Zimmerman vs. Martin



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    lol GZ wasnt close to being killed. so if i have a gun..walk up to you and slap you...then you punch me can i kill you because i think my life is in danger?

    Ok here's a test. Let someone get on top of you, grab your head and hit it against a sidewalk a few times and tell me if you don't have a fleeting thought of "hey, this could kill me."


    lol im losing a fight...there is an extremely remote chance i might die...ill just kill the guy..

    yeah that makes sense
  • nancykhayes
    nancykhayes Posts: 20 Member
    I just hope he gets a fair trial. I hope that the jury will weigh the facts as they are presented and not be afraid to find him not guilty due to the reactions of the public. I am tired of people not doing the right thing because they are afraid Florida will turn into California after the Rodney King verdict.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Third, this was a 6', 17 year old young man. Martin was hardly a 'child'. He was the one who came at Zimmerman first. He was beating the crap out of Zimmerman, the police photos and medical documents prove that.

    Fourth, sorry but it was self-defense.

    Size isn't the issue. Age is. Seventeen is a child. How mature were you at that age? I am the mother of an 18-year-old college student. I know her friends. They are still children.

    As for self-defense/stand your ground, considering that Zimmerman was following Trayvon, couldn't the prosecution make a case that TRAYVON was standing his ground? Zimmerman is responsible by his actions for what happened. Now someone is dead. Had he at the very least remained in his vehicle, this would not have happened.

    No because you can't stand your ground against someone walking behind you. Someone walking isn't a threat to your life. Beating your head into the ground is. You should really read up on laws.

    Tell that to the person being followed for no reason at all. Have you ever been followed on a dark night to the point you were afraid for your life or well-being? Have you ever felt the need to defend yourself from that threat? In defending yourself, if at some point you end up on top, beating your pursuers head into the ground, do you deserve to be killed? What would you expect to happen to the person who followed you (causing the entire confrontation) and killed you?

    There was an incident here a few years ago where a man was walking home from work after midnight. He was followed for several blocks by another man. Eventually, the second man (who was armed) got close enough to the man walking home and attempted to rob him. A struggled ensued and the would-be-robber was eventually over-powered by the would-be-victim. The victim put the robber in a choke hold and held him there until police arrived. The robber was pronounced dead at the scene. The victim wasn't charged as it was deemed self-defense. If the situation were slightly different and the victim (even after having the upper hand at one point) ended up stabbed, bleeding out and dead wouldn't you expect the robber to be charged to the fullest extent of the law? Does the fact that he was getting beat up suddenly make him the victim?? Does the fact the Zimmerman was getting beat up at one point make him any less of a threat to the person he was following?

    This whole tragedy could have been avoided if he had stayed in his car as instructed.

    Amen girl! He could've turn the other cheek!
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    zimmerman is a pathetic human being. he instigated this encounter and killed a young man because he was losing a fight. whatever happened to taking a beating like a man?

    zimmerman will get off on this but hopefully as a result gun laws will tighten so wanna be cops like GZ cant get guns.

    What happened to being legally able to defend yourself against someone beating your head into concrete which can easily kill you?

    lol GZ wasnt close to being killed. so if i have a gun..walk up to you and slap you...then you punch me can i kill you because i think my life is in danger?

    at least GZ even if he gets off will suffer the rest of his life from random people making his life miserable.

    How do you know that? One good slam of your head into the concrete can't kill you? How is he to know AMrtin was going to stop slamming him? You know nothing about this case, yet have an opinion. CNN much? No, you can't start a fight and then shoot someone. That isn't even close to what happened so that is also irrelevant. Do you have any smart responses to this or will you just continue with ingorance?
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
    Well lets ymtalk about consequences for our actions. Trayvon may have been a saint. But he was a cgild who deserved a chance to do better. Todays kids are much different than kids of other generations. George zimmerman a grown man. George was told to stop following. He was armed in a car. He should be und guilty because he completely pursues and killed someone. Imagine walking and someone following you. I would fight. Maybe he did injure georgr. All very natural reactions. And then what did george do. If hes let off rhey can still try him federally. George shouldnt have been armesmd should have stayed in his car and is a luar and a cheat. You dont deserve to die for being a bad kid. Trayvon was just a typical kid. Kids make stuoid decisions sometimes. We have to let our kids know unexoected things happen and we need to tey and avoid dangerous or risky behavior. As parents lets be a little more protective of our kids. This is a situatuon that could have been avoided. George should pay for his actions

