

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited April 2016
    Welcome to all the new ones, so nice to see new faces! Please don't worry about replying to everyone or keeping everyone sorted out, answer the ones that stick in your head, and you'll get to know us as you go. Much respect to those who do answer so many!

    Heather, my dear, all sympathy. I would be in the middle of the screaming meemies, and gone completely primal by now. Unfortunately, it's probably harder on your relationship than it is on BT at this point. I worked for them as a temp when I first got to England--enough said, and good luck getting it sorted! Hopefully today... LOVE the idea of finding a higher-up's direct phone number, but I'll bet they're so far ex-directory, they can't even see the directory!

    Sylvia, my dear - you're on my mind and in my heart, hope the recovery continues going well.

    Sitting in a hotel room rattling on a keyboard, something I've done most of my adult life, after the age of 39, anyway, when I started consulting. Brings back lots of memories.

    I'm about an hour north of my sister's house, stopped here for the night, and she came up and met me at the casino up just over the Oklahoma line, we talked and played and talked for hours. Her stepson was the one that committed suicide a few months ago--and come to find out that of course it was to do with illegal drugs. He'd gotten himself tangled up with some really bad people. He survived Afghanistan and Iraq, won the medal of valor, saving so many other Marine's lives with both his actions in combat and his assistance helping veterans cope with their suicidal impulses and survive them, but couldn't survive the battlegrounds here.

    Off to my second cup of coffee. And yes, I brought my own Keurig coffee maker. I hate hotel coffee, and while I love gas station coffee, wandering around at 4 a.m. trying to find some that hasn't been sitting in the pot all night is iffy. Plus, don't really want to see the other people who are also wandering around at 4 a.m. They're a little iffy as well. :smiley:

    Love you people!
    Lisa in East Texas (for a couple days)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Thursday!
    My early morning walk was great fun yesterday with little Miss Mariana (age 3 1/2). We both bundled up and both wore head lamps. She in the stroller and me doing the pushing. Got in three miles, which is good, because we ended up getting rain yesterday (not forecasted) and weren't able to play outside the rest of the day. The boys were quite jealous of the "walk in the dark with flashlights!" Now they all want to be here early when it's dark so they can come!
    Rene and Aquacoraline- Welcome ladies! I hope you both find the support you need here. Many ladies are in the same boat as you. (Crowded boat) Many are here to lose the last 20 or less and many more (myself included) need to lose 50+. This is a great group of women, active and supportive.
    Katla- Prayers and good thoughts going out to your DD's BIL and his family! So young!
    Becca- Those pounds are fleeing for their lives! AMazing! You have broken through the wall and are pushing it further back! Go girl! Great job losing! My pantry and fridge are almost always full and organized; mostly due to my job (I go through a lot of food). I do have one/two days a month where we eat until the cupboards are bare. That way I know everything is being used up. Recipes get very interesting those days.
    Kim- Yea! Surprise work when you need it is good! About the being hungry and not eating back your calories. Try to eat something high in protein/low in fat and calories. Yogurt or cottage cheese are good. Sometimes I will buy thin sliced deli chicken (I like the buffalo style-spicy) and make little roll-ups with them to snack on. Sometimes I will wrap a cucumber slice or a celery stick inside for crunch. You got this!
    Betty- I am gleaning rose info from everyone's answers to your question about transplanting roses. All I can add is this: When I moved into this house I am in; the neighbors told me about the fight the former couple that lived here had before they divorced and sold the house. The husband came out into the yard and ripped out all of the wife's rose bushes; put them in the fire pit and burned them. She had them planted along the back (west) fence. They came up a year later, after we had moved in, and I moved each one to the south side of my house (full sun). I transplanted according to instructions from a " For Dummies" book I got at the library. The instructions were pretty much exactly what Miriam advised. Now I follow a strict "me, God, and Miracle Grow" and they are doing fine. They won't win any prizes, but I get many blooms every year; some years I get aphids or black spot. I guess the thing that amazed me about the roses was, that even though that angry man ripped those roses out; he inadvertently left enough in the ground that they came up anyway! The wife came by a year or two after we moved in and was just tickled to see the roses.
    Heather- Ugh! I feel for you with your internet and phone issues. It really makes you feel like "the man" has got you by the proverbial balls, sometimes. Such a helpless feeling. Thinking of you and hoping this gets solved quickly so you can hang onto some of your sanity!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Kim - Glad you've got a decent order. :flowerforyou:
    I wish it was as simple as popping in to a local office. There is no office. Everything is done by the Indian call centres. No sense from anyone. And when they don't come when they say they will and don't tell you, it drives you insane. They said they would ring today. I doubt it. We can't make a phone call, do anything on the Internet for five minutes. We just feel helpless.
    I will try the regulator today, but I should think it's a waste of time on my mobile phone.
    Part of my frustration is that DH is the one doing the contacting and I can only help so much. Let's just say I would do it differently. :ohwell:

