

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,598 Member
    Morning all, I spent most of the day doing laundry and other "fun" stuff like that. My back was really bothering me. LOL. You know you go to the Dr and tell them, no pain and then the next day the pain magically appears. LOL

    @trooworld I value what little sleep I get and DH could stay up on his own. LOL. I hope you and him have a fun day and yes take a little nap. Tell DH happy birthday!!!

    @theslightedgeforever No tracking my symptoms in my know it's a good hiding place. LOL Samsung has a health program, I will have to look at it. Can't answer your question...maybe I should just give up my android and go with Apple. LOL I have my Ipad and Mac.. just android on the phone.

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    edited June 2023
    Thanks @trooworld. I didn’t end up weighing in for a couple of reasons, it was a decent day food wise though. It’s great that your husband is so supportive. Must be extra motivating to have him actively involved in your journey. I really miss walking through lunch - helped me destress and reset for the afternoon - that little bit of personal space is so important. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the walks :). For breakfast I sometimes have mixed veggies with feta and maybe some nuts or seeds. I eat pretty late - once everyone else is sorted. Breakfast is my favourite meal because I have time and headspace to both enjoy it and feel good about it. Anyway so my regulars are spinach, mushrooms, roast pumpkin (I do it in the air fryer and always try to have a tub in the fridge ready for adding to things or snacking on) and then whatever else I have on hand. Then top with 30g feta and pepitas. A weird breakfast I know, but sometimes it’s perfect :)

    @cbabie thanks, I know… and I’ll do it soon…. I promise :)

    Hi @theslightedgeforever Yeah books are expensive here. Well, pretty much everything is expensive now. Even digital versions are no cheaper. I rely heavily on the libraries. My daughter still buys a lot of physical books though - she has always been an avid reader and most of her birthday and gift money always goes on books.

    So I just googled “croque monsieur” - oh my gosh that is one fancy cheese toastie!!! Just looking at that thing gained me a kilo!! It does look delicious though 😁

    I didn’t realise I missed a day yesterday. So much for my being regular again. It was a decent day for food, and I did some exercise. Last night Dh was really restless so I didn’t sleep much so am still in bed and can hear everyone else up and about. Has been nice to write this in peace and quiet. Hope you all have a great start to the weekend.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    @cbabie Yes! That's exactly how it is lol. Thanks, it started out as a fun day but wasn't so fun at the end (I'll say more below).

    @Tamevv Congrats on a good food day! Yes, he's a good role model...he's lost like 100 lbs through OMAD (One Meal a Day) fasting and working out. That sounds like a good breakfast. Yeah Croque Monsieur is definitely not diet friendly! lol It is delicious. You are being regular, you just missed a day, no big deal.

    Hi all. The day yesterday started out well: got up and my husband made us breakfast and I noticed before I ate that I had stomach pains. I put it aside and we went to the zoo. Well, I had no energy and my stomach was hurting and we only stayed about an hour and left. We went to the bookstore and then walked to a coffee shop and I could barely get there. By the time we got home, I was feeling so run down and awful. I went to bed at about 6pm. I slept horribly: stomach pains haunted me all night. I still have them. I am thinking of going to urgent care, I don't know. We are supposed to go to a fancy dinner tonight and I want to be better by then. I also have a slight fever.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."


  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    @trooworld Hope you’re feeling better? Random unexplained pains are unsettling and the worry never helps. Did you get to your dinner? You are so social - always out with one thing or another - must be fun! Seems the most I manage these days is driving kids to the park and the bus :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    @Tamevv Thanks. Yes! Not feeling much better and didn't go to the dinner. :( I actually don't get out as much as it seems, every few weekends. I guess in the summer, I get out more.

    Hi all. I went to urgent care yesterday morning, was there for 3 hours to tell me they didn't know why I was having these pains. They said if the pain gets to 6-7 and stays in the same spot, to go to the ER. My husband wasn't feeling that great either so we canceled our dinner reservations. I am still having the pains today. We are supposed to go to my BIL's apartment to celebrate my husband's birthday but I don't know if we'll go. Everything I ate yesterday was homemade.

