

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Please take this the right way, Chris, but I was relieved when I figured out it was your CAR that had broken down on the freeway, not YOU. You've been through some trials and tribulations lately, so my first interpretation was that you'd had to pull over and have a good cry. (((((Hugs)))))

    I can see now how you would think that it was ME who broke down. Picture me getting towed!! Thank you Penny for the good laugh, I had a visual.
    Chris in MA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, always beware of a doctor that you can immediately get an appointment.

    Bad storm is about to hit our area.
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    KJLaMore thanks for the compliment about the hair and change in profile picture.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I have been to two chiropractors---one in the place I lived before and one where I live now. I saw both of them many times and their excellent care put me back on my feet and functioning again. There are good and bad apples in all professions. I was a skeptic about chiropractic care until I was in such pain that I couldn't lie down in my bed. Jake called his chiropractor and I got an appointment the same morning. After a series of visits, I was moving again and feeling great. I've had similar experiences with the chiropractor where we live now.

    <3 Barbie
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm out of town for the week for work which means restaurant meals every day for every meal. I'm hoping I can be cognizant of what choices. I intend to be. Intention doesn't always pan out, but it's a good place to start.

    Have a good evening.

    Kimses in MA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    We have tornado watches issued in a couple of areas of the state, the storms are not close to us yet but are supposed to get here. All the TV networks are showing only weather news. Ugh we will have it all night long, I'm sure. I guess I need to be thankful that if a tornado heads this way we will have as much warning as possible. All the weathermen seem to have a new catch phrase this afternoon, "PDS", (potentially dangerous situation), which has been issued for the entire state. Praying we have no serious tornadoes.

    We are supposed to leave in the morning for Denver. My oldest daughter graduates Sunday from Regis University in Denver. We will have a family gathering Saturday, but only about 30-35 attending. Close to half were not available. :( The younger generation doesn't seem to care about getting together anymore. Not even once a year.

    Had a bad day yesterday. Received very disheartening news regarding my oldest (23 yo) grandson. I ate everything in sight. Literally the worst day I've had since I joined our group last June. I finally brought myself to log it all last night as closely as I could and today back on track and busy loading motor home for our Denver trip. We'll be gone a week. I'll have my tablet with me tho so will be logging and checking in.

    I love you ladies, whether you know it or not, y'all are my life line.

    Janetr, (awaiting tornadoes in Oklahoma City)

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    This made me laugh :)1odrhtc9g5ao.jpg
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Made me laugh too! I lived in OKC for a year, but had and still have family there.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Miriam glad you saw the humor in it. After I posted it I worried others would think I don't take tornado warnings seriously. You, having lived here, understand that we don't take them lightly. Thanks for understanding.

    Janetr okc
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Went to gym again today. Surprisingly enough even after upping my weights for upper body yesterday I feel pretty good. Worked lower body and abs today. Upped weights by 5 lbs for lower too so see how I feel or walk tomorrow. Lol.

    With my daughters wedding coming up in June things are going to get a little busy soon. Got my dress just need to find shoes now. Not sold on the dress but my daughter loves it. It's her day so I told her that I would wear it.

    Welcome to all the members.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janetr, we had a tornado not far from us. Our electricity just came on so I don't know the extent of the damage. We live on the far east side of Evansville almost into Newburgh and that is where the tornado was. Our warning here in town in finally over. We do get streaming weather news on line and since my phone is the only thing that can get anything on line I was listening to it. And yes, when bad weather is anywhere in our viewing range our meteorologists take over the whole local stations. But NCIS is a rerun tonight, that is OK.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Hello ladies, welcome to newbies. Woke up this morning with energy for the first time in days. Had chills, headache and muscle aches and just felt blah for about four days and suddenly today feel better. Whats up with that?

    Was out feeding horses and one of our neighbors stopped by. I was talking to him and forgot to lock the door into the barn. Of course Ruby our crazy Arab mare had to try it and the next thing we heard was her taking the lid off the garbage can we keep grain and treats in. Had to go chase her out. Funny thing is she ignored the alfalfa sitting there and went straight for the grain. Ornery critter, there is a reason that door has two locks on it.

    Janetr - I thought that was a funny post. I lived in southeast SD for 37 years.

