
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone

    @its_cleo - Funnily enough at last night's workshop - one of the questions to our workshop TL was finding the right balance. Through discussion, it was determined that some people need to eat all their points daily/weekly. Some need to eat all their daily and some weekly. I think you will need to find your "sweet spot" The TL did say that to be mindful of the zero point foods. You need to remind yourself of the serves. Eg chicken breast is O points, but you would not eat 2 chickens in day, Dates are free for a serve but you would not eat the whole packet - just a though. There is a "serves" guide on the application.

    @theslightedgeforever - I am hearing you about the Yoyo game. It has been far too long. I was sitting next to another failed LTM and she said this is the last time she is going to do this, she is sick of being a yoyo dieter.

    @cbabie - I have never understood Keto - just eating unprocessed foods?

    Last night saw a loss but more importantly, saw a changing mindset start to evolving. Today is a non exercise day it is will be 39 C - which is over the 100F AGAIN. I thought I would do some planned exercise but know if I exhaust myself then I will go back 1- steps. I would rather be a turtle this time and know my limits

    Take care

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    I’m Jeri and I am struggling to get back to tracking and losing weight with WW online. I’ve had a bad 2 months emotionally and I have been eating my stress away. Doesn’t work.

    So today I made a commitment to track everything. I’m still getting in my exercise everyday (faithfully). Just finished a 30 day walking challenge and did it.

    Hope I’ll get to know you all and give support as well as get it from the group.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    edited February 2019
    @cbabie. At least you will have a food buddy in the house. That would be nice. Sometimes it’s not nice when they become the food police. As I tell my husband you do your program let me do mine.

    @its_cleo I mean burn 266 calories via exercise. I never eat back my calories. So option B. 1375 is my current average. My range is 1417-1660. The reason I started keeping track of my burned exercise calories was if I took a 30 min walk outside and ate 1650 calories I felt my day was successful which “on paper” it was but I can’t lose weight at that rate. Then I would get discouraged thinking why am I exercising if I’m not losing weight (yes I know the other benefits) but my Fat monster was sowing the seeds of doubt and I became less consistent with exercise til I basically stopped. Maybe once or twice a week. Now I can still choose a 30 min walk but know that I could burn double if I would do a 30 min Leslie Sansone Video. Burning more means more food I get to eat. My magic numbers used to be 1521 and 315. (Average) But it was taking me a lot of effort to get that 315 and I didn’t do it very often. So since Jan 1 I started with 200 then moved to 250. My next goal will be 275. I just haven’t decided when. Because I feel successful every single day I have been consistent which for me equals weight loss. January’s total was 7.8 I never do good in January I’m more of a March person. Lol. Cause mid February is my bday and I say another year has rolled around and here you are still fat. This is my year. Then I repeat the cycle the following birthday. So this year I did something different. @TeresaW1020 helped get me started with her 100 day chart. I added in the journal and I just finished 1/3 of it. Now to conquer February. I agree with you on keto

    @Trishastime I think of keto as eating a lot of fat but little carbs. Kind of like Atkins on steroids. But some people like it and it works for them. I’m just not one of those people. Yaaay on the loss but the changing mindset is way more important. I agree on the turtle. This journey is for life

    @fancyladyJeri Welcome to the group. Your username reminds me of my mom. It looks like you have developed a good habit of exercise. Now you will begin to develop the habit of tracking. I also believe that eating emotionally is a habit to be conquered. This group probably gets tired of me talking about habits. Lol.

