

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld What are your other options to not go over in bites? If you keep going over, you won't lose weight. Maybe start a file and do 2-3 recipes a week. Eventually you will have the data you need to stay on track.

    It's been a good exercise day. I did 1 hr 52 min worth. I'm over 14 carbs but under 220 calories. water? Meh.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I don't know that I have a choice but to pre-figure out the recipe bites. It took me 5 minutes to build 1 recipe yesterday. I can't do it on my desktop computer, Healthi doesn't let you use their website to track or build recipes, so it takes even longer than it should. I made a meal plan for next week. I added a few recipes and used some that I had previously built. It still took a while. With all this, I may still go over but I have a better chance of not going over. Wow, that's a lot of exercise in one day! Great job. Keep working on the water.

    Hi all. I gained 4.2 lbs this week. I am so sick of gaining weight. I know I only have myself to blame but it is frustrating. I am 10 lbs from my highest weight.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 562 Member
    @theslightedgeforever great job on seeing the loss on the scale! Cupcakes have also been requested by DH for the weekend. Not sure what I will do - buy one or two at a good bakery or bake, then toss lol. I do not want to have a dozen sitting on the counter.

    @trooworld you mentioned a weight gain and how you are tired of that. I might look at my bite tracker and see where you can cut back or eliminate processed and/or high point meals for 2 weeks and see what happens! Those foods are usually the culprit for my own weight gain and are high in calories and are not always considered “nutritional.”

    I personally believe whole and nutritional foods are needed to avoid diabetes, heart disease or cancer…..I am 60 years of age and have learned a lot this past decade!

    A nurse friend once told me we should “eat to live” not “live to eat” and that really stuck with me. I like the Mediterranean way of eating 75% of the time. Although nothing is off limits for me however, I very rarely eat fast food or would not meet my weight loss goals. Yes, tonight is going to be a piece of papa Murphy’s pizza and a large green salad with the grandkids, but dinners this week have been low calorie grilled fish, chicken and one burger at home.
    Do you all believe in balancing out your high/low calorie meals as well?
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld Does Healthi have a section to enter snacks? So you know how much you are currently spending on snacks. So you can start reducing the points on those. Even by 1 or 2. Everything adds up. Other options could be smaller portions. For instance on the Buddha bowl you had for lunch, could you eat 1/2 or 3/4 of that and then eat other 0 point foods to make up the balance of the meal. I had to do that a couple of times this week with some macaroni bechamel that I made. Once it was a 1/2 portion and then once 3/4 portion. I added some salad instead and it satisfied me and I wasn't hungry. While I wanted to eat a whole portion, I want to be thin and healthy even more. This is how I've been planning my meals everyday this week. I put in everything I want to eat that day. Putting in a yummy snack for me on some days. Then I look at my total and if I've gone over my carb count, I see how many over. Then I start reducing portion sizes to get it to down where I want. Sometimes I'm still over 10 or so but I think I can still lose weight with that.

    @michieb125 I vote you get one or two at a good bakery. I agree with you on the whole foods/disease thing. I'll be 60 in February. Yummy Papa Murphy's. Yes on the high/low balance. I want to lose weight the way I'm going to maintain so nothing is off limits for me. Just either smaller portions or less often.

    Today was gym day. 57 min. Cardio/strength training/stretching
    Food: Under 12 carbs Over 100 calories
    Water 5 bottles.

    So excited: no exercise planned on the weekend. I'm tired.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @Michieb125 Thanks! I do have a problem with processed foods. I'm pretty addicted to them. I know they are bad for me but I still eat them lol. I buy fruit to snack on and it goes uneaten. :( Eat to live is a good goal. Right now, I live to eat, unfortunately. I've read up on the Mediterranean way of eating and have a couple of cookbooks. It looks like a good way to eat. I try to incorporate some of the principles in the way I cook (I use olive oil 90% of the time, eat whole grains, lots of tomatoes, nuts are snacked on. I need to incorporate more though. In theory, I believe in balancing out high/low cal meals but do I do it? Not usually. I am a food addict and eat what I want most of the time. This has to stop. I don't know how but it has to.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes and I do use it. I might be able to reduce the portion on my food, I can try it. My portions on healthy foods aren't the problem, it's the snacks and high calorie main dishes that are the culprit. I like the idea of adding 0 point foods so I'm not hungry. That is something I would be concerned about if I reduced the portions. Good job with the gym. And WATER! Enjoy your exercise-free weekend. :D

    @Tamevv @cbabie where are you ladies???

