

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Home from a good service a church. The song we sang in choir was 'Come down Lord'. Such a lovely and meaningful song for us today.

    Lisa, where is a living room in your apartment. Looks like you are making it a home away from home but you needs a nice cough with somewhere to put your feet up and relax and not to be in bed.

    Thanks Penny for giving me a double hug even though one wasn't for me! :)

    I think all my extra water weight is over and I now am left with the ugly realization that the rest of all that weight I have to own until I do something about it.

    Joyce, Indiana where the weather is BEAUTUFUL
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    joyce send that beautiful weather my way. Eating chicken soup on this damp sunday
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    jmkmomm- that thing that we are using to cook on is something we got a a guys garage sale in the area, pretty cool huh!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    If we don't have to be politically correct, then let's all just call each other names like ni**er, bi***, sp**, damnmor***, cripp**, whatever. Calling anyone a nutball is not "not politically correct" but is offensive and rude behavior. Politics has nothing to do with it. And if someone cannot communicate without using slurs than they have no business here. I am sorry, but that is a form of communication that NEEDS to be stifled. I am offended by the people that have said otherwise, and by all the folks that liked their comments. My opinion of this group has just gone down a whole bunch.

    On another note, scientific research has shown NO link between phases of the moon and behavior. You see what you believe. There is a link to other forms of weather phenomenon but not phases of the moon.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    anniespruce - that pic of me hugging rocky, that was the first and last fun run that i did with him. he was slowing down and it was a 5k run on the beach. about 1/2 way thru (3.1miles) he was slowing down, and i just kept egging him on, "come on, just a little bit more, come on" we were running but slowly. not everyone ran with their dog and i definitely didn't think we would get anything but we won 1st place in my age group! that was the first year that i had done that run i was soon happy for him! i didn't run him anymore after that but i was so proud of him, i cry every time i think about us doing that. i have run it every year after that. i have always gotten 1st place in my age group since then and i said the first year someone beats me, then i will do the 10k run. last year i got 2nd place so this year i'll be doing the 10k
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Afternoon ladies - I did take a nap and heard a knock at the door and there was Tom and Homer...I think he misses me not being there and he has been giving me hugs and a kiss when he sees me ,do that's a plus...will make a steak and some veggies for an early dinner for Faith and then I will sit and relax on the porch... <3
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2016
    If we don't have to be politically correct, then let's all just call each other names like ni**er, bi***, sp**, damnmor***, cripp**, whatever. Calling anyone a nutball is not "not politically correct" but is offensive and rude behavior. Politics has nothing to do with it. And if someone cannot communicate without using slurs than they have no business here. I am sorry, but that is a form of communication that NEEDS to be stifled. I am offended by the people that have said otherwise, and by all the folks that liked their comments. My opinion of this group has just gone down a whole bunch.

    On another note, scientific research has shown NO link between phases of the moon and behavior. You see what you believe. There is a link to other forms of weather phenomenon but not phases of the moon.

    I agree with you completely. There is no place here for rude comments and name calling. Those who aren't courteous are welcome to go someplace else. We've had the occasional person with a a rude outlook in the past, but they usually don't stay here for long. If a comment is offensive, you can flag it. Repeat offenders are dealt with by the folks who run MFP.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Crazy busy day at work today. Apparently it is a full moon tonight and there were lots of nutballs and overdoses today. I am sure there will be more tonight and the aftermath tomorrow!!

    Sorry if anyone if feeling offended! I do not think the writer was calling anyone here a name...just describing her day at work. If I am not welcome to come here because I do not see this as offensive, I will gladly not write again.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited May 2016
    I think that everybody is concerned about being so "politically correct" that we 'hold back' a lot of times saying something has offended them. IMHO, if someone does comment about others; maybe they should PM them instead. Gee, with being 'bipolar' ... it does not define me, I am just me and I happen to have 'bipolar disorder'. I have good days, I have bad ones. I have a lot of T-shirts and stickers that, to me, are 'funny' ... others might not think so. Such as "Out of my mind; back in 5 minutes" or "Sometimes my mind leaves me and sometimes it does not come back" One of my favorites: "I'm NOT mean; I just don't like you". Sticker in my office: "I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it" Until I was 'finally' diagnosed ... I would have to say that my life and that of my family was pretty rocky; now, that I take medication to help keep it balanced, my life and that of my family has greatly improved. I don't look in the mirror and see myself as 'damaged goods' ... I look in the mirror and think ... "God has a purpose for me; and, I will try to listen to him and what he wants me to say or do to help others." Sometimes I even fall down and mess that up as well. There are certain words that are offensive to most; and, others maybe just offensive to a few. I believe that we have to follow the "Golden Rule" and 'treat others as we'd like to be treated'. Or as they say, 'try walking a mile in my moccasins'.

