Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ July '10 ~

July Thread for the Fit & Fun Sized Group! Petite size group 5'4 & under. Any short people who need support are welcome!!!


  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    ill join im 5'4
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I'm posting later than usual because I had to submit one work assignement and begin working on another. I'm happy to report that my clothes are packed, hair looks great, nails and toes are done and the boarding pass is printed, I'M READY for departure, so, watch out PA b/c here I come.....LOL. My flight isn't until later this evening but I'm ready to go right now. I haven't seen my aunt in about 2 years so I'm really looking forward to hanging out w/her. Since we are so close in age we have a lot in common and always enjoy ourselves when we get together. We are kicking off the holiday weekend w/a nice walk or jog tomorrow morning followed by breakfast and a drive into the city to do some shopping. Later she's hosting a fish fry and Saturday night is the boat ride. I'm unsure what the rest of the weekend will entail but really looking forward to it.

    Today is week 10 day 4 of the P90X program and I really rocked out the Kenpo X workout today. Since I wont be home for the next few days I'm really not sure what I'll be doing for exercise but the good thing is my aunt doesn't mind working out so I'm hopeful to get something in everyday.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jzbaby, thanks for starting the new thread...I predict that this will be a great and successful month for all of us....this is a good time to be active and burn off all those pesky calories and pounds.

    :flowerforyou: Kalebsmama, welcome to the group....we are an active bunch and share about the workouts that work for us, the things we're doing in our lives, and share our disappointments....we are a very supportive group

    :flowerforyou: Choco, your trip sounds like it will be sound as organized in your travel life as you are in your exercise life.

    :flowerforyou: we kicked off the new month with yoga again ( the goal that eluded me for over a year before I finally got on track with it).......then I went to line dance, came home and fixed a super lunch and spent 20 minutes on the exercise bike before starting on some paperwork and computer work
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Friday! I left GA last night around 10:30 pm and arrived in PA 2 hours later. My aunt and I stayed up until about 4:30 am talking, laughing and getting caught up and now our day has officially begun. In order to ensure I got in a workout today she and I power walked around her neighborhood and park for about 40 minutes. Now we're are back and about to eat and head to the city to do some shopping.

    I hope everyone has a great workout and a wonderful day.

    Barbie: It's amazing how ppl can pick up on certain characteristics just from being on a thread w/one another for a few months b/c I'm very organized but at the same time can just go with the flow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: Choco, you are so right on to be spending time with someone who values exercise the way you do.....getting in that power walk will make the rest of your day (shopping, etc) even better.....have a great time.

    :flowerforyou: We always have a special dinner on Fridays and today we're going to have pasta for the first time in many months so we needed to burn lots of calories to plan ahead for it.....hubby walked and played 18 holes of golf and I did yoga, line dance, exercise bike, and 40 minutes of walking at the dog park

    :flowerforyou: Happy weekend and Happy Independence Day to all :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome kalebsmama07- Glad you found us and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

    Happy July to all and Happy 4th of July!

    I need to make this short as I just got interrupted and I'm on my way to the Y for spinning and tai chi. I wish they didn't have them both on the same day, but they do.


  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    no time to exercise except for at work this week! n squats n lunges at home! tomorrow is a 4th of july cookout n unwanted foods ill be told to eat and beer to drink! ugh.......i want to get running but so much 4th of july traffic im afraid im going to get hit ( i live on a highway) ...n i recently got back from a weeks vacation which sum of you heard...n ive gained 2-3 lbs back in one week is that even possible????.....i feel like things r down hill for me everytime i get back trying! im stressed with losing weight thing again! ill keep to it tho i know i will but just fustrating....sorry for the venting! =)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and happy pre-fourth of July. My day ended late last night b/c my aunt had a fish fry w/some of her girlfriends and I truly enjoyed myself. We stayed up laughing, talking and eating and yes I did get my eat on. I had no regrets about anything that went into my mouth yesterday b/c I really felt as if I deserved to indulge just a little.

    I went to sleep around 1:30 am and was up by 6:30 am so that my aunt and I could meet her church choir for their weekly Saturday walk. We walked/jogged for approximately 40 minutes before ending w/a nice stretch and prayer. Once we left her church group we hit her gym to continue the workout. I warmed up on the elliptical for 15 minutes before completing a leg, back and ab routine. I tried to remember all the moves from the P90X dvds and improvised whenever necessary. I'm really happy my aunt enjoys working out too b/c it has made getting in some type of exercise a lot easier.

    Barbie: With all that you did for a workout I would definitely say you earned your pasta. I hope it tasted good and you really enjoyed it.

    Kalebsmama: Welcome and don't let the minor setbacks get you totally off course. Once the holiday is over just get back into your routine and if you did re-gain those 2 lbs they'll come off. Just don't give up.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Happy 4th of July everyone!! :happy: :glasses:

    Choco- I am glad you are enjoying your trip! You deserve it!! :flowerforyou:

    Kalebsmama- I know how you feel. I am in the same spot as you. It is hard with all the cookouts & holiday snacks. It's frustrating, but lets not give up! After the holiday we gotta get back up & try again!! :wink:
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Thank god the holiday is OVA!!! I'm leaving for the shore on July 31st. So tomorrow is my 1st weigh-in of my July Challenge. I'm trying to drop 5 lbs. before I leave. A lil motivation is always good to get me going. Planning on LOTS of water, LOTS of fruit & getting my butt UP and exercising!! 5 lbs. in 4 & a 1/2 weeks should be totally do-able if i stay on my P'S & Q'S!!
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Hi there,

    I posted once before on this thread but sometimes I have trouble following these. But I thought I would try again here, I am 5'4 and have about 20 more lbs to go.

