

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    total stats for the day:
    jog- 1hr 33min 7sec, 135ahr, 161mhr, walk 3.5sp 1st 1/4mi, jog 5.2sp next 1.75mi, 6.2-6.4sp next 3mi, 6.4-6.7sp next 2mi, 6.2sp next mi, 5.2-5.5sp last mi, 1st 5mi w/1# ankle weights, 10.20ap/min mi, total 9mi = 833c
    walk/scisscors, etc- 11min, w/ankle weights = 100c
    other - shoulder exercised- 11min, 4sets of 100, 3sets of 20 = 75c
    other- yarddwork - 35min = 100c
    total cal 1108
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Hello Ladies,

    Kay, your workouts sound like you are doing a fantastic job and now you will look great in all the new duds. Way to go, my friend.

    Heather, Bea is still just beautiful. I don't know how you stand it to not go see her every other day.

    Patsy, I love your tree. We had one that looked a lot like that when I was a kid. My Mom was ahead of her time. lol

    Penny, I love hearing you talk about your blender. I'll admit I rarely use mine but then I'm not a "smoothie" drinker.

    Beth, congrats to your son on his school acceptance.

    Chris, congrats and I hope you keep floating on that cloud. I love a good sappy movie!!!!

    Janetr, I think we need to bra shop together. LOL But the problem is they just don’t make a training bra in a 38. laughing-hard-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Brenda, welcome. I love your quote and how true it is. Now, promise yourself that you will take baby steps but keep stepping forward. You can do this and we’re here to help.

    Yvonne, you are so right about customer service being a dying art. Don’t even get me started!!!! Sometimes it hard to get the store clerk off their cell phone long enough to buy something or answer a question. Where did the world go wrong?

    Penny, good for you on resisting the cheese and crackers. Keep it up. I know what you mean when you see someone running these days. Depending on where it is or what they are wearing (other than jogging clothes) my first thought is running from something. So sad but true.

    Miriam,. With your history I think it best that you just stay away from ladders. You have so many talents that perhaps you can just use them on the ground.

    Katla, so sorry about your DD’s family problems and that you won’t get to see her when you had planned. I’ll keep the family in my prayers.

    Kelly, I love your post on being a hill seeker. Thanks for sharing.

    Lisa, what a score from “the Junkman”. How fun is that??? It sounds like a fun trip so just enjoy!!!
    Heather, it sounds like you are making progress. We are all rooting for you!!! cheerleading-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Larisa, we will look forward to your date reports as well. Hope the meds help your flashes.

    CJ, about the wedding, only you know what you need to do. If you don’t want to go alone just RSVP with a “no”.

    Barbie, I hope your needle pricks produce some results. Keep us posted.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I have never eaten back my exercise calories but I’m thinking about it. Lately I have been so hungry and it just occurred to me today that it might be because of my increased exercise. As DH would say, “DUH?”. I’ve been staying busy lately with all sorts of things and having a hard time keeping up. Again I am within two pages. Please just know that I think of you wonderful ladies often and with you all such happiness.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif]

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Based on the smile, I'm guessing Pip is at the far right in the front row.

    I agree with Penny :)

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2016
    DJ wrote - "Janetr, I think we need to bra shop together. LOL But the problem is they just don’t make a training bra in a 38. "

    Exactly :)

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    lagopus got it. i am front row on far right. the great thing about that is that i was an ugly duckling when i was in school and a lot of people picked on me and made fun of me. when i went to the reunion with a girl friend of mine, the school president didn't recognize me. he thought we were in the wrong room, there was some kind of beauty pageant happening in one of the other conference rooms. when i told him my name, he couldn't believe it. i was the talk of the get together, no one could believe how i turned out. it felt good. i had guys asking me to dance and one guy, can't think of his name but he was apologizing for being mean to me and for making fun of me. i told him i couldn't remember and if i had, i wouldn't have been dancing with him if his comments had affected me that much.

    in reality, all the comments did, between my mom and school, my self esteem was non existent.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    Jeesh...I go off the grid and you gals write a book! :)<3 Halt the presses for a bit while I try and catch up. Pretty please.... Here goes.....