    #1...jesus, learn to spell

    #2.....if you fight anyone who walks behind you....you're as stupid as this post makes you sound
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    So, let me quote you on this, "Regardless, Zimmerman still had the right to walk and follow anyone..." Then, you state, "When Trayvon eluded Zimmerman he should have went home, instead he chose to confront and that is what got him killed." So, let me get this right...It is okay for Zimmerman to walk and follow behind anyone he chooses to at this ungodly hour, but Trayvon did not have the right to walk home from wherever he was coming from? LET ALONE you say that Trayvon did not have the right to confront this man as he followed him,( who was not a cop), and who therefore did not have the right to be following him to begin with... Because Trayvon was not doing anything suspicious except for the simple fact that he happened to be a black man, wearing a hoodie and walking the street at night-correct? So, according to you, this gave Zimmerman the right to "enforce" the law according to your statement and he had the right to deem this boy who he chose to follow as "suspicious"? And my follow up question to this is: Why are you justifying that what Zimmerman did was correct because you also have preconceived stereotypes about people who look suspicious to you as well, so because you would have done the same thing in the same situation makes it okay in your eyes, for what Zimmerman did to Trayvon correct? It's funny how the stereotypes people assume about others always makes an a*^ out of those who are making the assumptions. A prime example of this is when I exited my driveway to mail a package to a friend for Valentine's Day, and the police followed me for 10 minutes before they put on their flashers and called backup. Now, my question was why was I followed? Was it because I was a black woman who was driving an SUV with factory tinted windows in the backseat in a predominantly white suburb of Missouri, or was it because they really felt they had some dirt on me? Well, it was the first reason unfortunately, because there was no dirt on me besides the fact that they stated my taillight was out, yet this instigated a backup call and a response to follow me for 10 minutes under the suspicion that I was either on my way to committing suspicious behavior or the fact that because I am black I was going to constitute some sort of suspicious behavior and therefore, the police now had the right to target me as suspicious by following me for 10 minutes? Wow...great logic!

    1) Following someone is not a crime. If it is, every person in a car on the road is guilty.

    2) 'Confront' does not mean 'commit battery'. Martin was beating Zimmerman's head against a sidewalk.

    As for your story, well...

    1) The officer was probably running your plates while following you, which is why it took him/her time to then pull you over.

    2) Maybe the was an APB for you particular make/model of vehicle in the area where you were.

    3) Was your tail light really out? if so, there you go.

    4) You are being paranoid and a tad hyper-sensitive.

    Yeah, and you would know huh, never been DWB'd or racially profiled before have ya?

    My mom drives a silver car.

    My bad, I thought we were talking about things that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    This is pathetic thread that should be locked. If it were about God, it would have been stopped 7 pages ago, but since it is about the murder of a black child and yes, 17 is a child. Anyone knows that, it doesn't take a degree to see that. If someone was stopping my son, he would probably not react with roses and flowers.

    Get racially profiled because you drive a nice vehicle, live in a decent neighborhood, then come talk to me.

    George Zimmerman was wrong, he had no business playing, judge, jury and executioner. Now you can all respond with your nasty snide remarks, I expect it. I see a lot of bigotry and racism here and MFP should be ashamed for letting it continue.

    i agree with you on everything but having this locked. its good for people to discuss this. if anything it exposes the racists.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Tell that to the person being followed for no reason at all. Have you ever been followed on a dark night to the point you were afraid for your life or well-being? Have you ever felt the need to defend yourself from that threat? In defending yourself, if at some point you end up on top, beating your pursuers head into the ground, do you deserve to be killed? What would you expect to happen to the person who followed you (causing the entire confrontation) and killed you?

    Umm this is NOT what happened. Martin attacked Zimmerman when Zimmerman was getting back in his vehicle. If martin was so scared he should have ran AWAY from Zimmerman, not towards him.
    This whole tragedy could have been avoided if he had stayed in his car as instructed.

    1) He was never told to stay in his car by the police.

    2) He was getting back IN his car when Martin attacked him.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Why do you hope he is found guilty?

    Is it because the news shows Martin as a 10 year old kid in all his pics? Martin was a thug, drug dealer, "gangster", etc..

    Do I think Zimmerman is an idiot want to be cop? Yes. But he will never get changed with murder 2.

    All of Zimmerman's story is lining up as well. He's going to walk and there will be a huge race war over nothing.

    God I hate this world.