    Another day of staying within my food boundary. I had bookclub and I ate a bowl of chicken mushroom soup with a roll. Couldn’t find the chicken. Lol. But it was good and I didn’t order dessert. I took my exercise rest day because of problems with my mil but still got in my required 15 min and my step goal. Journal done. Big sticker day

    Now that Feb is here I’m adding in the goal of drinking more water to earn my big sticker. No snooze is pretty well a habit but I’ll keep it up there til March. Part of me is in panic mode. Thinking I’m a juggler and I’ve added another ball and it will all fall down. Then I remind myself that I control the speed of how fast I toss them in the air. I can do this. I’m going to conquer February
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,514 Member
    Hi guys! Just popping in to say hey, I'll be back to chat...I've been busy with work schedule. I'll come back later tonight to reply to everyone. Have a good day!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @fancyladyJeri – Welcome aboard, we are a small but very supportive group. Some of us are doing online, some are at workshops and some are following MFP. Looking forward to getting to know you better. BTW – I am from Australia, most others are in the USA,.

    @theslightedgeforever – I love how you have favourite names for all your demons. Wow it seems you have really looked at yourself and know your cycles. Big congratulations on your January loss – well done 😊. BTW – what is your step goal???

    @trooworld – what the go? Missing you on here

    Yesterday was a blah day but I reigned it in. I had a packet of lollies and instantly regretted (where was @theslightedgeforever 's voice on my shoulder)?. Anyhow I logged it and as I logged it – I remembered something I used to do when I getting to LTM and did something, I took the points hot but balanced them out over 4 days. So therefore if the points were say 20 – I would put 5 points on today and take 5 points off the next 3 days. It meant that I needed to be very careful for the next 3 days and doing it that way did not seem such a failure. ( I deemed it a failure as it was eating for the sake of it) So I have decided to do that. I woke up this morning with a great mindset . I am off to GD’s 4 birthday party at interactive gym , so must run

    @teresaw2010 - Cooeee????
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @trooworld. Did you get your stockings yet?

    @TrishasTime Naming my demons makes me look mental 🤪 I’ve also named my inner brat. Tina Apologies if there are any Tinas on here. My official step goal with Fitbit is 8000. 10000 a Day is perfection to me and sets me up for failure plus when I do have a lot of high step days my legs hurt in the night and I can’t sleep. Right now my unofficial goal is 5500. I’m baby stepping my way back to 8000. I think I’m averaging around 7000 steps actually right now. Soon I’ll move my step goal to 6000. This way I’m almost always guaranteed a win so I keep trying. If your plan works for you balancing them out then do that. Your weight doesn’t come from one day anyway. I was there on your shoulder but the lollies were louder. Maybe put up pics of me everywhere. Lol. Happy bday to your gd. Did you play at the interactive gym?

    I stayed within my boundaries as far as food and water. But didn’t reach my exercise goal. I walked 17 min but didn’t get in my second round. So just a medium sticker. Booooo. Well that’s better than no sticker. So job well done for me for the things I did right.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning!!

    @TrishasTime, I'm here! <3 Congrats on your loss and on your mindset. You took ownership over eating the extra points and I love the plan of balancing them out over however many days it will take. I'm going to remember that for the next time I dive into a bag of lollies or some other non-approved indulgence. ;)

    @fancyladyJeri, welcome to the group! I look forward to getting to know you. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, naming your inner brat is brilliant! :D Your breakdown of calories and exercise calories slightly hurt my head. I'm number challenged!! But you also got me thinking about what I do and I think I will pay attention this week a little more. I have me set at losing 1.5 lbs a week and that for sure isn't happening. So, am I eating more than I burn? Yup! :/

    @cbabie, so sorry about your internet always giving you grief. That would make me crazy! When your grandson wises up to Keto you can steer him on the right path. :)

    It is a beautiful morning with lots of sun and blue skies. Hubby and the dog will be out doing some pruning and cleaning up of the yard and I will be inside cleaning up the house. I also plan to do a full hour workout and see how many exercise calories I can rack up. January ended with a 1.7 lb loss but I know that I can and must do better than that. So, I'm going to buckle down and give it my all for February. #Consistency

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,514 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I wish I didn't like mac and cheese!!! I don't eat it too often because I don't do a good job of controlling myself around it. Snow-yoga, no thank you!