    Water yesterday: 24 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    Hi all. I still have the stomach pains but I was able to cook for my husband for his birthday yesterday (his birthday is actually Tuesday). We didn't go to my BIL's apartment. Just hung out here. I have a phone appointment with my doctor on Tuesday morning, I'm sure we will talk about the stomach stuff. I made Instant Pot Red Wine–Braised Beef Stew for dinner with a cast-iron skillet chocolate chip cookie with ice cream for dessert. It was all very good and my husband was a happy guy.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,598 Member
    Morning all, didn't really do much yesterday. I didn't really feel that great. I am tired of being told that the pains I feel are normal and old age. I just saw a thing on FB about Chuck Norris and he is 81 and still moving..I told God if he can I can. That gives me a lot of GOOD years. LOL I have heard that one of the medications I am on makes you lose guess who is going to try to get her body to work to heal itself. LOL

    @trooworld I am sorry you are still in pain, but so glad you and DH had a great celebration of his BD and rested. Don't you just hate when they tell you they don't know? I think thats why I am trying to figure it out on my own. :)

    @Tamevv yes, I feel the same about my social..I even order groceries now for the most part so I don't even have to go there. LOL. I hope you are having a good Monday.

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Morning. @cbabie Monday was good, i was able to help someone in crisis so felt useful.

    Didn't track but food was okay-ish.

    Todays i have two seperate shopping expeditions and the plan is to track everything BEFORE i put it in my mouth, theory being if its too much edfort to track it i mustnt really want it that much 😊. Will let you know how it goes.

    @trooworld sounds like delicious birthday fare - a good effort when you’re not feeling great yourself.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    @cbabie Why must they be "normal"? Why do doctors "give up" on us? I'm sorry about that. You CAN! You need to counterbalance that medication by lifting some weights, even if it is soup cans. Thank you re: the pains. Yeah, I heard her tell someone else in the urgent care that she didn't know what was going on with them and then she comes in and tells me the same thing, maybe she doesn't know so much lol.

    @Tamevv It's good to feel useful. Did you track everything as planned yesterday? How did it go? Yeah, that food was delicious!

    Hi all. The stomach pains are still there. I was going to go for a walk on my lunch yesterday but yesterday was a very physical labor type of day at work so I decided I needed downtime. Today will likely be the same way so probably no walk. Someone was murdered about a mile from my house and the killer is still at large so I am scared to walk the dogs by myself, I am going to make my husband go with me. It is sad, this lady was just exercising in this small park and she was attacked. Scary, too.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @cbabie I hope your back feels better. I think lots of the aches and pains in aging are just do to lack of movement. Unfortunately technology and convenience has made us move less.

    @Tamevv Fancy cheese toasty made me laugh. That's why I only eat half. But I do eat some salad with it. That's been a change because used to be I wouldn't eat salad for breakfast. There are breakfast items and then lunch/dinner items. Any way that's how I was raised but I'm learning to change that thinking.

    @trooworld Sorry to hear you were having stomach pains/fever. Do you still have your gallbladder? Yikes on the murder by your house. That is scary.

    Today I had breakfast with friends and then just now I took a walk with hubby. I'm still working on my other habits. I'm leaving Saturday to go stay with my daughter for awhile. So busy with all that. Dh will stay here with his mom and I'm trying to show him where everything is and what to do. :smile:
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,598 Member
    Afternoon all, I am so sick of being sick. I never used to fell like this and I am probably tired of people saying it's because of my age. You know there are 80-90 year olds out there that move and not hurt. LOL. So I am going to be one of them. Not sure how yet, but can't give up trying.

    @Tamevv I hope you stick to your plan today. I know you will do part if not all of you plan and so glad you are trying each day, your efforts will always show up. You are committed to your health and that is a good thing.

    @trooworld Maybe she took her education at the learning derby as my DH calls it. .LOL I certainly hope you get answers and your pain stops!!!.

