

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    The 7th will b Floyd's 7th bday, he is such a man now. 6h3w32wxba37.jpeg
    This is first year he is considered a senior
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    morning peeps =

    exermom - yeah, I could ride 70miles, done more than that but I would have to get up awfully early to get to work by 8am.

    Kirby was going to get his wooden renovo bike out to ride and put his other bike away for the summer and found one of the rims was slightly ben and he didn't know how that happened. took it to the bike shop and if they can fix it, awesome, otherwise he is going to have to buy a new rim. found he can't get a matching rim like the front tire anymore so he will have to get a new set. low price/low end rims are $500, mid-end $800 or hi-end 1200. I told him to get mid end. got an expensive bike, can't have cheapy rims.
  • Pollance
    Pollance Posts: 28 Member
    Charleen - what a spectacular quilt!.

    Cheri - love the sea creatures!

    Joyce - Hope your jaw settles down soon. If u don't feel an improvement, call the dentist and let them know. You may need a different antibiotic.

    Lenora - Take care of yourself. The pain is going to get worse before it gets better. Don't push yourself.

    Lisa-congratulations on your new (additional) job!

    Michele, I need the secret of weight coming off with low calories. Someone suggested increasing calories to jump start weight loss since I was around 1000/day, so I increased to 12-1300/day. (Any more and I start to gain). Good clean food. I have been religious about writing down everything that passes my lips, drinking 8-10 cups of water / day, minimum of 2 miles / day (usually significantly more). every day except yesterday + cybex machines every other day. I have not lost 1 lousy ounce in close to 2 weeks! The chocolate at the checkouts is calling my name very loudly, but I haven't caved...yet.... Does anyone have any insight / suggestions??

    Got a fabulous deal on a flight to Florida and thought why not? Not direct though. Currently sitting in Atlantic city airport. The flight to Florida has been delayed due to severe storms in Fla. Air traffic control isn't letting anyone fly. Better to be safe than sorry!!

    Hoping I can behave food wise while in Fla!

    Nikki in MA, on her way to Florida
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lenore so sorry about the accident. That is just terrible. Good that you are taking it easy. Make sure you see a doc if only for insurance purposes!!!

    Feeling glad I did get to the gym so I will do that again after DH gets out of ambulatory today (miniscus tear). My Eating is off and I blame it on my busy schedule. You know the old saying failing to plan is planning to ...... Well that is me and I am going to take care of meal planning this very afternoon.

    Wish it would warm up already. The dreary cold damp is affecting my mood.

    Karen from ny
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Thanks all, I do feel worse today than yesterday. Sore in spots I never knew I had. Thanks to all wishing me ‘well’ from my accident. Going to get 'off' my feet. Had to call State Farm to get the ball rolling and make a claim. I was surprised that the front airbags did not go off when I got T-bones; but, my Agent said it could be that once I got hit from the side it disabled the others. Not really a good feeling since I hit a pole after getting hit; thank goodness for seat belts which I always wear. EMT said it was obvious because I had a bruise across my chest. The other guy got out of his car and was talking on a cellphone when he walked behind the businesses on the road. One of the witnesses said that to somebody 3 or 4 times. But I still got ticketed for 'failure to yield'. Never saw him coming; sight blocked by 4 cars in the turn lane across from me. I don't know if he tried to stop or not. Saw lights when he hit, might have been airbags above the doors coming down and out. Blacked out before I hit utility pole and saw bright lights when I hit it. Scary!

    Jmkmomm – I don’t think it was the wrecker’s fault that DH did not get ‘stuff’ out of car; the EMTs were there when he and my DOS got there, trying to get me out of the door; he finally pushed it really had to be able to get out. I could not walk on my right foot, so they got me to the stretcher and laid me down. Surprisingly, it was a lot smoother ride than some buses I’ve ridden in. Took me to the “North Campus” of city hospital where I got seen immediately. Downtown city hospital has a few ‘walk-in’s’ there for non-emergency things. They have a clinic right across the parking lot, where the triage nurse sends them if it isn’t an emergency. Wearing this ‘stupid’ collar is about as bad as my right ankle insofar as being a real P.I.T.A.
    Getting on board with insurance company has not been as bad as I thought it’d be. Getting the hospital to bill my car insurance company instead of Medicare and BC/BS ‘hopefully’ won’t be bad. Last time I was involved in a wreck; they had to pay back one another for various things they covered. But, at least I did not have to ‘fight’ with them about it.
    Go to my GP on Monday, who will probably send me to the Orthopedist; but, have to follow all the rules of ObamaCare to make sure my bills are paid. Weigh-in on Monday before I go to GP; and, then on Friday, go back for my yearly mammogram and pelvic and Pap smear.

