

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member

    Did an hour of Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take a deep water aerobics class

    Lillian - I bet pip could ride her bike to where you work, even if it is 70 miles...

    Joyce - Allison gave some great ideas of items to "drink". I just don't know about the scrambled eggs, but yogurt, applesauce, and even oatmeal are quite soft

    kritney - thanks for teaching me about what a histotech is and does. I honestly never thought of this specialty. I don't know who I thought prepared the slides and things, I just never thought of it.

    Larisa - I was the same way. At one poinet my calories got really down. Yes, I did lose weight. But I looked and felt like c*** so I decided it just wasn't worth it.

    Marcelyn - good for you resisting those brownies. They just aren't worth it, huh? I alaways take all my "extras" to the soup kitchen.

    Went to Mexican Train. The gal can't have it the next two months so I'll have it here in June and another gal will have it in July. The one problem is that one gal has trouble walking, she uses a walker and can't get up the stairs. I have a feeling that Vince is going to build some sort of ramp. He's been talking about that for some time. I know that he's a worry-wort in some sense, he's concerned that something might happen and we need a ramp and he won't be able to build it.

    Oh, got an email from Hayward (pump mfg). They said "yes, the drive will sometimes trip the breaker. We've found xxx (I don't remember the names) and xxx (Vince ordered this one and it should be here Thurs) to be the best brands." Now why couldn't they have told us that a month ago instead of them sending three $800 parts and one $500 part they could have just said "what kind of breaker are you using? We'd suggest xxx or xxx". Yesterday Vince bought a non-GFI breaker. We know the pump will work with that. The electrician, even tho he couldn't put it in, suggested we get one just so that we can start cleaning the algae from the pool. Well, vince installed it and we put 8-1/2 gallons of bleach in the pool and 1/2 gallon in the spa. Even Hayward said "some people run their pumps on non-GFI breakers" even tho all their documentation says to only use a GFI breaker. Go figure. But at least the pool is starting to get cleaned.

    tomorrow we'll probably take the cover off and try to clean it. Ceramics at night

    Count me among those worried about Sylvia.

    Michele in NC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Hi - Boy did I FU today. Going in for my weigh-in after taking son to the work site; and did not see a car coming (because of cars in the turn-only lane facing me and one making a right-hand turn); and pulled out to turn left and got T-boned and shoved head-on into a light pole. I'm OK, no broken bones, just sore as all get out. No car, possibly totaled; the air bags on the passenger side went off; but, when I got shoved into the pole, the airbag in my steering column did not. Maybe good, could have not been good ... I 'think' Honda owes me an explanation on my 2015 Honda Accord. Big huge knot on that bone on the outside of my ankle; so far, that is where I hurt the most. Was supposed to have lunch with BF; and pick up our tax stuff from year-before-last, and the 'extension' we filed this year. Man at the bank is becoming a bit pushy about it. No car to drive, don't really want to drive at this point; can't with a neck brace for the next 2 or 3 days. Don't know if the wrecker company will allow DH to come get stuff out of the car and the Breast Cancer Awareness tax on the back. Nothing of 'great importance' ... just want my 'stuff'.

    Going to bed in a 'few' and take a muscle relaxant and pain pill before I do (along with the rest of my meds).

    Never saw him coming; and, then the witnesses said that he got out of the car and walked behind the building talking on his phone. It happened so fast that I wonder if he was on his phone and speeding at the time of the incident? Who knows; but, she did tell the policeman about it. Got a ticket for 'failure to yield right-of-way'. But, buckled up, have a bruise across my chest. Back hurts now; but, hopefully, I will feel better in the morning.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla, sounds heavenly. Enjoy and safe travels.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lenora - so sorry to hear of the accident. Take care, feel better.

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, I want to be you right now!!!! Have fun.

    Lenora, how terrible. You know you will even feel worse tomorrow. I don't see why the wrecker company would not let your DH come and get belongings out of your car.

