Senior Golden Sneakers - July 2010



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, I have a friend who has trouble with her knee that makes walking difficult but she can ride her bike so she takes her three little dogs along when she rides her bike and she says the same thing about leashes........the dogs are fine running along beside her but the leashes would get tangled.....i hope you and Sammy find a good way to take your walks together.

    :flowerforyou: it is a beautiful day and the raised bed will get built today...we are very excited.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh how exciting. How many will you have?
  • viliberty1957
    In the hospital I occasionally heard "code blue" and silently said a prayer of those involved. At other times I heard cheerful little bells ringing. I asked a nurse what that was. She said, "Oh, another baby has been born." How marvelous is God's plan. Always new opportunities, new choices, new life. God Bless
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    In the hospital I occasionally heard "code blue" and silently said a prayer of those involved. At other times I heard cheerful little bells ringing. I asked a nurse what that was. She said, "Oh, another baby has been born." How marvelous is God's plan. Always new opportunities, new choices, new life. God Bless

    You are so right! He doesn't close a door without opening a window!:wink:
    Take care and God Bless.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I hope everyone's 4th of July weekend went well! :flowerforyou: We were soooo busy! :noway: We spent Sat. cleaning the house that we were moving our daughter into yesterday! July 4th was a cookout and a baby shower. And, yes, we spent July 5th moving and entire apartment to a house and unpacking as well as putting beds and kitchen cupboards togather!!! What a day!!!!!!! :noway: It was so humid and the 90's! :drinker: :drinker: Lots of water and even some pizza!:tongue: I was ready to just about faint and they ordered pizza!:ohwell: At that point.....being sensible kicked in, as we were between 2 houses with no food!!! I really am not even a little bit worried about it, as I figured I must have burned over 2000 calories moving boxes all day as well as doing the treadmill for an hour in the morning! (It may seem odd to exercise on a day that you will burn so many calories, but sometimes, for me, the exercise gets me in gear and warms the muscles up!) But We worked from 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM and were absolutely pooped!!!! Today I am back at work and finding myself starring at the computer:laugh: :laugh:
    So haven't had time to read posts but just dropping in to say hi!
    Have a great week!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Irene so good to see you dropped in. We really missed you.
    That was al ong time in the hospital. I thought my 7 days was bad,
    I am atill recocerving, I did have sugergy on my artierias, Which was pretty dagnerous to my Kidneys but they seen to be Ok. The dye they used One of my doctors was pretty upset over it. She told me not to let any of the docters to do that again. But they told me I was having a heart attack and if they didn't check it out I could die. So what is a fellow to do.Seems like all Doctors are on a
    difference wave link.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: MArie

    Have a good nite.
  • viliberty1957
    MARIE , I can see we are on the same page. After being super healthy all my life this is hard to adjust to.

    EVERYONE. One thing I have learned for myself is that we are very complex beings. I started on MFP in January. I worked hard at it, and no matter what, my weight stayed essentially the same. That is when I started blaming myself for whatever....not exercising enough.....eating too much.....etc. When I would look at my exercise bike I would feel utterly exhausted and helpless to do it......then feel guilty for that. I would check my food log and think I can't possibly eat less. My tracking would say, eat like this and you will weigh so much in a week. Never happened.

    To make a long story short, I was actually losing FAT. It was being replaced as I went along with a tumor and abdominal fluid to match the loss. Six liters of fluid alone. Since surgery (two weeks) I am down 10 pounds. I'm gettin a new primary doctor. She should have caught this long ago....especially since I kept telling her. I went to cancer check-up, told the Dr. things felt "wrong" and was in the hospital within a week.

    So.....the fact of the matter yourself when you think things are "wrong". There is sometimes a lot more going on than what the scales say at the moment. God Bless. I hope this helps someone else.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I am so glad they figured out what was going on, and you are right to trust your own instincts. I recall the sister of one of my former neighbors who kept insisting she didn't feel "right" had some strange feelings, of always feeling "full" kind of like she needed to "go" but that wasn't the issue. By the time they figured out she had ovarian cancer, there was nothing they could do. This was about 25 years ago, so the treatment options may be different now, but her story has always stayed with me.