    @theslightedgeforever good job walking with DH...Oh I wonder how many text/phone calls you will get from DH while you are gone...LOL. I can hear mom/granny saying you will miss these old brown hands when I am gone......

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member

    Hi everyone, good day at work, not great at home. Was in a weird mood and DH didn’t help 😤. So I ate chocolate for breakfast and went with DD to the bakery when she suggested afternoon tea. Did halve items but could have been better. Skipped lunch and didn’t eat dinner but am still 600cals over budget.

    In the bath (sulking 🙄) and trying to reset for tomorrow. I lay in bed this morning talking myself out of exercise cause I was anxious about work but tomorrow I will get up and do it and I KNOW that will shift my mood.

    @cbabie I tell myself that too, that I will be one of the active ones, but I’m so scared I won’t be. My kids tell me that by the time I get there technology will have advanced so that physical bodies don’t matter as much. Not sure if I like the at idea much better!!!

    @theslightedgeforever Must be exciting to visit your daughter. How often do you see her? Mine is starting to talk about moving away in a couple of years and I’m dreading it. Silver lining is the excuse to visit and get to know her as an independent adult. I’m trying to keep the positives in mind so I don’t lose it completely. How long are you going for? I’m pretty sure DH would LOVE it if I went away for a while.

    Hi @trooworld. I yesterday went great! Today…..not so much. Tracked though and tomorrow will be better. I have a plan 😊. Those random incidents are the ones that keep me up at night - the things you can’t see coming. Scary when it’s so close to home.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    edited June 2023
    @theslightedgeforever Yes I do. Yes, it was/is scary. Keep working on those habits. It will probably be tough to do that at your daughter's but keep trying. Good luck.

    @cbabie I know what you mean. Do not ever give up. We'll find our way! LOL learning derby! Thank you.

    @Tamevv Sorry about the not great at home part of your day. At least you ate half items and skipped your meals. I hope today is better for you. Good for you for tracking! Yeah I know what you mean about the random incidents keeping you up at night, me too.

    Hi all. Well they caught the guy that killed that lady and he lived on OUR street! Ick. Scary. I am feeling about 85% better. I talked to my doctor yesterday and she thinks it was something with one of my medications. Work is very stressful right now and will be all this week. I usually get to work from home on Thurs and Fridays but this week, I have to go into work which will be no fun since I am so busy. :(

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @cbabie Are you taking any pain meds? Or doing anything else for the pain other than sucking it up and living with it. Dh just basks in the silence while I'm gone. Usually I leave him for a few days and then I text him.

    @Tamevv I go and stay with dd at least once a year for an extended visit and then she comes for short visits because of her work schedule. She just likes me there so I can do the cooking/cleaning. Usually hubby goes but not this year. I give him 8 weeks and he'll show up. :) But I always end up gaining weight at her house. We are food buddies. I told her this year will be different. I'll be gone til first week of November. We've got a couple of trips planned out when she takes her vacation.

    @trooworld Things go alot better foodwise when I'm alone without hubby. He's a food pusher. I can eat the same foods for breakfast/lunch most days of the week. He gets bored and will say hey let's go out to eat. Yikes! The guy lived on your street? I'm so glad they caught him. Are you taking planned snacks or lunches into work? You always do so much better when you do that.

    I think I'm going to give the MFP meal plan another go. I'm on my last week and have really only done about 30% of it. Having youngest ds here has me distracted since I like spending time with him and going out. Today we played Trivial Pursuit. He beat me. My other son wouldn't join us this time. I said Why? Tired of losing? >:)

    I think I've figured out how the meal plan works now and how I can tweak it to foods I really like once I finish one more go at it. I'm doing the Low Carb one. My friend is doing the High Protein one and she said basically wouldn't it be the same thing? I found out the High Protein one has slightly higher carb counts. I saw a thread today on here that one lady lost 40 lbs and her protein amount is only 20%. I know usually my protein is never high enough but I lost weight too once upon a time.