    Sometimes it pays to be 'honest' ... such as I have a 'seizure disorder' ... I wear a Medic Alert necklace. When I passed out at the bank and the EMTs were called; that is the first thing they learned about me; therefore having a 'seizure' was 'high on the list of things that might have been wrong with me'. But, the same might be true of having a 'bipolar episode'. Knowing that I have a list of my medications always in my pocketbook makes me feel safer. My Medic Alert necklace shows only the 3 'important' allergies I have ... the rest are listed on my medication list. The EMT told me that I should also consider getting a bracelet to wear, too. I've got the form, just need to send it in. It also has my husband's name and contact # ... as does my cellphone.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Carol please do not go. Your opinion matters too.

    As I said that is why I continue to come back because every woman's voice here matters. We may not always agree. As some one once said here, "We cannot control the audience." We only can use our voice to speak our truth.

    :heart: Margaret
  • tamyena
    tamyena Posts: 19 Member
    Hi ladies, I am new here. Just joined 4 days ago! Still learning all the wheres and whats to everything, but, I am hyped! I'm 58 years old, disabled. I use to be a nurse and ended up with some health issues and injuries. I started my new lifestyle on January 1, 2016 and feeling so much better and stronger. I have only lost like 8 pounds though. I go to the doctor every month so he can keep me accountable and monitor my medications. I am now a Type II diabetic, due to long term steroid use, but, I am off the Prednisone and working on getting off this insulin!! I joined the rec center near me, and joined a, Tuff Stuff aquatics class, which, is changing my life! I have just recently increased my water activity to 6 days a week/1 hour a day/continuous and vigorous water exercises and laps. Now that I have found fitness pal, it's so much easier for me to monitor my food intake and such. I really look forward to getting to know y'all!! Sorry if I carried on a bit much, lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Barbie I can relate to your concern about the drive. Short of hiring a pro or friend to actually do the drive , you could very methodically (right up your alley) plan your route and itinerary with the mental breaks that you will need. When faced with a long exhausting drive under stress I have used my music tapes as well as ticking off the journey with positive reinforcement to get myself through. I had to keep reminding myself I was handling things. I was doing what needed to be done and I also thought about the positive result that was awaiting me. that is being home safe and sound. I know this may not be your exact scenario but I hope just thinking about it might help ease the anxiety. You've got a lot on your plate. Sending you

    :):)Karen, :):)<3<3 Thank you so much.....this is really helpful :)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    :)<3 Karen from NY
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    My life has caught up with me, and I am slug-like today! Took a nap and needed it! Have been a bit down because I let my middle sisters birthday come and go. My husband said Happy Birthday on Facebook to her, along with 21 others. Does she even say a blanket thank you, had a nice day etc? Nope. I am letting my anger physically affect me maybe. Just to let ya'll know forms will be sent to all of you to be my "sister-in-hearts" because at least I know you guys wouldn't treat me the way she does! Well, if I could send them to you, I would!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    My life has caught up with me, and I am slug-like today! Took a nap and needed it! Have been a bit down because I let my middle sisters birthday come and go. My husband said Happy Birthday on Facebook to her, along with 21 others. Does she even say a blanket thank you, had a nice day etc? Nope. I am letting my anger physically affect me maybe. Just to let ya'll know forms will be sent to all of you to be my "sister-in-hearts" because at least I know you guys wouldn't treat me the way she does! Well, if I could send them to you, I would!


    Becca, I have five older sisters, I'm the baby of the family. I NEED a little sister. We love and treasure you, Missy <3

    Janetr okc
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Janetr okc~ Oh I can SO be your little sister Janetr!!!!! ((((hugs))))