    Hello all. Well, I didn't track at all yesterday, I think out of frustration of gaining 4.2 lbs. That was a hard one to swallow. Thank you both for your advice and tweaks. I will see what I can do this week. My knee has been bothering me a lot. This is the same knee that bothers me on occasion. It is painful to go up and down stairs. This is the same side that has a bunion and other problems on my foot. I just want to cut that half of me off lol. We are going to take the dogs for a walk this morning. No real plans this weekend.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    This is what I came up with for a meal plan. the "Nut X PP" is the amount of points each recipe has. The Olive Garden Salad is homemade along with the dressing being homemade.

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Morning all, I am here, just morning routines are not my own anymore. I am trying to put me first and I am trying to put my boundaries on. It is a necessary for my health. I did get on my treadmill yesterday and only walked 6 min..ugh. I also mopped floors, moved furniture and took care of a very active 10 month old. I have to start looking at non traditional body moving. I made this breakfast burrito, didn't put it in the tracker. I couldn't eat it..too spicy, but everyone else loved it.

    I read the post, but probably won't remember all to comment on. SO I will just start afresh.

  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 562 Member
    Good afternoon all -

    @theslightedgeforever we’re close in age and the whole health thing is super important to me now. I also like your suggestions around portion control while still eating and enjoying what you want. I pretty much do the same thing. I don’t deprive myself but I am usually able to stop at the calorie or carb limits each day, or if over slightly, then average out my goals for the rest of the week. As you mentioned earlier, new lifestyle habits are what we want to maintain. I am so there for now! Good job on the exercise and reminders to us for more water!

    @trooworld your honesty about food is appreciated and insightful. I believe small changes over a long time will turn into better habits for us. In other words consistency with good choices. Of course we need treats but I now read labels and will not eat processed products made with corn syrup or sodium that’s sky high. Once I researched these it became easier! I would rather bake something with organic ingredients or make a stir fry myself. I really like your meal plans! The one thing I might personally tweak is perhaps cutting the potato salad portion in half or two-thirds and add in fresh green beans for nutrients and they are also filling but zero pts. You could save 250-350 calories if you want.

    @cbarbie you were moving with cleaning and staying active with the little one! At least you know you need to make time for yourself first so you can take care of those around you. Never easy especially for women of all ages.

    I’ve always been fairly active and healthy compared to some others at my age. But…..always about 15-20 lbs. over a good BMI or the CDC suggested guidelines for weight/height. This year I am committed to get closer to my goal weight by my birthday day in October followed by my annual physical. Need to give my doctors a reason to smile lol.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @cbabie 6 minutes is better than nothing. And you were very active doing household stuff. I'd call that a win! Good to "see" you.

    @Michieb125 Small changes are probably the only way I'll make progress. I've been working on tracking for a couple of months now (which is why I post my tracker). I am also working on water. Good idea to tweak the portion of the potato salad and add in green beans. I don't know if I have green beans but I can add in salad or a pack of frozen veggies from the freezer. That's great you are health-focused and active. I believe you will get to your goal by your birthday!

    Hi all. Well, I didn't track yesterday either. I think my mind is still on strike. Also, we went out for appetizers and drinks with my sister-in-law. I didn't eat much at all and by the time we got home, we were both hungry so we ate some unhealthy things. We didn't have them in the house, we had them delivered. That's the bad thing about living in an urban environment, you can get food, or anything really, delivered at any time of the day/night. Today will be better. I will pretrack my food and hopefully that will help.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    edited July 2023
    @trooworld You said "I am a food addict and eat what I want most of the time. This has to stop. I don't know how but it has to." So the first thing is to change your thoughts. You can start saying I USED TO BE a food addict but now I am..............(fill in the blank) Research has shown the brain can't distinguish between what is reality and what is imagined. So you keep telling your brain that and it says, if you say you are. So instead of either/or with processed food, how about slight reduction. Start there. How about substitute one processed snack that you would normally eat and substitute something healthy. I've done the whole buy fruit and throw fruit away thing. I know how that is. So I started buying 7 oranges and would have an orange at night while I watched TV. Otherwise I was snacking on crackers, chips, or popcorn. It became a habit until I came up here to my dd's house. I've switched to having one fruit with my breakfast and then one fruit with my salad. So let us know what day you are ready to do this. One day this week. So you have time to buy the piece of fruit. Hide it in case your hubby eats it. That's what happened to me. So the next time I bought double the fruit and then he didn't eat any and had to throw away. Sigh. So I buy him a little and now have him trained to stay out of mine. You want more go to the store.
    You know every little tweak we offer is said with love and support. Because we want you to succeed in your journey. That's great that you got started on figuring out your points with your main meals. Another thing you can add to your journal is coming up with options to reduce ordering out. I have the same problem when I'm at home with dh/ds. I have no good reason other than some days I just don't want to cook. They say let's order X I say okay and I stay fat. So I had decided that when I return I will cook more. I'll still allow myself to order out a couple days a week if I want to but that doesn't mean I have to order from same place that they do. I'm learning which restaurants have healthy options that I think taste good. I don't need to go with the flow anymore. Otherwise they will take me right over the waterfall to my death.

