Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Speaking of old movies/ shows... I've been watching Andy Griffith a lot...I really enjoy that show... tonight, "Business Man's Special" was a hollowed out tomato, with Avocado and raisins... why did we stop eating so simple? Not sure about the raisins, but that sounds pretty good! Now, it's so "creative" that what ends up on yer plate, barely looks edible....sometimes, I really think, I was born at the completely wrong time... things were so much simpler, then... even the food...

    Dawn - you have got something there with the simple food. In fact, that's sort of where Weight Watchers has gone, I think, with their 200 Zero Point foods. Just simple, basic foods.

    I get into trouble with my fondness of mayonnaise and olive oil and butter and salad dressing. Those "cost" points/calories.

    I haven't joined WW again. I would if I had more spending money available. It is a lot of money for the program, plus because the nearest WW location is outside the perimeter of the free busses here, bus fare would add $4.50 to the cost of each meeting. That makes it roughly $60 per month to do WW. :(

    Waves to all who stop by later~~

    *tossing hat and bag onto favorite lounge chair*

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    I got a new food scale in a happy color. It cost only $14 on Amazon Prime. It's slightly cheap and cheesy plastic, but I love the happy color. Nice big numbers. Does grams, ounces, pounds, and whatever is bigger than grams, with a 12 pound capacity.

    I hope this photo doesn't come out too big. (That frog came out so huge!)

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member

    Good morning, dog up and fed.

    Kathryn - if that is a poop vacuum, you are the second person to suggest this - imaging cleaning that??

    I did enjoy Duck Soup, it is better than the Three Stooges - and some of their stuff is classic - glad it was only an hour long. Stopping Netflix is my next budget move - I have had it for 10 years maybe and nothing appeals to me anymore.

    Dawn - I made a list of some of the things I had for dinner when I started WW and will bring those back. My dinners became too large and starchy. Our "super sized" society is not always realistic. Your stuffed tomato sounded good. You could also bake the tomato and put eggs and ham in it.....


    That sounds yummy! Might have to try it.. my dinners are starchy and carb filled, it seems...never a good thing.. other than pasta, I'm usually pretty good with portions... pasta I just can't help but to eat too much!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - cost and convenience is my issue with WW.... there is only 1 meeting in town, on Thursday evening....I don't know about anyone else, I don't want to WI after eating all day... and, if I try to do it on my own without meetings, I'm too generous in portion sizes... something in my brain, if I don't go to meetings and be held accountable, I don't do well...I love your happy little scale.... need something happy to keep me motivated...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Messed up my taxes I filed online - so I may have to send an amended tax form- just hate this. I now qualify for assistance as I am a "senior citizen" and they have people in libraries who help. Made myself a note and stuck it on a kitchen cabinet door.

    Cannot print my tax form and have to wait and print it later today. AARG.

    I honestly did not mean to scream at Miss Tillie - but she is hiding from me at the moment.

    This too shall pass.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    edited February 2018
    Dawn - I wouldn't much like a Thursday after eating meeting either. The only game in town, huh? The leader would have to be pretty special for me to do an evening or late afternoon meeting.

    Sara - Oh, I can't imagine how you feel about the tax return thing. Ugh. I hope that you get things ironed out. It's always something, no?

    Not that long ago, I gave up on the Netflix DVDs, and I get only the streaming now. Often it doesn't seem as if there's anything appealing to watch. I don't do horror or sci-fi or non-realistic stuff. Sometimes I Google around for good movies hiding in Netflix. I watched an art-housy film yesterday that's nominated for foreign Oscar, I think. "On Body and Soul"; a man and woman who work together are having the same dreams....OK, so it's non-realistic, but realistic enough.
    Today I'm watching a strange "A Perfect Day" w Tim Robbins and good cast about a Medecins Sans Frontieres-type of group stumbling around Serbia and Croatia at the end of that conflict/war.....going to watch the second half now......


    I logged all my food so far, and I am still in the green!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Lana - tax update, filled out form to mail, sent check they said I owed it is 3 hour drive from here and if push comes to shove, I will not see that money - I needed to declare my Roth IRA donations for 2017 and it was worth it to keep things "honest" . I could also get that money back so who knows. I can walk away trying to be honest.

    Food this week in particular dinner will include quiche, fried rice, eggs with canadian bacon/sweet potato - will get a couple "nourish bowls" for lunch as well.

    Had Chinese chicken salad for dinner and drank too much coffee, so water on tap for rest of evening.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Messed up my taxes I filed online - so I may have to send an amended tax form- just hate this. I now qualify for assistance as I am a "senior citizen" and they have people in libraries who help. Made myself a note and stuck it on a kitchen cabinet door.

    Cannot print my tax form and have to wait and print it later today. AARG.

    I honestly did not mean to scream at Miss Tillie - but she is hiding from me at the moment.

    This too shall pass.

    Ugh... taxes... they scare my dogs, too...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - great job on tracking! I really should get back to that... yes, that is the only game in town...I don't know if it's same leader from many years ago...I liked her... but, not enough to spend a Thursday not eating, cuz I don't want a terrible WI... plus, that is my day off.. so, I'd be wasting more gas than if I was already in town working... and, it would put me at home late.. so, more chance of grabbing fast food or eating junk for dinner...hmmm...the more I type, the more I'm definitely not talking myself into joining...
  • ChichiVilla
    ChichiVilla Posts: 14 Member
    I’m turning 46 tomorrow. I started MFP 2 years ago when I wanted to lose 10lbs. I didn’t understood how to work with it, stopped working out and gained 10lbs instead of losing 10lbs. Would love to join the group for motivation
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member

    Good morning.