    @TrishasTime I've been stretching it. It's not too bad. Since the arch supports are going to take 2 weeks, I ordered a 2nd pair of supports that will be here today to hold me over. They will be good to put in my running shoes anyway. I'm really worried about my foot because in about 10 days, I go to a trade show for work and will do a lot of walking. Congrats on the loss and the mindset change!

    @its_cleo It's good to tighten up your counting, weighing and measuring then. Good luck!

    @theslightedgeforever Maybe one day I'll learn that lesson lol. I got my stockings and have been wearing them. I'd give them a rating of a 5/10...they help...a little. I still have pain but not as much.

    @cbabie keto seems to be all the rage but I can't do it either.

    @fancyladyJeri Hi, welcome! There is a lot of support to be had here in this little group. Congrats on finishing your walking challenge, way to go! Tracking is so important, too.

    Hi all! Sorry that I've been MIA, I had to work a couple of long days and by the time I got home, I didn't want to jump on the computer. So, regarding my plantar fasciitis, I am worried about it because as I mentioned to Trish above, I am going to a trade show in about 10 days where I will be on my feet all day for 3 days. I ordered 2 pairs of inserts and a new pair of tennis shoes (I can't wear the tennis shoes at the show, unfortunately, as it is a professional event and I have to dress up). I've also been stretching my foot and I got one acupuncture treatment. I'll get more when I get back from my trade show. I kind of fell off the wagon with tracking these last few days. I'm starting fresh today. I haven't tracked since lunch Weds. :( Life got in the way. But I am...

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TrishasTime Thanks, I feel like I’ve been trying to find the sweet spot for a while! Part of the problem is I’m inconsistent, but I do think I’m slowly getting better. You’re right about the zero point foods. I think one of the advantages of counting calories as well as doing WW is it helps to keep a check on that. Have fun at the gym! I think that’s a great idea to do the point spread.

    @fancyladyJeri sorry to hear about the emotional struggles, that is tough. I hope whatever is causing stress is getting better. And welcome here!

    @theslightedgeforever - thanks for the info. It is helpful for me to hear what others do. I tried on my own for about a yr to cut calories but it never worked. I was very inconsistent and also just struggled to know what the right amounts of things were. But bc I was so inconsistent I could never figure out the sweet spot. – Water has been a goal of mine for a long time, it’s tough but it’s definitely something to be aware of.

    @TeresaW1020 1.7 lbs is something, better a loss that a gain, so congrats. This is hard work you’re doing. I hope you enjoy the day.

    @trooworld I hope the foot gets better. I’ve been trying acupuncture for a back problem. It helps but it’s expensive. I hope it helps your foot!

    So it has been a month and I have lost 2 lbs, not as much as I wanted but it is something. And I have been more consistent over the month.

    Other successes- yesterday a long day, up at 5am and out by 6am. Came home around 4pm exhausted and nothing I had for dinner seemed appealing. I was very close to ordering pizza, but managed to resist an d find something in the freezer.

    When I was out for the day I also bought a carrot muffin. Now I loooove muffins, and I hardly every eat them as they are pretty much like cake. So I bought one, and wanted the whole thing, but I cut it in half and just ate the half. And I was totally satisfied with that. So it was a good lesson.

    Have a good weekend everyone.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Good morning everyone

    @thelsightedgeforever - Ahh - Can you be louder next time???? (LOL). I think the baby steps are great - more sustainable then a heavy change. It is also what I have to remind myself. For example, my mind says - yes you can do the extra km. but my body will be sore and in the end I will not do (so I am kinda on the same track as you _ If I eventually see you ahead in the distance I will wave)

    @TeresaW2010 -Funny enough - at the studio meeting the other night - the leader asked me what I was going to concentrate on and I said consistency as well. I think if you are consistently doing what you planned be exercise, follow a menu then the rest sorts itself out. My Leader also advised if you want daily message on your app, then create your own food eg Drink More water!! mark it as zero and add it to each meal type so you see it all the time.