    @cbabie Yaaay on walking 6 min on the treadmill. Is that the breakfast burrito recipe I sent you? I keep saying I'm going to make that. I should do that while I'm here with dd so I can fill her freezer a bit. So when you make it again reduce the spices or take out 1/4 of the mixture for you before adding the spices.

    @Michieb125 You sound like you have a great attitude. Keep working towards your goal and you will have a great birthday present. I'm learning to just focus on today. Then next day I analyze my meal and see how I could have made little tweaks for next time. Always learning.

    @gemwolf110 I noticed your weight loss on the newsfeed. Great job.

    So my little exercise free weekend didn't really turn out that way but oh well. Yesterday went to Mall of America and I walked 11000 steps. My watch even registered a 20 min walk in all that. Today we went to one of the state parks and saw some bison and then went on a 30 minute hike. Very nice and peaceful.

    Food: Yesterday we always go to the same place and I usually order same thing. Cowboy burger/fries. But I ordered the Black and Bleu salmon salad.

    Today was a pizza buffet place and I threw in some green beans for health and still managed to stay under calories by 42 but I'm over my carbs by 1. I call it a win for the day.

    Water was not good with all the traveling last two days. Needs work.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That doesn't feel genuine for me to say I used to be a food addict. I know what you are saying but it just doesn't feel like something I can believe. That's a good idea about the fruit. I know you guys mean well, and I take it that way. I just feel so hopeless, I feel like why bother? Thanks for your support, I know it's coming from a good place. <3 Wow, that's a lot of walking! The visit to the state park sounds so nice. WTG ordering the salad! I bet you were just as satisfied?

    Hi all. I did not track yesterday. I just pretracked everything but breakfast for today. Last's night's dinner was really good. I did make roasted asparagus with it so I could have less potato salad. I have to find something for breakfast, we are out of the yogurt I was counting on having. I do have flavored yogurts I can add blueberries to.

    Water yesterday: 30 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 562 Member
    edited July 2023
    @theslightedgeforever you are very encouraging to each of us here and I like what you said, how you want success for ourselves and others. I have a good attitude most days and it is probably because I am seeing my weight and inches change by using MFP. Some days are more challenging if I don’t have good choices always ready to go at home. I agree you don’t have to order food from the same restaurant as others….I just realized this myself! Getting what we want is much better for us. Your state park with bison sound wonderful! I saw so many when we visited Wyoming and Montana two summers ago.

    @trooworld great job on your dinner! You did add an excellent source of green vegetable to your plate. I think practicing by doing just that one thing consistently as possible will be a great way to improve where you can. Do you like trying new recipes each week? Tracking does takes time I understand but it is the only way I can see what nutrients I am eating and where I can tweak.

    I made a delicious sheet pan dinner on Saturday and had that over the last two nights…..cubed seasoned chicken, peppers, carrots, brussel sprouts, and red onion. I made two large portions with 5 oz chicken each. I am going to try this each week which will guarantee I get my tasty vegetables and eat low calorie at night. The root vegetables made it very filling but I would have couscous or brown rice if my husband joined me. I wish I had done the complex carb with the meal because I reached for popcorn, wine, and Annie’s bunny grahams afterwards with a movie, yikes!

    It confess it was too much, too late at night! Paid the price with indigestion which hasn’t happened in years. Gotta move on to today! I need to start my day and plan my meals out. I do like Fage yogurt and blueberries too. Or, eggs, or oatmeal. These are pretty much my breakfast staples. Occasionally I will have avocado toast. The protein keeps me full until mid-morning snack -Apple slices, lite Swiss cheese, hummus or cubed melon. Speaking of fruit, I have a hold of cantaloupe I need to cube today.

