

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    As with Lillian I'm celebrating rain. Trying out new laptop/tablet and spending time with ds#1❤❤❤❤

    Carey - Northern Alberta
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Here's my boring little post for today. Day 2 tracking yesterday. Somehow I feel like posting here keeps me accountable. Also, up at 4:45 and did 30 minutes of yoga. *yawn*
    Kimses in MA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited May 2016
    Pip - I missed the 'drama' about names used to describe someone with a 'mental illness'; so I decided it came in about the time had posted something. Being taken back to the last time of my posting usually means I have missed 6 - 7 (more or less) postings of others. I have a 'thick skin', too; but, if I think you (or anyone) has overstepped your/their boundaries ... I'd let you know. Probably not so nicely; but, I'd probably 'private message' you to do so. I've been dough popped several times about comments made about 'politics/politicians'. Granted, this is not the place to voice my opinion here ... others don't share the same views and others are not even from the USA. That is still something I have to think about before posting something. Sure, I think that all of us say things (usually in response to someone else's postings); but, to be thorough we have to make sure we go back to the 'beginning' of the series of the posting to understand where that person is coming from. We all have said things that probably are not taken the right way because some have been on here for years and others for only days. I haven't found anybody here that purposefully posts things that are hurtful to anyone. But, yes, sometimes people say things that maybe should have been 'thought thru' a little more. If I am particularly troubled about something I journal it and re-read it before doing any cutting and pasting here. I have 'bipolar disorder' and also a 'seizure disorder'. I can 'joke' about both disorders; I've had to learn to do so. How I go through them, is something I have to learn how to do on my own. Like being on a 6-month (minimum) driving restriction and having to depend on others to 'ferry me around'. That is NOT something I like 'having' to do. I have a car sitting under my carport knowing that I cannot make a quick trip to town for anything. I have to wait for it (for someone else to do it for me, when they feel like it). So, rather than dwell on it, I pick up my paints and books and start painting or reading. And, my house gets its Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter Cleaning done to it as well. I do not 'stop' doing things like walking or even getting into the pool. Thankfully, I have an 'aura' before going into either one of these issues and I can stop and get out when I have that 'funny' feeling beforehand.

    Lisa - I see you've made some more changes to your apartment at the warehouse. Again, I would like to know how you enter the 1/2 bath and storage. Also, if the full bath closed off from the foyer/mudroom area? Have the walls been set up yet, or is this just the preliminary drawings? Have you thought about using sliding doors on a rail that are so popular now; for instance between your living/kitchen area and the sleeping area. Looks open to me. Just thinking if you had someone there that might want to stay up later (or use the sofa, if it is a sleeper). My DDnL#2 has a platform bed with drawers underneath it that he Daddy built for her. Now DYS is getting him to build one for his bedroom out at their 'lake place' (using his Queen-sized mattress). The drawers are deep and long; and under the mattress, there is storage for things that are valuable (like guns and things like that). Hunting clothes and other things that are not used year round.

    Carol/Peach - Great NSV. I have not had but one drink since I started this journey one year ago this month; and, I have lost 40lbs. Tuesday is weigh-in day and if my MDs' scales are correct; I've lost another couple of lbs, and now under 160lbs. GYN asked me what my goal was; I told him, at this point it was 150lbs (or so). He told me that he thought that 145lb ought to be my lowest weight. This is the same man who told me that I should weight 125lbs several years ago. LOL!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »

    Barbie, my heart goes out to Jake with his back problems. (Been there, done that) Which vertebrae do they want to fuse? I had S1, L4 &5 fused. I hope it is in his upper spine because that was the most painful recuperation you can imagine. My quality of life has definitely improved but to be honest, I don’t know if I would go through it at this age. Just don’t tell him what I said if it’s lower spine, because sometimes ignorance is bliss. Sending good thoughts and healing prayers.

    :)DJ, Jake's surgery is L5-S1 fusion...it's lower back....he is in so much pain now that he's willing to do anything to have it relieved. Two of my friends in line dance have had lower back fusion surgery recently. Neither is back to dancing yet, but they are glad that they had the surgery and following directions so they dance again. I won't tell Jake what you said.

    <3 Barbie

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »

    NSV for Me ~ 7 days with no wine in the evening. Now, this would not sound like much for so many of you; but, I have been drinking wine in the evening forever. A bonus was that I think I will actually lose some weight along the way. Prayers for me would be appreciated.

    Love to you all,

    :)Carol, giving up something you love and have been doing for years is troublesome and challenging whether it's wine, peanut butter, screen time, facebook, or anything else. We can all relate to this even if wine isn't what we've chose to do without (mine is peanut butter).

    <3 Barbie

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Vicki: Welcome back!!! :flowerforyou: You have certainly been busy while you've been away. I hope things continue to sort out favorably. I broke my right wrist in January. I have sympathy and hope you heal quickly. :heart: Mine was a compression fracture. The bone healed relatively quickly but the soft tissue is still grumpy. :ohwell:

    Last night the sea lion kept me awake AGAIN and I am tired beyond belief. :yawn: My memory is shot, and I have a grumpy attitude. I've already complained about this problem and you're probably tired of hearing about it. I am moving into the guest bedroom because it is much quieter there. DH is welcome to join me if he doesn't snore.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Larisa in Seattle .. greeting those anniversaries gets easier as time passes by ... but it is still more difficult on some anniversaries more than on others. Even with later loves coming into my life, I still think fondly of the young man I first loved and married. I guess, for me, the love doesn't end when the person is gone.