    Allison, thank you so much for your ideas. I loved scrambled eggs with cheese so I fixed that for a bedtime snack. Tasted delicious although I ate it in little bitty bites. I do think there is less pain when I chew now. Supper at the church tomorrow night is chicken casserole and I hope my mouth is mobile enough to eat that.

    I won't say how I feel about Indiana's vote today. Am just proud that we have the freedom to vote and voice our opinion on who our choice is and now must accept that what we want doesn't always happen. OOPS, guess I did say how I felt. Sorry.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Ugh, sleepless in OKC

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited May 2016
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Kim asked:
    Penny – so is there different denominations of churches in your little town? Or maybe Norway has a state church
    Good question, Kim! We have only one church. It is what used to be the Norwegian state church but was denationalized some time ago. The denomination is Lutheran. However, the church up here in Svalbard is very special in that the pastor is responsible for ALL Christians in the archipelago, regardless of creed. His annual budget is expected to cover visits from Catholic and Russian Orthodox priests at Christmas and Easter. So our local pastor turns over the church in Longyearbyen to his colleagues for services, and also accompanies them on visits to the Russian/Ukrainian mining town of Barentsburg (about 400 inhabitants) and the Polish research station at Hornsund (winter population ~12).

    You and others have asked why the Germans burned Longyearbyen during WWII. The islands ARE pretty far off the beaten track. Still, this isn't a place you want to be if you can't be sure of receiving provisions at least once a year. So in 1941, when the situation started to look threatening, the entire archipelago was evacuated. Only a small Norwegian garrison was left to defend the infrastructure in Longyearbyen.

    The islands were of strategic value for two reasons: weather and coal. Waging war - especially at sea - requires good weather forecasts, and good weather forecasts require data on wind, barometric pressure and temperature from as many places as possible. So the Germans set up a weather station outside Longyearbyen. Then there was the coal. Back in the 1940s, this was a coal mining town and nothing else. When the town was evacuated, the Norwegians set fire to the coal seams and the coal that had already been mined, according to the principle: "If I can't have it, nobody else is going to get it". The Germans didn't attack until 1943, when two destroyers shelled the town, then patrols went ashore and set fire to most of the buildings. They were probably acting according to the same if-not-me-nobody principle.

    Lisa - Congrats (I think) on landing the managing editor job. You are one busy lady!

    Pip - I used to ride my bike to and from work every day (2×10 miles). I won't attempt it now, though, because the trip to work is so short. And so STEEP! Just 15 steps upstairs from my bedroom. :laugh:

    Charleen - Seeing your gorgeous quilt gives me a serious case of must-have syndrome.

    Cheri - Charming sea creatures!

    Joyce - Hope your jaw settles down soon.

    Lenora - Oh my goodness! Glad you appear only to have bruises after the accident.

    Sylvia - Thinking of you and hoping you are well :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Our outing yesterday was quite a challenge. The weather was so-so. Warm (that is to say above freezing) but very windy with occasional snow flurries. I did things with a snowmobile I wouldn't have believed possible, like crossing 300 yards of bottomless slush where there will be a river in another week or two. :noway: I was very brave! B)

    When we arrived at our destination we had a quick dinner then the pastor suited up for the service. He loves holding worship services outdoors - in what he calls the most beautiful of all cathedrals. Here's a picture of him donning his robe and stole over his snowmobile suit.

    The service attracted a lot of media attention. The three people in the middle are from BBC and the two on the right are from Norwegian state television. BBC is making an entire series about people who live in Svalbard and the pastor is one of them. They have been following their "victims" off and on since last fall.

    Must get to work now...
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited May 2016
    Is that part of the series, "An Island Parish" ? I really like that series.

    Grits - Oh my goodness.! How awful. I bet you are sore. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce - Hope you are on the mend. :flowerforyou:

    I am feeling much better this morning. Strange how I was thrown off track yesterday, but onward and upward. I still have my pesky pound to get rid of and I want to stop biting my nails before the cruise, so they look better. Last night I had a real nibble. :sad: The next few days are busy with grandchildren etc. so I hope things will pick up. Food could be a challenge as we are eating with the family tomorrow night (probably Vietnamese take away) .
    This morning the plumber is here and had to go out go get bits. He seems to have done it. :) He's just finishing off now after an hour and a half. Sounds expensive. :sad:

    The only other thing I did today is order an Instant Pot Duo cooker for my son's birthday present. I paid for one day delivery so that it will arrive when we are there tomorrow. At least I will know that it got there. His birthday is later, but they are going on holiday etc, so I wanted to make sure. It's a lot more than I usually pay for a birthday present, but I thought, as he is the only cook in the house, that he would find it very useful to have his food ready for him when he gets home from work, instead of having to start cooking. It's also a pressure cooker for quick meals and keeps food warm for ages. I hope he uses it and it doesn't just get left in a cupboard. :ohwell: I did email him to ask him if he wanted it and he said "It looks amazing - yes please!"

    Sylvia - where are you? <3

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Lenora, glad you're OK. Sounds like you may be feeling a bit stove up today. Hope the pills work.

    Awake and sore and tired, but second cup of the nectar of the gods will hopefully get my mood off of "" who am I kidding?" and back to "I am woman, hear me roar." It's why I don't talk to people until after at least two cups. By the third cup, I'm usually unstoppable. :)

    Last free weekday morning for a while...will be knocking things out as much as I can before going to the gym at lunch and taking a shower. DH promised he would get bathtub installed this weekend if at all possible. As long as they don't call him in to work, of course. Fingers crossed! The vinyl planks come in on Friday, so I might even have a floor! It would make all this much easier.

    Sylvia's absence is worrying. Will send her a message when I'm done here.

    Love y'all,
    Wish me luck. I love beginnings (coffee is starting to work, obviously.) B)
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Is that part of the series, "An Island Parish" ? I really like that series.
    Heather, no, it's a new series that won't air until next fall. They're calling it "Ice People".

  • Betsyk2001
    Betsyk2001 Posts: 16 Member
    May Resolutions
    No Sugar!! (Under 5 g per serving)
    No gluten (gives me migraines)
    Eat fresh
    12000 steps a day
    36 oz Water ((hate it but trying)
    Log everything
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Hi all! Just wanted to share a couple of photos I found! One...because it is May the fourth (be with you) day and it touches on the way I have felt about our presidential candidates this election year. The second photo is a picture of hummingbird eggs in their nest. I have only seen them in a museum, but to think you may live in an area where you have to be on the look out for them as you prune and trim...I just thought they looked sweet! So tiny! Have a happy Wednesday!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    KJ ~ Totally agree with the first photo. The humming bird nest is amazing. I would never have thought about such a tiny nest being in my shrubs.

    Lenora ~ Sorry about your accident and hope you make a quick recovery although I know you will be sore and bruised today.

    Lisa ~ Yes! Coffee is wonderful.

    Penny ~ You have opened our eyes as to what life is like in your world. To me it is amazing that you and your village folks enjoy doing normal every day activities in such a very cold part of the world. Thanks for teaching us.

    Heather ~ I Googled the duo pot and it does sound amazing. My pressure cooker can be used as a slow cooker but I have never tried it.

    We have a cold front coming in today! Will only be in the 60's. LOL I'll take that!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    FINALLY - SPRING IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, it's like summer today. I actually went outside to water my pots and spray some weedkiller on the patio. :drinker: This is despite the scaffold erectors on one side and the builders on the other! To think I moved out of London because of noisy neighbours!
    Tonight will water the veg beds. The seeds are at last sprouting!

    Picked some sorrel for a sauce to have with salmon. :D I will freeze some when it's cooked.

