Senior Golden Sneakers - July 2010



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    OMG, Gayla you certainly did not overstep in your comments, it really is true that he needs a good spanking. I don't think either of his parents ever said no to him and now he feels he can do whatever he pleases.
    This is the update I sent today:
    Cheryl called and said Phil said he wants no visitors today, not even Marisa. He does not want to deal or talk to people, he is just that miserable. He said he had a bad night and didn’t sleep and he hates being in a regular room. The liver doctor came in while Cheryl was there and explained to Phil that he would not be able to have another drink, they he won’t be able to do it on his own and will need help. He also told him that it is possible that he may need a liver transplant down the road and to get one he has to go through rehab and be sober for six months. When the doctor left Cheryl said that was scary and Phil said what? She said that he might need a transplant and Phil said he is just trying to scare me. He still doesn’t get it and I feel so badly for Cheryl. The doctor also told Phil he might be able to go home tomorrow but he doesn’t want to go, he wants a sleep test and other tests, he said he would go home in another 3 or 4 days.

    His glucose goes up and down so now he doesn’t want to eat anything with salt or sugar. It sounds like a bad day and with how he is treating Cheryl, it would be best no visitors come today, not even me.
    One Day at a Time………………….Keep Praying

    So someone called him and told him what my update said and his wife called me to tell me that I shouldn't be so detailed in my updates. She said to be generic because his friends are calling and he is getting upset that they know so much. So much for good intentions. He did call a little while ago to ask about his dad, I was friendly and nice and he was also. His mood swings are driving his wife crazy and I am trying to work my program.

    I miss talking with everyone every day and I really welcome the newcomers. I am trying to get my life and my husbands life back to normal but that will take some time.

    You sound like you are all doing well, even with the hot weather. I miss you and thank you for your support.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sounds like you are damned if you do and if you don't:frown: Sorry this is not getting any easier. I don't think there was anything wrong with your update. The more people that know the score and confront him with it, maybe something will sink in. Too bad Marisa doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to say, "Until you take your head out of the sand and face reality, I can't be around you." Then leave him on his own to stew in his own juice, so to speak--strictly an unprofessional opinion here--my version of shock therapy. Regardless, I continue to pray for all of you.

    Marie, Sorry you can't find any canned pumpkin. I will have to look and see if there is any around here--don't know as I have had no reason to look.

    Gayla, Glad Neil is keeping steady most of the time--has to make life easier for you. Maybe you need to borrow a cat to guard your Chokecherries!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Hope all had a good Sunday.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: just a quick post to say that believe it or not, I actually avoided walking and all exercise today and put ice on my knee five times for 20 took huge self restraint to stay seated and not go work in the yard in the beautiful sunshine and not get on the exercise bike and not give in to the pleading dogs who wanted to go to the dog park, but my knee feels so much better......I will do the same step counter recorded barely 2000 steps----a new record low:laugh:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Glad to hear you are taking care of that knee Barbie, did you ever get it x rayed to make sure you didn't damage something more serious? I can imagine your puppies being upset with you since they go to the dog park everyday. Whenever I put my shoes on Daisy gets all excited because she thinks she is going for a walk. I actually did take her for a 3 mile walk today to give her some exercise, but it was really hot and humid for both of us.

    I am managing to keep my goal and when things are settled I will set a new goal just to have some extra pounds to play with. :laugh:

    Hope you all had a good weekend, will talk to you soon.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Went to the grocery tonight and as I was leaving, I heard barking coming from a VW Bug parked nearby. I looked over and saw one head, and then another pop up above the lower edge of the window. I walked closer, and more heads popped up & more barking. I started counting--six, that's right, I counted twice-SIX little doggies in the car. They all looked like miniature Daisy's--that kind of woolly coat, but different colors, some tan, some black. They were VERY noisy. No chance that car would get messed with!!:laugh: :laugh: I figured, there was barely room for the driver.:noway:

    As I pulled out of my spot and went around to the end of the row I was parked in, I realized someone was loading groceries into that car, so I looped around to say hello. The female driver AND her husband were in the car, surrounded by fur balls. Two of the dogs were the parents of the other four. She said she couldn't bear to part with :heart: any :heart: of them, so they kept ALL of them.:noway: She quickly agreed with my assessment that they must have a very interesting household!!:laugh: :laugh: We both laughed at the prospect of her six getting together with my little piggies.

