

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Becca-Oregon ... that Hershey's cocoa powder didn't taste so very good, dd it? I remember, back in the day when I used to buy cocoa mix taking a spoon ful of it in my mouth, just like you did! Good thing you didn't choke on it.

    Well, I got outside for the last 2 days running to cut the grass in the backyard. The front is due again also. My heart is so out of shape (probably more from my sedintary lifestyle than anything else) that I was completely past maximum after 10 minutes ... but I kep it up for 30. The grass lawn thanks me.
    NY Niki
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    followup to my 14# loss in that one month. never gained it back but didn't do any crash diet either to loose it
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    I am with you on not making it a contest to see how much I lose in a month. The important thing to me is have the kind of diet that makes me feel good.The best thing to wear to a wedding is a smile and a feeling of joy for the young couple. The one thing I did do for myself before my son's wedding is I worked on some exercises to improve my posture. Good posture can take ten pounds off your figure without losing a pound. Plus it makes you feel good about yourself regardless of your weight. It must be because it improves breathing. LOL

    :heart: Margaret
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Just found above site shows a "person" at different weights. You can choose body type etc. I thought it fun but some might think it's obsessive
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Thanks LJDW99 ~ I would look so much better if I could get to my goal weight of 130. Right now I'm at an obese 167.
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Not sure if PMS or just hangry... good morning.
  • auroranae
    auroranae Posts: 25 Member
    Happy Wets-day from Maryland where we are on day 20 of continuing rain.
    To those who are concerned that I want to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month- I drop a pound a day some weeks and gain 4 pounds overnight others... it is frustrating but so far I have lost about 7 pounds in 3 weeks. So... I am hopeful that I will lose at least 5 more by the end of the month to get me to a 12 pound weight loss in about 6 weeks. 2 pounds a week is my goal and that should be about right IF everything keeps going like it has.

    Unfortunately, I have a problem with joint swelling and stiffness that all this rain has made 10times worse making it very difficult to be more active- one of my May goals. Especially since I spend so much time ( in regular weather) outside working in the garden and have a ton of things to do to clean up the back yard and deck... if the rain would only stop I feel like I would be in a better place physically and mentally.

    Of course, the never ending rain does not stop the lacrosse games that Xander is playing this week for the county championship playoffs so I am getting ready to bundle up in my cold weather rain gear and head to a rival school to cheer him and his team on.

    His cap and gown and yearbook arrived yesterday so I feel like we have officially hit the end of his senior year. Only 2 more AP exams and then he will be done and ready to walk the stage to get his diploma. Now to get him to sign and return his scholarship award letter from the college that recruited him for next year and everything will be done.

    I have been making winter food as my kids call it- Chili, home made beef stew and homemade chicken soup in the last 5 days- since it has been so cold and wet. The good thing is that I can control what ingredients I use and with a freezer full of organic meats and the fresh veggies from the local grocer at least I feel like I am eating healthier. It has to be better than pre-packaged and canned foods.

    My biggest issue is still not eating enough. I have cut out almost all carbs in the form of bread and pasta. I do use gluten free pasta which helps with tummy troubles but more often I just eat something else like a salad with turkey breast sliced in it and vinaigrette dressing to keep the carbs down but get my protein and fiber. It helps and is better than just not eating anything which I am prone to do when I make food for the family that I really can't tolerate well.

    So- I read up on everyone's mothers days and you all seem to have had a great day.
    My parents came for a cookout so I took a picture of Me, my mom and my daughter with her new baby- we actually ahd about 2 hours of sun so we are all squinting but... at least it the rain gave us a break so we could get the pic!
    She is doing great as a new mom and has lost almost all of her baby weight- oh to be 19 again!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day- stay warm, dry and happy!

    D in the place where we used to have sunshine- Maryland

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Have a question for Allison or anyone else who may have had the awful experience. How long does this pain from the dry socket last? I can put my top and lower teeth together now without hardly any pain but that is without any chewing. My problem with doing all my chewing on my left side is that i have two teeth that had been pulled on the top. Tooth missing, tooth there and then tooth missing. So It's hard to chew with that. But my planned partial plate will take care of that. Tonight it 'chefs choice' at church. Since this eating at church on Wednesday nights is pretty new to me I have no idea what that will mean. But tonight I think is the last night until August, I think they just look to see what is in the freezer and pantry. They will have 2 or 3 special meals during the summer to get donations for missions.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Janet ~ love the funny! :)

    Aurora (Is that your name?) ~ Nice pic of your family.

    Went to the doc for my 6 month prescription check up today. Overall, I am doing well with the exception of shortness of breath on exercising. She thinks it is related to my allergies and mild asthma. So, will start using the inhaler and keep taking allergy meds.

    DH is doing his monthly antique show starting tomorrow so I will have the house to myself during the day. Maybe I will actually get some house work done. LOL ;)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Joyce, it seems like my dry sockets lasted about two weeks. I kept having to go back to the doctor and having them repacked. Mine were from wisdom teeth.

    Kim, I am not a cake decorator, never have been, don't claim to be, but I read a tip just recently to make your decorations like roses, stars, etc on wax paper on a cookie sheet and pop them in the freezer. Then ice your cake as you normally would and place the decorations on while they are still frozen. That way, you could ignore the ones that you mess up. Would thus work for you?