    Its amazing that you were so close to Martin that you know exactly that he was a thug, drug dealer and "gangster". Were you one of his customers? If George Zimmerman have nothing to hide, let him take the stand and tell all the world what actually took place. Why do we need to have his evidence animated, ask yourself that question, if that was one of your relatives, would you be happy to have an animated account of what actually took place, whilst the killer sits a couple of feet away. The big elephant in the room is that if Zimmerman had followed instructions, Martin would have been alive today. The whole case is flawed from the start, Zimmerman knows what he did, and even if he walks, he have to live with his conscience. I hope he realize that life is a circle, something we as human beings fail to acknowledge.

    The police videoed Zimmerman re-enacting the incident and answering the investigator's questions. This was a lengthy video.

    The evidence supports Zimmerman's story.

    Zimmerman was not ordered to "stand down" or "cease and desist". The dispatcher basically stated, "oh we dont need you to do that" or something to the effect. There is a difference between a suggestion and an order. Regardless, Zimmerman still had the right to walk and follow anyone.

    When Travon eluded Zimmerman he should have went home, instead he chose to confront and that is what got him killed.

    With crime as it is we need an active community, we need to get our neighbor's back. I have seen suspicious activities and have assisted the police very similar to what Zimmerman did, and I received praise. Go figure.

    So, let me quote you on this, "Regardless, Zimmerman still had the right to walk and follow anyone..." Then, you state, "When Trayvon eluded Zimmerman he should have went home, instead he chose to confront and that is what got him killed." So, let me get this right...It is okay for Zimmerman to walk and follow behind anyone he chooses to at this ungodly hour, but Trayvon did not have the right to walk home from wherever he was coming from? LET ALONE you say that Trayvon did not have the right to confront this man as he followed him,( who was not a cop), and who therefore did not have the right to be following him to begin with... Because Trayvon was not doing anything suspicious except for the simple fact that he happened to be a black man, wearing a hoodie and walking the street at night-correct? So, according to you, this gave Zimmerman the right to "enforce" the law according to your statement and he had the right to deem this boy who he chose to follow as "suspicious"? And my follow up question to this is: Why are you justifying that what Zimmerman did was correct because you also have preconceived stereotypes about people who look suspicious to you as well, so because you would have done the same thing in the same situation makes it okay in your eyes, for what Zimmerman did to Trayvon correct? It's funny how the stereotypes people assume about others always makes an a*^ out of those who are making the assumptions. A prime example of this is when I exited my driveway to mail a package to a friend for Valentine's Day, and the police followed me for 10 minutes before they put on their flashers and called backup. Now, my question was why was I followed? Was it because I was a black woman who was driving an SUV with factory tinted windows in the backseat in a predominantly white suburb of Missouri, or was it because they really felt they had some dirt on me? Well, it was the first reason unfortunately, because there was no dirt on me besides the fact that they stated my taillight was out, yet this instigated a backup call and a response to follow me for 10 minutes under the suspicion that I was either on my way to committing suspicious behavior or the fact that because I am black I was going to constitute some sort of suspicious behavior and therefore, the police now had the right to target me as suspicious by following me for 10 minutes? Wow...great logic!

    I quit your post about 1/2 through. I couldnt stand reading your made up imaginary arguments, invented facts and groundless conclusions.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    How do you know that? One good slam of your head into the concrete can't kill you? How is he to know AMrtin was going to stop slamming him? You know nothing about this case, yet have an opinion. CNN much? No, you can't start a fight and then shoot someone. That isn't even close to what happened so that is also irrelevant. Do you have any smart responses to this or will you just continue with ingorance?

    lol lady arent yoiu the one thats scared to go to New York city? if so that explains all your answers in this thread.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I think I'm more worried about the potential repercussions. 'Stand your grown' is a very flippy-floppy kind of law that applies to some but not others. There are too many inconsistencies.

    'In Winter Springs, Owen Eugene Whitlock came home on Christmas Eve 2009 to find his daughter's boyfriend, Jose Ramirez, angrily stalking up his driveway, flexing his muscles and swinging his fists. Whitlock stood his ground and fired a fatal shot. He was not charged.

    In Clearwater, Terry Tyrone Davis shot and killed his cousin as he stalked up the walkway of Davis' home in 2010 with a group of friends. "There's no doubt he was going over there to kick his a--,'' Circuit Judge Philip J. Federico said, "but that does not allow you to kill a guy." Davis is now serving 25 years in prison. '

    (Source: http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/florida-stand-your-ground-law-yields-some-shocking-outcomes-depending-on/1233133)

    No SYG is a well defined law that draws a distinct legal line. It removes the obligation of a potential victim to retreat first. Basically if there is a reasonable belief of an unlawful threat, the person can stand and meet the threat with deadly force.

