

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    You know what amazes me about all you wonderful women on this thread? It's supposed to be a 50 and older group right? Most of you look like you are so much younger. I mean the ladies on this thread rock it. Just sayin'
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    morning peeps -
    lagopus- yes, i do hide it well, i'm a great actress

    kirby is off, today he's supposed to run 7 mi i think.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,

    CJ – my longest term girl friend was a waste water manager – she’s retired a number of years ago….

    Debbie, Abru161, djsolich – welcome!

    Lisa – with all your good ideas that warehouse will be a huge money generator very soon…

    Margaret – I think both is correct plants need good drainage, and loose soil and the soil is a microsystem that it is good to keep intact…. So in my personal situation, I till an area that is very thick clay and am working in compost to get the soil to a better consistency, and in my raised beds that have soil I have amended for 20 years, so I do non-till and layer compost on the top.

    Sylvia – so glad you are doing so well! And that so many are stepping up to help. The turnips are beautiful, I have never seen them grow.

    Katla – my heart breaks for you and your family

    Pollace – my niece lives outside of Boston she is going to MCPHS

    There is a lot of pollen in the air and here things have bloomed very heavily I think because while we are still in drought conditions we have gotten more rain this season than any of the last 4 winters, while I don’t deal with many allergy issues (Lucky me); Levi is – itchy, and can’t seem to settle so is not getting good sleep poor baby - I have been grooming him more and have him on a kids allergy pill (as recommended by the vet) It’s hard to see our fur babies deal with things they don’t understand.

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    My son replied to my text :drinker: and I have booked a hotel in the city centre for one night in May. That means we can just walk around, have a drink and choose our favourite curry house. :D He said it was "Awesome" that I am going up there to see him. :laugh:
    Pleased I have made the effort and it was largely through being reminded of him on here by something someone wrote that I stirred into action. :D

    Got a bit of gardening done this afternoon. Next door neighbour came round to explain about the noise they are making. They are extending their kitchen. ........ They have two young children and I broached the idea of paying the elder one to water our pots when we are on our cruise in June. He said they would do it for nothing, but I think it's quite nice to give an 11 year old the chance to earn a bit of pocket money. The neighbours are fairly new, so I didn't feel I could just ask them to do it. We haven't been socialising, but they are very nice, though younger than us.

    Sylvia - glad to see you back and making progress. You gave us all quite a scare!

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Aw, Heather, that's wonderful. So glad you did it. You will both enjoy it. Good job.

    Janetr okc
  • lawmiller1
    lawmiller1 Posts: 22 Member
    Heather, so glad you will be seeing your son soon. Thanks for the input about my son, you may be right about the autism spectrum. We have a close relationship which I am grateful for, but I guess all I can do now is continue to guide and pray that things will workout for him.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Sylvia glorious!

    Katla prayers for all!

    Kim thanks for the tip. I am trying some new gardening techniques this year so I open to trying new ways!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Lawmiller - is it Laurie? - I couldn't remember who it was (I have a terrible trouble with names) Yes, thank you for the reminder. I hope we will have a fun time. <3

    This group is "Awesome" !!!!!!!!!! :drinker:

    Heather UK
  • aletaforeman
    aletaforeman Posts: 16 Member
    Hello from the Canadian prairies. I had to find this group again, having had good intentions but fallen off my wagon for the umpteenth time. My last posts were back in summer last year!!! After putting feet to scale this morning I made a decision that I MUST weigh, measure, move, and journal EVERYTHING! It is the ONLY way to be successful at changing one's lifestyle. It also helps to blog and support each others' journeys to a healthy life. My goal is to reach my goal weight by the time I retire 2 years from now at age 60. No time to put it off. No more excuses. That being said, thank you for keeping this group going BarbieCat. Thank you also to Penny, Lisa, Karen NY (water advice), Heather UK, Janetr (japanese meme was priceless), Miriamwithcats (pruning suggestions were awesome), Margaret Turk, Peach (hope you feel better soon), Kimses MA, Abra161 (welcome to the group), lawmiller (hope you recover from your yard work), Sylvia (feel better), djsolich (I envy your 20 lb togo goal), Katla NW Oregon, Pollanee from Boston, grandmallie, pipcd and Kim from N Calif for ALL of your posts and encouragement.