    Of to collect prescriptions today, some bread from our favourite baker and some stuff to fill in between the paving stones on the patio. I am doing no writing with all this BT stuff going on. And we lose patience with each other. I have no idea what we are eating tonight. Can't think. :sad:

    Heather UK
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    tlnurse- Welcome! 49 1/2 is a good age to join (I am also 49 1/2; 50 in November). I found these ladies because I need to lose about 80 pounds and due to menopause and stress, I felt like my body was working against me. Lots of support here. Great group! Come often. Read and reply or comment when it strikes you!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Larissa: If you need to chomp on something, a radish is a great choice. Celery takes more calories to chew than it contains, so it is another good choice. :smiley:

    Lisa: Sorry about the loss of your nephew but happy you could spend time with your sister. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I am so sorry about your phone & internet problems. I have lots of questions and lots of sympathy for your situation. Is there only one carrier in Britain? Can you switch to another? The lack of choices would be awful. Why would they be motivated to supply service if they are the only choice? Is there a government agency that can help? You have my sympathy, for all that it is worth. :mad: :flowerforyou:

    My cousin posted this on facebook. I thought you would like it. Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • COL55EUS
    COL55EUS Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning Ladies Our weather has started to turn around and warm up so more outside time for me. Thanks for all the kind words I am encouraged. had a good day yesterday am hoping for the same today. I like this thread I actually have not read everyone's comments yet will get to that perhaps tonight. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited April 2016
    Kim great timing for your order.

    Michele the dolphin will be a great addition to your other animals. He/she turned out great! FUN!

    Reflections in this chapter looking at relationships that consists of three people she suggests looking at your family particularly losses and cut offs like I have with my brother. She believes when these emotional issues are swept under the rug they come out sideways in non productive ways in other relationships. Through reading this book I have looked at the relationships with my family with a new perspective. Though I may never have a real close relationship with my oldest brother because of trust issues I do not need to be so reactive to his actions.

    My own tangent from thinking about the issues raised in the book:
    In some cultures the emotions are tied to the water element. This make sense to me. I am beginning to look at emotions like a river. When I throw trash in the river it becomes unhealthy. When parts of the river becomes stagnant because of a blockage the water often becomes murky and smells like a swamp. When a river is healthy it flows freely to the sea. There may be some rapids and waterfalls and sections of slow moving water but it is always moving just like emotions move through me. By respecting my and other's emotions be it anger, disgust, love, grief...and working through them instead of against them and nurture them with love, thoughtfulness, kindness, and compassion I will build strong healthy relationships with others.

    This site focus is on the body and weight as a measurement of health. For me this is just one part of a healthy me. My body reflects the health of my mind, spirit, and emotions. What I put into my body through food, my environment, relationships,
    feeding my spirit, and my own actions directly effects my overall health.

    Getting back to the book The Dance of Anger... much of what she discusses is common sense and I think I would have learned these lessons by now and be able to implement them. She opened my eyes that I was missing pieces of the puzzle because my reactions when angry causes problems in my relationships with others. I am realistic in that I know I will continue to have things that make me angry and I will not always handle anger appropriately. The take away for me is anger is just the messenger and to remember the saying don't shoot the messenger. Anger tells me there is a need to change and I have the power to do it with the right tools. I feel this book is teaching me some of those tools.

    :heart: Margaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :)Michele, your ceramics are amazing....you do great work

    :)Laurie,my cat, Bernie, wakes me at 3:30 every morning....we have a cuddle-fest before getting up

    :'(Heather, I've had some frustrating "adventures" trying to get problems solved over the phone, but nothing as challenging as what you are going through.

    :)Katla, I love the Tibetan proverb and will probably post it a lot...it resonates with me.

    <3 Barbie

    The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..." Tibetan proverb
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..." Tibetan proverb Thank you BarbieCat. You are the heart and soul of this group.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    So many posts to read! :)

    Michelle ~ Love your dolphin. Where do you put all these pieces you are creating?

    DJ ~ I wish someone would invite me for a "country" meal. That sounds fabulous. We take our plastic bags to a bin at Walmart. I often wonder what they do with them.

