Alright ladies... crazy things men have said to you... go!



  • beastmodekittyx
    beastmodekittyx Posts: 97 Member
    one time, i was at the bar and I guy came up o me and straight up said: '' did you know semen was a good source of protein?''
    Thanks, guy from the bar.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    not so much something that was said, but something that happened.

    dude approached me at the gym - said he'd seen me out running around my neighborhood and was exclaiming about how long i'm out pounding the pavement. ok cool. we chat for a bit, seem to hit it off. go out for drinks and fun that weekend, but i wasn't really feeling it. next day dude is nonstop texting and calling, to which i am kind of half-heartedly replying, but definitely deflecting any future plans he was trying to make. unfortunately, however, i made the mistake of allowing dude to meet me at my place for our first (and only!) date, so he knew where i lived (and i live alone mind you). one evening i'm chilling, and this banging starts at my front door. i'm a little taken aback, tip toe up to my door and peer out the peephole. it's crazy gym dude. continuing to pound incessantly. i don't know why i didn't just open the door and tell him to beat it (i'm awkward, avoid confrontation, who the **** knows), but dude kept pounding and yelling through the door for a solid 10 minutes. went away for a bit. thought he was gone, but no then pounding started up again. i'm thoroughly freaked out now and convinced he's going to break my door down or come around back and break through my sliders. i'm texting my sisters and dad frantically. my dad is telling me to call the cops, as is my big sister - but obviously i didn't. in hindsight i know i wasn't in that much danger, just really freaked out in the moment. to top it all off though, after awhile i go out to my car to take off and head over to my sister's house for a bit to calm the **** down, and he's left a goddamn NOTE on my windshield!!

    that was probably one of the craziest things i've had happen to me by a man. and holy awkwardness when we next saw each other at the gym.
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    Just last weekend, a bloke said to me, "I see your wedding ring, so where's your husband?" and then he later stated, "You won't let me take you home with me."

    *smh* lol
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    i was a 20-something in college (the Clinton years) and a 40-something man tried to hit on me by saying, "You look like Monica Lewinski!" I was so offended (and drunk)and I responded in a way that was super-out of character for my usual reserved, rule-abiding personality. I grabbed him by the collar with one hand and pulled him real close and cocked my other fist as if prepping to punch. In a really low voice I said, "Is that supposed to be a f****ing compliment? Its not." He was speechless, as were my friends. I didn't get bothered for the rest of the night.
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    Gotta read this later.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    not so much something that was said, but something that happened.

    dude approached me at the gym - said he'd seen me out running around my neighborhood and was exclaiming about how long i'm out pounding the pavement. ok cool. we chat for a bit, seem to hit it off. go out for drinks and fun that weekend, but i wasn't really feeling it. next day dude is nonstop texting and calling, to which i am kind of half-heartedly replying, but definitely deflecting any future plans he was trying to make. unfortunately, however, i made the mistake of allowing dude to meet me at my place for our first (and only!) date, so he knew where i lived (and i live alone mind you). one evening i'm chilling, and this banging starts at my front door. i'm a little taken aback, tip toe up to my door and peer out the peephole. it's crazy gym dude. continuing to pound incessantly. i don't know why i didn't just open the door and tell him to beat it (i'm awkward, avoid confrontation, who the **** knows), but dude kept pounding and yelling through the door for a solid 10 minutes. went away for a bit. thought he was gone, but no then pounding started up again. i'm thoroughly freaked out now and convinced he's going to break my door down or come around back and break through my sliders. i'm texting my sisters and dad frantically. my dad is telling me to call the cops, as is my big sister - but obviously i didn't. in hindsight i know i wasn't in that much danger, just really freaked out in the moment. to top it all off though, after awhile i go out to my car to take off and head over to my sister's house for a bit to calm the **** down, and he's left a goddamn NOTE on my windshield!!

    that was probably one of the craziest things i've had happen to me by a man. and holy awkwardness when we next saw each other at the gym.

    What did the note say???! Lol
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    OH OH OH! How could I forget this gem!

    I had a guy once say to me "you have such beautiful, porcelain skin, you'd look amazing in a casket!"

    Ummmm thanks?

    ack! :noway:
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    not so much something that was said, but something that happened.

    dude approached me at the gym - said he'd seen me out running around my neighborhood and was exclaiming about how long i'm out pounding the pavement. ok cool. we chat for a bit, seem to hit it off. go out for drinks and fun that weekend, but i wasn't really feeling it. next day dude is nonstop texting and calling, to which i am kind of half-heartedly replying, but definitely deflecting any future plans he was trying to make. unfortunately, however, i made the mistake of allowing dude to meet me at my place for our first (and only!) date, so he knew where i lived (and i live alone mind you). one evening i'm chilling, and this banging starts at my front door. i'm a little taken aback, tip toe up to my door and peer out the peephole. it's crazy gym dude. continuing to pound incessantly. i don't know why i didn't just open the door and tell him to beat it (i'm awkward, avoid confrontation, who the **** knows), but dude kept pounding and yelling through the door for a solid 10 minutes. went away for a bit. thought he was gone, but no then pounding started up again. i'm thoroughly freaked out now and convinced he's going to break my door down or come around back and break through my sliders. i'm texting my sisters and dad frantically. my dad is telling me to call the cops, as is my big sister - but obviously i didn't. in hindsight i know i wasn't in that much danger, just really freaked out in the moment. to top it all off though, after awhile i go out to my car to take off and head over to my sister's house for a bit to calm the **** down, and he's left a goddamn NOTE on my windshield!!

    that was probably one of the craziest things i've had happen to me by a man. and holy awkwardness when we next saw each other at the gym.

