Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning,

    Lana - we are hoping the man who is out on bereavement might be interested in a promotion. His wife has not been working and maybe more $$ would help?? Because some of the current interoffice prospects are frightening!

    Is the Radiation Therapy causing you to take Pepto Bismol? Herbal tea and water? Hope you found some sleep.

    I chose to make another quiche this week so not as much cooking this weekend.

    Back for more ZZZ. Wave to all who follow. BBL
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Decided to put on smaller size jeans... they fit but a little snug...I do have layers on, so I know that is part of it... but, I got them on and I can breathe...

    Have a great day
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Dawn - smaller jeans and breathing is so wonderful!!! Good for you!

    Sara - I think the lower digestive distress was from eating something that just wasn't good. Not bad enough to be food poisoning, but my body sure did reject it. I feel fine today.
    Of course the trouble is I have to throw away some leftovers of store-prepared food I bought recently because I don't know what the source of the trouble was. Not too much waste......Sad though because I like to get the rotisserie chickens every now and again--so easy. Plus there was a nice prepped dinner of salmon and veggies. My money is on the chicken, but the leftover salmon is getting tossed too.

    Gloomy weather on tap for the next several days. Darn.


    today - 244.2 which is going in the right direction
    A.T.High - 245.6
    goal - 185
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Back in for day.

    Office now has free hot chocolate from Starbucks - note to self must meet/excel exercise goal to have one cup = did today!!

    Dawn - jeans on a breathing !! WOWIE I will have to do the happy dance (dog hates it and just gives me looks like "are you done yet?")

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Phone rang and I expected my father, not that time..... Ordered circular needles in size 6 and 8 to make baby hats and chemo hats with yarn and tea in amazon order . Lana, I think your infinity scarf is knitted the same way.......

    Oatmeal for lunch and quiche for dinner. I need to plan my weekends better.

    I see a nap on the horizon.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Wow, I am trying to wake up from a deep sleep nap. Boy I needed that.

    Sara - My pink scarf is on needles they gave me at the MSK class - Takumi Clover size 10 1/2 bamboo. All of the ladies who teach the classes there swear by the circular needles even for their straight knitting projects. They have some really fancy sets for their personal work whereby they can change the length of the wire in between the needle ends and of course then change the size of the ends.....

    Time to splash some water on face.....

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Terrible diet day yesterday. A bit better today, except for the spiked hot chocolate I'm having right now! :) Not checking the scale for a few days now.

    I have been wondering if I'm not losing due to all the cortisol streaming through my body due to DS's drama. I feel panicky at some point every day. Something to think about. The good news is that DS liked his new therapist and I'm hopeful about future sessions.

    DH and I sat down today to work on budget. Planning bills and payment on debt every 2 weeks as we get paid. So, today we made the plan for next Friday's payday and those two weeks. I'm excited to watch our debt go down! It has been so long since I took power over my finances. Haven't balanced either checkbook in forever. I did that with both today!!! We also received our State tax return so that will go directly on credit card.

    DH and I also went to look for a new mattress today. Figured out he likes softer and I like firmer but we found two that are possibilities for both of us. Will go back another day to re-test. My back/hip/neck didn't really like climbing in and out of beds, so feeling a little stressed about that right now because I have been feeling SO GOOD the past few days. Considering the possibility of getting a king instead of a queen this time. Measuring bedroom to see if a king will work. We also need furniture = as in headboard, dressers, etc. Ours is mix-n-match and ugly. I never would have thought I would be married for nearly 23 years and not have a bedroom set. Hoping we can swing it very soon but don't want to go into debt to do it.

    Tonight we will get DD registered for her volleyball camp, younger DS registered for summer baseball, and hopefully reserve campsites for summer vacation. Feels good to get things done!

    Now, if I could lose these 10 pesky pounds I'd be feeling so great...

    Enjoy your evening!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Lana - I know about the knitting sets you are talking about - lady at work finds them at thrifts store for a real steal. I prefer the bamboo needles as well. I also like that brand. I have made shawls using that very size needle / brand. Did you get an Easter card?

    Took dog on extra long walk today, so we shall sleep well. Didnt find red calorie # today which is a nice change.

    Annie - glad to hear good DS/tax refund and budget news. It all helps. Would you consider getting a short step stool for your bed to get into and out of bed?? 10 pounds are possible for this summer, keep working on it.

    Quiche for dinner was wonderful and my sweet potatoes are set up for the week. Eggs for dinner with fried sweet potatoes and chicken sausage is a distinct possibility,

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited March 2017
    Annie - I sure do wish there were some way for you to be available for your son but not soak up the vibes from him. Doctors advise us to cultivate a practice to choose our reaction to things, but that is so easy to say and hard to do. Maybe try to picture yourself floating up nearby and hearing, safely away from the undertow.
    Maybe google around for some pointers about how to help without getting hurt by it. It would be good for both of you for you to be able to lean that way.

    Any chance of decorating your bedroom by going "beach" or "cottage" and painting your ugly bedroom furniture in different but complimentary colors, so that it is a style choice that it doesn't match? All the decorating articles and magazines have nothing but these eclectic room designs. Nothing matches.

    Sara - Yes! Card came. Now I want a chocolate bunny!!! or 2!