    Katla - Hope you get your blue coat!

    Pip - Sorry. Some days are just like that.

    Kimses - Good luck with all of the eating out. Just keep thinking of us and you will know what to do.

    I have seen a chiropractor very rarely for SI joint issues and then only on the advice of a PT. The ones that crack necks especially scare me as I worked in rehab and we saw too many people with vertebral artery tears caused by chiropractors working on their necks.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited April 2016
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    stats for the day:

    ride hm 2 gym- 11.56min, 14.7amph, 153mhr, 2.9mi = 114c
    ELIPTICAL- 30min, 90avstpmin, 118mhr, 2.70mi = 181c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.41min, 12.8amph, 150mhr 1.4mi = 82c
    ride wk 2 hm- 18.22min, 8.7amph, 150mhr, 2.6mi = 171c
    total cal 548
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Becca, sorry for your cooking injury. Hope for a quick recovery.

    Marcelyn, sorry your DD and DSIL had water problems. Hope it is resolved quickly.

    MicheleNC, it sounds like things are really moving along for you. Finished the banners, finishing at church counting money, etc. Way to go. You are right about eating anywhere other than your own home. Calories and sauces everywhere!!!

    Ijdw99, welcome. Thanks for the introduction and no problem about wordy. You’ll notice some of our posts get that way. Please sign your posts with a name you want to be called as it’s easier for us to respond and get to know you.

    Pip, damit, I can’t believe you forgot my name. The D is for Damit and you have to have seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show to know what the “J” stands for. Love ya.

    Katla, we have a few neighbors like yours on our street. They think the rules are for everyone but them. Grrrrrr

    Sylvia, I’m with you in that I’ve gotten behind and will never catch up. I’ve overdone with painting the shutters and am stiff and sore all over. This getting older is definitely not for sissies.
    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Thank you all so much for the Birthday greetings/wishes yesterday. It was a lovely day. I have to say I feel better now than I have for a number of years. Luckily I am not bothered by birthdays like some people I know. Today the handyman came and finished everything on the list almost. He took down the shutters and we told him I will paint them if he will come back to put them back up. I got all of them washed and painted with the primer coat. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get the final coat on them. Then he can come back and finish. (Now it’s the tomorrow) I painted the shutters and it took two coats. Just that slight bending is the worst thing for my back so I am really stiff and sore tonight. Tomorrow I have to make deviled eggs to take to the Moose. (I boiled and peeled them tonight) I also have to get my nails done and then tomorrow night I have installation of officers at the Moose. I will go ahead and post this as I think it’s been a couple of days. You ladies are wonderful and such an inspiration to me. I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif]

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    The DVD I was going to do didn't download correctly, so I did an extremecardio DVD instead. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water aerobics class.

    barbie - I knew that you'd provide that link to reset the days on MFP so that's why I didn't do anything

    mightylo - I'm sure you'll win!

    Welcome everyone new! You join by posting. We're glad to have you here

    Joyce - so glad you found your iPad

    DJ or pip - Karen needs you!!!!

    KJ - if I can, I prefer to prelog my food. One thing I've found is that if I'm over, I can see where I can cut out calories and where the most calories came from

    pip and Sylvia - I'm sorry you had such an awful day. Tomorrow can only get better, look at it that way

    daisy - what a surprise! We're glad you're here

    D - I seem to lose more in the summer, too. Probably because I'm outdoors so much and not in the house near the refrigerator. Congrats on the loss!

    Went to Aldi today. Cleaned the grates/shelves from the oven and put them back in. Started the 4th and final beaded banner. Can't wait until that one's done.

    Chris - what an experience you had. I'm lucky in that I never got stranded on the Garden State Parkway. What nice drivers you had! And good for you not having these Reese's Cups

    Count me among those people who pray to find lost things

    kimses - have a good trip. Remember, you can many times request substitutions in restaurants or how something is prepared.

    Anne - that's so nice of you to wear the dress, even tho you don't care for it.

    Michele in NC
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hope everyone in the path of the storms stay safe!!

    Had a filling replaced this morning. NOT FUN!! I will need to call tomorrow because I found a rough place that I'm afraid will get caught by brushing and flossing.

