Serial Starters



  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome Shelby! This is a wonderful community - very welcoming and encouraging. I’ve found d it helpful to keep a “cheat sheet” of everyone’s screen name and actual name if they use it. I’m Tess and I live in the Washington DC area (Lana and I share weather patterns :smile:).

    Ash, what a walk! Like Kathryn, I’m tired just looking at the map! Thanks for sharing it - it’s fun to picture you walking determinedly up and down those hills.

    Kathryn, glad you had a good weekend but sorry about your persistent headache. Could it be related to the flu you had - a lingering virus/sinus infection?

    Lana, glad you had a good visit with your friend. I’m sure it gave her a wonderful boost.

    Felt very productive today - laundry and cooking for the dinner and freezer. I baked off two sweet potatoes and four baking potatoes, then mashed them together and frozen six little packets for sides for future dinners. Then cooked up diced bell peppers, sweet onions and tomatoes to be a base for future meals (now I can add rice or noodles as well as a variety of protein.)

    I’m missing that hour we lost last night but I will welcome it back in the fall! In the meantime, lots of lovely sunny days to look forward to.

    Sweet dreams Lana, Sara, Ash, Dawn, Kathryn, Shelby, Saltine and anyone else running by. C-boys, rest up now - it’s going to be a busy week!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member

    Good morning.

    Weigh in is disgusting. Not my highest on Myfitnesspal, but close.....this is why I dont weigh myself during the week as it irritates me - I cheated and weighed. More walking for me.

    As I pack my bag to go to work, protein bars and a Nugo cookie may not be my best option,but it keeps the urge to get potato chips from the cafeteria. Have readypack fruit/veg snacks for every work day.

    Kathryn - 48 missed posts has it been that long or were we a chatter box this weekend?

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking from work. Oatmeal is ready must scoot.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    *tossing hat and bag onto lounge chair for later* Running to doctor appointment.

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - when I logged in last night it said 48 posts, and I had just checked in on Friday! so I guess its a case of chatterboxes! LOL Love it!! Which protein bars are you using?

    Tess - i dont think the headache is sinus related, or at least I took my sinus meds and no relief. i think it is more stress/tension/tight muscles. have been trying my best to stretch & move to ease it up.

    Dawn - glad the party helped. just wish it had been one with more orders for you! hey, how are you doing with lunches at work? is there room in the fridge there for you after all? have you been able to keep your food to yourself at home? (i still love the idea of labeling them "stool sample" and "bacteria culture" and such to keep everyone away! LOL)

    In all this convention ruckus, tax season, and work - totally forgot license plates are due! oopsie! crossing fingers that I can get it done before we get pulled over! :o

    Also forgot to weigh in this morning in my mad rush to get ready.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Kathryn, I am eating Kind Protein bars - not as much protein lower sugar and no why protein. I saw quest and the artificial sweetener they use is not familiar to me, so I chose not to try. Hope your license plate issue gets resolved - can you go in person and get it done faster?

    Who is the March Madness watchers? I have one word - Gonzaga.
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    Quick hi from school. Planning period is now. Classroom observations are tomorrow for school accreditation review. I was expecting it today. I’m a little nervous, but I’m going to rest in the peace that I’m not the only one they are observing.

    Will get back after school.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    @Ashrenalls I'm a middle school teacher too! 7th and 8th grade social studies. I'm normally pretty good at work - drinking lots of water, walking, snacking on good, healthy options. I struggle when I get home. I think I need a more substantial breakfast and lunch, so I don't just graze. Because while I feel full at work (when I'm really busy), I convince myself I'm actually starving when I get home. It's tough! I'm also recently married, and live with my husband. I love walking/jogging, skiing, Zumba, and I'm getting into strength training. I also play video games, cosplay, and all that fun stuff. :)

    @LanaCabana537 Hey! Sure! I'm from Western Michigan. I introduced myself a bit up there ^, but I do have fur babies! My puppy (Riker), my kitty (Castiel), my chinchilla (Chel), and my guinea pig (Gilligan). I'll attach a few pictures for you later, when my lunch break isn't running out! I could talk about my little ones all day. With the exception of Chel, they're all rescues, and I love them something fierce.

    @Tilliesmommy1 @arniedog74 @tlsb2016 Hello! Thank you for the warm welcome! :) Tillies, the SW is "starting weight." I didn't necessarily start my journey at my highest point. I just use it for calculating how much weight I lose deliberately.

    So I'm a little worried. I had a great week, and worked out really hard last week, and I was up four pounds on the scale this morning. I'm really hoping I'm retaining water from my tough workouts, but I hope I can ditch it before WW weigh in this week. I'm chugging water to wash it out of my system, but I don't know if it is enough. :(

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    oops messed up at work and waiting for help. what a monday - hope your apt goes well Lana - xxghost (at work cant flip around too much) think long term some weeks the scale makes no sense.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Sara - when I logged in last night it said 48 posts, and I had just checked in on Friday! so I guess its a case of chatterboxes! LOL Love it!! Which protein bars are you using?