    At least I no longer go on an emotional eating binge! I just look at the photos we gathered during our years together and at the wonderful man our union produced and feel blessed that our time together was part of my life.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Karen from Virgina yes you can message me.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Seventeen hours of travel yesterday just to get from point A to point B. I'm completely pooped and my mental wherewithal is at low ebb so I'll just share a positive little story.

    A little over a year ago, a member of my choir was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She's an MD, so although her specialty is pediatrics, she knows all about the odds for whatever variant of cancer she had, and was very open about how poor they were. At the same time, she's a true fighter!

    Before her diagnosis, she had been pivotal in arranging a group trip for anyone in the choir who was interested going to Paris for a Messiah sing-along. The sing-along was just a few months after her surgery, and during the time when she was undergoing radiation therapy. She went to Paris anyway! Living in Longyearbyen, she obviously wore hats all winter like everyone else, but when she came indoors, she took them off proudly and showed off her bald and beautiful scalp. And when the avalanche hit in late December, she was part of the psychosocial team that was such an important resource for the town's recovery.

    So two days ago, she sent out an email to everyone in the choir and then some, inviting us to a party this coming Saturday. She explained that her birthday was last month, but on Saturday, she will be celebrating the first anniversary of her surgery, the operation that made it possible for her to continue living. She's calling it her "rebirthday". :heart:

    Unfortunately, I won't be there then :heartbreak: but I'm going to send masses of rebirthday greetings!
    /Penny, who will not getting back to the 8_2_66v.gif until two days later :(
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Last night the sea lion kept me awake AGAIN and I am tired beyond belief. :yawn: My memory is shot, and I have a grumpy attitude. I've already complained about this problem and you're probably tired of hearing about it. I am moving into the guest bedroom because it is much quieter there. DH is welcome to join me if he doesn't snore.
    Katla - I must admit that when I read your comment about Sea Lion nr 2 keeping you awake all night, I wondered at first if it was another name for your DH. :laugh: Apparently not...

  • debstermorton
    debstermorton Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I am 58. I have always been into physical fitness. I used MFP 3 years ago; stopped using it spring 2013. I am starting up again to lose 4 lbs.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Welcome to all the 'newbies' even though who are the 'babies' of the group. If you are struggling; you've come to the right place for encouragement and making great friends. We all have our struggles and they are not confined to 50's and over ... just because you are in your 40's does not exclude you. Come back often, post often, post about anything you' like to share, we do. Give us the name you prefer to be called by, some information about your family, hobbies, and all the things you are doing on your journey to losing/gaining/maintaining your weight. We are all in different places in our journeys. Have a great week! <3o:)B)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    good evening ladies~
    I am whooped, so will just say a quick hello, and then off to bed, Faith is fed and had her meds, will be going to sleep in a little bit, I wish I was home in my own bed..
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Lenora, the half bath opens into the office, the storage shelves that end it are open to the woodshop. Just forgot to show them.. The rest of the doors are still under debate, mostly, though we are planning on sliding barn doors from the woodshop to the warehouse. If we do, it will be us building them, and buying only the hardware...

    City Council tonight. Kinda hoping someone throws a punch, just to alleviate the tedium.

    Later, my chickadees,

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member

    Later, my chickadees,

    I love this. :smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Ooooooh, not sleeping. :( I've decamped into the spare room and taken an antihistamine. Feeling for you , Katla.

    Looking forward to yoga tomorrow. I've been too much on my own the last couple of days, going stir crazy. Fortunately I've managed to keep my calorie count under control, but only with using every trick in the book. After yoga the class is going to the pub for our half term get together. (Next week is a holiday for schoolchildren and the Monday is a bank holiday) Can't decide whether to eat lunch at the pub or come home. Either way it will be nice and sociable, which I need. :D

    Welcome new people! :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello ladies: Didn't get as much done this past weekend as I would have liked since it was rainy but did get some things done. DD and I are trying to plant bug repellent plants around the gazebo to help keep the mosquitoes especially away. We have so far planted geraniums and marigolds and will try some catnip and lemon balm as well. I joined the YM the first of May and have had a harder time getting there than I thought I would. Last year we did lots of last time doctor visits, etc. because we were moving to WA so all of a sudden it is one year later and we need to do checkups again. The critters had to go to the vet this morning so missed my water exercise class But they are both healthy. I will get to the YM on a more regular basis!

    Miriam - Please stay with us. I always learn so much from your posts.

    Lisa - Love the truck pictures. There is a SD photographer who does some similar stuff. His name is Aaron Groen. His road to the moon series is quite impressive. Can be seen at aarongroenphotography.com.

    Katla - Yeah for cantering and extra horse time!! Sorry about the sea lion. Too bad there is not something you can do to send him on his way.

    Barbie - Hope things go well for Jake. I am with you on driving in big cities. My DD's pulmonologist agreed to take me on as a new patient when we moved but he is at Virginia Mason and I did not want to make that drive into the city. Will be thinking good thoughts for you both.

    Joyce - Good thoughts for you and Charlie.

    To whomever asked. I have had both knees replaced, 2004 and 2007. Monday surgery, Thursday discharge. On crutches for 2-3 weeks. I did PT on land for about one month but I also did PT in the water starting 2nd day postop. The aquatic PT made a huge difference for me, just used occlusive bandage such as Tegaderm. Aquatic therapy is not offered everywhere but should be. One of the ortho docs at the hospital where I worked has all of his knee and hip replacement patients in the water on the 1st postop day and they do really well.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD