
  • Pollance
    Pollance Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everyone. I'm fairly new to fitness and to electronic communities. I'm so happy to join group of women over 50 who are supporting each other in our quest to improve our health & fitness!

    Some background: I'm just outside of Boston. Married at 19, both of my children have passed away, one from illness & 1 from being hit by a truck, and my ex-husband with whom I maintained a decent relationship, passed away in October. I haven't dated anyone since my divorce 7 years ago, and finally had the epiphany that I need to expand my horizons, get back in shape and get on with my life! Took me long enough!!!

    I appreciate your support, and look forward to getting to know everyone!

    CJ, I wouldn't go by myself either. Agree with everyone who said send your regrets, & if you want to, send a gift.
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Michele in NC -
    exermom wrote: »
    Our cats know the routine. The alarm clock goes off, I get up, the one cat comes over to my side of the bed (where it's been warmed). Well, yesterday I didn't get up quite as quickly as before, and she was on my stomach, kneading it, as if to say "hey, this isn't the routine, get up". As soon as I got up, sure enough she came over to my side of the bed.

    I had to laugh at this tale. My cat does that too. He wants his routine. He saved my behind yesterday. The alarm went off and instead of hitting snooze I must have turned it off. I awoke to my cat kneading my stomach. When I shooed him off I checked the clock and I had slept past the time I normally get up! Fortunately, it was only 1/2 hour so while I was late for work, I wasn't so late that I got in trouble. Good Kitty.

    Mia in MI

    "Good morning!!" my pups say. It's PEE o'clock!!
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member

    These turkeys hang out a friend's home.

    I want some!!!!

  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    17761776 wrote: »
    I heard wild turkeys could be really mean, is this correct? Gayle Minneapolis:

    Yes. They will run after and attack cars if they think their territory is threatened. If you go on YouTube you can see videos of turkeys car or animal encounters. They are also fast.

    Uh, oh. Maybe I don't want 'em after all! Some day, chickens, though.
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    A special welcome to all the new ladies. You will feel right at home and as if you have known the bunch for many years, very soon. I just joined at the end of the year and already feel almost like an old-timer. I hope that I can meet some of these ladies in person sometime. I felt so embraced by this wonderful group of women. So many accomplishments. So much accumulated wisdom. I don't use personal social media and in general shy away from sharing much personal information about me. I lurked on this site for a while before jumping in. it was the best decision I made. The love and support here is incredible. I really miss everyone when I have not checked in.

    Katla I am sorry to hear about Chris. Count me in for prayers. I hope that your riding gives you some space and time to focus on healing thoughts for your family.

    Penny Let the sunshine in! It should be long days by now so I hope that you are finally able to completely recover and get back to yourself again.

    A friend and I received an invitation to a ritzy wedding. It will be about 90 minutes to 2 hours from where I live by car. My friend isn't going- has to be out of town and cannot reschedule as this will mess up a variety of work schedules. I, on the other hand, have no excuse for not attending other than I really do not like huge, fancy affairs where I do not know anyone, or just 2 or 3 people at the most. I don't want to have to spend 4 hours driving back and forth by myself. Ordinarily, if we are going to the same event, we carpool. I could stay in a hotel and use the provided transportation to the ceremony and reception, but it is also a fancy, expensive hotel. I have to buy an appropriate dress as I don't have evening clothes that fit. I got rid of the dress that I wore to the last fancy wedding I attended since it was too big. My friend says that if I don't go, I will really offend the parents (the mother of the groom is a good friend). What do I do? RSVPs are due in just one week.


    Send a beautiful, well chosen gift, your regrets, and your sincere wishes for a long life in love.
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    Haven't written in a day or two, and it's all y'alls fault. Thanks to the gentle nudging, I cleaned out my closet and took clothes I hate to charity. That includes "fat" clothes, frumpy clothes, and my size 8s that sit in silent rubke of my size 18 self. Out! Out with you!! Then I picked up an old hobby I haven't done in years and years...dog showing. I have one show dog left, he is almost 4, and has never seen a dog show. Whelp (as we say in DogLand) training starts today at PetSmart. Let's see how he is with crowds and other dogs. I cleaned out my fridge. I hired a housekeeper for $20 an hour, and she is working now while I spend some time on myself and you. AND I FEEL GREAT. Still not perfectly hitting goal after 14 days, but I am a LOT better than I used to be. Thank you all for showing me the way and demonstrating at being 58 and fat is not an excuse for anything. I love y'all for the strong women you are.
  • nb1959
    nb1959 Posts: 97 Member
    I am am changing my pic too. I am a proud grandmother, true. But I am also a pretty good Noreen (and getting better all the time.) Thanks again and much love.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    Hi all.
    DH is at the football. So far I'm doing OK on not raiding the fridge. :*

    To Pollance who has lost both her children - So sorry you went through that awfulness. :flowerforyou: Well done for realising you have to get on with life. Sending my love. <3

    Sylvia - are you still there? Hope you are ok. <3

    This morning I was buying An Elephant Never Forgets on Amazon Music, because I thought it might be fun to play and sing it with the DGC, when I came across an album of songs from Children's Favourites, which was a long running radio programme when I was a child. I listened to it every week and my best friend actually requested a song to be played on it for me. I bought the album ( 100 tunes ) and I've been playing it while I've been cooking and reading the paper. Talk about bringing back memories! Of course I knew all the words. :D One thing that struck me is how politically incorrect so many of them are and downright creepy others are. I don't think there are many I would play to the DGC!!! :noway:
    A lot of the songs I completely took for granted as part of my life at the time (50s) are from the USA. I thought of you all as I was listening.
    Of course, I tried to download the album onto my tablet, but with our Internet problems it got stuck after a while. Most of them are still on the Cloud. Probably up at Penny's home. :laugh:
    What fun though! Certainly brightened my day! It's the sort of thing I only do when DH is out. We keep our choices of music completely separate and private apart from a very few shared favourites. We play most of our music on the train with headphones. I do have Bluetooth headphones for the kitchen. Like to dance and bounce while I cook. :D

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Jeesh...I go off the grid and you gals write a book! :)<3 Halt the presses for a bit while I try and catch up. Pretty please.... Here goes.....

    Springtime Fairlawn, oHIo

    Was thinking about you the other day. Glad to see your post.

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Every day when I'm doing my weight training I think of Mary in MN and wonder how she is doing. I really miss her, there is a big hole without her here. She has been so motivational for me.

    Janetr OKC - missing Mary in MN :(

    guess i'm chopped liver :0(

    Lol. Ah Pip, you know you are my hero. You are awesomely awesome, some place I can NEVER hope to be. <3
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Penny At least I think this is directed toward Penny, with all the quotes and requotes I kind of lost track of who had the original post... lol Anyway, women in hijabs exercising.... I belong to a women's only gym. It's really nice because you don't have to worry about men standing over you or those guys I refer to as "muscle monkeys" grunting and farting when they squat right in front of you on purpose... my own grunts and farts are enough thank you. Anyway, back to the point.... the gym has a lot of Moslem women as members. I'm sure it's nice for them to be able to go and work out in an all women environment as most of them I've talked to say gyms with male members are not an option for them. They always work out with arms and legs covered, some wear their head coverings and some do not. I was surprised that in an all women environment some of them still covered their heads but there is the occasional repairman that steps in and that might be the reason. (an announcement is made ahead of a man entering the gym and signs are posted if a man is in the gym for maintenance reasons but recently they found a company that would service their pool and equipment that has women workers) I've never seen any of them in a hijab working out but I'm pretty sure that the gym would not allow them on the equipment for safety reasons with the garment possibly being caught in something. They are pretty strict about loose clothing.