    I came home and found myself under close "sniff-spection." (That's inspection "by nose.":bigsmile: ) Have a good Monday, all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Hope it wasn't hot out Barb, I really have a thing about people leaving animals in their car even for a short time, even with the windows open. But i bet they were as cute as can be with the way you are describing them. :smile:

    It;s a sunny Monday here but storms are expected later. My husband went to cut the grass at the pet cemetery which I am not happy with, but he is a stubborn Italian. (no offense to any Italians just mine). He is still a little hoarse and should be resting but he stresses over the grass and promises he will take it easy. I don't think he will be going to see his son in the hospital because that stresses him more than anything. Haven't heard from Cheryl yet today so I don't know the mood of the day. Considering he now hates the hospital he is in, he hates the staff and thinks none of the doctors know what they are doing, we can only imagine what his mood is like. I will probably go see him today even if just for a little while just for support of my husband.

    I am trying to count my calories again and will try to start exercising again, i need to loosen up my body and I don't want to gain any weight. I tend to eat more when I am stressed so I have to make myself think about what I am eating. So far I can leave my ticker where it is just because I love looking at the big "0" pounds to go. :laugh: I will eventually go for another goal of 5 more pounds to lose so I have extra pounds to play with. :bigsmile:

    Have a good day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Its good to have our Sandy back. Missed her usally good sense of humor. Hope you'll are doing fine.
    Our heat wave past and we are out of the danger zone for now. Still hot but bearable.

    Tomorrow is Jerry and I 54th. anniversary. He has not mention yet what his plans are. If any.My son Bruce is due in today for a week. My Brother Mike is thowing a party for him Saturday. He is about 30 minutes East of us. He has a anice place. A swimming pool and a community fish pond. Will take pictures Sat. We wont be staying lomg for us old folks can't drive too good at night.
    You all have a wonderful day.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good day, my friends! We had a nice day in the city. It is always nice to have a visit with our youngest. I bought a new WW cookbook and today bought some groceries to try a few recipes. I will let you know how they are. I made one a couple of days ago which turned out quite nice and with a little bit of work could be a regular! I am glad that I bought the cookbook, it was on sale so decided it was worth it. I do love trying new recipes and these make it so easy to stay on plan. The scale is a bit frightening this week as being on holiday was also a holiday from WW for the most part. I have tried to be focused since I got back. We all know that weight comes off more slowly than it goes on but it will come off eventually, not worrying yet.
    I am getting a bit anxious about Neil's upcoming neurosurgery appt. I have a feeling that he is going to try to talk us into some more invasive brain surgery instead of the Vagal Nerve Stimulator. I don't really know what is the best choice but do know that I am not comfortable with cutting out a chunk of his brain. However, I also know that he can't continue living with the large number of seizures he has daily.

    Sandy -- You do sound more like yourself which is a very good thing. Babe must be feeling better if he wanted to tend the grass. Hopefully he will put his feet up when he gets home. I understand your need to go to the hospital. I would be the same. You are such a strong woman and sounds like you are in a very good place. Phil now needs to help himself. Will they be offering him a rehab. center? I hope he will go. You all continue to be in my thoughts.

    Marie -- Congratulations on 54 years! That is a wonderful accomplishment. I am sure you will enjoy having your son home. Maybe you will catch a fish!

    Barb -- Trust you to find all those furry bundles! :laugh:

    Barbie -- Good girl, putting the leg up and icing it!! I have also wondered if you have had an x-ray. Be careful!

    Gigi -- How is your day? I expect you are exercising.

    Take care and keep smiling everyone. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Regarding doggies in the car--it was 10 pm, and the temp was less than 70 degrees, so no problem. I will be standing right beside you hollering if I see dogs left in a car in the sun on a hot day!!

    Hope your hubby is not overdoing it. Maybe keeping busy makes it easier for him to cope with his son's situation and attitude.

    Happy Anniversary!! Hope you have a wonderful celebration.

