

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip- Congratulations! You are doing awesome!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    ...my liver enzymes were through the roof 9 months ago. I was actually told a couple of years ago that I had fatty liver, but the doc never told me that it was serious, so fast forward to last august and it has now become cirrhosis and I better do something now. I changed my diet completely....no fat, sugar, or pretty much red meat either, because the liver has to work too hard to digest it and started excersising. It is reversing its self slowly. The horrendous pain is gone and Im not exhausted all the time. The worst symptom was the foggy brain. I really thought I was developing alzheimers, but it is because your body is slowly being choked to death by fat. I finally feel like Im thinking clearly again. Also stay away from sugar because fatty liver make you more susceptible to diabetes. You can turn this around, but it can become dangerous if you ignore it for too long. I was not a drinker so mine was caused strictly because of bad eating habits and being a sloth for most of my life. Its tough to change everything about your life at once, but the alternative was a liver transplant or death. Not much of a choice. Good luck to you and just remember it can be reversed ...

    Paulina , Addy Washington.

    Paulina Welcome!

    To clarify my comments on fatty liver; Paulina is absolutely right, severe fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), which is usually irreversible, although fatty liver itself is reversible. And even people who develop cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) often make new liver cells, the liver being a pretty amazing organ with a lot of capacity for regeneration. My comments were in reference to mild elevation of liver enzymes, the most common manifestation of fatty liver, not a dangerous condition, and totally reversible with fat loss. Mild fatty liver is more of a "wake up" call to do something before more serious problems develop. Sorry if my comments in any way minimized the potential dangers of severe fatty liver disease, a much more serious condition.

    Karen in Virginia
  • artistsandie
    artistsandie Posts: 30 Member
    edited June 2016
    Yes Fatty Liver disease can be reversed, in fact rather quickly. I dropped my first 22 pounds and my liver pannel was 99% better. Also at my 75+ loss I was no longer in need of blood pressure medications. Now at 188 loss my joints are so much better, much less pain. I have much more energy and my outlook on life is great. I no longer fear chairs, airplane seat belts and going out in public. The road to healthy living is a moment to moment choice, it's about loving and caring for yourself.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2016
    I went next door to my neighbors this morning for aerobics and weight resistance workout. She is going to school to specialize in working with rehabilitating and/or recuperating seniors. So she was very impressed, even called her 18 yr old daughter in to the room, to see how well and how low I can go with squats. When I told the daughter I do 3 sets of 12 three days a week, she said Oh my, I can't even do one. So that made me feel good and I'll take it as my NSV for today. Never in my life did I think I could do a squat, let alone after having both knees replaced in the past year, but at 66 yo here I am doing it. Feels great. Besides a good workout, we had a lot of fun and when we were done I showed her some of the other weight resistance training I do regularly. She gave me a couple of ideas too when I said I was looking for some things to target particular areas. We will probably do it again. She talked about inviting her Mom and her Mom's friend to join us. I'm a few months older than her mother.

    All the working out made me hungry tho. I seem to be hungrier on cardio days than on weight workout days. I wonder if its because I load up on protein on weight training days and not so much on cardio days. I did eat back some of my exercise calories today. I very very rarely do that. But all in all, I'm pleased with how things are going.

    Oh, by the way, they guys took the 3rd goat that was injured by the dogs to the vet today, they had to put her down. There are no more goats. Will have to look to buy a few. Jack was patting the goat and trying to keep her calm while Floyd brought the truck around to put her in to drive to the vets, Flash, our Boston terrier, came over and started licking her nose like he was trying to comfort her too. We started early Spring with 8 guineas, now we are down to 5. I know one was hit by a car, either fox or perhaps hawks got the young ones. Who knows.

    Has anyone heard from Chris in MA, the one that he met the dreamy new boyfriend with the fancy sports car? We haven't heard from her for quite some time.

    Love this group.

