

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather- my now 30 yo twin nieces were both born with blue eyes. Both parents had brown. When my one niece turned 5 her eyes changed to brown. The other niece's eyes did not change to brown until her teens. We thought it odd but the Dr said it is common. That's where the term "baby blues" comes from.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • tracyjsbr22
    tracyjsbr22 Posts: 7 Member
    How do I join this group? I just started logging a few days ago. I'm 53 and have gone through a lot of personal changes in the past 9 months including moving from my favorite place I ever lived (Santa Barbara, CA) to south Florida. Sold most of our worldly possessions, the rest are in storage - and ate my way through the last 5 months as I sorted, pitched sold and tossed stuff.

    Now I need to find a community that will help me get my physical/mental house back in order.

    Currently weight: 138.2 - (highest ever - other than when pregnant)
    Height: 5'3.5" (and shrinking :))

    Goal is mostly to shed the excess fat, convert to muscle - and feel good again. Weight is part of that, but health is the bigger piece.

    I'm still learning how to navigate the message boards, chats - but this group seems great and I'd like to be a part of it.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Yes, Cheri, I use a similar process for getting myself to type my memoir. I say, "I know how to get the laptop out and ready", then, "I know how to turn on the laptop, I can do that", then I say, "I know how to open the Word document ", so I do that. Then, "I know how to get to where I left off," so I do that .... then, "I only have to write one sentence, even if it's a bad sentence" and so on ........

    Nice quote from Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert. She quotes from Rebecca Solnit.

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

    So true. :D

    Heather UK

    So glad to hear you go through the same process. I feel funny or inadequate sometimes breaking things down to such minute steps sometimes. Especially effective for me during times of stress and depressive episodes. I use this with my adult daughter when she gets overwhelmed with life. In this together!

    currently finishing 5 last rows of a butterfly crochet square then....

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Welcome Tracy!

    All the talk of the odds of blue and brown eyes makes me dizzy. I was great at teaching everything but math in school and then I hit bottom. I did look up left/right handedness as both my grandchildren are lefties and it seems that they just have theories as to why some end up being left handed. No actual proof.

    Miriam ~ That was interesting to read about the Victorians collecting antiquities as their world travels expanded. My FnL traveled all over the US for his work and did most of the collecting. My MnL and later my DH started and worked in the family antique shop in Roswell, GA using many of the items Fnl had collected on his travels. After my DH retired, he has supplemented his income by selling antiques online and doing a monthly antique show (Scotts). Our basement is overloaded with the remains of the shop plus all the family items that we store. I sometimes (when I'm in the mood) list vintage jewelry online. Unfortunately, over the past few years the interest in "vintage" items has really diminished.

  • jjfromkc813
    jjfromkc813 Posts: 7 Member
    Chris - I never thought in a billion years that I would be getting married again! I thought that there is nobody out there for me - and there he was, right in front of me all along, and perfect for me. Don't give up. Life is just beginning.

    Carey - I've had a C-PAP for a few years now. I remember that at first I couldn't tell a difference - but let me tell you it can take a long long time before you feel better. Maybe a few months even. But I do feel sooo much better and don't feel so horribly sleepy during the day. If I try to sleep without it I wake myself up constantly snoring. So just wanted to let you know, sometimes you won't feel better as soon as you think you should. Apparently some people feel wonderful after the first night but I never did. Hang in there and let us know what you decide.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Carol, when I was working, I wore exclusively vintage jewelry. Now I don't wear it much. Such better quality than any costume jewelry that you find today!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,625 Member
    216 posts! Man! I will catch up. Has been a week of emotional roller-coaster! Everything going okay right now. Will catch up reading. I love everyone's support! Prayers for those suffering from health, circumstances, relationship or any other issues.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited August 2016
    OK folks. My DH says the Barbacoa-beef recipe from skinnytaste.com was "delicious, lovely and distinctive" A+. !!!!!!!!!
    I used my ancient pressure cooker and did 65 mins plus another 10 to make sure it shredded. I served it with butternut squash, a tomato and cucumber salsa and a blob of half fat creme fraiche. Heaven for 350 calories. I have 3 more dinners for two in the freezer. :D You could serve it on a lettuce leaf, a taco, or whatever.
    Sooooooo pleased to have a new success. :D

    Newbies - do check out skinnytaste.com.

    Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 95
    BP- 1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 80
    BR- 5X5X 80

    Kettlebell Swing
    Russian kettle bell squat-20 2X 10 X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    5 miles

    I did a little bit of a deload today. I think I had what is called the Paleo flu. Since June I had been eating at maintenance and have been consuming mountain dew donuts and chocolates. I did still go by CICO so, I didn't do any weight damage. Now that most of my company has subsided we started eating a LCHF Paleo diet and I lost all energy and strength. I didn't realize what I was doing to myself. I still have a lack of energy and difficulty sleeping. I adjusted the amount of carbs I am eating to help get back to normal.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Tried to post from computer and,it kept saying,I dont,have,permission to,post.
    Anyone know what that means.tx,
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    YEA JANET!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Girl!! o:)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jane, I just went through the same thing. I paged up and saw I needed to log in. I stay logged in so I didn't understand that but I logged back in and it works now.