    Springtime Fairlawn, oHIo

    Was thinking about you the other day. Glad to see your post.

    Janetr okc

    Thanks Janetr! I'm here just going through some things with hubs. Job search getting to us but I think we muddled through it and will continue onward!

    Am I seeing things or do we now have the option to LIKE and AWESOME our posts?!?! Woot woot!!

    Planted some pansies and spritz up the outside a bit today.

    Sunny spring Fairlawn, oHIo
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2016
    Pip - Good for you for showing them what a beautiful, successful women you are full of self-esteem. And rightly so. They can eat their hearts out!!

    Cheri - Why yes, yes we do. We have apparently been given permission to be as "awesome" as we "like". Ha!

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Right after DH came back from football I played him some of the "Children's Favourites " he remembered. What fun! THE RUNAWAY TRAIN, HIGH HOPES, THE UGLY DUCKLING, ETC. ETC. Then we sat down and watched THE WIZARD OF OZ that I had recorded. We so enjoyed it. I followed that up by reading all about the shooting and production of it on Wikipedia. Fascinating.
    Then we watched the final of our Danish series. Far too much sitting about for me today, but I'm under calories. :)

    Good day. :D:bigsmile:

    Heather UK
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all just a quick post. Glad some of you liked the video! I thought it was very funny. Took the dog to a nearby park and walked 45 minutes.

    Barbie: I plan to do acupuncture after I finish the PT. I'm surprised no one can diagnose your issue; have you had an MRI?

    I hope all of you who are ailing or struggling right now find peace and health and high fives to those who are celebrating! Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    janetr - thanks, my self esteem is still crap but oh well....
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr - thanks, my self esteem is still crap but oh well....

    Yeh, me too, so I understand.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My nieces back patio in Denver area a little while ago. Glad I don't live there right now. :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pollance: Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    Miriam: "Katla, as far as I am concerned, "depression is anger turned inwards" is total BS."

    I respect your education and experience and do not claim to be a mental health professional. I see a link between issues and circumstance that you are powerless to change leading to anger, discouragement and depression, and that would be situational. I don't think that situational depression is the only sort of depression. I hope I've chosen my words so that they communicate. I'm not sure that biochemical is the right term but I have observed that some people seem to be depressed because of something going on within their body. I do not seek to blame the victim in either case. I was raised by a depressed mother who had very low self-esteem. She often said, "My mother didn't want me." I couldn't imagine it, but relatives confirmed that it was true. Her mother didn't want her and treated her like a servant. I'd call that situational and tragic for my mom. :broken_heart::heart: I have personally struggled with seasonal affective disorder for decades but am doing better by using bright daylight temperature lights in my home and taking vitamin D3 supplements.

    On other topics, my riding lesson was good today. I worked on directing the horse with my legs and weight while riding with a bridle that has a bit rather than a hackamore without one. It was a good step for me. I wish my daughter was still coming this evening, and am sad because of the reason she is not coming. Her brother-in-law is in a coma and is not expected to live. The family has been told his body is shutting down. This is a tragic loss.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    SNOW :#:# yikes i could not deal with that. Just had a super fun day of spring cleaning, feeling very accomplished and motivated by the sunshine and warmer temp. Even sat in my lounge chair and soaked up the sunshine...karen from ny
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Pollance wrote: »
    Hi Everyone. I'm fairly new to fitness and to electronic communities. I'm so happy to join group of women over 50 who are supporting each other in our quest to improve our health & fitness!