    So I did my walk this morning with my husband. Always a challenge. He walks, I jog. I just can't keep up with his long legs no matter how fast I walk. Then I did my 30 minutes of workout. Now on to gardening and yard work. Pretty sure I'll smell "nice and pretty" at the end of this day. lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    edited April 2016
    :)Noreen, I love the picture of you....you are definitely looking great

    :)Katla, thanks for the encouraging words about acupuncture....I have three more appointments scheduled already and plan to stick with it....Jake agrees that it's worth spending the money and not quitting five minutes before the miracle

    :)Pollance, I'm sorry to hear about all the loss in your life....if you're ready for a whole new "family" of supportive friends, you have come to the right place.

    :'( My friend who was supposed to be here 50 minutes ago, is not here yet, hasn't phoned, and hasn't replied to my text. She works til after midnight at a hospital so it's possible that she overslept and hasn't figured out that she's supposed to be here. I can't start a big project (like yard work) so I'm doing some smaller things that can be left in the middle when (or if) she arrives.

    :) I am listening to "Eat, Pray, Love" as an audio book. I've read the book before and seen the movie so it's not new to me. So much of it has reminded me of some of you and when I got to the part where she flies into Mumbai on her way to an ashram, I thought of Anamika who lives in Mumbai, so I sent Anamika a personal message and she replied that she's continuing to walk regularly and watch her eating and wants to post again soon.

    <3 Barbie

    "I will not harbor unhealthy thoughts anymore.".....Elizabeth Gilbert, "Eat, Pray, Love"
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Katla, as far as I am concerned, "depression is anger turned inwards" is total BS.
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Merriam I took my son on a visit to the college he'll be attending in the fall and we ate in the dining hall. He had a burger, fries, and a grilled chicken sandwich (kind of sampling the food). He said "yeah, I think I can get fat here :smiley: " and my response was "did you see that they had grilled vegetables over there. And the salad bar looks really good". But he'll be happy with the burgers and pizza. This is one case where I hope he gains the "Freshman 15".

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Every day when I'm doing my weight training I think of Mary in MN and wonder how she is doing. I really miss her, there is a big hole without her here. She has been so motivational for me.

    Janetr OKC - missing Mary in MN :(

    guess i'm chopped liver :0(

    I was wondering about that myself! :wink:

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member

    Someone just posted a pic of our 10 year high school reunion, the only one I went to
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Pollance so sorry to hear of your losses.

    Miriam and Katla I too believe depression is an emotion like anger. In this book her focus is on the emotion of anger. She did talk about how sometimes when you make a change in your behavior feeling slightly depressed is a common.You are losing the way you did something and replacing it with a new behavior. My theory is so much energy is sometimes pent up with anger that there is a let down when it is redirected. Another way I look at it is it is like a pressure cooker where the steam is let out. Now what?

    For me depression is the feeling of sadness and of grief. Anger is the feeling of being mad and of frustration. When anger is the root or the cause of a loss I think depression can follow. Perhaps that is why some think they are intertwined.

    For me I know in the long run working through either the emotion of anger or of depression I feel better. I think that is why when someone tells me to calm down when I am anger it backfires. It is better to remind me to breathe because in the action of taking nice deep breaths my body will naturally start to calm itself down. I need to remember this the next time I am working with children. So often I hear a teacher say calm body and it would be better to say let's take a deep breath. Besides taking a deep breath would be good for me to do too.
    :heart: Margaret
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Okay, Pip, which one are you? My guess will be the young lady sitting in the front row, in a white dress with her legs crossed (looks like 5th from the right). I picked her because she looks sassy, like you. Anyone else going to guess before Pip tells us?
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    For me depression is a total loss of energy, motivation, ability to experience pleasure, and hope. Nothing sad or grieving about it. The psychic pain can be incredible, which is why suicide can look like such an option. I am totally flat, but get irritable if people do things that will make me expend energy that I don't have, like making a mess. I just want to lie down and not move and try to turn off all the negative thoughts racing through my brain. That is what bipolar 2 depression feels like.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Based on the smile, I'm guessing Pip is at the far right in the front row.