May 2016 Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @Virkati great job!
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited May 2016
    ups, double post ..
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @Elise4270 "They were on sale because there's a surplus" sounds nicer than how I would have put it - my thoughts were actually "the shop wanted to get rid of them really badly, because they realised that nobody wants to buy trail shoes in that screaming color" :D
  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    Today was supposed to be my first half marathon, but I didn't run it. :disappointed:

    Back in March I was in great shape, running decent distances and planning for my half today. On April 3rd I did something horrible to my hamstring and knee in my right leg while playing football, as well as pulling a calf muscle in the same leg. I then got a cold! I haven't run at all since. :(

    Until today. I didn't do the half I was planning, but I did get out for my first run for 6 weeks tonight: just a 5k, and very slow at that, but at least I was out running, and nothing broke! Hoping to get 30 miles in by the end of the month.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    whatang wrote: »
    Today was supposed to be my first half marathon, but I didn't run it. :disappointed:

    Back in March I was in great shape, running decent distances and planning for my half today. On April 3rd I did something horrible to my hamstring and knee in my right leg while playing football, as well as pulling a calf muscle in the same leg. I then got a cold! I haven't run at all since. :(

    Until today. I didn't do the half I was planning, but I did get out for my first run for 6 weeks tonight: just a 5k, and very slow at that, but at least I was out running, and nothing broke! Hoping to get 30 miles in by the end of the month.

    Way to make a tough day into a new beginning!!
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    @Virkati - Congrats on the first half!!! Doesn't matter how slow, what matters is you did it.

    @whatang - Glad you are running again. You will be back where you were in no time.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @ddmom0811 It sounds like many of us need a little break! But you are a champ for doing ANYTHING after being up til 1:00 at prom! Oof!

    @_nikkiwolf_ Haha I spent my Wednesday doing that EXACT same procrastination activity. The most I moved all day was from my bed to my desk to my kitchen to my bathroom, all with Kindle in hand. Sometimes you just need to take a day off and waste a day reading when everything else is just too much to handle!

    @Virkati Congrats on your first HM! No matter the time: YOU DID IT! So... when's the next one? ;)
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    May 03      4.2T     4.2  
    May 04      4.2T     8.4 
    May 06      5.1     13.5 
    May 07      8.2     21.7 
    May 08      5.6     27.3 
    May 09      4.2     31.5 
    May 11      6.5     38.0 
    May 13      5.0     43.0
    May 14     12.6     55.6
    May 15      4.2     59.8

  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @kristinegift funny you should ask because I'm already signed up for a half on Labor day and Rock-n-Roll Denver mid October! However, for those I'm going to make a plan and stick to it. AND I'm going to do everything the phys therapist says so that I don't have any more issues with the hip muscle. I'm positive that tomorrow, walking will be done with deliberate caution. My body HURTS right now!
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    edited May 2016
    5/14...................31.50...............76.50 GRT 50k Ultra



    2016 Races
    5/14: Glacier Ridge Ultra -- 50k (Portersville, PA)
    7/9: Buckeye Trail 50k -- 50k (Brecksville, OH)
    7/16: ColorRun --5k (with my 15 year old)(Pittsburgh, PA)
    7/17: Presque Isle Half-Marathon (Erie, PA) -- This is a maybe.. road races have too many people...
    9/10: 1st Annual Possum Glory Endurance Race -- 50k (Northern Cambria, PA)
    10/1: Cloudsplitter 100 -- 100 Miles (Pine Mountain, KY)
    10/15: Buffalo Creek Half Marathon (Sarver, PA) -- This is also a maybe.. because people...

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 "They were on sale because there's a surplus" sounds nicer than how I would have put it - my thoughts were actually "the shop wanted to get rid of them really badly, because they realised that nobody wants to buy trail shoes in that screaming color" :D

    A runner doesn't care what color they are. Well, unless you're @Ohhim *why is there no devil emoji?

    All my trail shoes stay near mud colored :smiley:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1---0.5 test run, 6.0 walk/trail runnish
    14---6.48 walk
    15---2.3 another walk. Hooray!


    Upcoming races:

    11/05/16 Jenks Half Jenks OK
    12/11/16 Dallas marathon, half
    Run the year 2016  749.96/ 2016
  • PoppetsMaster
    PoppetsMaster Posts: 200 Member
    Rested today...but surprisingly, I wasn't that sore today. I will be back at it this week since I have this distance again in 7 weeks... there is something about long distances that hits me like a drug...

    @WhatMeRunning ...was so psyched to see that not only did you feel good enough to run, you went out and pounded it... nicely done!