    Great picture, Aurora! Your daughter looks great for having just had a baby.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Aurora - You all look so young! :flowerforyou:

    Had a lovely time with my son. He hasn't got any slimmer (!) , but he is managing to keep the diabetes at bay. Blood pressure still a problem though, as it is for me. He will be 40 in November.
    The play was good, though the American accents were pretty dire! Feel prompted to read the original story as I have such a different memory of the film I saw long ago.
    Then he walked me back to the hotel and here I am. We went to a Jamaican restaurant for dinner and I had Jerk Chicken. I've come in just under for the day. :D Quite a bit of walking around this evening, plus I walked up the hill from the station.

    He is super excited about the dogs, which he will finally get in the middle of June. Walking them this weekend.

    Rang DH for a bed time chat. <3 So it's night, night from me.

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    Joyce ~ in the experience at the office, they shouldn't be lasting as long as you have had yours.. I know it does take awhile for things to heal especially with people with like diabetes and maybe the M.S. has something to do with it.. but rinsing with warm salt water after meals and like you said with missing teeth on the other side and trying to bite it could be a problem... did the Dr put dry socket paste in there? and do not drink anything through a straw because that will unclot what you are trying to close up.
    Home from work and will go early to my dads tomorrow
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Larisa- Congrats! How could you lose with such a great success story?! I am guessing winning the National contest is contingent on being photographed in certain work out gear to show off your body better? My last fitness challenge I was in had a rule like that. (Nothing makes you feel good about yourself like a photo in a sports bra and spandex shorts when you are 80 pounds over weight :s )

    Yah, thanks! :smiley:
    Between that and my inch loss, they said I'd have a shot at nationals, if I had posed in a bikini. Ha! I guess I didn't want it bad enough. :lol:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Hi Ladies: Went to the YM today at a different time so DH could see the health coach. The class I went to was longer and more active and I am tired. I see my primary care physician tomorrow morning for my yearly exam. This will be only the second time I have see her. I think things should go well. I have choir practice tonight.

    Larrisa - Congratulations!!!

    Miriam - Yeah for smaller pants!

    Pip - Glad you were not hurt. Take care of yourself out there.

    Heather - Glad the visit with DS went well.

    I think I will go sit and read for a bit and see if I can come up with some more energy for singing tonight.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    stats for the day:
    same route home, no car tap-
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.06min, 14.5amph, 134mhr, 2.9mi = 120c
    SPIN- 40min, 93ar, 113aw, 9-12g, 138mhr, 18.4mi = 283c
    ride gym 2 wk- 52.58min, 12.9amph, 154mhr 11.4mi = 515c 1st time this year!
    ride wk 2 hm- 53.02min, 11.5amph, 130ahr, 153mhr, 10.1mi = 490c
    total cal 1408
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip - how many calories for the car "tap" yesterday?

    Janetr okc o:)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    janetr- yesterday i burned a total of 869 but on the ride home i did
    ride wk 2 hm- 54.22min, 11.2amph, 147mhr, 125ahr, 10.1mi = 452c that was with the car tap
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did an hour of a step DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Bob Harper DVD

    Kim - the dress is basically yellow with white. Hopefully, I'll remember to post a pic of it. Before I left it at the store yesterday (so I could pick it up today and get 25% off. Not sure what the incentive for the store is to have a customer come in the next day except to maybe have someone just take it that day and they'd save the 25%), I took a pic of it just so that they lady who is doing the alterations would know what she's dealing with.

    Heather - how do you think it would look if I just used the buttercream and didn't make all those stars? Just used a spatula to put it on? Oh, do you have a recipe for buttercream icing that doesn't use shortening but maybe softened butter? I am really not crazy at all about shortening -- too artificial to me

    I think I'm going to try something different. For a while, even tho I've kept under calories and never add in my exercise calories, my weight seems to be stalled. I'm going to try having a large lunch and then maybe just a bowl of cereal, a piece of fruit, maybe a salad, and then the soy/cocoa mixture for dinner. We shall see if a smaller dinner helps any

    Miriam - YIPPEE on the smaller size!!

    pip - so glad you're OK

    Margaret - Loved your post about losing weight. You're so right how posture really does make you look 5 pounds smaller. If you have a good smile on your face, your body really doesn't matter.

    Carol/Peach - my "goal" weight is supposed to be 116. There is no way on this green earth that I'll ever get to that weight. Well, maybe if I really starved myself. But I would be so unhappy

    Aurora - lovely family

    Just came back from ceramics. I made an appt for the dentist before I couldn't drive for 8:30. Vince is just <snicker> thrilled (not!). Then I go volunteer at the Green Room. Later that afternoon Vince and I go to get my hair colored and cut (yeaaaa!!!)

    Michele in NC

  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Kim - the dress is basically yellow with white. Hopefully, I'll remember to post a pic of it. Before I left it at the store yesterday (so I could pick it up today and get 25% off. Not sure what the incentive for the store is to have a customer come in the next day except to maybe have someone just take it that day and they'd save the 25%), I took a pic of it just so that they lady who is doing the alterations would know what she's dealing with.

    It's CUTE! <3