    Margaret - I did get seen by ER MD. CT Scan of Head and Torso; x-ray of ankle; nothing broken. Very sore today. Neck brace is aggravating; but, go to wear it 2 or 3 days. Day 1 today. Ankle is really sore and hard to walk on; could not do it last night at all. Used a cane; but, cane in cumbersome, so I hang on to furniture instead. Seat Belt burn/bruise, neck/back and right ankle (which I had broken before and crushed the heel … making sure it wasn’t broken again and that the pins are still in place. Miserable getting it into a position to x-ray it; Orthopedist will probably x-ray it again in a more looking at it.


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wow Lenore ... where are air bags when you need them! Honda has had two recalls on their airbags in the last 5 years that I know of personally, and another one at least before then. Hope yours wasn't one that had been replaced and still didn't work!

    As for me ... I haven't mentioned yet, being so new to this thread ... but I have an edema problem in my legs that has been with me most of my life, from when I was still in my twenties. Now that I am past 70 it's gotten really much worse this past year and more so the last few months. I gained over 5 pounds of weight in the past 48 hours and I wonder how much of that is from the sodium that was higher than normal for me ... so today I have only consumed clear water in an attempt to get things moving instead of pooling ... and it's finally starting to work. I should feel happy because I'm finally letting go of a bit of the excess fluid in me ... but I'm unhappy! Why ... well, I want to go shopping and am prisoner to the porcelain convenience located in my bathroom! The urgency and need are coming on too closely together for a drive and walk from the parking lot into the store! So I'm telling myself there are at least 2 good things out of this ... 1- more money in the wallet, and 2-hopefully the pounds will be less when I weigh in the morning!
    NY Niki
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I ate a banana relatively pain free this morning!!!!!!! Had my appointment with the Oral Surgery group today and she removed the old packing, rinsed and felt like she took off some stuff (debrided) and then repacked. Another appointment on Monday. The packing tastes terrible. She said I could eat what I thought I could tolerate this Mother's Day weekend. We are going our both Saturday and Sunday.

    Penny, thank you for the history lesson. Just goes to show that no matter who you are, how small and insignificant you are, you can play a big part in history.

    Oh Sylvia, where are you. I just hope she isn't back in the hospital.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Heather, I so agree with you on the subject of exercising that is easy and convenient. I applaud the people that go to the gym and get it done but like you, I’d rarely go if I had to leave home. I also agree that a regular diet of food you like and that is easy to stick with is the way to go. Mostly both of those are because I’m lazy. Now, you on the other hand are definitely NOT. I love to hear about the meals you cook. Tonight I will probably go over a bit because DH is taking me out to dinner just a little late for my birthday. We just haven’t been in the mood or had time until now.

    Janetr, I also agree with you about the social part of going to a gym. After my back surgery I ended up at the Y doing water aerobics in an Arthritis class. I started looking forward to seeing the ladies there. What I’d like to be doing at the gym would not include a class so I wouldn’t have that.

    Chris, I miss Mary also. I still think of her each time I do push-ups now. When you start eating something that you know you shouldn’t and it doesn’t taste as good as you think it should (for the calories) it is really okay to stop! You can actually even throw good food (if you want to call candy, food?) in the trash. Just think about it the next time.

    Larissa, good point about not restricting calorie intake too much.

    Marcelyn, Good girl on resisting eating all the left over brownies!!! Keep up the good work.

    Joyce, sending ((((Hugs)))) and hope to hear you are feeling back to normal soon.
    Heather, I’m sure it will be fine that you shared personal info with your Yoga teacher. I mean you are close enough to wear her clothes!? clothes-line-smiley-emoticon-emoji.png

    Kim, glad you are about over your cold. If your weight is down, just take it, no matter how it happened.

    CarolNC, you know that it’s not good to “hold it” for so long that you nearly go in your pants. And it’s a good excuse to get up and move. You are right about wearing the black pants, though. LOL

    Katla, safe travels.

    Lenora, so glad you weren’t seriously hurt in the car accident.

    Lisa, good luck and enjoy your new beginning.

    KJ, love the hummer eggs. Too cute!!!

    I hope to finish the last page tonight before I go to bed but have to dash for now.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. relaxing-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Hi gals,

    Katiebug – awesome on the hula hooping, I knew how as a kid.

    Katla – awe baby duckies and goslings

    Lenora – scary, take care

    Penny – thanks for the insight on church and WWII

    Meg – that is great news!!!! It may be time for a new mattress…

    Betty - Ok, that cartoon really got me smiling!

    Pip – Happy birthday Floyd

    Nikki – be patient! 2 weeks in nothing in the greater vision….

    Joyce – glad you saw the dentist…and can eat what you can handle.