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: If you're having a pool party, how about hiring a musician to play. I'm thinking tropical thoughts and ukelele or guitar comes to mind, but it could be anything fun and "beachy." :smiley:

    Pip: I am in awe of your riding miles. You are a star. :star:

    Becca: If you check in, know that I've been thinking about you and your DH all day long. I hope things have gone well today. :heart:

    I'm going to a new eye doctor tomorrow morning. I will have to pay, as my insurance doesn't cover this aspect of health. My current/previous eye doctor told me that I have a genetic condition that could lead to blindness, and told me pretty much out of the blue without much of any explanation. I want the new doctor to talk to me about that possibility. If I have good communications with her, I'll be happy to keep her "on my team." BTW, I wear glasses but have no serious eye health problems now that I know about.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla - I found out about a year ago that I have macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness also. One of my older sisters has it too and had to quit driving several years ago. I'm hoping mine does not progress that far or at least not for a long time. The doctor has me take a supplement call MacuHealth. It costs about $75 for a 90 day supply and has to be ordered online. I know there are several others available at the pharmacy. Let us know what she tells you tomorrow. Sending good thots that is is nothing serious.

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, I like Katla's idea of a musician, maybe someone teaching a hula dance?

    Yeah, where is Chris???? Did she run off with that guy during the night and they are in Europe some where????

    Allie, you are one of the most precious people I know. Your familie's nonacceptance of the house is not your fault. You have not failed them. You did not fail them as a Mom. It's just that no matter what we teach our kids when they are in our care at home, they don't always stay with those ways. You were and still am a fantastic Mom. You provided that house, spent hours on your hands and knees to prepare it, even gave up your own bed. If you want to talk about some one failing, they have failed you. They need to honor you for what they have, even if it is less than what they want. How many people would be so grateful to have that house. Give yourself a big hug and tell yourself that you are good and that you love yourself even though not all the people around you seem to.

    Becca, how are things going???????? We are all thinking of you.

    I look at the cruise map link and it just doesn't seem like Heather's ship can be where it is right now, which is also the place it has looked like it has been all day, and get up to penny's tomorrow at 11. Of course I don't know the time difference. I have also looked at the webcam Penny gave us and it sure looks cloudy and rainy. But I do see rays of sunshine. Penny, can you give us any idea in that web cam where you live??? Can you tell we all are excited about this trip and are all living vicariously through you two?

    It was only in the 80's today but boy did it seem hot. I dread this summer. Water, water, water. I fixed a really good meatloaf and Charlie just didn't like it. But I haven't found much that he really liked in a long time. His appitite is still the pits.

    Love You all, Joyce, Indiana who is really wondering how Sylvia is. Doe anyone have her email?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JanetOKC: Thank you for your kind thoughts and generous offer. I'll let you know what she has to say. The first eye doctor did not give me a diagnosis that included a name I could investigate or understand. My brother-in-law has macular degeneration and still rides a small motorbike at 90 years of age, although I doubt it is wise. He doesn't drive cars anymore but he watches baseball on TV avidly and goes to athletic events like football at the local high school. I have a dear friend with retinosa pigmentosa who has been blind since young adulthood. She is amazing and a real adventurer. I'm not actually fearful thanks to knowing Vicki, but I really want to know what the previous eye doctor was talking about. She never gave me any information that I could research and I can't help but wonder whether she was telling me anything real. I rather doubt I'll gain clear understanding tomorrow, but I'll try to gain a little insight.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    By looking at your web cam I see a couple of cruise ships. Now I want to stay up and watch it come closer in!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    morning ladies~
    Joyce~thank you so much for your kind words.. had me in tears...and your right I have no control over them now..I know my daughter and grandaughter love me,but there isn't anything more I can do for them..I will be in the background and when they need me I will be there.
    I know i am excited to hear about Penny and Heather's adventures and lots of pictures..we are living vicariously through them.. wishing we were all there :smile:
    Jean asked me to watch Faith thursday through monday next week.so I will she will be giving me spending money for doing this as they would have to pay a companion big bucks to stay.. so that money will be stashed for the trip
    I to have macular degeneration and am taking a supplement daily..
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Joyce I looked at that link again and you are so right. The cruise map link doesn't look like it's been updated. It makes it appear as if the Saga Pearl II is permanently anchored south of the Lofoten archipelago. {{Shrug, shaking head}}

    HeatherUK & Penny now at the same spot near the North Pole By now it's been nearly 3 hours since Heather docked, I think! Yay!! have a LOT of fun visiting!