    Dog up and fed, will take her for her monthly expression at the Vet and set up her physical for next month. Will get her taken care of on a day I already have off.....

    ChichiVilla - welcome to the board!

    QOTW: what will you be focusing on health wise?

    AOTW: Walking a little more/ smaller dinners and closing the kitchen after dinner - no extra grazing.

    Missy- hope your dog does well, diet is sometimes very successful. Larger place? Sounds like a great new chapter and adventure. Have fun.

    Dog is done, I am hoping for more sleep.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Happy Sunday All~~

    Welcome to Chichi! Please stop by here often. It's good to be anchored somewhere, and this bunch is very supportive. Enjoy your birthday tomorrow!

    Missy - Horses? Oh, I hope that you find a place that fills the bill. Hope that your little girl pup feels better soon and doesn't need any surgery. Yikes!

    Dawn - I get it about making the special trip in to a meeting on your day off. I've attended late afternoon meetings, and some people had a standard breakfast and lunch that they'd eat every weigh-in day, along with their weigh-in clothes, that would add some sort of consistency to their weekly weigh ins. I think that they also viewed their weight loss on a more monthly basis to assess progress.

    So speaking of progress or lack thereof, my scale said 245.6 this morning. That's a gain of 1.4 over last week, and it's basically where I was two weeks ago. I'll attribute this to lack of tracking, except for yesterday, and a lack of walking because of leg/knee, which has not improved much.

    I am on the fence about getting it checked out because I've had something quite similar twice in the past and it is a problem with hamstring and tendons. All they did was send me for an ultrasound of the greater saphenous vein, which is not where the pain is (they only care about clots in the big vein--if you have a clot in a lesser vein, too bad *slap forehead*), and then I ended up with physical therapy, which did not help because it needs to be gently stretched and just rested for weeks. Dancers I know suffer from this. I surely did not dance to have this! LOL.

    On purpose I bought this house because it is just west of the huge medical center. I can hobble there tomorrow or Tuesday if I decide it needs to be looked at.

    Jeez I'm writing a lot. Bleh!

    Sara - Enjoy your day today. How is your weather lately? Nice enough for a Sunday stroll with Miss Tillie?

    1) Tracking in MFP phone App
    2) cleaning corner in living room and pulling out DH's abandoned yoga mat to try doing daily stretching and some abdominal exercises?

    *tossing hat and sunglasses onto the middle lounge chair*


    245.6 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Dog apt is after 2pm so I am in for the morning - dishcloth is toast, but I knitted it and found the pattern/needles and orange yarn - so will work on that today as well.

    Found a piece of glass on carpet from awhile back when I broke a water glass - I just vacuumed - so I checked the vacuum to see if there were any more pieces and may take vacuum out on patio to see.... dog is doing fine and I checked her paws. Wowie.

    Essays are okay here Lana unless you are charged by the letter on your phone....... would stretching exercises on that yoga mat help with your knee?? Keep us posted.

    Rain due tomorrow and much of week. Dog walk would be ideal today before dog apt - thank you for reminding me.

    Off to start dishcloth.

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    I’m turning 46 tomorrow. I started MFP 2 years ago when I wanted to lose 10lbs. I didn’t understood how to work with it, stopped working out and gained 10lbs instead of losing 10lbs. Would love to join the group for motivation

    Hi ChiciVilla - and welcome. I’m Tess and I live in the DC area (or, the DMV, as we call it). I’ve been on MFP since January 1, 2017 and on this forum since around July. The food tracking on MFP was a game changer for me in getting my weight loss started, and this forum has been a godsend in keeping it going.

    My best unsolicited advice - don’t feel bad about what you’ve done/not done in the past. Whatever happened taught you valuable lessons for moving forward. There is no shame in being a Serial Starter - we’ve ALL been there. The key word is “Starter.” Start anew - it’s a new day, a new year, a new journey.

    Happy Birthday. : )

  • ChichiVilla
    ChichiVilla Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks! Aotw: i will work on keeping my goal calories and working out at least 1/2 hr daily! I did already 30mins on the treadmill this morning!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Just checking in again to stay OP. Evenings are when I often go off track.....

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    We’re here for you, Lana!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Moral of the story -- do not multitask in the kitchen - or in my case - do not multitask at all. Can of tomato sauce on floor was the casualty which is fortunate. Messy but could have been worse.

    Pita Bread pizza for dinner and will make quiche later.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    Hope everyone’s weekend is going well. I got my taxes done a week or two ago. (Record for my and my fiancé, we usually do this in mid March). Weekend is busy, one of my friends had her baby shower/going away party today. She’s going back to California with her husband and their son and she’s 5/6 months pregnant with their second son. Also, took my bichon to the vet today to follow up on Mondays visit (she was peeing blood last weekend, thought it was an UTI) and well the ultrasound found that she has bladder stones. Vet put her in a special diet and strictly that diet (no treats) for 3 months and then a recheck. Hoping stones will be gone and nothing further is needed. Crossing my fingers and praying that she won’t need surgery.
    Tomorrow will be good, my fiancé and I are going to look at a house tomorrow. Starting to look for a slightly bigger house with more property in a more rural area. We eventually want horses, chickens and a garden. We will see. Have to sell our house too.

    We see many cats and dogs with stones...Doc's actually removing some from a Pomeranian, in morning...we do have special food, but also we recommend distilled water...we have lots of well water here... just a thought for you... not having surgery is the best idea
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I’m turning 46 tomorrow. I started MFP 2 years ago when I wanted to lose 10lbs. I didn’t understood how to work with it, stopped working out and gained 10lbs instead of losing 10lbs. Would love to join the group for motivation

    Happy birthday! Post here often for lots of encouragement!