    Got to vote tomorrow morning before we catch the train to London. It's our local elections. We will have to set out extra early as DH will have to find a parking place . We can't leave it in the car park as we are staying overnight and there is no provision for that in the pay machines.
    We are taking up DGS's presents for his 5th birthday on the 6th and I will have DH's chocolates in my case for our meeting anniversary on the 6th as well. :D<3 13 years since we met through an online dating site. :love:

    Pic of DGS studying maths on the computer. He is home from school tomorrow because his school is being used for voting.


    Love Heather UK

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited May 2016
    Lenora sorry about the accident. Did you get looked at by a doctor? Sometimes as you know your body goes into shock and it isn't until that wears off that you know what your injuries are. Take extra care. Hope you get your things soon.

    Kelly love the hummingbird nest. We have yet to see ours yet. They should be here shortly.

    Charleen stunning quilt.

    Sylvia hope you are doing okay!

    :heart: Margaret
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Lenora take care. Let yourself heal fully before continuing on!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    KJ - Adorable tiny nest! <3
    Today as I was out picking sorrel I saw two amazing leaf like beetles copulating on the sorrel. Wonderful camouflage! Glad I didn't stew them!

    Heather UK
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi friends. Well things are getting better back-wise. Between the last 2 days I have 140 minutes of exercise, over 9000 steps each day, and my blood sugars are coming down nicely. AND I can almost feel my foot! Yay for that!

    Benny Beagle...I don't think I told you...has been put on 4 new meds (now that's 11 twice a day, 1 three times a day, and 1 three times a week) and needs a bronchoscopy for presumed tracheal collapse. His cough is nearly constant, with every breath, unless he is out for a walk or very excited, which I think is very weird, but it does tell you it isn't his heart or lungs! His triglycerides are over 1300 now, so they put him on some medicine to make the bile move around more (he had his gallbladder out, so that doesn't help). so maybe if that helps, we can reduce some of the other meds for triglycerides. He does remain happy and perky which is nice to see.

    Someone wrote about a may goal to go to bed with husband. That has been an issue for us....first hubby broke that rib and literally couldn't lie down in bed for about 5 weeks. Then my back has made it very uncomfortable for me to be in bed. Then with Benny coughing all night, one of us stays with him and doesn't sleep while the other one gets to have some sleep. We were just talking about that the other night and it is improving. I still find it very uncomfortable to sleep in that bed though. the mattress is about 15 years old and I question my pillow choice as I wake up with neck pain every morning.

    Well on the non-complaining side...it is gorgeous here today and my final exam is tomorrow. this group of students has had it's challenges and I will be happy to not teach again until mid October. Well other than an online course for 5 weeks during the summer.

    We have a silver maple tree that looks awful in our backyard...all the bark is peeling off. Our landscaping people said to call an arborist...uh oh, so something must be very wrong with it. I hate to see it cut down because it is in the middle of a landscaped area and that will totally destroy all those plants plus it is huge and beautiful. I hope to put in my garden this weekend, a challenge since I can't bend (back) or squat (knee). OMG well it will be amusing for sure.

    Take care all, meg from Omaha where the sun does shine!
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Wow so much going on...all I can say right now is the ruby throated humming birds & Baltimore Orioles are at our feeders again.
    Lisa congrats on your additional job.

    Lenora I hope your still feeling ok today.

    Heather Leicester football team gas been all over the air waves here with explanation of the odds in a context we can understand.

    Penny wish I could spend a little time in your world...love cold weather...dreading the heat/humidity of the summer to come. It's getting so much warmer I'm not even enjoying gardening any more!

    Larissa at 5'10.5" I've been watching calories & what works for me too...MFP allots 1360/day to lose 1.5#s/wk. I've found
    1200 works better but 1000 means less weight loss. Also can't eat into my exercise calories & expect to see the scale go down much.

    Joycewhat a pain in the jaw...hope healing is swift with the antibiotic.

    Kim how nice to have a qumquat tree...hope your cold is better.

    GLo on the North Shore of Ma who has now added the plank to her exercise routine
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    At work and cannot read posts but wanted Heather to see this cartoon...