    I hope you continue to make a speedy recovery. We are all pulling for you!!:flowerforyou:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Everytime I start a post here I look out the window before I give my weather news. It seems it changes so quickly. It is cloudy right now with the sun shinging through. Yesterday Neil got caught in a heavy downpour. He was not impressed and looked like a drowned rat. Today is WW night and I really don't want to go, not that I don't want to attend the meeting. I really don't want to step on the scale. I never weigh between but I know it can't be good when we have eaten out daily this week and as the week has gone on the discretion has decreased. I will go and suck up the humiliation and feel like a bad girl and then look forward to a better day tomorrow. By the way, Marie, great quote.

    Irene -- Thanks so much for sharing your story. You are often in my thoughts and I am pulling for you 100%.

    Marie -- If you like to bake cakes, bake cakes! You don't have to be the one to eat them to have the pleasure of seeing your work being enjoyed. Sometimes it makes us feel useful as we do something for others. When I am right on my program I can cook or bake anything without feeling a need to eat it BUT when I am weak I will eat anything!! I hope you enjoy the family gathering. Is Alice going with you?

    Birdie -- Wow, you got a good workout!! You will likely see your weight go down this week. This is your fortune teller speaking!

    Barb -- I hope the raised beds get done and that they turn out to be exactly what you wanted.

    Take care everyone. Gayla :heart: :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi gayla, Was wondering about you. I am really looking forward to this reunion for my best friend and her husband will be there. She married to a nephew of my late ex husband. And I went to California with her when he husband Walt was in the Navy to help her with her son. We both got a job out there and had a blast. her son is in his 50 now and now has The same thing as my brother that just passed away in Feb. So sad.

    I don't think my docctor is going to approved me getting an electric motor chair. Afraid i will just give up. And I guess she is right Sammy and I are still walking a little,

    We are waiting for the rain to start here just anytime.

    Iirene Thanks for sharing your story. hope you are feeling better now,.How is your doggie?

    Barbiecat My step counter quit workin do you know where you can find batteries
    for them? I have'nt a clue.

    Barbs Have you sold any houses yet since you got your license?

    Birdie. How much more weight do you want to lose.

    Elli sure missyou around here?

    Jeffrey. Guess yoou are getting some much needed rest.

    Sandy Sammy had a playmate over here the other day. He was jut too young to play with Sammy. It was only 7 weeks old. it is
    So cute. I took it for a walk.He follow you feet.

    Jakeyou are really stayin with it. Good for you,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm sorry that you won't be able to get your electric chair but glad that the doctor thinks you're still a good walker.......keep on keeping on......we bought new batteries for our pedometers at Radio Shack...if you don't have the direction book with the battery number or you can't read the number on the battery, then take the whole thing in with you and they can figure it out......the one raised bed will be pretty big and it isn't finished's been hot the last two days so the workers have been smart and not worked too pumpkin, marigold, and sunflower seedlings are eager to be transplanted and a friend said she'd bring me some romaine lettuce starts next week.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: irene, I'm glad the doctor finally got open minded and figured out what was going with you and took care of it....I love hearing you attitude of gratitude

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, your weather sounds even stranger than ours :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, hearing how it is at your house, I can't complain about our heat.....we don't have air conditioning so we notice every bit of it.......when the front door is open to create a breeze, the dogs bark at everyone who walks by.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I appreciate your asking after my new work, but I got my INSURANCE license, not real estate, so the answer to your question is "no" - I haven't sold any houses. I think what might have tripped you up is that I was a real estate (mortgage) collector in my former job.

    Maybe your doctor wants to keep you up and walking as long as possible. I have a friend who used to sell those chairs, and when I discussed the possibility of getting one at some point for my mom when it got to that point. My friend said the chair should be avoided for as long as possible in order to maintain mobility for as long as possible. I know on some level it would make things "easier" but everything happens for a reason. Good luck!!


    It is "down" to 86 on my patio, and 71 degrees inside, thanks to my AC:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Speaking of "hot" --I have calories to burn. I did a 5 miler this afternoon, and thanks to the breeze, it wasn't bad. I did drink 48 oz of water while I was outside!!:drinker: :drinker: After my walk, I went to the produce market and bought 1/2 a flat of raspberries to split with my mom, as well as some more of their WONDERFUL yummy Bing cherries. I plan to have raspberries with Greek yogurt tonight for "dessert." Did you know a cup of raspberries has less than 100 calories and EIGHT grams of fiber??!!

    When it gets a little cooler out, I will take the critters out for a walk. We didn't go out this morning as it got hot too quick to make it worthwhile.