    Here in Texas, if you pull your weapon, a law has been broken, either by you or the person who provoked the action.

    So the cases in that article, and others similar to it on a simple 'stand your ground cases' search on Google, prove that it's a 'well-defined law'? I think we beg to differ on that. What is different about those two cases I quoted above that one was able to be set free and the other was sent to jail? The judge admitted that the guy was about to be beaten. Why wasn't he able to defend himself?

    The law needs fixing.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    i agree with you on everything but having this locked. its good for people to discuss this. if anything it exposes the racists.

    Yes, because having a differing viewpoint of the FACTS of a legal case makes one a racist.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Third, this was a 6', 17 year old young man. Martin was hardly a 'child'. He was the one who came at Zimmerman first. He was beating the crap out of Zimmerman, the police photos and medical documents prove that.

    Fourth, sorry but it was self-defense.

    Size isn't the issue. Age is. Seventeen is a child. How mature were you at that age? I am the mother of an 18-year-old college student. I know her friends. They are still children.

    As for self-defense/stand your ground, considering that Zimmerman was following Trayvon, couldn't the prosecution make a case that TRAYVON was standing his ground? Zimmerman is responsible by his actions for what happened. Now someone is dead. Had he at the very least remained in his vehicle, this would not have happened.

    No because you can't stand your ground against someone walking behind you. Someone walking isn't a threat to your life. Beating your head into the ground is. You should really read up on laws.

    Tell that to the person being followed for no reason at all. Have you ever been followed on a dark night to the point you were afraid for your life or well-being? Have you ever felt the need to defend yourself from that threat? In defending yourself, if at some point you end up on top, beating your pursuers head into the ground, do you deserve to be killed? What would you expect to happen to the person who followed you (causing the entire confrontation) and killed you?

    There was an incident here a few years ago where a man was walking home from work after midnight. He was followed for several blocks by another man. Eventually, the second man (who was armed) got close enough to the man walking home and attempted to rob him. A struggled ensued and the would-be-robber was eventually over-powered by the would-be-victim. The victim put the robber in a choke hold and held him there until police arrived. The robber was pronounced dead at the scene. The victim wasn't charged as it was deemed self-defense. If the situation were slightly different and the victim (even after having the upper hand at one point) ended up stabbed, bleeding out and dead wouldn't you expect the robber to be charged to the fullest extent of the law? Does the fact that he was getting beat up suddenly make him the victim?? Does the fact the Zimmerman was getting beat up at one point make him any less of a threat to the person he was following?

    This whole tragedy could have been avoided if he had stayed in his car as instructed.

    Not related at all. You can defend yourself when someone does something, you can't attack them for following you. Take emotion out of it and look at facts.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    My mom drives a silver car.

    My bad, I thought we were talking about things that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

    if you cant understand how racial profiling plays into this then that further explains why you have the opinions you do.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    The amount of people not knowing how to use the "quote" feature is driving me insane.

    but yet come on, this entire thread is insanity....
    so just enjoy it for what its worth.

    Want some popcorn?
    Only if I can enjoy the popcorn in my ninja turtle underwear.

    Sounds like a plan. I'll even wear my Ninja turtle T.... shirt. :wink:
    Nothing else? :smokin:

    you assumed I implied nothing else???
    tsk tsk :tongue:
    Worth a shot.

    Keep trying. Anything is possible! :blushing:
  • shelialou66
    So true!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i agree with you on everything but having this locked. its good for people to discuss this. if anything it exposes the racists.

    Yes, because having a differing viewpoint of the FACTS of a legal case makes one a racist.

    not everyone who sides with GZ is a racist...probably on a small percent....but some of the posts in this thread are racist.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    My mom drives a silver car.

    My bad, I thought we were talking about things that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

    if you cant understand how racial profiling plays into this then that further explains why you have the opinions you do.
    Racial Profiling = Creepy *ss Cracker.

  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    zimmerman is a pathetic human being. he instigated this encounter and killed a young man because he was losing a fight. whatever happened to taking a beating like a man?

    zimmerman will get off on this but hopefully as a result gun laws will tighten so wanna be cops like GZ cant get guns.
    Tighter gun laws will only further protect the thugs from law-abiding citizens. Because I promise you I can go down to Atlanta right now and ILLEGALLY get my hands on any kind of gun I want from a revolver to a AR, any size magazine, etc........I will pay a PREMIUM price, but I PROMISE you I could get one!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    By the way, to all the people saying 17 is not a child, you have the full support of the pedophiles' community behind you. About 8 million of them would be unregistered if 17 was in the clear.