    Tonight, my daughter and I went to the local university (Michele - It was Elon.) for the spring performance of their vocal jazz ensemble. I haven't been since before the divorce and I've really missed it. The group is a cappella -- something like you would see on the show Pitch Perfect. They did a Woodstock retrospective. One of the students arranged Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix for the group! Amazing! Saw some old friends at the show, too.

    I'm off to bed now. Trying to get back in to better sleep habits.

    :heart: Carol in NC
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Good evening - a raw, rainy day here near the coast...snow Downeast & the mountains but I'm thinking of those of you dealing with very turbulent weather in the heartland! I will never forget the sounds of the warning sirens when we lived in Michigan & Ohio...scary! Hope all is well for you.

    KJLamore I too log everything each morning for the day...we eat out often so I try to check out nutrition ahead of time so I know what to order if it's a chain. That's how I found out about all the hidden calories & sodium...how dumb could I be not figuring that out earlier! Now we breakfast at little family restaurants not iHop or Friendly's...no more 1100 cal breakfasts...good grief!

    Heather & DJ you know the old saying " call me anything just don't call me late for dinner" I've signed Lois but think GLo is better...that's what my grands call me.

    Katla I told my husband to get on the stick & see what our deer think of human urine...worth a try & not as stinky as cayote which was BAD

    Barbie thanks for the history lesson...going on 8 yrs is impressive & a real commitment

    Penny I have so enjoyed your posts from the North Pole...I'm of Swedish descent (Irish too) & I grew up w/those traditions especially at Christmas. I've been to Stolkholm & Oslo but not to the real Land of the Midnight Sun.

    I'm snug & comfy hope you all are too,
    GLo North Shore Ma

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited April 2016
    I went out and walked this afternoon. Big mistake. Four miles later I was SO hot. Seems that the flooding and excessive rains (still expecting more rain this week!) has caused the humidity to go up more than normal this time of year. 16 inches of rain = humidity. Go figure.

    My daughter and her husband have the room that flooded all cleared out. It is drying out but they lost their son's bed that was in there. It was a cheap hand-me-down they had been given and was particle board. It was covered in mold on the bottom and swelling so not salvageable. I feel for them as this is their first house and they just bought it about four months ago. They have found so many things wrong with it that didn't show up on the inspection. They had a good inspector but there were things that just took time to appear. By the time they finish fixing the problems they will have a new house. :) The water issue is obviously a result of their neighbors raising their yard so it now all drains into our kids yard. They will be building a french drain next to the house and grading the yard to make a swale that will drain the water coming from the neighbors around the house.

    I've decided to learn a new musical instrument. I play piano, trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone and can manage a few songs on the flute. I tried the bassoon but I have to admit I never got beyond sounding like a freight train so I don't claim that one. I have no string instruments unless you want to count the piano so I'm going to learn the cello. I shall see if it works out or goes the way of the bassoon. lol I won't sound like a freight train but a screeching tiger? (the idea of a violin screeching moved me to a lower voiced instrument).

    Oh, and the deer. Sprinklers don't work. I'm not sure urine would work. These things are domesticated. Almost like pets due to the number of people that feed the stupid things. I'm sorry, they are beautiful but in my world Bambi belongs in the freezer NOT in my garden. If we were in the mountains I'd say live and let live... but suburban Houston? I guess I will have to use deer netting and just fight the HOA when they say it has to come down.

    Thinking of new ways to irritate her husband in Houston
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi Ladies, a friend of mine has started using MFP and would like to join this group. She's just a sprout--only 45, but this just the loveliest, most encouraging group of ladies I've found on MFP, so if it's okay with y'all, I'd like to point her this direction. :heart:

    Also I did resistance training today for the first time since I got so sick almost two weeks ago, and the fatigue is bone deep this evening, but I did survive. :smile:
    exermom wrote: »

    mightylo - I'm sure you'll win!

    Michele in NC

    You know, I really might! I did well by the criteria they care about: 6" lost in my waist, 4" in my hips, 5" in my thigh circumference. And they go by age... I've got a really good shot at the 50-something lady bracket.

    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Larisa- Winning your contest would be great, but I am sure you know you have already won...;)

    Totally! :star: But this year has been financially difficult, and I wouldn't complain about a cash prize, either. :smiley:

    Larisa in Seattle