

  • thecat
    thecat Posts: 47 Member
    cbabie wrote: »

    There are a group of us that have been on the WW site for years and we are starting over here. We are hoping to keep our group and add to our group with more interaction here. Some of us do WW tracking, some do MFP, some just do on their own. The most important thing is accountability and encouragement. We strive to encourage, as we all have our own things we are working on to improve. However, it all comes down to HEALTH. We can't take back the years of abuse, but our bodies are amazing and heal themselves when given the opportunity. We will post on this THREAD every day, we will not start a new one. So bookmark this thread and come visit us everyday.

  • thecat
    thecat Posts: 47 Member
    Good Morning All,

    I am a former WW Member and have decided to transfer over to MFP Premium. I am hoping to have some success on my journey to good health. I am 65 yr old and last year I lost over 20 lbs via WW but life threw my family some curveballs with my husband's health and as a result of the stress I just went off plan and ate whatever!!! What is shocking how FAST I gained weight back that I had lost and plus some more lbs but it took me what seemed forever to lose weight!!! I am new so I welcome you all and encouragement and support 🙏
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Afternoon all, I am so late in getting on here, but hey I made it LOL. I took me and the little one to get a mani/pedi and we had fun. I so needed to splurge on me. I haven't exercised other than fighting a strong will baby who is very strong for being so young. LOL Figure it's good for my muscles.. LOL

    @txsusango Welcome aboard. I hope you got some rest and are enjoying your Saturday!!! We are here to encourage each other!!

    @trooworld Well I would say you meal sounded good and my little one calls garlic bread "children's bread". So see you had children's bread for dinner, so it had to be good for you. LOL. I hope you have a good relaxing weekend!!!

    @thecat Welcome So glad you popped in. Glad to have you and yes the weight does come back quickly. It's like a bad penny as they say LOL. We are here to encourage each other, our little community is here to give support to each other in a big world that at best seems out of control some days. ( I like to be in control). LOL Since that's not possible, I try to control what I can for ME. LOL I even control when that oreo falls into my mouth...not just 1, but usually 2. :).

  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 560 Member
    @thecat You had me at “it all comes down to health”!

    I am 63 and followed WW on and off for many years and lost and gained the same 10 lbs over (and over) several years. It’s a decent program but after a few decades I’m done with points and prefer good old fashioned science based calorie counting (in MFP). And, I do believe all food choices are acceptable but maybe not all are beneficial for my own weight loss or healthy living. We have to find what works for us.

    So, I am came over to MFP Premium last Oct. 2022 and am down 9 lbs. I have 5-7 to go to my ultimate goal. I prefer this app for many
    reasons and this group seems to be very supportive and that’s what we all need!

    I joined a gym nearby and am doing barre and
    Zumba gold (lower paced dance) and ready to
    rock my July goals 😊
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    So I'm all settled into my dd's house. Ds stayed a couple of days and then he went back to his house. I skimmed the posts and I see lots of talk about vertigo and haircuts. I've made an appt with a lady here for next week. My highlights need to be redone. We just got home from watching The Little Mermaid. Second time I've seen it now. Although my daughter says I'm such a child cause I was singing along.

    I am determined not to repeat the past two years when I come stay with her. So far so good. I'm still tracking every day. I've been sticking with my 100 gms of carbs M-F. I allow myself higher on the weekends. I've done a couple of walks and went to the gym once. Yesterday I drank 102 oz water. Can you imagine? Right now I'm at 87 oz. My body is probably so confused. But I will lose weight this month.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @thecat Good morning and welcome! It's so hard to lose the pounds but it sure does come back quick, doesn't it? The good news is that you KNOW you can lose the weight as you already proved you can. You just have to make the healthy decisions now. Again, welcome, I'm glad you joined us!

    @cbabie Yay for making it! Oh that sounds like fun. Did baby girl enjoy it? That's cute about the children's bread. I wonder where she got that from? Thank you!

    @Michieb125 Welcome to the group! Good to "see" you. I also was on WW for years and years and had very little success. Congrats on your success on MFP Premium! And great exercise efforts.

    @theslightedgeforever I'm glad you got settled in okay. Yes, I had vertigo. It was terrible. I hope your highlights turn out okay with a new person, that would make me nervous lol. I would like to see The Little Mermaid. Yay for daily tracking! Sounds like you are doing well. Wow, 102 oz of water! Awesome.

    Hi all. Welcome to the new people. I did WW for years and years and now I am using the Healthi premium/pro app, which is what the screenshots of my tracker are from. It counts "Bites" which are like WW points, but since I am a pro member, it also counts some of my macros. I like it a lot.

    Yesterday was okay. We did not go to the Olive Garden, that was homemade food but I didn't feel like adding in the recipes so I just used those entries. We are having to put in great efforts with our dog training and it is upsetting the house lol. Major changes. Dogs in their crates while sleeping (they usually sleep with us), so we didn't get much sleep last night because they didn't like it.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • thecat
    thecat Posts: 47 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @thecat Good morning and welcome! It's so hard to lose the pounds but it sure does come back quick, doesn't it? The good news is that you KNOW you can lose the weight as you already proved you can. You just have to make the healthy decisions now. Again, welcome, I'm glad you joined us!