    AquaCoraline ~ Others suggestions for having a readily available snack sounds good. I know what you mean about piling on the pounds. I was very thin until I hit 40 and then it was like the dam broke.

    Betty ~ Your picture of the boulders makes me long for a trip to the woods.

    Joyce ~ Sorry Charlie was upset about his seating arrangement. It is good that the guys usually get back together. They must really be good singers.

    Kim ~ Hope your embroidery business picks up. It's bad when all the bills hit you at the same time. I cut back my roses so much that they looked like nothing but dead wood. To my surprise, they look like they are coming back.

    Lisa ~ Sorry about your sister's stepson. When my two nephews came back from over seas, they both had PTSD and were heavily into drinking/drugs. I don't know if they have straightened out.

    Heather ~ Last week our internet went out for about 20 minutes and I almost had a panic attack. No phone, internet, or TV because they are all from Comcast and they were working on the line. Hope you get yours fixed soon.

    Dr Katie ~ I decided that I need to learn more about algebra. Found an introduction to algebra site and guess they are using the "new math" to teach it. The reason I am trying this is because algebra in high school was my downfall. If they had had testing for learning disabilities back then, I am sure I would have qualified.

    Soaking beans to make a ham and bean soup on this chilly rainy day!

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Mornin' ya'll

    Marcelyn feeling rather Texan today.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Barbie and Becca – Some places that use plastic bags; also have a recycle bin for your used bags, I used to take them with us whenever we traveled and the boys were young; to put their dirty diapers in, tied the top; and they had enough room for a 2nd one. Good when traveling with babies and toddlers.

    Welcome AquaCoraline and Rene a/k/a Gabby – Taking medications that put on ‘weight’ and a lot of them to; you have to find ways around that. I would suggest getting you MD to tell you how many calories it would take for you to lose weight. I had to go way under the caloric number coming in; and, then had to work hard for my calories going out. CICO! I follow my life-style plan closely. This week the weather has not been idea here; so I am using the time to de-clutter in my house; boy, it is hard work. You’ve come to the right place for encouragement. Since no men, we can talk about anything and everything. Let us know what name you prefer to be called by; give us a location (general or specific) and something about family or hobbies or whatever.

    Michele in NC – The electrician that came, gave me the ‘shortened, easier’ version of how to do it; the owner came out; other man no longer with him. He drilled and fished wires through the walls and floors; so no conduit for me. Way happier with the way it looks. Did away with one extension cord and only one surge protector left in. I got a ‘new’ heavier bottomed container to cook soups and chilis in now; so maybe I won’t burn anything else.

    Tinurse – Sure, 49.5 is okay … no need to wait for the benefits of this wonderful group of ladies. So much encouragement and we talk about anything and everything. We do ‘try’ not to talk about politics or religion or other things that could cause this sight to be less appealing about it. Tell us the name you prefer to be called and a little about you, your family, your hobbies, etc. Barbiecat posts a ‘new’ link the last day of the month and you need to click that one; and you need to make sure you ‘bookmark’ it so you’ll get back to it easily.

    Laurie – I spent 2 days de-cluttering and fixing up my close; another day doing DH’s side. Same for my drawers. Tried on every piece of clothing I had to my name; took a lot a to the ‘consignment’ shop; including a dress I only wore once to my DYS’s wedding. Started the diet a week after I got home. Yesterday and today I have tackled my bathroom. Good grief; what a mess. It will probably always be a little on the cluttered side; but, looks so much better than it did 3 days ago! I used the Marie Kondo method for folding my clothes and ended up having a lot of room for ‘future’ things. Her book, “Spark Joy” gives you instructions and illustrations about how to fold your clothes and pack them. Front to back instead of bottom to top of the drawers.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi all!

    Betty - Wow, those boulders! That kind of walking always terrifies me as I'm worry so about my ankles and knees twisting.

    Katla - there is more than one phone provider, but only one company to do the infrastructure - Open Reach - which is a subsidiary of BT. We are definitely thinking about changing provider, but we have just bought a new modem and the problem is with the line, not the provision. It would still be down to them to fix the problem.
    We are getting closer as I managed to find an email address for the CEO on Google and DH sent him a long one. He got a reply this morning, saying he understands his frustration and has asked Customer Review to investigate. This looks like a standard reply, but it's better than nothing. No phone call from India which they had promised. At least the email address worked - several others that we copied to bounced back.