    May you find good solutions to help you stay on track today!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Afternoon all, I didn't do great yesterday, Sundays are hard for me. LOL. With trying to get kids ready for church, church, a book club and then have to fix dinner...UGH..I don't ever feel as if I get a rest and Sundays have always. been my rest day.

    @theslightedgeforever great attitude and plans. Good job on the walking..all I can see in my brain in Sonic and his shoes on fire from his speed walks..LOL

    @trooworld you know what to do, you want to do what you know, but something is stopping you. One thing I have realized is I really did't want to give up my "comfort zone". I wanted to lose the weight and if I want an Oreo, I ate it and didn't track see we all know tracking tells us our spending habits, sleep cycles, movement all of it. If we don't me our bodies will tell us what we didn't or did do when we get older. So I think you did great getting the greens in..So one tweak at a time and just do it until it is a mindless task...then you can do a different tweak. I have added a banana to my diet no matter's hard sometimes but my mindset tells me I have to or my legs will ache..LOL. I am proud of you!

    @Michieb125 You are one positive person...I like your mindset. Yes I hate indigestion..but I can't tell if it's my life, meds, or food. So I just keep trying. Meal planning helps, but it's not always a fix for me LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld Ok how about something like I am becoming someone who is not addicted to food? How else could you phrase it? Sometimes we all feel that why bother thing. So WHY are you wanting to lose weight? There has to be a good reason that you are persistent in making this work. Keep those reasons visible to you when food demons make their appearance. Yes I was just as satisfied and I ate half of it and I'm eating the other half when I get back from the gym. I just need to heat up the chicken to go on top since I already ate all the salmon from it. Great choice on adding the asparagus. Yaaay on pretracking breakfast.

    @Michieb125 Your sheet pan recipe sounds delicious. I do one with marinated sliced chicken strips, green, red, yellow peppers and onions. So easy and so good. Depending on my carbs for the day I either make a wrap out of it or just throw it over a salad. Seeing weight and inches change is so motivating.

    @cbabie In a perfect world what would be a fix for you? So you would be at an ideal weight for you. You would have muscle tone and your bones strong. Your blood test results would be at normal levels. What would you have to do?

    I'm currently eating the rest of my salad from Saturday. I added some chicken on it for some protein. Just got home from the gym and I'm tired. I added a second set to my weight routine today. I walked 37 minutes this morning. Walked to a coffee shop and sat and read my Kindle for 45 min then walked back home.

    Food: I am under by 3 carbs Over by 75 calories. Another win for me.
    Water: 68 oz
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @Michieb125 I agree about @theslightedgeforever, she and the rest of the ladies (and you too!) are very encouraging! Thank you re: dinner. I try a lot of new recipes, I have a collection of 7,909 recipes and counting and I rarely repeat recipes (although I am this week out of ease). Balancing out your sheet pan meal with a healthy carb sounds like a great idea. Sorry about the indigestion. I have a hard time with breakfast: I do not like eggs or sweet breakfasts. I end up eating a lot of the same things which bores me and temps me to go to the cafe at work for something different. I do like avocado toast. Mmmmm cantaloupe! I hope you got to cubing it.

    @cbabie Sounds like Sundays are very busy days for you. Can you make Sunday dinners the day before and just heat them up the day of? Something IS stopping me. I believe it's my belief that I cannot do this. I think @theslightedgeforever is right, I need to change my mindset. Yay for adding a banana! Thank you, @cbabie!

    @theslightedgeforever That's definitely a little better. Maybe "I am overcoming my food addiction." I've got a million reasons to lose weight. It boils down to "I don't want to die early" lol. Chicken and salmon, yum I hope you enjoyed it. No, I pretracked everything BUT breakfast but I did end up tracking breakfast when I ate it. Sounds like you worked hard at the gym. I hope you enjoyed your salad. I love reading at the coffee shop. I love to people-watch and read. Yay for doing so well with food and water!

    Hi all. I did pretty well until I didn't lol. We stopped and had a beer and panko-crusted cheese curds (which I just realized I didn't track!) and then got Thai takeout. I had fresh Thai spring rolls (very good and healthy) but got some pad thai for lunch today. Thank you all for the suggestions. I will keep trying and tweaking things.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Morning all, I love the comments today. We all have our own struggles and wins. Let's not forget those. If you're breathing it's a win. I started to track yesterday, but then life happened here. LOL. I just had my protein shake with a "banana" and blueberries in it. I heard something on TV about break fast. In the "old days" LOL you ate what you had left over from dinner the next day for breakfast. I think what I heard and it stuck with me is what I start my day with I end with...meaning carbs/sugar? I love cereal..but what happened to the protein. So tweaking what I can.