    Tess - i dont think the headache is sinus related, or at least I took my sinus meds and no relief. i think it is more stress/tension/tight muscles. have been trying my best to stretch & move to ease it up.

    Dawn - glad the party helped. just wish it had been one with more orders for you! hey, how are you doing with lunches at work? is there room in the fridge there for you after all? have you been able to keep your food to yourself at home? (i still love the idea of labeling them "stool sample" and "bacteria culture" and such to keep everyone away! LOL)

    In all this convention ruckus, tax season, and work - totally forgot license plates are due! oopsie! crossing fingers that I can get it done before we get pulled over! :o

    Also forgot to weigh in this morning in my mad rush to get ready.

    Every little bit helps with Scentsy... and, I can keep a party open as long as I want... that's a good thing...I have been keeping some food at work... just hafta make room... but, at least I have food and don't hafta spend money on lunch every day...

    I was literally 1 Day late with my Tags and got pulled over... it really frustrates me, as I see cars all the time, months past their date... this is why I'm the good kid.. when I do anything wrong, I get caught... fingers crossed for you that you can get it taken care of before anyone notices...
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Shelby - Welcome! my sister and niblings live on the left side of the mitten - White Lake, Whitehall, Montague area.
    I had a chinchilla years ago. Sweetest, softest little furball. I was forced to give her away when I had moved. Still miss her after all these years.
    I always do better at work than when I am at home. At work, too busy to grab anything to snack on. At home, its too easy to grab something to snack on.

    Sara - i haven't used Kind bars in awhile. there was actually a bulletin out discouraging eating them due to some could create a false positive on certain drug tests. i just prefer Quest due to lower carb & cal to higher protein ratio. best do some research on sweeteners if you are sensitive to the different ones. dont want to take any chances with a reaction.

    well, back to work.....
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    Hi Ladies~~

    I am very fuzzy-brained today, and so when I read your posts, and then scroll down to write something I forget what I was going to say. So big hugs for everyone from me.

    Ash - you remind me of the Seven Hills of Rome - I don't even know if that's a real thing. But for you, you have the Hills of Oklahoma!! Keep on working towards your goals!

    Sara - I have to now go and look up what is March Madness and Gonzaga...... The Cabana Boys are cute, but they don't have all the answers it seems.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Seven hills of Rome and seven hills of San Franciso
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello all - glad Monday is over. Cold and overcast here in DC.

    Sara, DH and I are big March Madness fans. We’ll hopefully have a bracket challenge at work. I haven’t picked my favorite yet but may have to go with UVA given the Virginia connection.

    Trying to convince myself it’s not too cold to go to the gym. BBL

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Good evening,

    Found a quote from Becks that applies to Shelby - You should expect occasional weigh gain or plateaus, even if you are doing everything right. p248 - The Beck Diet Solution.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    The accreditation team that is visiting us is so amazing and they love our school. I feel a little less worried about tomorrow.

    Shelby, guinea pigs! I have two in my classroom. I love those little furry pigs. And I LOVE middle school. I never ever expected to want to teach this grade. I wanted to teach upper high school.

    Dinner tonight was breaded chicken and mashed potatoes with my workout buddy....who BAILED on me tonight to make lesson plans for tomorrow. #lame

    But guess what, this exhausted chick went anyway. Worked on my shoulders, abs, and a little on my back.

    I plan to walk the hills of OK again Friday. Because of this accreditation season being so hectic and stressful, my boss is taking out the staff to a fancy restaurant and the giving us Friday off!! How amazing is that!

    Ok, I’m going to try to get to bed early tonight. I think I slept about 4 hours last night. That is no bueno for me.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member

    Good morning, Dog up and fed. FB is being "dinky" stupid again. Lovely

    Young lady who drives me to appointments has a birthday today- so luckily I wrote it down stuck it on her present. Of course, that does not guarantee anything, but in this case it did. NSV !! Take what I can get.

    Used travel pillow last night to see if I would sleep better - I did once I got used to it. Wish it wasnt so hot to use in the summer.

    Wishing all a good day. Wave to all who follow.
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Sara - how is the travel pillow different? is there a different kind of case you can put on it to make it feel cooler for you in summer?
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,954 Member

    .......running through again......

    My days are just jammed! Curses.



    244.2 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    Kathryn, it is like wearing a doughnut around your neck, depending on how big/bulky it is - I will look into a hand towel in the summer.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,377 Member
    :s:p:# just saying