    @trooworld - Okay - I am hearing you. Do you have Voltaren cream) over there? It helps to put that on each morning (google it to see what you have). I have managed standing days with that- make sure each night you get home and put a heat bag on it so all the blood rushes to the spot (fingers crossed). Yes life does have a funny way of getting in the middle of our plans. Good for you for drawing a line and moving on.

    @its_cleo - WoW, WoW, Wow - they are huge successes in ignoring the little person in your head and making great decisions. As I go to the studio, happy to share any "pearls" I hear for you - like the daily message above which can be anything.

    As some of you know I am a fan of Anna Van Dyken (WW ambassador in Aus) and of course her receipes. I have recently taken to making my plate of fruit look pretty (mine will never be as good as here). I have to say, I do enjoy it more. For example, I would normally throw a banana, peach (uncut) next to my brekky plate. Now I open the banana and slice it and the peach etc and lay them pretty on a plate. I am tending not to scoff my food but to enjoy every bite.

    @fancyladyJeri - Hope to see you again soon

    I have walked 6 out of 7 days this week, so I am trying to be consistent. Have a good one


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @Teresaw1020 I’m probably too anal with my numbers. But it calms me. 😂. Yes you are eating too much then. Are you tracking each day. Every bite Measuring your portions accurately. The numbers the experts give us are just based off a general formula. You have to figure out what does your body do. I have read lots of people on WW talk about how they can’t use any of the weeklies or some can only use a bit. Even though everyone on WW is given some weeklies to use. So either bump up the exercise or slowing reduce the calories to see what you get away with and still lose. My ideal plan is to move as little as I can get away with and eat as much as I can get away with and still lose 1 lb every 10 days Hooray on your loss for January while I know you wanted more if you continued at that rate every month you could lose 20 lbs by end of the year. I gained 6 lbs in 2018 and I was trying 🙄 so crush it for February

    @trooworld they should make inserts for professionals. Ok get back to that tracking. How will you ever know your magic numbers if part of the data is missing. You can do it. You are empowered.

    @its_cleo. So vow this year to find your sweet spot and stick with it. Most important thing is data. You are a scientist doing an experiment. If you want a similar result you have to know how much of this and how much of that you put into the beaker (tracker) So I want you to tell yourself I USED to be inconsistent but now I .......fill in the blank in your own words. It’s really helped me. Thoughts control your feelings which controls your actions
    On cutting calories for a year but didn’t work, maybe you were too drastic in your cut. Start shaving off 50-100 calories a day. Til you get used to that and then see where you are. It’s what we do in the long run. My name is Slightedge for a reason. There’s a book called The Slight Edge. It’s about doing small things over and over which grows into big things but it’s so small you don’t really notice it. You are doing well. 2 lbs x 12 is almost 25 lbs a year. How many dress sizes would that be? I’m a muffin person too I also learned how to be satisfied with half. Plus you said I have been more consistent. That’s huge.

    @TrishasTime Yay you’ve joined our consistency group. I really believe it’s a habit to be learned. Actually it’s probably more of a side effect. The habits we form and do everyday cause us to be consistent. The fruit thing sounds interesting. I’ll look her up on Instagram I can be very loud. Watch out.

    So another day of staying within food boundaries. I got in 73 minutes of walking. Water goal met. Journal done. big sticker day.

    This next week will be social heavy which means lots of opportunities to overeat. So I’m going to take it a day at a time. Preplan my meals with light foods leaving a lot of calories left for the events At the events use portion control and wise choices. Keep up with my exercise and hope for the best. One day at a time. I can do this.
  • shygazer
    shygazer Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone, I just left WW this month due to lack of funds, and I am missing my Connect boards.
    Shananagins191 was my handle. :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,514 Member
    @its_cleo Thanks! I'm lucky in that my insurance pays for a certain amount of acupuncture visits and I just have to pay a very small copay. I'm getting the acupuncture for other things, too, so even if it doesn't help my foot, it's worth going for the other things. Congrats on the loss and being more consistent! Consistency has always been my problem, too. It's soooo hard to be consistent. I think you have had a lot of successes, you are doing great!