    @trooworld I think you did great tracked..period. today you will "track" a little more. I truly believe that our minds believes what we tell it...Let's say someone kept telling people they were a vet, but they were the end of their life, I believe they believe they were a vet..your brain doesn't know what is truth or just knows if you keep repeating is.. Maybe you could eat left overs for breakfast?

    @theslightedgeforever good for you on the fun walking to the coffee shop..remember when we just wanted dad to try and "ride" up to the donut shop? LOL. I think you are tweaking your habits little shifts that make big waves...

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    @trooworld I was thinking about you collecting recipes. Then I thought of the quote that Dr Phil always used to say. "You will not maintain any behavior that is not providing you with some kind of payoff." So I was wondering what is the payoff that you are getting by adding additional recipes to this collection. I was thinking of the extra time it would take looking for new recipes each week. Then I always find it takes longer for me to cook a new recipe than one I've done many times. Then add in the time it would take to figure out the proper number of "bites". Those minutes could add up and be some exercise minutes for you. I know you struggle with finding time to exercise during the work week. "I am overcoming my food addiction" sounds good.

    @cbabie With cereal, I count the milk as my protein. I think if we all keep tweaking we will find out what works for us and something we can do consistently.

    Today's report:
    Exercise: 63 min cardio/weights
    Food: over 7 carbs Under 24 calories
    Water: 34 oz. :confused:
  • melissajean9677
    melissajean9677 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello everyone, I have browsed this thread and wow, you all are so supportive! I love that there is real conversation.
    I also do WW but messed that interaction part of MFP so I now do both.
    Keep up the good work!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @cbabie Yes, we do! Your protein shake sounds yummy. Thank you. I did track more yesterday. I already eat leftovers for lunch so no to the breakfast, but thanks for the idea. I like the way you think!

    @theslightedgeforever I'm a recipe hoarder lol. The payoff is that I like variety so I get it by collecting all of these recipes. And it's really easy to manage because I use this website ( and I organize them all. It's like having a library of ebooks. It doesn't take any time I don't actively look for recipes, they come to my inbox via newsletters. I just have to hit a button to add them to the website. Exercise: I went for a walk yesterday at work. My knee is bothering me but I did it. It was hot but I did it. I didn't feel like it but I did it! Great job yesterday.

    @melissajean9677 Hi and welcome to the thread! There is a lot of support here. Please feel free to take advantage of it. :D Yeah, I don't know if you remember when the WW site had message boards but I miss those too. Connect is nice but it's not the same. Now I don't do WW I do Healthi which counts "bites" and has 5 plans, many similar to WW plans both present and past.

    Hi all. I did pretty well yesterday with food and did excellent with exercise. I brought a cute bucket hat to work to take a walk and I did take that walk despite my own protests. I walked a mile on my 10 minute break (which was really 20 mins shhhhhh). I will try to do it again today.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Morning all, I am not sure what I did yesterday, but watch a 10 month old..LOL. Today plans are to clean floors again, bed sheets, etc. You know the fun stuff. It's hotter than blue blazes here and humid..Monsoons are coming. So activity will have to be inside.. LOL

    @melissajean9677 Welcome to this little corner on MFP. Glad you stopped by. Yes please stop and be a part of this group, would love to have you. I too was in WW when they had the boards. I have several friends I found there when the boards were not the connection thing. We used to send Christmas cards, birthday cards and some I still do. We had fun and that's what we want our health journey to be, not torture. LOL

    @trooworld So glad you got your exercise didn't want to but you did. Sorry your knee is bothering you...that's no fun. You just carried your job routine into your recipe routine. LOL organize and file. Maybe you should check out a "book" on a rotation basis..LOL. I love your thought process. My family always wants "different recipes". I grew up you ate the same thing all the time and I guess I still do that, but I am trying to change!! :) That way as you said it's not boring. Food should be exciting if we are going to eat it right?

    @theslightedgeforever looks like you had a good day yesterday!! Congrats. I made goulash last night and my DH got a bowl that was as big as a mixing bowl and ate (2 x). LOL. yet he is as thin as a rail. but healthy? that's yet to be seen. So glad you are doing weights...I need to get back to excuse since I can do it inside where it's cool. LOL