  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana/ Sara - thanks so much... was definitely a good feeling, getting into those jeans... was starting to wonder if I was actually losing anything...

    Lana - good vibes for the next 25 business days... hope it goes well and is over before you know it...

    Sara- good to set goal to allow yourself a Starbucks... even better to excel!

    Annie - congrats on the many days of no pop! Sounds like you have lots of planning coming up...good luck with it all! Hope you can find a comfy bed and bedroom set...I haven't had an actual bedroom set, in about 15 years.. it's nice when you can find one you like... even though the number isn't going down on the scale, surely things are changing... clothing fitting better... feeling better about yourself, the way you look... don't beat yourself up...the number will start going down, give it time...

    Quiet, rainy evening...
    May check in later...
    Have a great night
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited March 2017

    Good morning,

    First 2 day weekend in over a month and I am grateful.

    Dog (or god) to Vet this morning for a bi=annual physical. Need to buy her treats. Cannot believe I have run out.....

    Wall in place will be painted and shower curtain rod replaced so will be working on "upgrading" my living space today. Will also be throwing more out. Calories burned for walking to dumpster and moving smallish furniture..... see hot chocolate in my future??

    Back to sleep for me - dog is up / fed and medicated. BBL
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good morning Ladies. Happy Sunday. Sara - Glad for you to be having a two-day weekend!

    Daily weighing and why I do it:
    I weighed 244.4 last Sunday.
    Today I weighed 244.6.
    Why am I happy? Because daily weighing told me that my weight went up to 246.6 Monday and Tuesday, for no particular reason, then it went back down on Thursday and Friday when I actually did have some major out of control eating, yet the scale didn't show that. Odd. So I am able to see that today's number is a great number, all things considered.

    I completely understand why weekly weighing is best for lots of people, but they don't get to see what's going on "behind the scenes" all week. Body weight can be nutty!

    *tossing hat and bag onto favorite lounge chair*

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good evening,

    Dog is home, wall is painted, I finished a chemotherapy hat, quiche is in toaster. No nap, but I am allowing for an after dinner ZZZ.

    Dog treats, what a mess. Her normal ones were not there, so I bought others. So far she is turning her nose up at them, I am leaving them there hoping she will give them a 2nd chance. They were not cheap, I went for quality and she is wanting her junk food. Is what it is.

    Had a maintenance man in this afternoon painting so I was not going to watch my Jane Austen- but after dinner is another story.

    Bought small chocolate bunnies for people at work and chocolate biscotti for myself and a couple people at work who need a little something extra special (like me). Only over by 30 calories today.

    Hoping all have a good evening. Will be meeting up with Lana under her Palm Tree.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - I know how it is with dog treats... my girl will eat anything not good for her... but, if I bring home Organic or good for her food, she walks away and looks like I've tried to give her the most horrible thing in the world... dogs are funny creatures...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member
    Dawn, I have an update - she ate the banana /peanut butter treats that look like rabbit pellets because they were easy to eat and I left a nice slice of dried sweet potato out to see if she will eat it later?? Considering it a victory.

    Tea kettle on for warm eye compresses and coffee. Will snuggle up with Miss T and call it a night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - definitely a Victory! My pup does like sweet potato... hopefully, Miss T will give it a chance and like it...

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Sunday night

    Late check in. Quiet day. Would have been a good diet day if not for grilled cheese DH made for lunch to go with tomato soup. And spiked hot chocolate.

    Picked up groceries. Good plan for the week.

    Allergies still bothering eyes. Very watery and itchy. Will continue eye drops and claritin.

    Worked on some homework tonight. Wrote check to pay off DS's tuition for spring and will mail that tomorrow.

    Have to spend tomorrow training newer employee on a complicated type of help desk ticket our team receives. As of right now, I am the only person who handles them. Wish me luck. I do not really enjoy training others like this. And I don't like to share my work - although in this case I just really can't and shouldn't be the only one to understand this type of work.

    Lana - thank you for your comments about daily weighing. I tend to be a daily weigher unless I know I've had a couple of bad days and then I generally don't look until I've had a couple of good days. But I know what you are saying. Our bodies can do crazy things with the number on the scale. Congrats on maintaining!

    Good night,

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,889 Member

    Checking in before bed.....

    Early morning tomorrow; they have managed to move me to some morning time slots this week, so I may get up, get ready and go without checking in here with you all.

    Everyone have a good week, especially Annie doing the bothersome training. Sending patience and energy vibes~~

    Sara - hope Tillie can raise or lower her standards with the treats.

    Dawn - Hang in there at work. Keep looking for smoke signals of another job~~

    Hugs to all~
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - good vibes coming your way... check in when you can...
    Still on look out for new job... not ready to jump, yet... but, things aren't sounding so great for others as well... maybe, something will jump out at me that I just can't pass up...

    Annie - good luck with the training...I do not do well training others and dislike sharing work as well... hope it's not too stressful for you...

    Have a good night, everyone..
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,349 Member

    Good morning, highest weight in year and a half (same weight at Christmas). Very depressing, so time to start chipping away at it again. All I can do unless I accept myself at this weight.

    Lana- hope your morning sessions work better. Check in when you can.

    Oatmeal is ready and I need to find a little more sleep before work.

    Wave to all who follow.