    @TrishasTime No, I have not heard of that. I will look into it. Thanks! I agree about making food pretty. I'm a big fan of that kind of thing. Great job walking, wowee!!!

    @theslightedgeforever I think the inserts I bought will work in my "professional" shoes. My shoes aren't heels or anything, I could never stand to walk around in those! ;) I tracked But at least I tracked. Today, I will track today. Actually, I will do my usual pretracking this morning. You can do this!!! You will do this!!!

    @shygazer Hi and welcome! I like your Connect handle. I'm sorry you had to leave WW, but this is a great group of gals to "connect" to.

    Hi all. I hope you are having a great weekend. We went to the museum yesterday and out for brunch. Today, I'm going to do some meal prep. Here's what I'm prepping:

    Sunday: Lemon Chicken Soup with Orzo
    Monday: frozen family-sized meal (no prep)
    Tuesday: Turkey Meatloaf with Ketchup-Brown Sugar Glaze + roasted veggies
    Wednesday: Skillet Lasagna
    Thursday: Pita Pizzas (no prep)

    So, as you can see, I don't have to do much prep this week. I did this on purpose, I'm trying to minimize my prep as I've been running out of energy on prep days. I'm having yogurt, berries and granola this week for breakfast, so I don't have to prep that.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone

    We are heading towards the shortest day again, At 5am this morning, it was still dark and it did not get light until 5.40am therefore you guys must be getting more light in the morning?

    First full week back ( last week was only 3 days for me). I am going to work on being consistent and not reaching for lollies when I am stressed

    @trooworld - Was there something specific you went to see at the museum? I know a lot of people to meal prep - the only meal prep I do is my lunches.

    @shygazer - welcome aboard

    @theslightedgeforever - I am one of those that can not get away with using their weeklies :( I like your goal to more as little as possible to enjoy life and lose the weight.

    Hello to @Teresaw2010, @cbabie @prisoner2food and anyone else I have missed

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TrishasTime that's great you're making your food like nice. I did read that making a meal attractive looking was helpul, and I know for myself I enjoy it.

    @theslightedgeforever I am really anal about numbers. I've been thinking about buying stickers at the dollar store to put on my calendar for days I do well. It seems more fun than check marks, so thanks for the idea. Good luck with your week. I think the key is planning ahead and picturing what you will do. Good luck with it!

    So it is a new month and this is what I've decided to do to try to be consistent and to find the sweet spot. I keep agonizing over how many calories I should be eating but have never really given MFP a chance. So I set it to lose 1 lb a week, and my goal is to stay within the calorie allotment every day. I will give it a month and then start adjusting if I need to shave off calories.

    @trooworld skillet lasagna looks yummy! Yeah cooking/prep takes a lot of time. Today I made a lamb stew, and some chicken quesadillas for lunch this week, it seemed to take forever.

    @shygazer welcome!

    @TrishasTime yeah it is getting lighter here. I notice it more in the evenings. I hate December when it is dark and gloomy.

    I have a really busy week, I feel kind of overwhelmed at work plus I am juggling a couple of appointments. I will miss my gym session Tuesday, which is supposed to be my weigh in day so it will have to wait for Thursday, which is my next gym session. I use the scale at the gym bc it is better than mine.

    Hoping to not eat junk food due to work stress which is a trigger for me, but I have planned meals for the week so hopefully will be ok.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited February 2019
    Thanks for the welcome and the inspiration. I managed to make my goal of 8000 steps a day every day in January and I have continued the streak into February. I also got blue dots for every day in February and that is making me feel good too. I was doing so poorly in that department.

    @its_cleo I admire anyone who preplans their meals. Good for you

    @shygazer. My membership is coming up in two weeks as well. I have decided to take the plunge and renew for another six months. I know if I don’t, I’ll slip terribly again. For me it’s worth it.