    So my phone has been ringing off the hook with clients – when it rains it pours…. LOVE IT! But means I can’t be here as much as I would like.

    Thinking of Sylvia and missing Mary too - Having them both out has made me think about the “what if” I am going to give my password and login to a close friend and ask them that if anything happen to post for me. Wish we had thought to ask Mary if her DH would do a once a month status report… oh well…

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 397 Member
    Leonora, add me to the list of people upset you had that accident but happy you made it out alive!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Lenora, so sorry about the accident. I hate making left turns when you can't see.

    Joyce, I feel for you. I had dry sockets after having my wisdom teeth out, and that is the worst pain ever. I drove 20 minutes to a friend's to get her left-over prescription pain meds, it hurt so bad, and that is something I just don't do. That tells you how bad it was.

    Meg, I hear you on the pillow thing. Pillows are so expensive, and I get overwhelmed when I look at them. I don't think the one I have now was the right one for me.

    KJ, I like the cartoon and the hummingbird nest. Thanks for sharing.

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi - not much to report. Just stopping by to say hello. I stayed home sick yesterday but was back up and out today. I am tracking this week so that's all I can ask for. Very tired.

    Have a good evening.

    Kimses in MA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well, yesterday when my husband stated he had tripped from a street level to a higher than normal curb level, we thought he had just sprained his right knee. Well after a rough night on the recliner, I drove him to Emergency. Nope its not sprained, he fractured his patella (kneecap) so he is bound up with a harness thingy, and had crutches. Poor guy.... To get to the apartment he donned his driving gloves and went up the outside steps on his butt, pulling himself up step by step, and I was holding onto the harnessed knee. Poor guy.... Awaiting a call back from the ortho doc to get him to be seen as soon as possible.

    I even ate fairly well today. With all the commotion, doing laundry, getting his prescription for pain, driving all heck and gone....I did have a coke when I was doing laundry. What ELSE is there to do, watching the machine go round and round like a stupid show on TV.... and worrying about husband.

    Feeling a bit OFF today from giving blood yesterday, which is normal for me, but with husbands' deal, I had to just put it to the back of my mind.

    Lenora, sorry about what happened, see right THERE is why I hate driving. Being that I am a new driver, I avoid areas where I know there are turns I do not like....silly, I know. So glad you made thru it all. ((((hugs))))

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    OMGoodness Becca. Hope he takes time to heal. With you around I'm sure he will. Be patient. If it was my husband I'm sure I would be tested to core of my patience lol!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca so sorry that DH has such an injury. I can only imagine how much that hurts. I spent the day worrying about my DH as his miniscus tear repair happened today. I feel like I am on red alert. Waiting to see how bad his pain is going to be. He doesn't want me hovering but I just can't help it!!! He also hates me driving him around. Too bad he can't drive for another day so he is stuck with his designated driver.

    And oh yeah. I was running all day and then overrate at dinner. Kitchen is closed and I am going to bed!!
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    Lenora-I am so glad that you are basically ok. Please take care of yourself. I understand that the Honda airbags have been recalled. I heard that State Farm does a really good job with keeping health claims straightened out and paid quickly and accurately.

    Joyce- My new crown got put in today. I thought of you when the dentist was working on me. Be careful exercising. It might throb and hurt a great deal.

    Kelly- The hummingbird nest is astounding. May the force be with us all... thanks for posting.

    Becca- oh no. Just when things are looking so good for your family. I hope the orthopaedist can help your DH be comfortable as he heals.

    Kimses- feel better soon.

    Penny- thank you for the WWII background. You have educated us about a part of the world so few of us know. I am looking forward to the show.

    Stats for today:
    8 miles at 10.75 minutes per mile today.

    Rain, rain go away and fall in the drought areas instead where you are needed.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member

    i was able to do it, just tried it! 10points!
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Lenora so sorry you experienced the accident but so happy you did not get hurt worse. Someone was watching over you for sure.

    Working out at home verses the gym. The only reason I do well at making it to the gym is I go right after work. It is on my way home so that makes it easier. I know I push myself harder at the gym that's why most of my exercise/workouts are done there. I really have to push myself to make it there on the weekends. I have been going alone lately which is making it harder.

    Need to go find something to eat for dinner. Did not plan my meals well today. Have ate good but really searching the fridge and cupboards to do that.

    Anne from Wisconsin

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Not much new to say. I'm sticking to logging all my food and activity and have been pleasantly suprised to see that my sugar intake is much lower than I thought it would be. That is what I thought was my hidden devil (sugar) and could have been the reason I didn't lose weight. Nope...need to keep logging and counting and see what develops.

    My goodness, have you all been in this group for years? Everyone seems to know everyone! Happy thoughts! <3

    Charleen in Colorado