Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good morning,

    Lana - the "left message" I have done a number of times and quite annoying.

    Can you balance some of the drinking with walking? Is your pool warm enough to use? Can you walk laps around the pool? I know ladies in New England who walk around their house....

    New neighbor parties Friday and Saturday, we shall see what tonight brings.

    Walk this morning before youtube sermon and then drop off items for food closet later and have ice cream with friend late afternoon.

    Scale was nicer to me this morning, but the need to walk is constant.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Hi Sara~~

    The kids are coming swimming this afternoon - I'm looking forward to their energy and the company of their parents. Yes, the pool is totally usable now, thank heavens.

    Your ice cream with a friend this afternoon sounds nice - enjoy yourself!

    Waves to all who stop by later on~~


  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 644 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hi, everyone. I realized if I stop to catch up on reading before I post, I might not post for even longer. I'm in Florida, helping with mom (90) and sis who had foot surgery (11 different procedures in one surgery; yowzah). My flights were packed and my pancreatitis flared as the first flight took off. I was so miserable. I took a 2nd pain pill when we landed in Charlotte, and that did the trick. It also helped me sleep the whole flight to Tampa :) I usually can't sleep on flights so it was nice.

    I'm not sure if my weight has changed much since I left home; maybe up and down some, and lately I've gotten careless. BUT I'm still getting good exercise, so not all is lost. I usually wait for the sun to get pretty low on the horizon before setting out. The heat and humidity don't seem to bother me when it's so flat.

    Not much else to report--life is really quiet here, even without Covid precautions.

    I'm looking forward to catching up and hope to find you are all doing well. Toodles!

    ETA: I read through pretty quickly, but oh my, Sara; I am so, so sad for you. Losing my beloved dogs has been so hard, each time. They are such a huge part of our day-to-day life. Please know that my heart is with you.

    Lynn, glad that FIL's surgery went well and hoping his convalescence is rapid and uncomplicated.

    Dawn, I can imagine your frustration. 85 is pretty old. My mom is 90 and we want to let her do whatever she wants and try to figure out how to mitigate risks--it's such a challenge, with Covid literally in the air. Balancing a good quality of life with keeping her around longer is not easy. I had to smile at your account of her hospitalization--it reminded me that my sisters and I have joked that prison will be our retirement plan; 3 meals a day, after all, and no responsibilities. Your Gma seems to know what she wants and how to get it. That doesn't make it any easier on you, though.

    I don't know if I can get back here regularly for the foreseeable future--we will see. I seem to go from all quiet to having 6 chores to do at once. School is officially over so that helps, too. The last 2 weeks were really hard-my focus was waning and I had to be really strict with myself.

    Take care.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member


    So good to hear from you! I knew that you were on your family expedition.
    I hope that it goes as well as possible, all things considered.

    Know that we are thinking about you, and Philippe and the Boys are looking for you for your foot massages and pillow fluffing.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Maureen, glad you were able to get to FLA and that doing elder care is exhausting. That cboy care package is on its way. Watch for some handsome guy to cross your path!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    6k I got tonight. I sent a couple who lives nearby to the ice cream place I went to today - their date night got ruined by their children, so I said hey you have a couple hours, go get some ice cream just the two of you!!

    I have to get some sleep so I can deal with Mrs Monster tomorrow.

    Wishing all a good night - may this be the week we all see the cboys delivering care packages!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    *** MONDAY June 15th ***

    Good morning Sara~~

    That was a great idea you had about the couple going for ice cream! 🍨
    I hope that you fend off all bad vibes from Mrs Monster today.

    Waving to all who stop by later on~~


    #s too scary to post
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good morning,

    Thank you Lana for getting us started,

    Your card was beautiful and very true. She would have given me the "I already knew that look". Was awake in the middle of night thinking of dogs, so sleep has been bare minimum.

    I know some inside dirt concerning Mrs Monster, so that will help me deal with her today.

    I was considering working in PJ's but it doesnt take that long to get dressed and I didnt hit the snooze button.

    I bought broccoli but didnt get any pie crusts so no quiche. May as a side dish? Cant think that hard at this hour. Any suggestions are welcome.

    My official weight I do not know but I have not seen that # on a Monday morning in quite a while. So walking will keep going.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning Lana and Sara!
    Been thinking about you Sara all weekend. I am glad to see you busy and talking to people. And your gestures are so kind and thoughtful. I have to start doing little things for people. I feel like I have gotten into a rut of day to day and it is all about me. Not saying I am really selfish - I think i am nice and all - you are just soooo nice. My new goal!
    Wisconsin weather was what we live for! Low humidity, 70's and sunny. Enjoyed so much outside time!
    My garden is also loving it. Ate fresh lettuce and radishes from it.
    Lana - do not be hard on yourself for being in a funk. You hit a tough patch. You will figure out the new normal and be better for it! I know you will!
    Have a great Monday. I have to behave today - going to Mexican restaurant tomorrow for daughters bday!!!

  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member

    Make your quiche anyway. Without the crust. Coat your pie pan with olive oil. Mix your quiche ingredients and pour in. Bake as usual. I promise it will be so yum, you won't miss the crust.

    Alternatively, if you have mashed potatoes, I have used them as a crust before. Season with a little extra salt and some garlic powder, press them in the pan and par-bake for 15-20 minutes, add your quiche mixture and bake. Big hit when I made bite sized ones in a mini-muffin tin for my nephews.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Waving to Lynn and Tracy ~~~~~

    Now Sara⁉️.......what is this "dirt" you have on Mrs Monster? Can you give us a hint? Interesting.

    Tracy - that crustless quiche idea sounds good!