    @cbabie Yay for making it! Oh that sounds like fun. Did baby girl enjoy it? That's cute about the children's bread. I wonder where she got that from? Thank you!

    @Michieb125 Welcome to the group! Good to "see" you. I also was on WW for years and years and had very little success. Congrats on your success on MFP Premium! And great exercise efforts.

    @theslightedgeforever I'm glad you got settled in okay. Yes, I had vertigo. It was terrible. I hope your highlights turn out okay with a new person, that would make me nervous lol. I would like to see The Little Mermaid. Yay for daily tracking! Sounds like you are doing well. Wow, 102 oz of water! Awesome.

    Hi all. Welcome to the new people. I did WW for years and years and now I am using the Healthi premium/pro app, which is what the screenshots of my tracker are from. It counts "Bites" which are like WW points, but since I am a pro member, it also counts some of my macros. I like it a lot.

    Yesterday was okay. We did not go to the Olive Garden, that was homemade food but I didn't feel like adding in the recipes so I just used those entries. We are having to put in great efforts with our dog training and it is upsetting the house lol. Major changes. Dogs in their crates while sleeping (they usually sleep with us), so we didn't get much sleep last night because they didn't like it.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."


  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks for the very nice welcome. Quick hi before my DH and I head over to my adult son’s and DIL’s home today for a family BBQ. Not even sure of the menu but I can always moderate as they are also on a health journey right now so I expect good protein and fresh salads (not mayonnaise ridden sides). I made a gluten free cream cheese fruit tart piled high with strawberries and blueberries for the holiday. Will slice thin for 11 guests.

    I use MFP for calories and macros although I don’t hit all of the macro goals each day - I am more focused on daily calories and averaging my target range over a week.
    I look forward to learning from you all.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member
    edited July 2023
    Welcome to @thecat @txsusango

    @michieb125 Welcome to the group. Your tart sounded delicious

    @trooworld Go drink a glass of water.

    Water was down from yesterday. I've stayed within my carbs. Sugar grams are over though. Exercise was an off day. Back to my walks and gym tomorrow.
  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone - and new people! Yay and hello 👋

    So I did exercise this morning! I’m still flu-ey in the head but am pleased I did the full half hour, then a small bit of strength after.

    I did read back through - hard to remember what I was going to comment/respond to tho. I’m heading out in a bit but maybe later…

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Oh the “children’s bread” - @cbabie here when we think children’s bread we think what we call “fairy bread” - its at every kids birthday party and never knew till recently it’s an Aussie thing - it’s plain white bread with butter and rainbow sprinkles. Everyone loves it - even adults secretly miss it and will eat at any excuse 😂
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @Michieb125 That's good that your son and his family are also on a health journey, that makes it so much easier! Your tart sounds like what I make on the 4th of July, I call it a cookie pizza. That's good you are focusing on the overall calorie average, not the daily amount. I think that's better.

    @theslightedgeforever Seriously. I have been low for so long on water. I'm going to try to drink more today. Yesterday, at one point later in the afternoon, I was so thirsty I just chugged a whole glass lol.

    @Tamevv Yay for your exercise session! I think fairy bread sounds fun. :D

    Hi all. I didn't overeat yesterday but still managed to eat the wrong things and end up over my macros/"bites" for the day. :( This happens all the time. My husband doesn't help things by bringing home desserts from the store or making desserts. He said he would make healthy desserts (I am prediabetic) but he never did. :(

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Morning all, I have found during the day I am good, but at night....well lets just say frosted sugar cookies gotta go. LOL Baby wore me out yesterday. He was so fussy. He is up now watch Christopher the Christmas tree...yes we have Christmas in July..LOL. Still no exercise, but I am not giving up. I guess strong arming a 10 month old is good for my biceps..LOL. He is so strong and has a temper when he sees something he wants but can't have. LOL

    @trooworld baby girl loved feeling like a princess, I am trying to teach her we don't pick our fingers...she is a picker. I can't believe she will be starting school in 4 weeks. ( if i finish filling out the form). LOL You are tracking and that is a good habit I don't have yet...I have to do that, if I want success.

    @michieb125 Yum your dish sounds YUMMY. I need to do some more fruit things. Welcome and we are so glad you joined us. Sounds like you got your rhythm are building a lifetime of good habits.

    @theslightedgeforever DH isn't with you to tease you into food you don't really want. LOL. Good for you for staying focused and enjoying DD. You are setting a good example for her to follow.

    @Tamevv Good to see you and that you are getting your exercise in...maybe I should follow your example. LOL. That fairy bread sounds yummy...I don't know where she got the name. One day she asked for children's bread and I had to ask her what it was..LOL

  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 560 Member
    edited July 2023
    Morning all, I hope to get into the habit of checking in here daily, or at least regularly.

    I weighed in today and the scale was trekking downward which is always a welcome sign lol. Planning my foods for the next couple of days to find both success and satisfaction within my calorie range goal.