    @TrishasTime I need to stay consistent. If I break my streak I’m way more likely to overeat.

    @trooworld your menus for the week sound fabulous. Yum.

    @theslightedgeforever You mention being anal about numbers. Numbers are my motivators. I love numbers.

    We live in CALGARY, Alberta Canada. Where do the rest of you live? So cold tonight. It’s been quite nice but now brrrrr

    Have a great day

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @fancyladyJeri I live in Toronto. It was cold, but warming up now.

    Your history of blue dots is impressive! I get it about a third of the time.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    edited February 2019
    @shygazer welcome to our little group.

    @trooworld your meal prep looks good. Having less to do will work for you I think. I was thinking about what you said it’s so hard to be consistent. Then thought set yourself up for success by making your goals attainable so it’s almost impossible not to complete the goal. Lower your bar. Pick a goal you would like to be more consistent. Look at what you expect from yourself versus what you actually do each day. How wide is the gap? What can you do to shrink the gap?

    @TrishasTime What are you going to reach for instead of lollies when you are stressed. Is there sugar free lollies? What is it about the lollies that you like. Sweetness? Texture? Tactile? Are you working on the 100 day journal? I think I’m going to make a separate one for decluttering.

    @its_cleo Your plan looks good. I was listening to a podcast once and she said most of us don’t give our plans full attention. We say this isn’t working and move onto a different plan then find out that one doesn’t work. I’ve learned it’s not the plan but me. Lol. I’ve also learned to take the best parts of a plan and make it fit me versus me trying to fit the plan.

    @fancyladyJeri Yaaay on the 8000 steps streak and being a blue dot champion. I think numbers are logical and something I can figure out like a puzzle. Tangible maybe is the word I’m looking for. Unlike trying to contain smoke

    I stayed within my calories despite going to a brunch. Small portions Then waited an hour or so to go back for my sweet breakfast pastry which I took 1/2. I did 45 min exercise. Water goal done although almost didn’t and pushed myself just to get a big sticker. Lol. I kept saying come on a little sticker isn’t bad. Fat monster shut up and go back to your cave. Journal done. It was a nice lesson on eating to the point of feeling uncomfortable. How to recognize when to stop.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,514 Member
    @TrishasTime No, they had several exhibits on race, one on beer, one on Egypt, one on pets. It was fun but I had a headache so I wasn't in the mood to stay. :(

    @its_cleo Yum! I love quesadillas. It does take forever, unfortunately. :/ I hope you can stick with your planned meals and not give in to stress. You've got this!

    @fancyladyJeri 8,000 steps is great! Congrats. Thanks, I hope I can actually stick to that menu. ;) I live in Southern California.

    @theslightedgeforever You have a good point. I do set my bar pretty high. I shall lower my bar!

    Well...I got -0- meal prep done. I didn't even cook dinner last night. :/ Why? Because hubby and I went for a walk at about 12:30 and that tired me out. By the time we got home, he had to cook for his family and I had to take him over to his family's, and then it was 3:30 when I got back from that, and I wasn't cooking anything. He had cooked some carne asada for his family and we had that for dinner. This week is going to stink. That is my prediction. Why do I predict that? Because I have a family member having surgery today and we will be at the hospital every day this week after I get off work, no time to cook. Blah. I did pick up a frozen family-sized meal and we baked that last night, so we have that to feed off of.


  • mrsdunc07
    mrsdunc07 Posts: 6 Member
    I originally joined WW in 2007 and became lifetime up until I started having my kids (2012 and 2015)...rejoined March 2016 and became Lifetime again Jan 2017----been on point up until the new system revamped things. I ws below my goal weight and was fine originally gaining a pound or two but since this holiday season I'm up over my goal :(....just cant seem to lose with the expanded 0pt list---like I eat within reason but i need more structure so I switched it up to MFP and counting calories. Glad to find this thread!