    @MNLittleFinn ... congrats on a solid run!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited May 2016
    Congrats to all who raced! I read all of the posts yesterday so apologies to all I miss but way to go to those I recall right now :blush:@7lenny7 @PoppetsMaster @Virkati

    Sorry about the pup @Elise4270. :cry:

    @kristinegift - Enjoy a well earned running break, you'll be back better than ever as soon as you're ready!

    @MobyCarp hope you heal quickly! And I recall one or more others had some issues recently, I hope none of them keep you down long.

    Thanks all for the race kudos. @Ohhim you may be right. I have wondered what might have been possible if I had not decided to hang back with the lead 2:20 pacer. Granted by the time I broke away at mile 10 my HR was up at 150 steadily but that was all uphill too. I try to race between 140 and 152 building up slowly through that range at first then a kick towards 160 at the end. So it may not have made much difference since I was in those ranges but may have spent some miles in the lower range that could have been more in the middle of that range. I have nothing but hilly races from now until my series of 6 halfs in 3 weekends, so I may not make an earnest attempt at a race PR this fall, but it could just still happen with continued training and weight loss as you say.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited May 2016
    01-May: <Life Day>
    02-May: 3.92 miles
    03-May: 8.22 miles
    04-May: 3.65 miles
    05-May: 7.62 miles
    06-May: 11.43 miles
    07-May: 8.44 miles
    08-May: <Life Day>
    09-May: 4.08 miles
    10-May: 10.92 miles
    11-May: 6.67 miles
    12-May: 6.92 miles
    13-May: 3.24 miles
    14-May: 15.70 miles
    15-May: <Life Day>
    22-May: <Life Day>
    29-May: <Life Day>


    So yeah. I did 15.7 miles yesterday, in 3 separate excursions.
    • Battle of Byron 5K (Garmin says 3.03). Felt pretty good, wound up (prob) 4th in my AG.
    • Regular long-run. Knew I had another 10K race later, so kept it down to about a 10K. Felt alright, but I did go by the running store after to pick up a back-of-the-knee compression belt-thing. Seemed to help, but it's still prob mostly a matter of not kicking in my gait.
    • Back the Blue 10K (Garmin says 6.46, which makes up for the "short" 5K). This was the first time they'd done this, but it was pretty well handled, except that starting at 9 PM, and waiting for the last person to cross the line before they (apparently) started tallying things, meant that the awards didn't start until nearly (or after) 11 PM. There were over 475 folks pre-registered for the 5K, and nearly 60 for the 10K, so that's a good turn-out. The police were out "in force" since this is for their auxiliary, and they seemed very appreciative of the number of folks that turned out. In addition, there were lots of kiddos that were excited to stay up late, and were having a good time with runners passing them, giving them high fives. Lots of glow stuff, plus lots of Emergency Management Service lighting meant it was a fun event. Got 2nd in my AG. And no, per instruction by SWMBO, I'm NOT telling you that there were only 2 awards given in my AG. :wink:

    Upcoming Races:
    21-May: Georgia Jugfest 5K, Knoxville
    28-May: GEICO/Special Olympics 5K
    30-May: Cordele Kiwanis 8K (?)
    03-Jun: Daylily Dash 5K, Gray (7 PM)
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA
    05-Sep: Labor Day Road Race 10K
    17-Sep: Joshua's Wish 5K
    24-Sep: Georgia Golden Olympics 5K
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    @Virkati You did it! Nice job. Wishing you a rapid recovery!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    Did my first half. The time isn't impressive, but the fact that I actually DID the half IS impressive. Chip time of 3:36:41. I got in under the 4 hour cutoff and that makes me pretty happy. My body isn't happy at all. I'm going to HURT even more tomorrow and I'm going to love every minute!

    woohoo!!!! Awesome!!! Great time.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    50 of 100 miles

    @skippygirlsmom Way to be dead on track for your monthly goal!
    @Orphia Wow, the photos are so cool! Foregive my cluelessness - but that's a wallaby, isn't it? Or something else? And a 15 km PB the day after climbing a mountain, great job!

    @_nikkiwolf_ Thanks! You're spot on - it is a wallaby.

    Saw another wallaby along the creek in town this morning. Amazing, the things you see when you're not on the couch. :smile:

    @Virkati Many congrats for doing your first half! I hope to do one soon.

    @9voice9 Wow, three events in one day! :open_mouth: Absolutely awesome. :smiley:
  • 19MotherRunner80
    19MotherRunner80 Posts: 37 Member
    got a few more in this weekend :)