    My car freaked out this morning (in the rain): the reverse automatic breaking happened in a parking lot when there was absolutely nothing there to set it off. Then it happened several times when I backed up into my hugely double-wide, no-obstacles driveway. I have an appointment at dealership on Thursday.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    almost done with shift, my boss concerned for me offered to have me come back in if I was lonely, I messaged her back and said there was too many germs - I will not go back until I have to.

    Dirt - a file the sup's boss does not know about that has info sup has not been sharing..... the link to it was supplied to sup's boss.

    crust less quiche I have made with a rice crust before.... great ideas Tracy thank you.

    one more hour - at least the shift will be done.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    *** TUESDAY June 16th ***

    Good morning everyone~~

    If you look at the national radar map, you can see The Green Blob raining on my week so far. Temps are low too, so I'm sitting here in long jammie pants and a cable knit sweater!

    Cabana Boys have lit the tiki torches and fire pits for me. Thanks Boys!


    256.8 today
    258.8 highest
    214.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good morning,

    Lana I am so sorry. Get out the hot drinks - tea/chocolate/coffee. Curl up in a nice blanket. Cboys and a fire pit?? Good deal.

    I find out in a letter that my insurance man/financial advisor has changed to go independent. The mass produced letter is from someone I dont know saying they will inspect my account and make appropriate suggestions - someone I dont know in my business??? Heck no to that. I googled found my original advisor and will take the steps needed to keep him. I was so not pleased. Too many changes people - we will all snap at some point.

    sorry rant done.

    Tracey's idea of crust less quiche has me thinking about making one, just at the moment I am barely awake and have bags under my eyes.Such a sight.

    Need to get moving the clock is not my friend as Mrs Monster is waiting.

    Wave to all who follow Stay safe and sane out there.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning!
    Sara- Interesting about your letter - that would concern me as well.
    Lana - sometimes it is nice to stay in jammie pants. My choice to keep me warm is my trusty flannel shirt :wink: Now that is a look! Stay warm and I hope the sun shines soon!
    Have a great Tuesday!

    CW 194.8
    HW 207
    GW 180

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Well, my Tuesday did not go at all as planned. Spent day in ER with DH. His heart “condition “ ( I say it this way, as I’m not sure what it’s considered) is really getting the best of him. He was diagnosed (after 5 ER visits over about as many years ) with an issue with the PCV(PVC) valve in his heart. It doesn’t close as it should and it causes a “drop “ feeling in his heart. For some reason, the last 3 days, it’s been almost constant. Normally, it just happened occasionally throughout the day..not every day...watching his heart rhythm on the was all over the place...they want him to follow up with cardiologist..which, is where we always fall insurance, no money, no specialists... but, as bad as it is right now, I’m hoping he will call to set up appt and, we just figure it out somehow...he does need to quit smoking, cut back caffeine...cuz, that’s so easy...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Dawn, Wow not the day you planned I am sure. Do you qualify for Medicaid? Then finding a specialist who will accept Medicaid-- almost impossible forget my first question. Ask your specialist if you can make a payment schedule so that the whole bill is not due at once. My grandparents had one of the first heart self help books. Walking is important,so okay quit this quit that but if the two of you went walking together and changed your diet to include more heart healthy items it would be a great start.

    Yeah right I am in the same 5 pounds for the last 3 months. I am hoping to walk the last 500 steps in my house to make 6k. I am acting childish and hiding from my neighbors. I at least said hello....

    I need to get relaxing for sleep so I wish you all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Good morning!

    Until I get my tea that is the best I can do.

    Midweek bored to tears and still have to work. Sound familiar?

    Neighbors who I enjoy stay out too late at night and while the company is good, I was burning both ends. So I have been a little more hermit like than usual. Means getting out and walking.

    I am predominately a mask wearer outside - I am getting strange and or dirty looks. Am I the only one?

    Wave to all who follow. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    I get the strange and dirty looks while wearing my mask too. Yesterday, I saw our county Mayor (we have Mayors for each city and a Mayor to oversee the unincorporated areas of the county) in Kroger with a mask on under his chin. ?!?! What ?!?! way to set an example.

    Here's a bit of funny to alleviate your midweek boredom for a moment.

    Yesterday, I noticed some debris on my stove that came from my vent fan. The fan is old and no longer has a cover on it. Since it wasn't there when I went to bed and Art stays up later, I asked him if he heard anything come down through the fan. He said no. I mentioned there were footprints in the debris, but could not identify them.

    At this point, I assume a mouse or a baby squirrel came in through the vent. I have three cats, so I also assume we will simply see evidence of the interloper eventually.

    Boy, was I wrong on every level. This morning I found some things on the couch that are normally stored behind it, a makeshift chute leading to the front door, and a BB gun and fishing net in the living room. When Art got up, he said "Possum. A baby possum is somewhere in this house." He saw the possum's tail disappearing into a pile of stuff he keeps beside his chair and tried unsuccessfully to catch/chase it out of the front door. Once again, WE HAVE THREE CATS! They are completely unconcerned with this intruder.

    Hoping the critter will be brave enough to venture out to a plate of cat food I left in the living room floor, but it may not even be in the living room now. Art keeps his bedroom door shut, so it isn't in there, but my door and my daughter's door stay open for the cats to come snuggle.

    TL:DR--I have a baby possum in my house and my cats don't care.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning!
    Tracey! YIKES. I hope it comes out. The alternative could get quite smelly! Good luck with your capture!
    Sara - Good morning. I am not a good mask wearer. I like to avoid people instead. BUT I do not look at people weird when they wear one. I will wear one in stores and around strangers. Typically at work i am 6 feet from anyone, so it is often not on me.
    Good morning Lana and everyone else who stops in today!