Senior Golden Sneakers - July 2010



  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I better hurry and get outside before rain is once again upon us. Dave is cutting the grass, avoiding our puddle in the back yard. I suggested we call it a pond and then it would be wonderful! No news here and I think that is a very good thing!

    Sandy -- Wonderful (and unexpected) news of Bryanna's success. It sounds like it would have been very exciting to be there. You are a lucky Grandma to be so involved (and she is very lucky as well)!

    Marie -- July 1 is the celbration of Canada's birthday, July 1, 1867. Your brain is like a steel trap, you have a great memory. I love blackberries, hope they grow well for you.

    Happy 4th of July to you all! Gayla :heart: :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    First time on the pc all day. Was planning to walk this morning, but my neighbor called and asked me to breakfast. I went, and then I HAD to walk!!:laugh: :laugh: He found a new place, since our old favorite recently closed, and the new place has better breakfasts and costs LESS:noway: --a good thing!!:bigsmile: When I talked to the owner this morning, she said they don't salt ANYTHING unless the customer asks them to. They do their own home made soup, and don't salt that either. I think I have found a new favorite place!! I had bacon and eggs, and since I knew the hash browns weren't full of salt, I had those too, and two pieces of whole wheat toast.

    So, as I said, I HAD to walk. And I did. First I did about a mile and a half with the doggies, and then I did about 6.5 miles by myself on the walking trail near my home. It was a perfect day, sunny, but not too warm, and enough white puffy clouds so that one didn't get overheated, and NO chance of rain. This is a big improvement, considering that two days ago we had 1.27 inches of rain in 24 hours, the wettest July day in a LONG time. I wouldn't say it has rained alot lately, BUT, I saw THREE slugs today, and they usually are not around in July!!

    Tomorrow we are having salmon fillet, fresh asparagus, scalloped potatoes, salad, and I am making a dessert with a bunch of fresh local strawberries that I bought today. I plan to combine Greek yogurt, with some cool whip, and a little fat free cream cheese, and layer it with strawberries and blueberries. It sounded so good, I couldn't wait, so tonight I had Greek yogurt mixed with sugar free cool whip, along with a cup of raspberries, and it was yummy. After burning over 800 calories, I have still have about 900 available to eat, and I am not hungry. I will probably have something else before I go to bed, but I forgot how much walking kills my appetite. I'm glad something does!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sandy, Glad Bryanna did so well in the dance competition.
    Beth, Have a happy 4th--and thank you for your service to our country so that we have the freedom to celebrate it as we please.:flowerforyou:
    Marie, Hope that tree falls where it is supposed to.

    Happy 4th to all, not sure if I will be on here tomorrow or not.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Did your friend go walking with you. Is romance in the air? iI just recived an Pm from a freind I met here of mfp. She found a friend and I am so happy for her. I just hope it is the right one for her. She is so nice.

    Yes I hope the tree goes away from our house and all the utiity lines. There will be 3 guys out working on it.

    Sammy is all shook up . I think all of there little towns are haveing fireworks tonight. . And Sammy do not like them at all. Ourtown do not have them anymore. We used to hae hot air ballons and fireworks. But they cut it all off. One of the balooness got kiilled one year and I don't think they had any more. But they were a pretty sight.good walk you had. Enjoy you 4th. How is your Mom and Dad?
    See you later. marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Gayla, tell dave to take it easy. do not want a relapse.

    I have been gabby with barbs she is s nut.

    Blackberries grow good around here. I used to go out in the country and pick wild ones but the have buildt houses all around now and can't get to them, and Jerry will not let me drive anymore.

    I think my Baking days are over with. Jerry is tired of cleaning up my mess. i spill chocolat chips all over the floor drop my mixer and cake batter went everywhere. But Sammy took care of that. Woul d have taken care of the chocolate chips but Jerry would not let him. There comes a time when you have to admit defeat. Hey which remind me time to put the brisket in the oven and let it cook on low allnight.Be ready for lunch tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, I gave up baking when I started MFP......I gave all my flour, sugar, and other baking supplies to some young friends.....I still have all my pans but they will be the next to go when I find someone to give them to or get around to giving them to the local thrift shop.....our dogs don't like the fireworks....we stay home with them on the 4th......there were fireworks in town in May for a special event and they were close enough to our neighborhood that we could hear them and the dogs were upset......there are no fireworks allowed in our neighborhood :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'm thrilled that Bryanna did so well in the dance competition again.....what a thrill for you to be there with her when she is so successful

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I love when you share your menus with are so creative.....We had polish sausage with sauerkraut and broiled veggies (onion from the farmers; market, zucchini, and yellow squash)...I'm glad to hear that you were able to get in so much walking today.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, when I hear about your weather it makes me more appreciative of has been dry for two days and Jake was able to cut the grass

    :flowerforyou: Beth, I hope you enjoy your Independence Day weekend......thank you for all you do to preserve our independence

    :flowerforyou: Birdie,I know you'll do great over the holiday weekend.