    I hope Neil's appointment goes well. I can certainly understand your concern about invasive procedures. Hope you are able to stay in the wagon and use WW to your advantage.

    I am posting because I am too lazy to put the laptop away and go make dinner!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: day two of sitting still (except for yoga and shopping at WalMart and Costco :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: day two of sitting still (except for yoga and shopping at WalMart and Costco :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    Sounds like your wallet got more of a workout than your body:noway: --that's a first!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • viliberty1957
    Just a quick check-in here. I can't get on often, I'm not too lively these days, but I don't want to get completely out of touch with you. I started chemo yesterday. So far I'm feeling OK. I'm hoping for the best. Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts. I have a good support system in my family and friends. And I have my faith. I plan to defeat this thing and get on with my life.

    The weather is beautiful here. I really like the nice, warm days with an air conditioner when needed.

    Take care! God Bless!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    How nice to hear from you Irene, God speed and I will keep you in my prayers. There is nothing better than a good support system especially with family and friends. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Happy Anniversary Marie and Jerry!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Happy Anniversary #54 Marie and Jerry......that is awesome.....I hope you do something fun together today to celebrate the day

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Regards to Irene, and Happy Anniversary Marie and Jerry!! Just a quick post as I am on my way out the door.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Dinner is in the oven and smelling good so will have to be quick. I am loving my new WW cookbook. So nice to have new ideas. Had kind of a lazy day today except for cleaning my freezer. I hate that job but love the result!

    Irene -- So glad you had the strength to pop in. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that the chemo goes well.

    Marie -- Hope you are having a great anniversary.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sandy -- How is your day? Thinking about you.

    Barbie -- Hope the knee is better today.

    Barb -- Did you ever make dinner? Nothing like a bowl of soup on those 'I don't feel like cooking' days.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Yes, Gayla, I did make dinner, shrimp and broccoli, and strawberries for dessert. I like broccoli, so I am having it again tonight, this time with Chicken.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla Speakin of soup i intend to make your recipe for barley soup on our first cool day. which will be awhile. here.

    Jerry don't like me to cook out of cookbook for so much of the food he don't like. I do but he don't. I guess Dave is doing fine.

    Sandy how is Babe doing? Hope mowing grass was not too much for him.

    Jerry and I went to Beth faverite place for Dinner. I had a cheeseburger. some french fries and an ice cream cone. Was so good.
    that was our annivrsary dinner.I took the top bun offSo other than the icecream i really didn't do so bad.

    . Our neighbor is in the hospital with a heart attack. He is in his 60's. It sounds pretty bad this time. He has been in and out of hospital several times this year.

    Irene I thinkin about you a lot.Wish I was close enought to you to visit with you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, your anniversary dinner with Jerry sounds great...I think simple food is the best

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I hope you and your hubby are taking it easy and letting Phil take some responsibility for his own recovery

    :flowerforyou: Irene, glad to hear from you.......keep up your great positive attitude during this tough time of treatment

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I'm looking forward to seeing you on Friday morning

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I took everybody's advice about getting my knee x-rayed (sort of).....I went to the chiropractor and had him look at my knee to see if I needed to have it x rayed....the good news is that he didn't think it needed an x ray and the damage didn't seem serious
    the bad news is that it will take 6-8 weeks before it is completely healed
    the other good new is that i can do some exercise---slow, short walks and rides on the exercise bike but no dancing at all for at least another week and then I can do some dancing (maybe the beginner class)....I'll keep on putting ice on it but I don't have to keep completely still like I was Sunday and today. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: for our date today we had lunch at a little sandwich shop with outdoor sandwich was smoked salmon, hummus, tomato, cucumber, sprouts, and jalapeno mustard on multi grain bread....then we came home and watched a DVD movie that Jake chose, "Green Zone"
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone, having a rest day. I've been working very hard in my basement, lifting, ripping, hammering, and sweating. But good progress is being made. My arms are brused, and my back says you know the bar bells felt much better! Any hoo should be done by next week, and then the easier stuff like washing and painting will start.

    Diet and calories are still in tact and my clothes are starting to feel too loose. Oh well a good belt will help.

    Hope all of you are well, Sandy, my prayers are still on you, and your family.

    Keep smiling everyone, ta ta for now.
