 34 year old step daughter, passed about an hour ago. She has an 18 year old son who is about to graduate from High School. Please pray for Antonio and for her sister, Lisa and their Mom, Paula.

    I so appreciate all of your kind words. I felt all the love and the hugs. Thank you all.

    Janetr crying in OKC
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Janet my thoughts are with you and your loved ones.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Heartfelt sympathy for you and your loved ones, Janet. I can't imagine the anguish you all must be feeling right now.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog- 44.53min, 6.4-8.1sp, 8.59ap/min mi, 158mhr, 5mi = 501c
    other - pt exercises- 15min, 4 sets 100ea, 2 on bosu ball, shoulder stretch, 135mhr = 109c
    other- yard work - 40min = 141c
    total cal 751
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janet, (((((hugs))))).

    Carol, so proud of you and your pastor and bishop! As I type this, my grandchildren are here. My granddaughter is 5, my grandson is 7. Since he was two years old, I have known that he was transgender. His mom's side of the family is not accepting, keeps saying it is a stage, that he just needs to be around more boys, etc. So at home they are trying to teach him to "act like a boy". The very first thing he does when he gets to my house is to put on a long blonde wig and a dress. Always. He will wear it all day, unless we go somewhere. His parents have told him he is not allowed to wear dresses in public. But they have gotten him a hat with yarn braids, or let him wear scarves as long hair. But he is not allowed to wear dresses at home. It just breaks my heart to hear the hateful things that people are saying about boys and men like him. He is the sweetest little guy. He just wishes that he had been born a girl. He loves long hair and makeup, and fluttering his eyelashes and walks much more femininely than I do. He is of no danger to other girls- he considers himself one of them!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Janetr - So terribly sad for all of you. My thoughts are with you. <3

    Heather UK
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello everyone,
    It's such a beautiful day out here in MA. More mulch spread, more Advil taken!
    I'm feeling down about my weight again. It's so hard to get it to budge. Tomorrow starts the next Biggest Loser Challenge so this time I hope to break through the 200 mark.
    I always feel this way when I am away and stay in a hotel for a week -- the mirrors over the sink and by the shower are so big that there is no escaping seeing yourself in all your naked glory. At home, the mirrors are smaller over the sink ones and much more to my liking :wink:

    Off to visit with friends. Have a nice evening.

    Kimses in MA

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Oh Janet, so sorry for your devastating loss, sending you thoughts of love and sympathy. Karen
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    <3janetr, hugs to you...I am so sorry for your loss

    <3Carol, hugs to you.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janet, I am so sorry for you and your family. Hugs to all.

    I no longer have the throbbing pain in my jaw like I did last night but the pain today has settled in my jaw. The tooth that was removed was on the top but it's the lower part of the jaw that seems immobile. I can not imagine chewing. I know it isn't good for me but I am having a Wendy's Frosty tonight. I haven't eaten at all today. Just haven't felt hungry. And singing in the choir tomorrow just seems completely impossible.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Got my hair trimmed today, and for once I LIKE it.

    Had bought a little nightstand last week, so today I dressed her up abit!

    A close-up of my heart on the wall. I have been "adding" to it for years, and I love it! Every so often I have to spray it with water to clean the dust off it.

    Lastly a picture of a print I have been wanted since the LAST time I was at the Crab and Wine Festival! We need to frame it, but I had to share with you all.

    The box on top of the nightstand is a cute cardboard box with a magnetic clasp that I bought today for $5 at Ross. I have a plastic art bin inside with my earrings. I have given up on the tennis racket idea. This was way more cheaper and less time. Like the "Paris Feel" to my side of the bed. The postcard is from my cousin that lives in Montenagro, but was France. The card is of the Eiffel Tower taken in 1947.

    Take care my friends!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member
    Well it's official, we resistered for another marathon b4 the price went up. No turning back now.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    (((Janet))) :'(
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited April 2016
    Oh, Janet, many, many hugs to you and yours.

    Carol, best wishes to you and your pastor. It is tough to take a stand on controversial issues, no matter which side you are on.

    I only got to the gym 3 days during the week, two of which were leg days, so I went this afternoon and did Thursday's arm workout that I missed. I did 3 groups of exercises separated by cardio bursts (I did 3 minutes on elliptical). Each had 3 sets of 3 things with the first being 8 reps heavy, the second 12 reps medium, and the third 20 reps light. The first group was bench press, bicep curls, and pulley pull down. The second group was shrugs, tree hugs, and bent over rows. The last group was tricep pull down, shoulder press, and hammer curls. I also won the Fitbit workweek challenge for the second week in a row. I rocked my April goals with a 4.5 lb loss.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    evening ladies~
    Janet~ I am soooo sorry for your loss, I am keeping your family in my prayers
    I have been running all day long,worked until noon came home took the dogs for a walk and then took a nap... I needed it, then stopped out to the car show for about 1/2 hr and then took myself to a hamburger stand that has awesome onion rings,shouldnt haven gotten that and the burger , but have worked them off, as I was going out there found a free fridge on the side of someones lawn, it was there on the way back, so took a picture and went and got my brother and his truck, came to the house and got the appliance dolly and went and got it and brought it to my dads house... then came home and mowed the lawn, was upset because I couldnt get the push mower going and I guess I sort of yelled at Tom, he hung up on me.. tried calling back to apologize and he had the phone turned off oh well...
    I am in bed with a cup of tea....