    Ate breakfast a little late due to dropping off our truck for new tires today. Made my scrambled eggs with grated fresh Parmesan cheese, one of my go to’s. Later I will make a salad with feta, cucks, tomatoes and dark greens and chicken for
    lunch. Then a broccoli, chicken and brown rice casserole for dinner. Burgers and corn on the cob tomorrow for the 4th!

    Heading to my nearby gym for a short treadmill and light weights session. It’s too hot already for my daily walk. Do you agree that strength training is the way to increase lean body mass as we get older? Make it a great day!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @cbabie Hey nothing wrong with Christmas in July lol, sometimes I watch Hallmark Christmas movies in July! :D I'm glad baby girl liked it. Wow, 4 weeks and she starts school? Unbelievable! I am doing pretty good with the tracking, overall.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks for the link. Ugh. I'm not impressed by my efforts so far.

    @Michieb125 I think it helps to check in. Yay for the scale going downward! Your food sounds yummy. I do agree about strength training. Don't ask me if I do it. :P I have good advice that I don't follow.

    Hi all. I did not track one thing yesterday. I don't know what happened. To make things worse, we got these cookies from a cookie store. :/ I think I will freeze mine. I'm going to track today but it won't be pretty.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 560 Member
    @trooworld you are right, I would agree checking in is best for both accountability and support.

    @cbabie I love Christmas in July! I went to a Christmas in July party at a friends house many years ago, so fun.

    @theslightedgeforever you have an interesting and catchy name! I will check out the link.

    Went to a parade this morning and somehow got my 3 miles in so far. DH and I will have a quiet afternoon and evening. After homemade burgers and coleslaw that is!
    Tomorrow morning I have a mani/pedi appointment so that will be nice. Barre class scheduled for Thursday a.m.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 560 Member
    I’m alone here today but it’s the day after a holiday midweek so I went back and read a few more posts to see who is posting here and some of you have been ‘together’ a long time, that’s so great.

    Enjoyed our 4th of July BBQ yesterday and I abstained from wine and apple pie so I’ll take it as a big win. Gotta cut calories somewhere!
    BUT did have (too many) potato chips and a big burger with all the fixings, so I am going for a lighter day today. Orgain protein shake for breakfast, and PBJ with fruit jam on thin Oroweat bread for lunch. It’s grilled Talapia and black bean salads for tonight’s’ meal and lots of water today. Will save some calories for apple slices and popcorn as my mid day and nighttime snack with the Ted Lasso show later.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,257 Member

    @Tamevv Great job on your exercise. Fairy bread sounds so good.

    @trooworld What's your plan for staying within your "bites" allowance tomorrow. Do you have a certain amount per meal that you have planned out or just track as you go and hope you don't go over at the end of the day?

    @cbabie Can you get in 10 min of exercise to start out. Do it right when the baby is fed and changed so can wait for 10 min. Get that form filled out. Don't be like mom cause I had to skip KG cause no vacancies.

    @Michieb125 Yaaay on the scale trekking downwards. That's what we want. Yes I agree on the strength training as we age. But helps our bones from deteriorating. my username comes from a book called "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. It sounds like you did really well in balancing out your little holiday splurge. That is how we make it a lifestyle habit so we can keep the weight off once we lose everything we want to.

    I did well this first week at my dd's house. I lost 3.6 lbs. dd and I had a BBQ I ate less then I usually would have but still managed to get over in carbs/calories. Today I'm back at it. I did my morning walk and then went to the gym for a short 30 min this evening. I've managed a bit more water than I did yesterday. I'm trying to focus on 3 blocks of time. 7a.m-12 12-5 5-10 Then just do the things I've planned for those blocks regarding food/movement/water. So far so good. I put the holiday cupcakes in the freezer to get them off the counter. Dd complained when she got home from work and saw them moved. She said I was going to eat one. Oh well, I've saved you calories and sugar grams. :) I'm trying to be the good role model.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @Michieb125 I love parades! Yay for your 3 miles. I hope you enjoyed your mani/pedi, those are relaxing. Is this your first Barre class? Good luck! Yes, we've been here a while lol. BUT we always love new people as well. I'm glad you enjoyed your 4th. That is a big win! Sounds like you are going to balance everything out nicely.

    @theslightedgeforever I don't have a plan. The only way I will be able to stay within my points is to figure out the points on each recipe BEFORE I go shopping for the ingredients. Once I buy the ingredients, that's what we are having (unless DH throws a monkey wrench into the situation). I just pretrack and if I go over, that's what happens. I have some time tomorrow morning and I may use the time to figure out the bites on recipes for next week. I'm basically having to pretrack my entire week to do this. Congrats on your loss and doing well your first week there. Water is always a struggle for everyone, isn't it? I'm challenged by it right now. Add to my challenges lol. Holiday cupcakes sound dangerous. That's good you put them in the freezer.

    Hi all. I was running late yesterday or I would have been here. We had a good 4th, sat out in lawnchairs on the walkway in front of our condo for a couple of hours. Grilled some hot dogs. Enjoyed the day. Yesterday was work and today is too, but luckily I can work from home for most of the day (I have to pick something up later today for work). I woke up with a headache. I took some Ibuprofen, hopefully that will take care of it. Have a good day!

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