    Ds fixed black bean burgers today for lunch. They were really good. I told him that I could make those smaller like sausage patties and have them for breakfast too.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,598 Member
    Afternoon all, just popping in to say I am just continuing to try to make progress. I will hopefully have a better morning tomorrow and can spend time doing personals..

    @trooworld that is scary that the guy lived on your street. I am glad you are making choices that are good for you and that you didn't go for a walk alone. Sorry you have to work at work all week. That might do me good to have an outside job to go to LOL

    @Tamevv Sorry at home was not great, but at least one place was good..LOL. Glad you are enjoying what time you have with DD, they really do grow up fast. You are making headway...keep it up!!

    @theslightedgeforever want to share the black bean recipe? LOL. Should we take bets on how long DH stays by himself...who will cook? LOL Enjoy some alone time with DD.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    edited June 2023
    @theslightedgeforever Ah yes. And yes, that guy lived on my street, I think a few blocks away. I'm glad they caught him, too, I was so scared. I am taking planned snacks and lunches. Maybe not enough snacks, or not enough appealing snacks. Yesterday, I brought grapes and I had granola bars at work (as well as chocolate). I didn't reach for the grapes but I sure reached for the granola bars and chocolate. I think I'm just really vulnerable right now because I'm so busy and stressed. It was a victory not to eat at the cafe for breakfast yesterday. Hahaha about the Trivial Pursuit. I'm glad you are getting quality time with your kids. Did you lose weight when you were doing low carb or was it high protein or a combo? That's a good idea about the black bean burgers.

    @cbabie I hope you have a good day today. Yes, that was very scary and I think it was just a block or two away. You could use your job as an escape from stress when it gets stressful at home. What do you want to do as your dream job? What did you want to do when you were a kid when you grew up?

    Hi all. I am working fast and furious at work, we are having to get rid of about 15% of our printed magazine collection. We never, ever get rid of anything out of our collection but we are out of room. It isn't as simple as just taking them off the shelves. We have a process. My part in this is taking them out of our library catalog, each.individual.issue. I've done about 1,200 so far. I have to take them out and then take a marker and cross through our labels that say the library name and then also the barcode. It's time-consuming. Not all titles that we are removing have to have their individual issues removed from the catalog, only the ones that we are keeping some of the issues. So some titles go faster than others. Yesterday, I barely drank any water. And the only break I took was lunch. I need to take better care of myself at work or I'm going to get hurt.

    Water yesterday: 35 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,154 Member
    i just realized I forgot to track the granola bar I ate. SMH.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,598 Member
    Morning all, I didn't track yesterday, but it feels like I didn't really eat that much..but yes I still had PB. I have always had to have PB. I used to only eat PB2, but then I read it damaged your liver, so I went back to the FAT stuff. LOL I did eat my banana in my protein shake, so that is good for my potassium. LOL

    @trooworld Wow very time consuming and very detailed. It gave me a headache just thinking about what you were doing. LOL. Funny, I don't know that I was ever a kid and I certainly don't remember ever wanting to be anything when I grew up. I just did whatever I was told to do and I am pretty sure I still live that way. LOL. I hope you have a day filled with completion of your projects and blessings.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    Black Bean Burgers by Tasty
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld I lost weight when I did carb cycling. It averaged about 0.8 lbs a week but I was consistent. This last plan I've not done well tracking plus unfocused because of ds here. But I finally weighed today and I'm down 0.7 from about 10 days ago. That was a big shock. I was expecting a gain of 3-5 lbs. Celebrate you are tracking and then see here and there where you can tweak. Even eating half/serving.

    @cbabie I don't think you have to worry about the fat in the regular PB as much as the sugar. Your shake reminded me I didn't make the shake today that I wanted to so I'll have to do that tomorrow. I just want to get rid of some cantaloupe before I leave. Should have been like me and not do what you were told. >:)

    I've been doing a bit better with my water. I had 60 oz yesterday which is A LOT for me. I did some wall pilates and stretching for 40 minutes.