Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    So we found the contents of the bag hubs had stolen this morning. Yay. Who cares about the possessions his notebook is priceless. So if someone was so desperate to rifle through our car whatever.

    The bit and I went for a swim and I did a little exercise. He has camp tomorrow can't wait for a day to myself... Kinda
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Ali - so happy you found your husbands notebook. That and you got extra exercise!!
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    We even spied a file folder on our drive to the pool. We decided that our detective agency is pretty Awsome and our first case is complete haha

    I had strawberries, ice cream and a butter tart to celebrate oops
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I'm not sure how... but, I am down 3lbs...I thought for sure, I would have gained, or stayed the same at the very least..I don't feel as if I have lost, anything... but, I like the number on the scale for once...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    edited July 2017

    Good morning,

    Weigh in - I am back at my weight in March, so question is why? Will need to think about this.... Just looked at my weigh history and I have been playing with the same 3 pounds since April. So not as wicked as I thought.

    Was up in the middle of the night and opened windows - they are open again - first day in a week that air quality is okay.

    Will lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • cyanfIower
    cyanfIower Posts: 11 Member
    For some reason I felt ravenously hungry yesterday. Perhaps my meals weren't big enough, leaving me feeling perpetually deprived. Today I'll try heavier meals and see how that works out.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    edited July 2017
    Happy Monday everyone!!!

    Cyan - Sometimes I feel extra hungry and there's no explanation for it but I scavenge around the house for anything and everything. It's annoying because then I end the day feeling like I've done nothing but eat

    Today the boy is at all day camp. Hooray. My child who could never remember friends names or was always awkward just walked in saw a friend from school chatted with him and then went and sat down for his art camp to start. Guess he's growing up. I always said he was a late bloomer that way but hey what's a mom know
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Short dog walk. Two habits I have left along side of the road - broccoli and eating half of a portion when eating out and boxing rest to take home for 2nd meal. Easy things to change. Will just keep trying.

    Cyan - hope yesterday was the end of the "eat a thon". I used to have weekends like that and wonder why I felt so yucky on Mondays.

    Lurking from work.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member
    cyanfIower wrote: »
    For some reason I felt ravenously hungry yesterday. Perhaps my meals weren't big enough, leaving me feeling perpetually deprived. Today I'll try heavier meals and see how that works out.

    Cyan - they say you need protein and some healthy fat and some fiber to feel good. Check to see if you had "breads" or pasta or other refined carbs on the days you feel hungry. And sweet things--sugar just creates a hungry feeling! All of this can leave you feeling needy and have you unhappy.

    If I have eggs for breakfast, and I have some decent protein for dinner, such as a good-sized serving of salmon, my day is usually a success because both the eggs and the salmon have fat in them. Add in vegetables at every single opportunity. They fill the plate to have that visual working for you; they fill your stomach, and they are very few calories!

    I hope today goes better for you.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member
    edited July 2017
    Sara - You will figure it out. Maybe try some different foods? Change up your usual carbs and your usual proteins?
    Have a good day at work. Stay cool!

    Ali - glad your Detective Agency has some success. Sorry that it happened at all.

    Dawn - Applause for that loss!
    When do you start at the vet? Is it today? Next week?

    Everyone else have a great day.

    Hello to any new peeps who drop by to say Hello~~

    *tossing hat and bag onto lounge chair for later......*

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Not off to a great start. Didn't stay on plan so well yesterday due to traveling with my family. My lower right back had a small spasm this morning and now I'm worrying about that. I have not been doing my exercises and stretches as I should. And I'm paying for it. So, I did them this morning and took some Advil in the hopes of heading this off. But I tend to worry about it and make it worse, so trying to move on. Knowing the stretches will help. But also knowing I probably won't be going for any walks for the next couple of days. AND my sunglasses broke this morning! Argh!

    Planning a good eating day and will stick to it. I cannot ignore or deny any longer. Must say "no" to things, at least for now.

    Dawn - great job on the weight loss!

    Welcome to newbies I haven't met before.

    Will lurk from work.

  • cyanfIower
    cyanfIower Posts: 11 Member
    edited July 2017
    I love how I get unsolicited health advice just because I start working out a few times a week... I just burned 1000 calories on an empty stomach, I think I'm able to have a 400 calorie breakfast without ruining my diet?? My feelings are honestly hurt. They were pestering me about this for like 10 minutes. I don't even feel like eating in front of them now. Am I crazy or something? Two potatoes and an avocado isn't that much food is it?