    Some background: I'm just outside of Boston. Married at 19, both of my children have passed away, one from illness & 1 from being hit by a truck, and my ex-husband with whom I maintained a decent relationship, passed away in October. I haven't dated anyone since my divorce 7 years ago, and finally had the epiphany that I need to expand my horizons, get back in shape and get on with my life! Took me long enough!!!

    I appreciate your support, and look forward to getting to know everyone!

    CJ, I wouldn't go by myself either. Agree with everyone who said send your regrets, & if you want to, send a gift.

    Pollance- so much sadness in your life. Please don't be critical of yourself. Getting through grief has no timetable. Welcome to the group. It is a safe base from which to forget a new path. CJ
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Evening ladies. Kimmel B&B is closed again now!!!!! This time it as more relaxing though. His main reason for being here was to see and give advice to Norma. I just got the joy of housing him and serving him breakfast and one meal. And having long talks. But the poor guy, he spent so much time looking at pictures of his grandkids on his phone. His son is one of my nephews that are pretty fertile but doesn't marry the girl. He has four children and no wife. He was a heroin addict but has completely turned his life around. Only problem is that he doesn't know how to be a Dad. He loves his children and is very proud of them but jsut doesn't know what to do with them. My brother and wife have him over for supper once a week and try to help him with some parenting but most times he isn't interested. I think part of the problem may be that the Mom of the kids is engaged to another guy and they call this guy Dad. Matt is distancing himself so he won't get anymore hurt than he already is.

    Charlie has had one of those days that is really rare. He was able to take a drive down to the river, get out and sit on a bench and turn his Pandora on and just enjoy the weather and view. He is going to go to what used to be a usual Saturday evening Karaoke place.

    Talk at you later, Joyce Indiana
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Based on the smile, I'm guessing Pip is at the far right in the front row.

    My guess as well.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    DJ, you made me laugh out loud at your suggestion to stay away from ladders!

    Pip, we all hold you in HIGH esteem here. They always say words don't hurt, but they are far more damaging than anything else. I am so glad that you got positive feedback at the reunion.

    Katla, years ago I read a book that might help you understand your mom better. I am trying to remember the title, it was something like Motherless Daughters.http://www.amazon.com/Motherless-Daughters-Legacy-Loss-Anniversary/dp/0738217735/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1460854466&sr=1-1&keywords=motherless+daughters Yep, I was right. I see that the author wrote another book on motherless daughters mothering called Motherless Mothers.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Beth – Love it. But, as an artist I use Geometry AND Algebra whenever I paint (and mixed colors). I have to remember how much of this color or that I use to get another; so when I start the next day I have the formula for it. I break down the subjects into different shapes and sketch them in before I paint.

    CJ - Unless, you want to make the weekend a ‘get-away’ weekend for yourself; then RSVP that you are unable to attend, wish that you could; but, other obligations. Send a gift and then you are not having to buy a new outfit that you might only wear once or twice. We traveled 2 hours to attend the wedding of the son of a couple that when they lived in town, we were best of friends. I would not have missed it for anything. We made a week-end of it. Maybe you could take someone with you for the weekend (not the wedding) and enjoy the rest of the weekend sight-seeing. That is up to you. You certainly are not ‘obligated’ to go; just make sure that you RSVP. When they enclose a RSVP, then it is the ‘polite’ thing to do, they might have planned to cater the wedding depending on the numbers. So many people don’t even seem to know what it means, or the importance of it.

    Laurie – This is Lenora (I don’t know anything about quinoa salad; but, there is a Leonora on this site; just have not seen her post much. Sorry.

    Penny – I think just about anybody who have their suspensions raised if they saw something ‘out of place’ … such as women in hijabs running … I’d be wondering, too. I don’t think that makes me (or you) racists. Maybe ‘cautious’.