    Came across an interesting cookie recipe this morning (shared by a nutritionist). Chocolate chip cookies with chickpeas and cranberries. Interesting ingredients. I will test this out and if they turn out, I'll let you know and post the recipe.

    Aleta, Manitoba Canada
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Sooooo enjoying everyone's wisdom and stories about gardening. Here's the view outside my guestroom after 36 straight hours of gentle, but wet, spring SNOW!

    Note tree branches straining under the heavy snow. A few have broken off around my building. Fortunately, in my neighborhood, no power lines or cars were affected. Have seen on the news that it's been a problem in several Denver neighborhoods.

    The crew has just finished shoveling our sidewalks, but I honestly can't get motivated to pull on boots, coat, hat and gloves to walk the 2 blocks to the gym. Will stay in and do a Pilates program while watching sports.

    Yesterday was 'fun with the instantpot pressure cooker' day. Made a very savory vegetable/chicken stock from scratch in less than an hour. Mixed it all with my immersion blender and added some leftover cooked boneless, skinless chicken I had the good sense to stash in the freezer. Finished with some southwestern green chilis..... yummmm~

    Then, I made a souffle with some deli ham and provolone cheese. Enough leftover for dinner today. Not leaving well enough alone, I then got bright idea to make brownies from a mix, substituting tofu for the oil. Egad! DH, the skinny one can ignore them for days. I'm tempted every time I go into the kitchen, so have bagged the remainder and stuck them into the back of the freezer. My sweet tooth will have to be content with mint tea.

    Now, I'm wishing I had kept the egg shells! Will the egg shell/banana peel tip work with potted plants?

    Being snowed in makes me long for Hawaii that much more. Counting the days till May 9th. Spoke with a good friend yesterday who has a condo in my building and reports that it's a sellers' market. I've lost enough inches in bust and waist that I need to replace the top part of my tanktini. May do some online shopping today.

    First, some exercise --

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Marcelynh – Our school used to put on a party for all the students that had graduated; but, it was a ‘private’ party, invitation only (because of where it was held). It got crashed a few years ago and several of the sponsors have died. It finally went the way of the old Studebaker. We enjoyed it the first couple of time we got invited; but, the last time they had allowed people to bring their grown, nearly grown children and a lot of them were line-dancing which made couple dancing almost impossible. We’ve talked about having another class reunion; but, nobody seems to want to take the bull by the horns and get it started. I live too far away to do much other than help find old classmates, like I did the last time. We originally had 84 in our class; and 14 of them had died. Several more since then

    Margaret – To keep my ‘sanity’ I sometimes have to make difficult decisions; like staying out of the way of those who ‘stress’ me. When it is a ‘family member’ it is difficult; but, doable. I think if you get ‘angry’ and nothing gets done to rectify the situation you can fall into depression. I just don’t let things bother me nearly as much at 65 as I did at 45. Life’s too short to be unhappy. I try to find the positive in most things.

    Joyce – NO – don’t cut it back now; but, cut it back AFTER it has bloomed and dropped all blooms on the ground. Then the bush will branch out more; and, next year you ought to have more blooms. Azaleas do well under pine trees; not totally blocked from the sun; they like filtered light (not full shade, not full sun). Whatever is in the pine trees, the azaleas seem to love it. In the direct sun the leaves will turn yellow and drop off. Didn’t mean to make you ‘cry’ … just wait until all the blooms have fallen off! Check with your local nursery to get a soil sample, so you will know what to add to the soil to make them healthy for next year.

    And, thanks for dancing for me (with me). I went to Mass this morning in a ‘new’ dress. Got to get rid of those damn heels … I have a high arch and a very narrow heels. These kept slipping off my heel. They did fine for the wedding; but, I’ve even lost weight in my feet and my shoe size is mostly a 7 to a 7.5. I don’t know what size these heels are; but, they’re going to the ‘2nd hand shop’ on Tuesday along with 5 other pair (mostly wedges).

    Janetr OKC – Yes, I am really proud of my new size. Tuesday I go for my weigh-in; so I will be interested in finding out what my %s are.

    When I see all the dare-devils … I wonder if their parents were dare-devils, too. I’d be ‘freaking out’ if I knew a child of mine went ‘rock climbing’ on anything like the face of a cliff; or snowboarding off cliffs into fresh snow that could easily turn into an avalanche.