    Cyan - they say you need protein and some healthy fat and some fiber to feel good. Check to see if you had "breads" or pasta or other refined carbs on the days you feel hungry. And sweet things--sugar just creates a hungry feeling! All of this can leave you feeling needy and have you unhappy.

    If I have eggs for breakfast, and I have some decent protein for dinner, such as a good-sized serving of salmon, my day is usually a success because both the eggs and the salmon have fat in them. Add in vegetables at every single opportunity. They fill the plate to have that visual working for you; they fill your stomach, and they are very few calories!

    I hope today goes better for you.


    Thanks Lana. I'm going grocery shopping today and I'll be sure to get lots of protein rich foods. I also usually have frozen vegetables in the freezer but I ran out a few days ago so I'm left with mainly starches and carbohydrates. I'll work on preventing that from happening in the future.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    My boy is doing better. Still has headaches and blurry vision but his short term memory seems to be back just fine. He has dr appt with family dr today to make sure the road rash and other wounds are healing properly and get a few more pain pills. Luckily, his company was shut down for the entire holiday week last week. Now he will need a dr note to go on light duty or take time off. He may be at our house a few more days. He wants to go back to his own place (no mom & dad pestering him) but he cant change the dressings on his own. I am just glad he is recovering well. Am a bit peeved at both the ER and the trauma center he was transferred to. Each one passing the buck to the next. I had to have a hissyfit to even get them to clean his wounds. The boy had asphalt ground into them and each department just said the next one would take care of it. Then the last department said they dont to wound care. Seriously?! And no antibiotics to prevent infections?! I asked about antibiotics and they treated me like I was an addict asking for narcotics! WTH?!

    Have not been stress eating as much as i thought i would. to battle it when i do, i bought a big watermelon and have been eating it when i get the need for something sweet. i can eat a big bowl and not go crazy on calories and junk.

    Dawn - great news about the job! dont overthink it! you get to work with animals and work a regular shift - win, win!

    Ali - so sorry to hear about the theft but sounds like you really took control of the situation. maybe you should start your own detective agency! LOL

    Lana - send a couple Cboys out this way to help out with housework. i have fallen behind a bit with everything that is going on

    Hi Cyan! Welcome.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    Kathryn - So sorry to hear what you have been going through with the care DS is/was getting. Medical care isn't always the best sometimes. Hang in there. Sadly, the Cabana Boys are absolutely no good with housework; I wish that they were. They are good at waiting on you, massages, and fighting off evil spirits. They can rake beach sand, but that's it.
    Big hugs,

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    OMF Kathryn how frustrating for you. You should have mentioned you'd be on the phone to your lawyer and I bet you'd have gotten better care for him. I live in Canada where we aren't as litigious but when my mom was waiting in the ER for days for hip surgery to fix her broken hip when the surgeon was chatting up the nurses I happened to mention I might get my lawyer husband to start looking into that malpractice suit and all of a sudden my mom was in surgery! but wow not giving him antibiotics that's ridiculous

    It's my first free day and all I've done is wait with my mom for a delivery and buy groceries and the boy bathing suits. I'm going to exercise then grab my book and head to the pool to "watch" the boy at camp
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,895 Member

    This is from MFP - found it on the front page

    "17 weeknight Dinners That Registered Dietitians Actually Cook" case anyone would like some nice photos to get you thinking about making something different.....

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,353 Member
    Good evening,

    Lana - did look at that link at work. Some distinct possibilities.

    Cool off starts tonight, spent last hour at work yawning as it was hard to sleep when it gets this warm inside.

    Kathryn - wow that is the hospital experience you dont want. Perhaps his pcp can get him some antibiotics as he will need a follow up visit and a note for work.

    Dawn - how did the Vet/job schedule go?

    I will be under Lana's Tree with Miss Tillie soon discussing the job duties of the cboys. They seem to strike poses more than anything - but imagine how jealous the neighbors would be.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Monday evening

    Good eating day. Now, can I string a bunch of these together? This is what I need to lose the weight.

    Nursing sore hip/hip flexor. Did more stretches. Applied a couple of pain patches and took some ibuprofen. I am cautiously optimistic but not going to push it with a walk tonight. All the more reason to eat right.

    Sorely tempted to make an appt with a local gym/weight loss place but thinking they really can't tell me anything I don't already know about what NOT to eat and what TO eat to slim down. And I'm afraid they would expect exercise at a level I can't do with my stupid hip.

    Going to put my feet up soon and watch some Outlander. :)
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    I roasted a chicken for dinner and hubs just messaged he's in a meeting and will call later which means I guess he won't be enjoying the fresh roasted chicken. Anyone still need dinner?