    Hello Irene, thinking of you!!:flowerforyou:

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Don't Pay the Ransom!

    I escaped again! I have a lot to tell you all when I can get time to put it all down. Most is good! LOL I am well and training hard still. I feel great!

    It looks like Amanda is getting married. More on all this later!

    Everyone else is "normal". LOL

    Take care!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi gang! I should be in bed, it is 2 am but I wanted to tell you that the WI went well and I was down 3 pounds. I feel a bit ridiculous going on about how I would show a gain. It is a bit puzzling to me but I guess I did better at restaurant eating than I thought I did. Thinking back, I did eat a lot of salad which likely helped and I did try to keep the portions on the small side. Anyway, it worked out and I am happy about that. I got home and Neil was having a bit of a fit, angry at his Dad for something I couldn't figure out. It was not likely anything much but he obsesses until it is huge in his mind. It didn't go on long and he was happy when he went to bed. However, I won't be surprised if he starts up in the morning. Dave will have to use kind firmness as I will likely be at work when he gets up. I had to stay up awhile to 'decompress' after Neil's rant. Ready for sleep now. I don't start work until 10am so I should have a good sleep. As my Mom used to say "I better sleep fast".

    Good night my friends, sleep tight. . . Gayla :happy: :heart:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    HELLO EVERYONE, I have been looking for pals close to my age, that share the same eyes as I do each day. I am determined to loose my weight and reach my final goal of 145-150. Right now diet is playing the major role, I do exercise however I have not been able to win this slump I'm in. I think though I work too hard and am just tuckered out. I have two jobs, my work week is 12 days with 14 shifts. I'm hoping as I loose the pounds,the energy level will rise. I feel bad about not exercising, deep inside I know I want to do them, however a spark has to ignite the motivation. I started at 202 pounds and am at 174 now, feeling better, a little more off then I will be wearing smaller sizes.

    My birthday is Feb 1957.

    I'm hoping to find a home here, it is a wonderful web site, and I see a few do share with WW, I also am a member. I also see some beautiful flowers growing in your gardens, I have a yellow thumb, it matches wonderfully with the dandylions I grow.

    Hope to hear from you.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hee is a quote from a good friend of gayla, Phoebe and myself. Who lost her weight 7 years ago on WW. she has her own system and it work for her We met her on another board of a WW system. She lost 50 lbs and most amazing thing she kept it off after 7 years. I am so proud of her. She has been raising 2 grandson and cook regular meals and follow her Program. Here is her story::::::
    Chapter: Everyday Life
    Seven Years Tuesday, June 22, 2010

    It’s very rare that I put a weight entry out for the public. I keep them private and store them under the ‘Weight’ chapter. However, on Memorial Day I made it to 7 years that I have been on WW Maintenance. It’s been such a struggle at times that I refuse to say I ’celebrated’ the day. It was more a milestone than any kind of rejoicing.

    Of all the things that WW wants everyone to do while losing weight, I found the journaling to be the most important for me. I HAVE to write it down each day, all the points I eat. If I don’t, I wander away from the maintenance and then it becomes a slippery slope. I’m all over the place. One good day, two bad ones, and no sense of control. It’s a guideline for me. I can say I did good all week or I’ve had a bad day only once this week. It’s written there for me to SEE.

    I set a goal of losing 50 pounds. Then I lessened it to 45 because I thought 50 would be too much of a loss. I did this as I was getting most of the weight off. It took me seven months to lose 45 pounds. After I hit goal, I lost another four pounds over a few months. I had a fear of gaining it all back and wasn’t eating very much. That cannot last and I knew it. Eventually I gained back those four pounds and stayed at 150 for several months.

    I increased each point value to 60 calories when I started on maintenance. I try to keep the points at 22 to 24 per day. This is an average day. If I can get my walk in, I can deduct 3 to 4 points and I can also eat a little more, if I so choose, and still write down 22 to 24 points.

    One thing I don’t do is count ANY of my liquid as points. I just let it go because it’s rare that I have anything to drink that has calorie value. Most days it’s two cups of coffee in the morning. Starting at 11AM, I grab my thermos of water and have it with me the rest of the day. I drink water with all meals and sometimes have a cup of coffee after supper, if it’s decaf in the pot. I take my coffee black. If I happen to buy a cappacino or have a glass of orange juice, I enjoy it and don’t even bother with how many calories there are in the cup or glass. I drink some soda infrequently and it’s always diet. Water is my drink of choice. If I drank beer, alcohol or regular soda all the time, it would have to be counted. But I don’t have to worry about that.