    At the garden centre we managed to speak to an expert who did not recommend the sweep in stuff, but rather a proper cement. It would take more than two days to pipe it all in ourselves and we need equipment. We asked the man who was piping in the stuff outside the door and he gave us his card and took our numbers. Hopefully he will call to give an estimate. DH is too old to be crawling around on his hands and knees and it is back breaking. I said I didn't want him to do it and would pay half the cost of the professional. Much better idea. It would be terrible if he put his back out before the cruise. :noway:

    Decided on salmon tonight with zucchini, tomato and pea sauce. A touch of chilli? Half a jacket potato each.

    Welcome new ladies. Remember, if you don't like what you're eating now you'll never be able to stick with it. This is not a diet. Good, healthy food can be delicious and satisfying. I would not be able to manage without my exercises though, as I eat quite a lot. I love food and enjoy every bite. I never feel deprived.

    Katla - Love the Tibetan saying! ! :love: Thank you.

    Heather UK
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning everyone.....Talking about clean refrigerators, healthy pantries and gardening is making me get up and get moving in the right direction!

    dd is off to Montreal for a 3 day trip with her orchestra and band (senior trip). We are in a sweet spot with her, as college choice is settled, she has a dress for prom and interviews ahead for summer work, so right now feels good and drama free! (of course, the road to get there was certainly bumpy!)

    My to do list for the next few days includes.....clean up fridge and freezer, reorganize pantry, add spring plants to the porch planters and start getting the raised beds cleaned up for my salad/herb garden (still too early to plant) and potato patch! Hope to have a date night with dh as well this weekend

    Right now dh is appreciating my weight loss (says I can stop losing) but I feel like I could lose a few more on the road to maintenance, I know I shouldn't be stuck on a number but, hey it is my lucky number I want to reach ;) .....I am keeping in mind the luckiest number of all is my healthy blood pressure numbers....which is why I started this journey on mfp in the first place and that is really what counts <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    edited April 2016
    Annr wrote: »

    Betty~Ohhh if I could get you all together for a party I WOULD and cook and saute' and make magic in my kitchen in your honor!!! Value your friendships sooo much!!
    Queen of her kitchen
    in Oregon

    Miss Becca, you are an absolute delight :) Thank you for being our friend. I think you would be the life of the party. I'd settle down and ask for a concert or two, vocal and piano. You go girl friend.

    annr- NO I would be the lfe of the party :0(
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    morning peeps and new peepers -

    did I mention here that last Friday was my last day of physical therapy on my shoulder? they gave me the boot! I graduated. as long as I keep doing the exercises on my own I will improve a bit more but I am as good as I'm gonna get.

    found out that my regular spin instr. will be having someone sub for her in may on both mon. and wed. its a guy that I don't care for his style.. sooooooooooooooooooo, I guess i'll be working on my running and other stuff on those days instead.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    nb1959 wrote: »
    The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..." Tibetan proverb Thank you BarbieCat. You are the heart and soul of this group.

    :) We have to thank Katla for finding and sharing this quote....I just appropriated it for myself because I liked it so much.

    :) for everyone spending time and energy clearing clutter from their homes, here are wise words from and expert:

    "Discard anything that doesn't spark joy.....Life becomes far easier when you know that things will work out even if you are lacking something.".....marie kondo
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Michele in NC -
    exermom wrote: »
    Our cats know the routine. The alarm clock goes off, I get up, the one cat comes over to my side of the bed (where it's been warmed). Well, yesterday I didn't get up quite as quickly as before, and she was on my stomach, kneading it, as if to say "hey, this isn't the routine, get up". As soon as I got up, sure enough she came over to my side of the bed.

    I had to laugh at this tale. My cat does that too. He wants his routine. He saved my behind yesterday. The alarm went off and instead of hitting snooze I must have turned it off. I awoke to my cat kneading my stomach. When I shooed him off I checked the clock and I had slept past the time I normally get up! Fortunately, it was only 1/2 hour so while I was late for work, I wasn't so late that I got in trouble. Good Kitty.

    Mia in MI

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »

    Betty~Ohhh if I could get you all together for a party I WOULD and cook and saute' and make magic in my kitchen in your honor!!! Value your friendships sooo much!!
    Queen of her kitchen
    in Oregon

    Miss Becca, you are an absolute delight :) Thank you for being our friend. I think you would be the life of the party. I'd settle down and ask for a concert or two, vocal and piano. You go girl friend.

    annr- NO I would be the lfe of the party :0(

    Lol Pip. I bet you could do that well. :)