    :laugh: we had this great idea to get rid of one of our three satellite TV boxes to save $5.00 a turned into a full day of cleaning and rearranging furniture but we're very happy with the burned a lot of calories :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thought I would pop in again, since I am still awake, having gotten my second wind after a bath, and put fresh sheets on the bed, so that little doggies can climb in and rumple them all up.:noway: :noway: If there is room for me,:bigsmile: I will join them soon.

    Marie, You can put the arrows away (you know, Cupid's). The neighbor I had breakfast with could no more keep up with me on a walk than he could win the Mr. America title. Unfortunately, he likes to EAT, and likes to have company when he does so. I have tried to lead by example, but I have been singing the praises of MFP for well over a year now, and he can see the results, but even though he is diabetic, he continues to put away the groceries with great enthusiasm. He has even had a stent put in his heart!!!

    About three years ago, he was on the LA Weight Loss program, and did very well, but as soon as he stopped, he went back to his old ways, and gained everything back, plus some "interest.":sad: We are pretty clearly platonic friends. I even asked him to walk with me, but he, of course, declined.:bigsmile:

    BTW, Marie, that brisket sounds good. If I left right now, didn't stop for anything, and drove REALLY fast (to the AIRPORT:laugh: :laugh: ), I could get there in time for dinner!!!!

    Barbie, I can't claim credit for thinking of the scalloped potatoes. My mom suggested them instead of corn on the cob, because it is too difficult for my dad to eat corn on the cob now due to his Parkinson's, and he likes scalloped potatoes.

    Well, it is time for bed, so I hope the firebugs near my home will cease and desist after the 11 pm deadline.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie I got to tell my grandson yesterday to watch his foul langage on face book. and If my grandaughter does comes over today. will remind her I took my garndaughter off of my friend list. And my grandson I haven't manage to get him off yet. Will get Alice to help me do that when she gets back from Panama. I think his sister is his problem. She is 30 years old and should have better sense,

    Did you ever get your raised garden built. . I am planting some fall veggies now. I may be a little early But wanted the tomatoes seeds to have time to grow. Before Our first frost. I know gayla will be talking about an early frost way to soon.
    Kathy ,my daughter lives in east Texas has had a bumper crop. lots of squash, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and now cantalope and watermelon. I don't think they planted any corn. I will grat the zucckinna up and freeze them for bread later on.Be good this winter. around thansgiviing.There first year to have a garden. They have sandy loam and Est Texas is noted for they tomatoes/Have a wonder 4th of July/ Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, the raised garden is scheduled to be built on Tuesday. If we had gotten the idea sooner we wouldn't have had to wait so long, but the women we found to do the job was very popular and was booked up for a long time. We are lucky to have gotten her at soon as it's built, I have sunflower, pumpkin, and marigold seedlings to transplant to the new topsoil.....I can hardly has started to warm up and by Wednesday is expected to be in the high 70's
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member

    Thank you to all who are serving and/or served to give us Freedom!!! Happy Birthday America!!!

    Have a great day!!!

  • viliberty1957
    My second day home after surgery. I was there for 12 looooong days this time. I am getting my strength back lots sooner this time. Still not up to doing much "chatting." I just wanted to say hi and thanks for all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    My second day home after surgery. I was there for 12 looooong days this time. I am getting my strength back lots sooner this time. Still not up to doing much "chatting." I just wanted to say hi and thanks for all.


    I know I speak for all of us Irene, we miss you and pray for a speedy recovery!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I am glad to know you are home. Thanks for giving us an update. Take care of yourself, and we will look forward to hearing from you when you feel more like posting. :explode: :explode: Happy 4th!!:explode: :explode:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! What a glorious day we have, the sun shining and a gentle breeze to dry my clothes. Bad, bad girl hanging clothes on a Sunday but with the crazy weather you gotta do what you gotta do! I think the Lord may just like to watch clothes dry as much as I do! :wink: I am still trying to find a good time for our annual Edmonton holiday. Neil really looks forward to it, I think because we are a captive audience and he loves to go to the mall. He has lost enough weight that I really should buy him a few new things so we shall see. I will be looking for shoes as I have better luck there. This darn bunion is becoming a real nuisance. My sister, friend and I are planning a trip to Victoria, British Columbia in Victoria to watch the Canadian National figure skating championships. So some things in the future but for now just plugging along. I am going to stop checking Dave's paralysed face daily as the change is minimal although certainly better than what it was. I think it may be more noticably improved if I check every few days instead. For an impatient personality he is doing very well. The Dr. told him to rest while he is on medication and he is even doing that!!

    Irene -- So glad to have a post from you. You take your time and rest, we will always be here when you are ready to post. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Marie -- You are right about the early frost. I am hopeful that it will come later as we had such a late start. However, my tomatoes now have the little yellow flowers, the zucchini will be producing soon, my two potato plants look healthy and my strawberries are doing great! The hail didn't seem to bother them. Oh yes, the herbs look great too. You would have had a good laugh watching Dave and I cover the strawberries. I was doing it myself, cut the first piece of netting which immediately seemed to shrink to half the size, bewildering so I figured I did it wrong. Dave came along and couldn't figure out how I could not have measured correctly. So he cut the next piece which also 'shrunk'. At that time he realized that they had rolled the netting up on an angle but we were able to stretch the piece out on the lawn and get it done. I am not sure that these strawberries are worth both the cost and the trouble. However, there will be no more strawberry stealing by my robins!