    Going to go back to sleep for another hour, have both grandkids today. Grandson had a really great baseball game last night, Little League playoffs. They won 8-7 last night, grandson Griffin (not a natural athlete) hit a triple, scored a run, tagged somebody out at second, and teased the pitcher by leading off third just like Jackie Robinson, his hero. It was so fun. The team they beat has a reputation for being poor sports, and last night was no exception. Mouthy kid with a mouthy mother were temporarily disruptive but everyone just kind of shouted them down so ref didn't have to interfere. Ugh. Other than that, it was a really exciting game. Granddaughter Jilli and I made death by chocolate cupcakes to take to the family, and it's a good thing we did because they were starving. The concession stand was unexpectedly closed, so the tradition of getting a burger or hot dog was thwarted. Jilli's cupcakes saved the day! They were a hit! We made them from scratch. Jilli is good little cook at 7 y.o.

    Morning everyone! <3

    Karen in Virginia
  • trublutopaz
    trublutopaz Posts: 70 Member
    So it's 4ish in the morning and I'm up AGAIN.
    I had a thyroidectomy in December and it seems like my body wants to wake up so I can take my Synthroid now and then go back to sleep. I admit that I seem to sleep better after. I'm kind of achy from the water aerobics. I don't hurt, I just feel like I've worked really hard. My hip on on side is sore and my ankle on the other side is sore so it's difficult to get comfortable.
    Which is why it's 4ish in the morning and I'm up AGAIN. ;)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Checked in to see how y'all are - was at a City Council meeting until 9 last night, but ended up sleeping like a baby until about 4 a.m., so not bad, all things considered. Have to get the article revised before I go in, as I'm losing the first hour to a publisher's meeting that is not "mandatory," but I was invited by the CEO so... blah. Despise meetings with lots of yak-yak, no result. Which applied to last night's city council, as well.

    Haven't done jack in the warehouse, but hope to really get enough accomplished this weekend to hold a sale the following Saturday. If I don't do it then, it may well push off into July, and the holiday weekend's out. I dunno. Will have to see how this weekend goes.

    Heather and Penny, y'all should be at full bore about this time, hope you're having a blast!

    Love all of y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth my heart is breaking for your DS prom experience. Mean girls and crying girls are the worst. My DD spent the day after prom crying and sleeping and I feared she was not going to get over her disappointment (nowhere near an experience like your sons) but she did power through and IS looking ahead to happier festivities. Is everything well with his college choice and scholarship news???

    I have nothing to report about the result of coworkers diaciplinary hearing. She tried to come after me when she heard that I was a part of the investigation. She said if she lost her job that was all on me. I held my ground and didn't speak to her. One hour later she came to me again (I grabbed my phone to record it this time) and she was a totally different person. Told me she was sorry she said she was taking responsibility for her actions. I was shocked by her reversal but I said "thank you". Someone obviously cleared the air with her and gave her better talking points!!! Talk about awkward we are working all day together and have a retirement party performance to give tonight!!!! Yeah we have to sing together tonight!!!!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    NYKaren gosh can't you suddenly develop laryngitis? I am just cringing reading your post. This entire group has your back. Remember we are right there behind you next time she approaches you. Good luck tonight.

    Beth What NYKaren said about your daughter. I remember those days. Glad they are over.

    Pip right back at ya

    Karen in Virginia
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Karen in VA ... My son went to the prom ... No daughters here... He's relieved it's over!

    Karen in NY ... Full steam ahead for college in Nashville ... No, scholarships were less than hoped for, but we are going to do our best to help him. I try not to think about the expense since it makes my stomach hurt!

    Back to reading the posts ...

    Beth near Buffalo
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) Some of you remember that I started teaching the beginner line dance class a few years ago after helping the teacher who was gradually developing health and mobility problems. She finally turned the class over to me thinking that she'd come back and dance as a student, but she didn't. I continued to call her every Wednesday afternoon as I had when I was teaching a few dances for her each week. I kept her informed about what I was teaching. Her husband died a year ago and her daughters pushed for her to come live with or near one or the other of them. She finally went to stay with her daughter in Tucson and made the decision to sell her house here and rent a place near her daughter in Tucson. The house sold fast and she's leaving town on Wednesday. She said she'd come to class today so I planned to teach a class of dances that I'd learned from her. Several of the students organized a "party" (treats of some sort) and as I've mentioned that our previous teacher would be in class today, many people who don't normally come to the beginner class said they'd be there for the event. I am so grateful to this woman. She was teaching when I came to my first class in November 2004. She is the one who negotiated our wonderful arrangement with the Elk's Club where there is a fabulous dance floor and stage. I am writing this to help me remember that this event today is all about her and that all my efforts should be to make it a special occasion for her.

    <3 Barbie