Alright ladies... crazy things men have said to you... go!



  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    "Girl, you be like lucky charms....magically delicious" lol
  • slimdownsteph
    slimdownsteph Posts: 71 Member
    Many memorable things... But the one that's the strangest would be some guy who walked up to me at a bar and said "Damn baby, I would LOVE to climb you." I'm 6ft and was probably wearing at least 3.5" heels, but still... REALLY?
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    I'm walking home with a friend after a night at the bar.

    "I believe in Mermaids!" was yelled at me from a car. Ummmm Ok?
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Dude I was dating for a few weeks and I were about to have sexy time, he goes down and says "wow, your vagina looks a lot like my exes". (Talk about ruining the moment)

    Random stranger: "Eh you girl, you like getting kissed where the sun don't shine..I'm saying though I have a very sincere penis *grabs crotch* ".

    My first ex bf to me when I found out he slept with someone else: "But it didn't count because I was wearing a condom and didn't even finish".
  • RodSuarez
    RodSuarez Posts: 6,309 Member
    Dude I was dating for a few weeks and I were about to have sexy time, he goes down and says "wow, your vagina looks a lot like my exes". (Talk about ruining the moment)

    Random stranger: "Eh you girl, you like getting kissed where the sun don't shine..I'm saying though I have a very sincere penis *grabs crotch* ".

    My first ex bf to me when I found out he slept with someone else: "But it didn't count because I was wearing a condom and didn't even finish".

  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I was turning on the gas at a pizza shop. The owner (in broken Italian) says, "You come to my other shop for lunch. We have pizza, maybe more." He was about 80 years old. Priceless.

    i read that in broken english. lol
  • tarynchatfield
    tarynchatfield Posts: 43 Member
    On our first date, we went for coffee and he revealed that he lived with his parents and was a recovering alcoholic/heroin addict. After about thirty minutes of chatting, he insisted that we were going to go on vacation together to the keys, alone, for the weekend. (American Psycho was his favorite book. Red flag, anyone?) I politely declined. Also, he compared my self harm scars to his heroin problem. :huh:

    Did I mention that I was eighteen and he was thirty?
  • EKJM3
    EKJM3 Posts: 11
    I had to hand out leaflets for a job once and this guy came up and offered to take one in exchange for a kiss. I was desperate to get rid of them, but not that desperate.

    For a first date a guy who lived about an hour away tried to invite himself over to stay the weekend at my family home. Shut that down and never spoke again.

    Tried to break up with a guy for about 30 mins saying I didn't think we were compatible, and he just kept saying, "I don't agree."

    This doesn't involve speaking but it has happened a few times to me and friends and it is one of the CREEPIEST THINGS EVER. We'll be standing/dancing in a club and then just feel a hand stroke our hair.

    One man asked me what colour knickers I was wearing. But even more strangely, followed that up with, "Black or white?" Only those two choices?

    Any guy who tells me that men are "more visual creatures" etc, I also classify as ridiculous and insane.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    I wont even begin to list the the things women have said to me
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I had to hand out leaflets for a job once and this guy came up and offered to take one in exchange for a kiss. I was desperate to get rid of them, but not that desperate.

    For a first date a guy who lived about an hour away tried to invite himself over to stay the weekend at my family home. Shut that down and never spoke again.

    Tried to break up with a guy for about 30 mins saying I didn't think we were compatible, and he just kept saying, "I don't agree."

    This doesn't involve speaking but it has happened a few times to me and friends and it is one of the CREEPIEST THINGS EVER. We'll be standing/dancing in a club and then just feel a hand stroke our hair.

    One man asked me what colour knickers I was wearing. But even more strangely, followed that up with, "Black or white?" Only those two choices?

    Any guy who tells me that men are "more visual creatures" etc, I also classify as ridiculous and insane.
    Lol! You must have awesome hair! I've never that happen.....but I did learn my lesson about wearing a mini skirt at the club,especially on a crowded dance floor *shudder*.
  • EKJM3
    EKJM3 Posts: 11
    I had to hand out leaflets for a job once and this guy came up and offered to take one in exchange for a kiss. I was desperate to get rid of them, but not that desperate.

    For a first date a guy who lived about an hour away tried to invite himself over to stay the weekend at my family home. Shut that down and never spoke again.

    Tried to break up with a guy for about 30 mins saying I didn't think we were compatible, and he just kept saying, "I don't agree."

    This doesn't involve speaking but it has happened a few times to me and friends and it is one of the CREEPIEST THINGS EVER. We'll be standing/dancing in a club and then just feel a hand stroke our hair.

    One man asked me what colour knickers I was wearing. But even more strangely, followed that up with, "Black or white?" Only those two choices?

    Any guy who tells me that men are "more visual creatures" etc, I also classify as ridiculous and insane.
    Lol! You must have awesome hair! I've never that happen.....but I did learn my lesson about wearing a mini skirt at the club,especially on a crowded dance floor *shudder*.

    Haha, it's quite average! That sucks. I'd love for guys like that to experience it from the girl's position in a club!
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    My husband and I were in Bahrain at the checkout line and the usual cashier is there. the short stout man looks at me in all seriousness:
    "I see the shape of your body has changed. What are you doing to it?"
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    While sitting next to my female cousin at a party "you two should make out"

    From my friends boyfriend "your so beautiful, when are you going to come home with me" :noway: She was like 2 feet away and so was my boyfriend.

    I could go on but I won't :ohwell: sigh
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    "Girl, you be like lucky charms....magically delicious" lol

    Totally using this one
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    A couple years ago I had a guy email me and asked me out twice. I said no. In his last email he said "I will pay you to hang out with me." Creepy!
  • RodSuarez
    RodSuarez Posts: 6,309 Member
    I wont even begin to list the the things women have said to me
    please do!
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    On our first date, we went for coffee and he revealed that he lived with his parents and was a recovering alcoholic/heroin addict. After about thirty minutes of chatting, he insisted that we were going to go on vacation together to the keys, alone, for the weekend. (American Psycho was his favorite book. Red flag, anyone?) I politely declined. Also, he compared my self harm scars to his heroin problem. :huh:

    Did I mention that I was eighteen and he was thirty?

    You look like Taylor Swift. I like her.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    A guy tried to pick me up by telling me he had a brand new Subaru. Then he admitted it was his mom's.
  • RodSuarez
    RodSuarez Posts: 6,309 Member
    My middle school's best friend's aunt used to say to me all the time [I was 14] "Oh Boy, may I borrow your booty this weekend?"

    A 10 year old, a month ago said to me "Oh God, may I spank you?" I answered "No, and as far as I know it is illegal" and she replied "I am going to spank you anyway".

    At the Butcher (there isbutcher store where the butchers are a family of females) I was standing in line when one of them says "Oh Boy! what happened to you? you look... look" sights and plays the it is hot in here scene "you look so grown up and and..." still burning with desire, the other costumers look at her and she replies "what? I knew him when he was a baby and now he is a Hunk!"
  • bearsgal9
    bearsgal9 Posts: 65
    An ex said he loved me so much he wanted to unzip me and crawl inside.... CREEPY!!