    I’d have to ask my grandkids about “I’m a Parrot”

    Barbie – My sister swears by an acupuncturist. I had never been to a chiropractor until one day I went to work with the worst crook in my neck; could not move my neck at all and was in so much pain I wanted to cry (not that it would help). My boss called one in town that a lot of his clients went to; and, I got in that morning. Cracking neck … twice; first time with no warning; 2nd time with a little warning; but, as soon as I relaxed … ‘craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack’! Bone Cracker … if I had problems with my spine; and, the OrthoMD I go to thinks that the chiropractor would help, they would refer me to him; or vice versa.

    Michele in NC – Actually, the nuts are ‘on top’ of the cheesecake pie. I love all kinds of nuts just about any way.

    We have a tin roof (finally put gutters up on the back of the house; we put in a “French Drain”. About 12” wide and 5” deep; the gutter runs down in it and the water flows along the back of the house, then off into the woods beside our house. In the front (we did not plant any plants in front of the outside utility building; so when the rain falls off the room, it makes a dent in the grass/soil. I hope to get something planted there this Spring. This is the first year that our Azaleas out front have been covered in blooms. I told DH to cut them back drastically just after they bloom; so they will grow back thicker. I believe he was trimming them at the wrong time. Have two Hydrangea bushes by the columns of the carport. They are really looking very healthy this year (might not bloom since DH cut them back drastically and I think they bloom on old growth. We have roses along a split-rail fence that runs beside out drive way in the back. My favorite one is a small ‘sweetheart’ rose. My parents had one on their back fence and in the Spring and Summer my Daddy would pick one for his label every day on his way to work. “Knock-off roses” don’t have the sharp thorns you complain of. Pretty (lots of flowers); but, they don’t stay in bloom for very long. I’ve heard about the egg shells and coffee grounds, too.

    Kimses – Talking about ‘hot dogs’. When my DOS was young, we had a pool party (which was actually a watering trough that we had built a deck around ½ of it. The boys would get in it and run around the outside until the water was whirling and then they’d lay on their backs and float around it for a while. At the birthday party, I served ‘hot dogs’. One of the Mother’s called me and asked what her son had eaten. The boy downed 4 of them. He described them as being long sandwiches. He did not get sick but I had to stop him from eating any more of them. He wolfed them down. Never had had them, they were Jewish. I guess I must have ‘assumed’ that they were Catholic since he attended Parochial school.

    I buy small packages of chips and popcorn. I like the popcorn; but, I am beginning to find that the potato chips are just too greasy for my system.

    Miriam - The sister of my BF makes up a mixture of Epson Salts and Water and pours it into her ferns and other plants. So green! Don’t know what it does for plants (other than to make them very green); but, I know as a child playing outside a lot, it got rid of ‘chiggers’ (red bugs).

    I'm bipolar; but, I have only once in all my years since being diagnosed, fallen into a depressed state. I usually get 'manic' and then it is like hitting and skidding across what the consider 'textbook therapeutic' range. I prefer to be one step towards the manic side. I do not like feeling like I am 'sitting on a fence' to be 'normal'. Normal is what is 'normal' for me. When I was taking Lithium; I got "Lithium Toxicity" and almost died. Now I take Seroquel, Clonazepam, and Geodon and it does just fine for me. We've had to play with it a little; and, sometimes a change in another medication can throw it off. Thankfully, my PsycheMD can tell DH what to do(over the phone) to help me from going 'full-blown tilt'; and, if I am no better the next day ... he will decide if I need to come see him. Right now I am on a 'every 3 month' check of medications and what is going on in my life, what my 'stressors' are, how to work around them; and I make the trip one that I meet several of my HS friends and some of their spouses and have lunch before my appointment. It's difficult to be 'bipolar' but I think I needed to have that one event of being depressed to understand how widely my moods could swing. I have a HS classmate that suffers from depression really bad; but, with a 'new' man in her life for the past 3 years or so ... hasn't had any hospitalizations because of it.

    Katla – I have very high arches; and, was told to go to a medical supply store and get a pair of arch supports. I’ve tried the Dr. Scholl’s inserts; but, found that with some of my shoes, they set the foot up too high and I was beginning to get bone spurs on the back of my heels. So I took them out.