    Barbie -- You will love the raised garden.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Irene, I'm wishing you a speedy recovery and return to more energy and your return to posting :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I am envious of your trip to Victoria to see skating.......we're not that far from Victoria
    about 20 miles by car and 90 minutes on the ferry but we can't seem to get it together to make the trip

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Barb, I think our best fireworks memories are of fireworks over the Columbia River.....two different years we spent the 4th of July weekend in hotels in year we sat on the deck outside the banquet room at the Red Lion and watched and another year we were in a hotel near the airport where we stood in the parking lot and watched planes taking off until it was time for the fireworks.

    :flowerforyou: Today we went to a band and chorus concert in the was about 50 degrees, cloudy, windy, and drizzling. We wore warm jackets, wool socks, and hats and brought a blanket for our laps. The concert included "the Star Spangled Banner", "America the Beautiful", "You're a Grand Old Flag", and "God Bless America"........the band played four John Phillip Sousa marches including "Stars and Stripes Forever" (my favorite because I played the piccolo in high school), a portion of the 1812 Overture ( without cannons), and the Armed Forces Salute with the songs from all the branches of service with an invitation to veterans to stand when their service music was played. We'll watch fireworks on TV tonight (or tomorrow since we'll be recording the shows from New York, Washington, DC, and Boston)

    :flowerforyou: Marie, Jake has one tomato and many flowers on his topsy-turvy plants so he is very excited.

    It should be warmer tomorrow and even warmer the rest of the week.
    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hope you all had a wonderful 4th. Jery and ricky did not get the tree cut down. ricky said too many wires and the tree was too tall. So we ar looking for someone whos dos it for a living.
    may have someone.
    you know I can tell I am getting older for the things I use to do is so much harder now days.

    I trtied to cut all of those veggies up And what a job, And I have another mess for Jerry to clean up. He will make me give it all up If I keep doing that. I grated the zuccinie and thought about making a Bread but barbie cat kept speaking to meSo i just grated carrots onions squash and stired them al together , wiill freeze them and put in a soup on of these days.When Gayla get her first freeze.But boy am I tired. I can have a pot of soup much sooner than if I waited for our first freeze. I got some tomatoes to freeze. i heard you cna just wash them good and freeze them whole and when they thaw out the skin come right off, So may do that.
    This morning I seen another elder lady out walkin with her walkerwith her little dash hound. Don't know where she lives but much be on the next street from us if so she is walking further than me and Sammy. I would have to put alease on Sammy if we walk her block. I see her out in her yard with a chair moving it around to pulled weeds.
    Kathy bought one of her puppies with her and he would not play with Sammy but did go walking with us. He follow the wheels on my Walker. Only 7 weeks old.So cute did not get a picture of them. Well been a busy day. Time to get back in ther to my mess. See uopi guys later Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, I used to make zucchini bread all the time, now I use zucchini as a vegetable, steamed, grilled, roasted, or in soup......I think it's much healthier that does Sammy do on a leash? my dogs are so big and naughty and easily distracted that I always have a leash on them when I take them out.

    :flowerforyou: today as I was leaving the dog park I saw two of my line dance friends and their Boston Terrier in the little dog yard.....they said that their dog liked big dogs so I took Brandy and Sasha in and they played with the Boston was really cute to watch....eventually some birds flew over and my dogs chased the birds and ignored the other dogs

    :flowerforyou: today we have the sunshine and warmth that would have been perfect for the outdoor concert yesterday :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sammie does fine on a lease he still get one on when Jerry take him in the car. so they can get out and go find a tree or grass,It is just much easier with the walker for him to be off so He wont get tangle up in it. up in it. We just got back from a short walk.I know if I an get rid of my baking pans. I got one more cake to make. It will be a oinapple coconut cake made from a box cake mix. They are easy to make. However i can't find any 7 minute Frosting and will have to make it from scatch. this is to take to my ex family reunion It will be my last cake
    In a couple of weeks. I am also taking hot dogs just to get rid of them I have about 5 Pkg in the freezer Will be making brocolli salad.They are looking for a large crowd.

    Irene, Hope you ar doing OK. Happy 4th.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with
    perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.
    ~ J.B. Priestly
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    You picked a good night to post that quote. I had a day where the best laid plans went off track, and I finished it feeling as though I pretty much didn't get anything accomplished--except for those two chocolate chip cookies that crossed my path and called my name.:noway: I "accomplished" "taking care" of both of them!!:grumble: :ohwell:

    Anyway, I needed to be reminded that tomorrow is another day. So thank you.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    My second day home after surgery. I was there for 12 looooong days this time. I am getting my strength back lots sooner this time. Still not up to doing much "chatting." I just wanted to say hi and thanks for all.

    Thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers!!!!!