    Katla, I am sorry I didn't mention about your husband. Life changes are hard to do, Others have mentioned ways you could still keep your boat but yet others would benefit from it. I know that would still be hard. Does the act of sailing make him sick? How about if he did some instructions on sailing?

    When Charlie and I were ready to move out of our started house, we knew what kind of house we wanted. We even got some one to draw up a simple blueprint using our ideas. We wanted a two story with kitchen, living room and bedrooms and one floor and a family room and small kitchen on another floor. The bi-level fit the bill. So we found a plot of land, talked to the owner and started making plans. It was in a subdivision that the owner wanted to meet anyone buying land and approve your plans. He had the most interesting home. He had a huge family room at the back of his home that was octonigal shape. The whole room was wall papered in his children's school papers or any thing they had drawn for them. The bathroom looked like an outhouse with a crescent moon on the door. The lot we picked out was right next to my best friend from work. Needless to say I was excited. But the land flunked the perk test and we were going to have to instal a septic tank. So we found a subdivision that from the outside the homes looked wonderful. The bi-levels were wonderful. We have 1100 square feet on each level and it had a large bathroom downstairs with the family room. It was long and boring.It had a sink in the very front, a commode close to the back and then a shower right at the back. So we had great plans to change that sink into kitchenette, dropped in two burner stove, an apartment size fridge. And then we wanted to install a door between that and the commode/bathroom area. Well the fridge stopped working, we loaned out the two burner and the dor never happened. Plus when we would have lots of rain, sewage would come up in the commode and shower. So now it is a storage area for the massive amounts of toilet paper and paper towels that charlie buys. But we have a large bedroom, storage room, family room and laundry room down there. Our intention was that if Charlie's Mom could have a nice bedroom, sitting room, bathroom and small kitchen for her. But it never worked out and she never needed to live here. We now have nice organization in the storage area.

    I know it's silly but after 2 days of 'healthy' meals and a little bit of exercise that my weight would be down even a couple of tenths. But it wasn't.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Played 18 holes of golf and got hot. Thinking the water aerobics has made me stronger as I hit the ball pretty good. Haven't had anything to eat except cereal tHis morning. Did drink lots of water and a G2.
    Katie -I was sorry to hear of your DH's bad news. (Hugs).
    Better try to get some nutrition in me. BBL.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    YEA JANET!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Girl!! o:)

    Thank you :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Janet ~ Add my congrats to frankiesgirl!
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Welcome to the new folks. I won't write a book to bore everyone but did want to pop in, read up on the lives here and commiserate or rejoice as the need be.

    This weekend is the 13th annual family women's sanity weekend. We all abandon our husbands and children and go wild for a weekend. We've done all sorts of things, fancy meals, cooking classes, hiking, pedicures, movies.... this year we are doing an Escape the Room game, going to a special light art exhibit at the Art Museum and kayaking. I organized the first event the year my son got married as an attempt to show my new daughter-in-law that she was fully part of the family. Seems to have worked as she's still around. :) We have a grand time and this year will be no exception.

    It's raining again. Hurricane season is starting into the serious part of it. Hopefully the building storms in the Caribbean will peter out and not head into the Gulf, especially not toward Louisiana!

    Marcelyn in Houston
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- Yeah! excellent results. Keep up the great work that got you there!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tracy: Welcome to a great group. Best advice from me is log every bite and swallow, and move more. It doesn't seem as though you have a long way to go to reach your goals, but don't expect the loss to be as fast as it was "back when." I lost a ton, (about 75 pounds), in the first couple of years and I'm staying to keep on track. I plan to be here for the foreseeable future. :flowerforyou:

    janemartin: Did you log into the site using your MFP ID? :huh:

    Janet OKC: It looks like you got an A+ from your doctor. WTG!!!!! :star:

    Joyce: At present, DH can't even walk down the ramp onto the docks without getting motion sick. His MS doctor warned us that that is likely a long-term situation. I suggested selling the boat, and he says no. That idea will stay on the back burner for now. Thanks. :smiley:

    Marcelyn: Congratulations on organizing a women's sanity event for your family. It is a wonderful idea! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday at Costco we bought four wild caught salmon fillets, along with a few other necessities. We had most of one for dinner last night, and I just put the rest of them into the freezer. Thanks to our Foodsaver, they'll stay in great shape for a long time. This will provide a lot of amazing dinners for the next few weeks or months.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun." Quote provided by Heather. I love it.