    I want to buy an orchid and see if I can keep from ‘killing it’ (maybe start with a smaller, less expensive one). The lady at the plant store I buy a lot of my plants from says that most people think they need a lot of water; she suggested putting a cube or two of ice on them once a week or 10 days. They do much better. I have a large lipstick plant; and, told DH NOT to water it … that would be ‘my job’. He killed my last one watering it too often. They like to totally dry out. I put it out in the rain last night; and, back on the glassed-in porch this morning.

    My DDnL#2 has chickens. Their brown eggs are better than the white ones we buy.

    Heather – When I was young and taking piano lessons, the teacher would play “Peter and The Wolf”. It scared me so bad that I’d start crying. It’s like listening to the ‘thud-dump, thud-dump, thud-dump’ on “Jaws”. I never knew that ‘music’ could stir up that sort of feeling (with no words). I grew up in the 50’s; my 2 sisters and I owned a building in “The Bottom” (mostly black area of our town). It was painted Pepto-Bismol pink. We’d get ALL the new records that came out (we’d go collect rent, make sure there were no problems going on in the building, etc. and he’d pay us; and, also give us the last 45rpm’s that were out. Back then, we’d swap out 45’s with our friends; we always knew who had our records. Surprisingly, I don’t think we ever had any come back with scratches on them. We had our own little record players that came in a small case. We’ve got some ‘old’ Elvis 45’s. My DGDs think they are ‘funny looking’.

    Marcelynh – My middle sister has the longest stride of anybody I know who is 5’2”. I have to jog to keep up with her walking. Drives me wild!

    Pip – I grew up in a small town; and, went to a reunion and a woman walked up to me and started talking. I am sure I had that ‘deer in the headlights’ look; when she saw my expression, she said, ‘you don’t know who I am, do you’? Sorry, no … when she told me who she was I about dropped my teeth. In HS she was dark-headed, quiet, chunky, but, sweet. At the reunion she had short blond hair, had lost maybe 100lbs, and was ‘bubbly’. I’ve always wanted to be the one ‘who changed the most’. Next reunion, I will have changed a lot; but, apparently, I look enough like my Mother that everybody knows who I am. When we went to DH’s 50th Reunion … we were walking down the hall towards it and saw so many overweight people, some on walkers, some did not know at all (but had 650 in his graduating class), so it was doubtful we’d know anybody very well – we did not live in town. He kept asking me ‘if we were in the right place’. Well, that’s what the sign said. One of the guys who had been a HS friend had gone to ‘every one’ of the reunions. He was a riot. Did not bother me that I knew absolutely nobody. Had a great time. Stayed on the River. The time before they had it at the beach. Full weekends. We stayed ‘in town’ with his parents. The funniest thing was that they drove a ’57 Chevy through some double doors and it got caught in the frame of the door. I don’t know how they got it out of the doorframe. It was supposed to be part of the decorations.

    Today I stopped by a garage sale, weather wasn’t the best, although it wasn’t raining. They were selling things for ½ price. I picked up a wicker table base; and, going to check what size of glass top I need to put on it (put it out on the porch off MBR); and, then bought an album of baseball cards for my DYS (who has about 12 of them stuffed to the brim, (a trunk full) and, that doesn’t count the full boxes/sets of them he has bought. Looking through these after I got home; and, then putting the loose ones in a sleeve, found that several of them were “Rookie” cards; most of them from the Atlanta Braves. I plan on putting the albums out on shelves on my porch; and re-claim his closet for its proper use.

    I am officially a Size 12. Went to Belk’s to buy some shorts and a dress. Got 2 dresses, 3 pair of shorts, a top, and 2 skorts. All on sale and an extra coupon. Happy, happy dance; down from a 14, down from a 16; and down from an 18 – since mid-May of last year.