    I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. I am Canadian so our holiday was on thursday but I worked so that I could have a proper long weekend. I did excellent this weekend with fitness and pretty good with the diet. I am taking a break from the scale in July and hoping to see a big loss at the begnning of August. I am feeling pretty happy and confident with my progress but the scale has been pissing me off so we need a break, lol!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! My exercise for today is complete. My aunt and I walked 45 minutes around her mom's neighborhood in the PA mountains and then the entire family went to the community center where we did an hour of water aerobics. The water aerobics class was Awesome and b/c there was not as much pressure on the joints I really tried to give it my all. We did lunges, squats, jumping jacks, high knees, front kicks, side kicks, back kicks, high jumps, bicep curls w/the floating device as resistance, tricep dips w/the floating device as resistance and crunches. It was an AWESOME workout and I'm sure I'll feel it in every part of my body later.
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    I'll join you ladies! I'm 5'0"

    I haven't done my exersize yet for the day, waiting for husband to get home so that I can get on the treadmill. I guess I could right now since my baby girl is sleeping okay I'm getting off my butt and getting on the treadmill!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Alibaba and Leah!

    And a belated Happy Canada Day to you Alibaba.

    I did OK with calories even though I did over eat. My exercise class equalled out the splurges. It will be good to be back on schedule tomorrow.

    This weekend I got a lot done with what little landscaping I have around the house. I trimmed and planted and weeded. My arms and back of my legs are sore.

    Happy Monday,

  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    I got my exersize in earlier. :smile: Pround of myself for not being lazy. Not looking forward to tomorrow though when my husband is back to work. It's so much harder to work out when I'm home with 2 under 2 by myself.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    *Hi Leah & Alli~ Welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    *Leah~ Congrats for gettin the workout in! Keep up the good work :wink:

    *Today was weigh-in day for me. I am the same as last week at 142.0. I'm happy with that. I was dreading getting on the scale, so no gain is good with me after all the holiday food. Now it's time to get serious for my July challenge. My goal is to be 138.0 by July 31st (when I leave for vacation). Anyone want to join me?? It is going to be 100 degrees here today, so not sure about a workout, but I really really should!...Let's see if I can get my lazy butt up & get one in?!? We got my son a pool, its like 12 feet wide & 3 feet deep...I might just have to jump in there after my workout lol...:tongue:

    Have a good week ladies :glasses:

    edit: {YAY I did my workout! 25 mins of Cardioke. Has anyone ever tried it? It's pretty fun. It's a combo of cardio, dance & karioke lol.}
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :bigsmile: OMG, no wonder I'm so wiped out after working in the yard for an's 77 degrees out there.....after weeks of temps in the 50's this is an amazing change. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: welcome,Allibaba, today I am wearing my Canada shirt that I bought last year when we were vacationing in Canada over Canada Day.....I bought the shirt in Trail, BC and we were in Oliver, BC on July 1........this is a small group but we're pretty faithful about checking in and sharing our successes and challenges with fitness

    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Leah, you have a challenge with tiny children filling your life, but keep on keeping on and you'll find ways to stay fit while caring for your children. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Choco, your vacation sounds like a dream......all those fitness activities with people you really want to spend time'll probably look better when you get home than you did when you left :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: jzbaby, I know you can reach that next goal.....just do it one day at a time and don't let immediate gratification keep you from what you want most.

    :flowerforyou:'re right, that working in the yard is surprisingly good exercise.:bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Hey Ladies! I joined in April but fell off the exercise wagon for 2 months! UGH! And the scale does not lie so I got my butt in gear at the end of June and am hoping to stay on track all summer.

    According to my HRM, I worked out 6 times, time spent working out: 5 hrs 13min and 2263cals burned. I'm doing hot yoga 3-4/wk, 30 Day Shred and doing run/walk-jog intervals 2-3/wk.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes!

    I am feeling pretty good today, the sun is shining. I got out for a walk at lunch then treated myself to a butternut squash panini and salad. It was higher in salt than I would like but other than that it was pretty decent. I needed to have something different today. I have been trying to eat more vegetarian and I am really loving the foods that I am eating! I am not sure what I will ship up for dinner, but I am not super hungry after the yum lunch so I might have a bunch of cauliflower mash or some salt free soup.

    I am looking forward to getting into the pool when I get home, we just cleaned it out over the weekend so today will be my first swim! 29 mins until I can go!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    Ugh, it's over 90 here today...80 in the house...I have had no motivation whatsoever to work out! I can't even fathom getting on the treadmill. I am going to later though, when my hubby gets home from work and we've had dinner. Which reminds me I better start cooking. I told hubby I wanted to bbq but we don't have propane for the bbq which means I've got to get the george forman out and it's just going to make it hotter in here - what was I thinking? At least hubby is installing the air conditioner tonight, it's supposed to be this hot all week long.

    I'm setting small goals for myself. 5 lbs by my husband's cousin's wedding on August 13th, 10 pounds before my BIL's wedding on Sept 25th. That's what I'm hoping for anyway...we shall see.