    What did the note say???! Lol

    lol nothing too outrageous. something like "hey what's up it's mike. what happened? lol gimme a call" ...i remember thinking the fact that he hand wrote "lol" i thought was kind of weird - but at that point i was just SO weirded out! lol
  • WhitneySheree88
    WhitneySheree88 Posts: 222 Member
    My very first date EVER. I was 16 years old and got asked out by a guy that I had been friends with/had a crush on for 2 years on valentines day. We went to see the movie, Hitch then he took me to the mall. He didn't want to take me home to early because he would miss out on some time with me (his words not mine). He walks me into Victoria Secret, sees a group of women that work there and says. "Hey, can one of you please find something sexy for my girl to slip into" one of the women walks over and says "Sure what size?" Mind you I am embarrassed and so NOT slipping into anything with this guy on our first date. He looks at me and says "An 8" accurate!! And I never even told him what size I wore. I was stunned and shocked asked him to take me home.
  • RodSuarez
    RodSuarez Posts: 6,309 Member
    "Can I lick your *kitten*... can I smell it at least?! Please?"

    Lol the bf.
    But also, the ex was fascinated by it as will. Was it with you guys?!
    keep it clean, and try it... you will enjoy being rimmed.
  • RodSuarez
    RodSuarez Posts: 6,309 Member
    My very first date EVER. I was 16 years old and got asked out by a guy that I had been friends with/had a crush on for 2 years on valentines day. We went to see the movie, Hitch then he took me to the mall. He didn't want to take me home to early because he would miss out on some time with me (his words not mine). He walks me into Victoria Secret, sees a group of women that work there and says. "Hey, can one of you please find something sexy for my girl to slip into" one of the women walks over and says "Sure what size?" Mind you I am embarrassed and so NOT slipping into anything with this guy on our first date. He looks at me and says "An 8" accurate!! And I never even told him what size I wore. I was stunned and shocked asked him to take me home.
    maybe he was good with meassuring, and usually helps his sister and mom?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    This thread is creepy.

    The things that happened to me were when I was 17 and 19. First time walking from high school with a friend, and some guy passed us on a motorcycle, turned around, stopped in front of me and said 'you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, can I invite you for a drink?'. Ok I looked older, but I was totally shocked, and of course I said no (although to be fair he wasn't much older than me, I think). He said it in a very respectful manner too. It was... weird.

    Second time I was 19 and some 35yo guy made the same comment. Uh no thanks.

    Sad thing is I'm 35 and I've never been hit on since!

    ETA: oh wait. During a week a month ago, some guy in the neighborhood I had never met joined me and started talking about working out, walking, losing weight etc... He asked me how much I weigh (odd) and how much more I want to lose (he's lost like 50 lbs) then said 'you're going to be a sexy beast at that weight'. Thanks I guess? I make sure I don't see him out every time I go for a walk now. It sucks.
  • RodSuarez
    RodSuarez Posts: 6,309 Member
    This thread is creepy.

    The things that happened to me were when I was 17 and 19. First time walking from high school with a friend, and some guy passed us on a motorcycle, turned around, stopped in front of me and said 'you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, can I invite you for a drink?'. Ok I looked older, but I was totally shocked, and of course I said no (although to be fair he wasn't much older than me, I think). He said it in a very respectful manner too. It was... weird.

    Second time I was 19 and some 35yo guy made the same comment. Uh no thanks.

    Sad thing is I'm 35 and I've never been hit on since!
    so they were nice to you, you were mean and then got jinxed for being a prude? oh dear
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    This thread is creepy.

    The things that happened to me were when I was 17 and 19. First time walking from high school with a friend, and some guy passed us on a motorcycle, turned around, stopped in front of me and said 'you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, can I invite you for a drink?'. Ok I looked older, but I was totally shocked, and of course I said no (although to be fair he wasn't much older than me, I think). He said it in a very respectful manner too. It was... weird.

    Second time I was 19 and some 35yo guy made the same comment. Uh no thanks.

    Sad thing is I'm 35 and I've never been hit on since!
    so they were nice to you, you were mean and then got jinxed for being a prude? oh dear

    The second one wasn't! The first one was, but I was a high school girl who had never dated a guy lol!
  • terrieleeb
    terrieleeb Posts: 13
    Movie quote. Disney Hercules. lol
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Not a come-on, but once, a guy came up to me while I was out with my boyfriend and said "You be a good girl, now. Don't have an abortion."

    My boyfriend got seriously angry and was about to take this dude out until I pointed out to him that a homeless man wearing women's jewelry and a Valentine's scarf was probably not in his right mind. So we let it slide...

  • goombasmom
    goombasmom Posts: 70 Member
    Back when I used to do a lot of social dancing, this one older gentleman, had a crush on me. Even if I was single ( I was in a serious relationship), he really wasn't my type.

    At a dance social, he introduces me to his wife, and then his daughter. Halfway through the social, he comes over, grabs my hand and says, "Please... come with me.. I'll drive us anywhere. I just want to be alone with you..."

    Ummmm... no?
  • hickorycutie
    hickorycutie Posts: 210 Member
    Damn girl u smell good enough to eat....... wow how creepy is that coming from an 70 yr old man...
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    My best friend from college is black, and we went out to get drinks one night (many years ago). We told this guy who was hitting on us that we were biological sisters, and his face went blank. He then said, "Well, your momma must've been the whitest white girl ever and your daddy the blackest black man ever."
  • sdfkjsadglkj11
    sdfkjsadglkj11 Posts: 211 Member
    Barely knowing this coworker, he leans close to me and says, " So, uh, are you a virgin?"

    Me: "That's none of your business."

    Him: I'm just wondering, cuz I could teach you a few things sometime..."

    Me: "No." /walks away.

    Friggin' creep.