    The biggest mistake I’ve made since being on maintenance was during the Christmas holiday of the first year, 2003. I decided that I was doing so well that I would take a vacation from counting points and relax from Thanksgiving to New Years. It was a gigantic mistake!! It literally took months to get myself motivated to get back on the program. My mind knew what to do, my body rebelled. I gained 5 pounds, too. And January is not a good month to go back to being on a strict schedule, I really don’t care what kind of resolution I came up with. It wasn’t working because it wasn’t the kind of thing that you see with dieting. If you diet, you see results. If the clothes are slightly tight around the waist, just live with it!! And I think the depressing weather, along with not being able to get out everyday had something to do with it. It was probably around mid-February that I finally got back on track and slowly lost the 5 pounds over several weeks. By April, I was able to buy new shorts in the size I wanted and THEN I felt really good about it. I never allowed myself to even give a thought to such a thing again!!

    I eat 3 or 4 points for breakfast, quite often it’s Special K. Lunch is 5 points and if I have a snack in the morning and afternoon, it’s 1 or 2 points. Supper is 10 or 11, depending on what we are eating. If we are going out, I try to keep points during the day for the meal. I don't eat after 6PM. I've found I sleep better when I don't eat in the evening. I hate when I'm asked to go for ice cream or meet someone in the evening, but it happens sometimes. I have no time to plan for it and it ends up a bad day unless I can find something for only a couple points, not always an easy thing to do. And drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water each day is important.

    I’ve been told a couple years ago that the weight gain, which I’d never had a problem with before, was due to the change of life. I would gain 10 and lose 10 on and off for years. Never had a weight gain of this magnitude before. If it’s true that it was the change of life, I gained weight, my hair curled for two years and I had hot flashes. In the end, my hair went back to being mostly straight and the hot flashes ended. I was left with the weight….and thanks to WW for helping me to get rid of it and keep it off!!
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE, I have been looking for pals close to my age, that share the same eyes as I do each day. I am determined to loose my weight and reach my final goal of 145-150. Right now diet is playing the major role, I do exercise however I have not been able to win this slump I'm in. I think though I work too hard and am just tuckered out. I have two jobs, my work week is 12 days with 14 shifts. I'm hoping as I loose the pounds,the energy level will rise. I feel bad about not exercising, deep inside I know I want to do them, however a spark has to ignite the motivation. I started at 202 pounds and am at 174 now, feeling better, a little more off then I will be wearing smaller sizes.

    My birthday is Feb 1957.

    I'm hoping to find a home here, it is a wonderful web site, and I see a few do share with WW, I also am a member. I also see some beautiful flowers growing in your gardens, I have a yellow thumb, it matches wonderfully with the dandylions I grow.

    Hope to hear from you.


    hello Marilyn. what a cute puppy. we love animals here and think they are part of the group.

    what is his/her name You will hear from us . I am the oldest the younger ones will be bye sonner or later. hope you enjoy being with us. We are glad to have you. Just wanted to drop in and say welcome before I shut this darn thing down for the night. See you later. Marie
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    I just finished reading all the members post for July, what a great group, Gayla so sorry about Dave, glad he is doing well.:heart:
    Gayla told me about the group previously, I will like to be part of your group. So nice to hear about everyday happening in you lives.
    Have a wonderful July everyone, hope to hear from you soon:drinker: Gigi
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan! It was a work day so got home late and had to watch Dancing with the Stars! So sad to see Alex have to go home, def. one of my favorites. I will look forward to him returning next year.

    Gigi -- So nice to see you here! I know you will love this group of motivated people. Glad to have you here. Thanks for asking about Dave. He is doing better every day and it seems to be healing faster than the Dr. said which is a very good thing,

    Marilyn -- Welcome to you as well.

    Marie -- Thank you so much for posting Kay's story. Tell her it is very motivating. I wonder if she would mind if I took it to WW. I just may have to post on her blog and ask her.

    Today wasn't the best eating day I could have had. It is never good for me to have a long workday, I become so weak (in the head!!).

    Hope everyone is having a great sunshiny day. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :wink: :heart: