September 2016 Walk, jog, bike, MOVE challenge



  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    Goal - 120 miles
    Today - 8.1 miles
    Done - 37.7 miles
    Left - 82.3 miles

  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    35 minute walk + 30 Day Challenges
  • Melanie79SO
    Melanie79SO Posts: 63 Member
    Goal: 500 miles

    9/1: 20.56 miles
    9/2: 19.08 miles
    9/3: 19.14 miles
    9/4: 17.62 miles
    9/5: 19.31 miles
    9/6: 20.86 miles
    9/7: 14.25 miles

    Total: 130.82 miles
    Left: 361.18 miles
  • Bialetti62
    Bialetti62 Posts: 49 Member
    @Gentlygently: carefully get fitter, for sure. Too much restaurant food, wine & not enough sleep or exercise combined with 3+ major life changes was just too much I guess. Last year at this time I was already walking 5+ miles a day. By November I was down to a healthy weight (for me). I hope to turn it around. Thanks and any advice is appreciated.
    Bialetti - poor you. Does that mean 'scale back' or 'carefully get fitter' in your case? If the latter, feel free to get in touch as I have done a couple of years of 'graded excercise' after getting very poorly..,,

  • rccsinger
    rccsinger Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sept 7--9.7 miles

    TMW 43.7
    TMR 166.3
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    Goal - 120 miles
    Today - 5.4 miles
    Done - 43.1 miles
    Left - 76.9 miles

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    I suck at staying updated on this thread. I am sorry guys. It looks like everyone is doing a great job. I am doing great on the steps. I did my first 7k walk, and my body ached for 3 days afterwards. Yesterday was the first day I felt like doing anything besides the forced walking. So only 1 yoga day and no cross fit....

    9/1 10577
    9/2 14415
    9/3 23746
    9/4 29002
    9/5 11109
    9/6 10386
    9/7 15657 1 yoga

    Total 114,892 Steps 1 yoga
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    edited September 2016
    :) WELCOME TOO THE NEW KIDS ON OUR BLOCK! :) Always better late than NEVER! <3

    September 6th......5.0 Walking Miles
    September 7th......2.0 Walking Miles
    September 8th......3.5 Walking Miles

    TOTAL Sept 8th........43.0 Walking Miles
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    8 Sept - c60 mins on the bike for a health appt. (I am guessing it was at 350 cals plus burn pace as I got really hungry!)

    350 + cals: 3 out of 8 days (60 towards my 100 total target)
    Atleast 30 - 3
    Rest /lazy - 2
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    As of 8 Sept:

    Goal: 140 miles

    Today: 3.73 miles

    Total to date: 37.81 miles
    Left to go: 102.19 miles
  • mystic_elegance
    mystic_elegance Posts: 258 Member
    9/1- 14.75 miles Elliptical
    9/2- 18.25 miles Stationary Bike
    9/3- 18 miles Elliptical
    9/4- 14.25 miles Elliptical
    9/5- 14.5 miles Elliptical
    9/8- 15.25 miles Elliptical
    Total: 95 miles
    105 miles to go <3
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    Sept. 8 4,442 steps | 2.07 miles

    Sept. week 2 steps to date: 4,442 steps | 2.07 miles
    Sept. total #s to date: 43,383 steps 18.71 miles
  • Melanie79SO
    Melanie79SO Posts: 63 Member
    Goal: 500 miles

    9/1: 20.56 miles
    9/2: 19.08 miles
    9/3: 19.14 miles
    9/4: 17.62 miles
    9/5: 19.31 miles
    9/6: 20.86 miles
    9/7: 14.25 miles
    9/8: 22.01 miles

    Total: 152.83 miles
    Left: 347.17 miles
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    Got a nice paddle in yesterday though I didn't feel much like being on the water due to some lower back pain. Today did an extra long session on the glider while watching a movie.

    7 September: 2.75 miles SUP
    8 September: 8.17 miles glider

    Total: 15.35 miles walking/glider machine; 9.29 miles Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP)
    Stated Goal: 50 miles walking/glider machine; 25 miles SUP
  • anita7164
    anita7164 Posts: 142 Member
    September step goal: 570,000 (19,000 x 30 days)
    September mile goal: 240 (8 x 30)

    9/1 - 9/3 = 47,818 steps/20 miles
    9/4 - 9/10 =
    9/11 - 9/17 =
    9/18 - 9/24 =
    9/25 - 9/30 =

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    You guys are looking goooooooooood! :)

    Late evening (yesterday ) and not logged was another 1.0 Mile walk ..

    Up EARLY. Great morning for a long walk. 5.0 Walking Miles....

    TOTAL thus far Sept 9th.....49.0 Walking Miles
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    The minute I can start exercising again, I'll be logging here. And actually I did manage about a 1 km walk today to and from the bus (0.5 km each way) when I went to get bloodwork done ... but that exhausted me so much, I took a 2-hour nap when I got home.

    I've done a couple very short walks ... I'll have to organise my stats next week.

    But today, my husband and I walked to the beach and back for a total of 2.4 km!

    I'm finally starting to feel human again!! I'm not sure what happened there, but I was feeling flu-ish for a few days and then all of a sudden I developed a massive rash which engulfed me. It grew and spread and went from blotchy to all red everywhere, and drove me absolutely crazy with itching and pain.

    I visited the Dr three times as this rash just kept getting bigger and more painful. I spent a night standing because it hurt too much to lie down, and finally on my last visit, the Dr prescribed some pretty strong medication which knocked me out for several days while the rash ran its course.

    I've been tested for rubella ... and that came up clear. They're best guess is, simply, some sort of viral infection. How odd.

    Anyway, I've just got a bit of it left on my feet and ankles but the rest of me is almost back to normal again. Still very tired, but that walk today felt so good. :)
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,154 Member
    @Machka9 - glad to hear you are on the mend! Hope you feel a 100% better soon! Congrats on getting that walk in!
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    @Machka9, Shingles? If you had Chicken Pox as a kid, this is also a possibility. Feel better!