    Kim from N. California – I went from a very small town to Atlanta to go to school and was introduced to a lot of people I had never had the opportunity to be around from home. Made me view those people in a whole different light. Lots of ‘hippies’. I got run out of the Headquarters of the Women’s Clubs when I went in to tell my Mother I was coming home that weekend. Walked into the house, dressed in my paint-covered clothes and my Mother was surprised when she got around to the woman that had run me out and I said, ‘Oh, we’ve met!” and turned on my heel and walked out. So now, not only did she think I was a ‘hippie’ she probably thought I was ‘rude’ as well. Mother did not much care for her as it was. She had once told my Mother, that she could tell what had been said about her in a home, by the way the children acted towards her. I made my Mother pretty pissed off at her for running me out.

    About this time of the year; the Day Lilly Association puts on a sale and show at the mall. There are two members that live fairly close to me and I see they sell fans from anywhere from $1 a fan to $50+ a fan. I want to go through all of my day lilies and irises and figure out what color they are and plant then in clumps according to color. The first year we lived out here I had a bunch of them; but, over the years I have not felt like dealing with them much and it shows.

    Penny – As I have gotten older I tend to take things that are said or done more with a blow in the wind. I have to ‘laugh’ at the things my DH tells me that my DOS has told him about DDnL#1 and her ‘antics’. IF she is not ‘bipolar’ I will ‘bite’ …; but, my DH says I was never like her – he would not have put up with me if I had been.

    Lisa – I’ve known people who have gone to Hawaii and also to the Caribbean; and, hands down … every one of them says they’d choose the Caribbean over Hawaii any day of the year. I love the Caribbean, nice warm water and a nice ocean breeze all the time. I hear that the water around Hawaii is ‘freezing’ … that’s why you see the surfers wearing full body suits. I prefer to dive in water that is warm compared to anything that is cold.

    What all do y’all keep in your warehouse? Sounds like a ‘picker’ business (finding old parts and pieces of things that can be repurposed).

    Carol – Thanks.

    Pollance – Thanks. I don’t know your ‘story’ … guess I missed it when I had too many posts to read to catch up; but, I am truly sorry for your losses and finding yourself alone and trying to reinvent yourself. If you have been tracking your food; and you have not jump off a plateau in a while; go back to when you were steadily losing weight and go back to that plan for a while, to see if you get a good ‘kick start’. I think sometimes we find out a meal plan that we use over and over; and, just changing it up can make all the difference in the world. We go out every couple of weeks and I usually splurge when we do, having a mixed drink or wine; then I have to be really careful over the next week to 10 days. But, I also find that I don’t tend to splurge at any other time. But, sometimes I do get the ‘munchies’. When that happens I grab a big bottle of water and try to fill my stomach up with water’ and not ‘fattening’ foods.

    I’ve also heard that drinking something hot (like soup) will also fill you up, too. Sipping bouillon … full of sodium so it would also require an increase in your water intake.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Rori - Can I come and have some soup? Yum!
    My DDIL would love some brownies. She always swore she married my son because I made the best brownies. Was mentioned at the wedding and the reception! I have rarely made them since.

    Love the snow pics. <3;)

    So wish I could visit Colerado and Oregon and Washington and Carolina and ....... and ......... and ........... <3 I could go on forever. :bigsmile:

    Heather UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Rori, way to go on needing a new tankini top. Hawaii sounds great to me. Ive never been there. All the cooking sounds yummy.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog- 8.34min, 7.0-8.0sp, 165mhr, 8.34ap/min mi, w/1#ankle weights, 1mi = 120c
    other- shoulder stretches- 50min, 12 diff stretches 2sets of 20, other 6sets of 100, some w/5-10lb weights, w/ankle weights = 220c
    total cal 340
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip, I see you. :)

    Janetr okc
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    It is the acidic soil under pine trees that azaleas like. Rhododendrons too. And some hydrangea (for blue blossoms).
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    DH 's book now live on Kindle. :love:

    Heather UK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Janetr ... Laughed out loud with the "threw out the electric bill!"

    Sylvia ... So glad you're improving! I hope you'll soon be able to throw pots.

    Love the gardening advice ... The turnip field is stunning .... The snow picture is breathtaking in its own way (I know, I know it's the Buffslo in me) .... Katla and Pollance hugs.

    Did some inside work ... Did some outside work ... I'm done now!
