

  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    I always think, 'If they can demolish food like that imagine what they're like in bed.'

    Then I walk over and give them my number.

    LMAO!!! :laugh: :drinker:
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    YES! I have the hardest time watching my husband eat now that i dont binge like that any more.... i just want to grab the junk out of his hand and throw it away. It really does gross me out. Saying anything starts a fight so i just let him eat what he wants...i cant control him that way.

    What a pleasure you must be to have around.

    Se is a wonderful pleasure to be around. If you knew her story you would know why she feels this way. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, stop bashing,

    I don't have to know the full story. The fact that she goes as far to say that her husband's eating grosses her out is enough for me base my opinion on. :flowerforyou:

    You can't control your subconscious biases and internal reactions. All you can do is determine how these will dictate your behavior. She said she doesn't try to control her husband's behavior.


    That's because he put his foot down when she tried. If she is truly grossed out, her face is going to speak volumes and who knows where this loathing of his food habits will end up touching in terms of the rest of their relationship.

    This one has to be the best one yet.....Let me clarify something to you since you seem to know every thing in all your 18 yrs of life. I have been very over weight...i am not any more...I try to to the right things every day food and health wise. I cook for this man healthy every day. He is almost 400 lbs with severe diabetes and other health issues...My face shows nothing but love and compassion for this man who truly has no desire to control his eating habits. I would prefer he be around for the next 30 years and healthy. I have been fighting this battle with him for 9 years! Dont tell me he deserves someone better....his choices have put us thru alot and i am STILL HERE. I will never stop trying to help him. I need to get healthy and strong to take care of him when he cant take care of himself any longer if that happens. Again i will say, when this man has eaten at Mc donalds 3 x a day PLUS his regular meals....yeah its kinda gross....Id appreciate it if you would quit attacking me now....thanks

    That still doesn't explain why you would think of him as gross. Concerned? Yes. Worrying? Yes. Gross? No, not really.

    If you saw the way he shovels it if it is his last meal ever then you would think thats kinda gross too. Im not even sure he tastes it , it goes down so fast, if you know what i mean. Still chewing a mouthful of chips ( not one chip at a time) and reaching into the bag for another handful before he even swallows the last one....yeah that kind of gluttony is gross.
  • CysterWigs
    CysterWigs Posts: 136 Member
    I only get grossed out if they are making a lot of noise while eating. :sick: THAT is disguisting and I sometimes have to walk away depending on how loud it is. But I don't judge by what/how much someone else eats.

    ETA and my SO and daughter are such LOUD eaters :sad:

    I've only lost 20 lbs so far this time around, but I have lost as much as 92 lbs in a single go. I've never really been annoyed about what other people eat. How they eat it, however, is another story. I agree that loud eating can be disturbing. I once had a roommate who ate every meal with her mouth open. Loud nose breathing + audible and visual "smack, smack" chewing + loud mouth exhale WITH FOOD IN IT = disgusting, no matter how non-judgmental I try to be. After a while, I found myself intentionally avoiding eating at home just in case seeing me eat prompted her to eat beside me. She was a super nice girl - and kind of sensitive about her weight - so I never mentioned it. But, yeah, I thought it.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    That still doesn't explain why you would think of him as gross. Concerned? Yes. Worrying? Yes. Gross? No, not really.
    If you saw the way he shovels it if it is his last meal ever then you would think thats kinda gross too. Im not even sure he tastes it , it goes down so fast, if you know what i mean. Still chewing a mouthful of chips ( not one chip at a time) and reaching into the bag for another handful before he even swallows the last one....yeah that kind of gluttony is gross.

    Wow, you seem very unhappy with your marriage. :flowerforyou:
  • beckizzle
    beckizzle Posts: 118 Member
    I get quite disgusted by what people have in their baskets/trollies at the supermarket

    ah this 100 times over!!!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I'm a little concerned that you are worried about others eating habits.

    um.. isn't that what these forums are filled with? People who concern themselves with other's eating habits?