Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ July '10 ~



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :flowerforyou: Choco, sorry to hear that you are under the weather.....find the balance between rest and exercise so you'll feel better soon.

    :flowerforyou: jzbaby, I'm glad you're not giving up even with the scale not moving....keep on keeping on and continue eating only healthy stuff and stay active

    :flowerforyou: Allibaba, I love the quote in your signature....I have learned so much from my mistakes

    :flowerforyou: JAM, how great that you were able to do well with your eating while having company at your house

    :flowerforyou: today I am grateful that I can walk.......can, meaning able to walk, and can meaning allowed to walk while my knee heals. i had to stop wearing my Shape Ups because they make me walk faster and I'm supposed to walk slower for awhile......after all the time I've spent looking for opportunities to be active it's a struggle to remind myself to sit still......we have arrived at the hotel we're staying at overnight and I have to force myself to sit at the computer instead of looking for the fitness room or going up and down the stairs or going for a walk along the river..:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Also I'm used to having about 600 exercise calories to allow me a bit of extra eating......we had lunch at Subway and there will be a potluck at the event we've come to tonight so it will be a challenge......we brought the yoga DVD and the mats :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Jam - It's just a default account I use for forums. I've had it forever and never thought to change it!

    So, it's been 5 days since I started this thing and I'm down 4 pounds JUST by eating better. How exciting! I step on the scale every morning and even if it's a .2, it still motivates me.

    I love this site!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good morning all and Happy Friday!

    I found the article very interesting and I'm trying to make a shopping guide out of it that I can keep in my purse. (right next to my shopping guide on fish). Pretty soon we will all need notebooks to keep track of everything we should or should not buy.

    Being the geek that I am, I've decided to re-evaluate my diet and exercise again. Barbie knows I do this every so often. I haven't lost a pound in a few months. I am switch over to the DASH diet plan instead of just counting calories. Not sure yet.

    I do know that I need to start doing my Wii Fit again. That really helps on busy days when I don't have time to walk or ride the bike.

    Devilwhiterose - congratulations on the 4 pound loss.

  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    devilwhiterose, welcome! Congrats on the 4 lb weight loss!

    Allibaba, glad you had a good weekend off from logging.

    Barbie, glad that your knee x-ray turned out well and that it should heal well in time.

    jzbaby, I'm sorry you've been having a hard time losing the weight! Can you try changing up your workout routine?

    choco, sorry you are not feeling well!

    jam, glad that you did well with your family here. I'm sorry you are also not losing, I hope starting a spinning class will get things going again!

    This hasn't been the best week for me. My son got a high fever on Tuesday and it didn't break until yesterday, now he's broken out in a rash so it sounds like roseola. Good thing is the rash doesn't bother him and it should fade quickly, but he's still acting fairly needy I feel so bad for him! I hate it when my kiddos are sick and this was his first real fever. Because he's been needing me 24/7 I haven't barely had time to eat and have hardly had any time to exercise because all I've been doing is holding him and taking care of him since Tuesday. I'm a tired momma. I was going to work out this morning but my friend's little girl who usually comes over to entertain my son can't come over this morning. I might try to get a walk in later, but I don't know if I can. It will depend on how things go this evening. If it's nice enough I might put both the kids in the stroller and my husband and I can go for a walk together.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, it seems like we are all in struggling in some form or fashion but let's not give up. We're a strong group of women who have bonded together over the last 6 months and will continue to offer support when needed. I too am still not feeling well. My back is still bothering me (not as much as earlier in the week) and I'm trying to fight this oncoming cold. I'm still sneezing and sniffling yet I feel like my noes is stuffed. My head and body are still aching. There's no work today so I plan to rest for the majority of it.

    Despite still not feeling my best I did manage to complete a workout. As I stated in an early post, I'm keeping it light this week so I completed 2.5 miles of the Leslie Sansone wallking dvd for a total of 32 minutes.

    Thank for all the well wishes ladies, I can't wait til I'm back in full force.

    Leah: Hope your baby feels better soon and you're able to take care of yourself.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm sitting here with an ice pack on my knee (ice is your friend) and resisting the urge to get on the exercise bike......I went way over my calories yesterday on our overnight trip because even though I ate smart (even with a restaurant and a potluck on the schedule) I forgot that with my knee recovering i can't easily burn 600-800 calories a I planned smarter and came out ok.

    :flowerforyou: This morning I met with my friend, Barb, from MFP.......the last time I saw her we took a long walk with her dogs and today we were going to go for a walk without the dogs but because of my ailing knee we went to Starbucks where she had coffee and I had tea......she brought tangerines for us so we weren't tempted to eat the high calorie goodies

    :flowerforyou: now we're home and the cats and dogs are thrilled to see us

    :flowerforyou: Choco, keep taking it easy so you'll be well soon...walking with Leslie is a great choice

    :flowerforyou: Leah, sorry to hear that your son is ailing.....i think walking around holding him would be considered great exercise

    :flowerforyou: JAM, that DASH diet is a really healthy way of eating...we haven't been using our Wii either lately.

    :flowerforyou: Devilwhiterose, congrats on the weight loss
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, I'm still not 100% but slowly improving. Since I have a wedding reception to attend this evening I decided to take a run to Walmart to pick up the gift card for the lovely couple. It was already humid at 8 am so it made my run a bit difficult especially since I'm already congested but I stuck with it and now the workout is complete (2 miles total). You really can't beat killing 2 birds w/one stone. I was able to pick up a gift for the couple and get the workout done in one shot.....WooHoo.
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all,
    Can I join you guys. I am 5 foot and am ready to slim down to the healtheir me. I am ready for a change and have already began. I have lost a little over 10 lbs over the last month but needing some support to keep going. I have started a reward program for myself, which seems to keep me motivated. For a small reward, 5 lbs., I get to go buy something new like a shirt. For a larger reward 15+ pounds, I get to buy something bigger like new shoes or smaller jeans :) Hopefully this is helpful, and keeps me focused. I am ready for this!

    CW: 161
    1st Goal 155 by 8/15
    2nd Goal 150 by 8/30
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    Hi all,
    Can I join you guys. I am 5 foot and am ready to slim down to the healtheir me. I am ready for a change and have already began.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, if you're looking for encouragement to exercise and stay on a healthy eating plan, you have come to the right group.....we are all trying to make exercise a big focus of our weight loss journey.

    :flowerforyou: Right now with my knee recovering from a bad fall I'm struggling with finding the balance so I get some exercise but don't overstress my knee.....I did my regular morning yoga and "Gut 'N' Butt" exercises this morning and will ride the exercise bike for a short time and walk for a short time later......I am putting ice on my knee just like the chiropractor recommended so all is well.......I'll be extra careful to regulate my food so I don't consume too many calories.:bigsmile:

    Let's all have a great weekend.....the sun is shining here:bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Sereney! Congratulations on loosing 10 pounds. That's great.

    Barbie - I really do think I need to watch the sodium. I've been noticing that I'm over more than I'm under. This will be a challenge for me.

    Choco - Running to Walmart will have new meaning for me now. I hope you have fun at the wedding.

    Still no movement in the scale, but I am sitting here in those size 10 shorts I bought a couple of weeks ago. So where ever it went the weight has moved and shifted.

    I went to spinning today and that is a workout. Still it seems strange to be home and not working out somehow. But, my legs are tired, so I better save something for tomorrow.

    I lowered my daily calories by 50 and I stopped drinking coffee during the week. I use the lowest calorie milk I can find in it, but it is still about 80-90 calories a day that are empty. I don't know how long I can go without coffee.

    Have a great night all,

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies and happy Sunday! While I'm still not 100% over this cold I do feel like i'm slowly progressing. I'm still sneezing and sniffling w/a slight headache but the bodyaches have subsided. Since today is my designated rest day I told myself I would keep it light. It's entirely too hot and humid for me to think about jogging outside so I headed to the gym. I started out light on the treadmill and then before I knew it I was completing a 15 min HIIT alternating between 7.0-8.0 mph as my intense speed and 6.3-6.5 for my recovery speed. Once I hopped off the treadmill I decided to see what I could do on the elliptical and 15 minutes later I had burned over 150 calories. I still wasn't ready to call it a day so got on the spinning bike for 25 minutes. So when the workout was all said and done I had completed 55 minutes and burned almost 500 calories. I think I will add some stretching in a little later but it felt good to bring it. I just hope I don't pay for it later since I'm not quite back (I felt ok in the moment, so that's why I went for it.)

    Sereney: Welcome to the group. As Barbiecat has stated this is the right group if you want motivation and support.

    Barbiecat: I'm sorry to learn the knee is not 100% yet. Did the chiropractor indicate how long it might take for your knee to heal properly? Since you've been on this lifestyle change for a while I have no doubt that you'll find a way to get a workout in without overstressing your knee and your eating is cleaner than mine has ever been. Hope you feel better soon.

    Jam: The reception was nice. The couple actually were married at the court house and decided to have friends and family over to celebrate. The bride is a former co-worker and I hadn't seen her or my other former co-workers in almost a year so it was a mini reunion. I had a great time taking pictures and getting caught up. I'm glad you enjoyed your spinning class and you're so right it is one heck of a workout. Great job, keep it up.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :cry: according to MFP if every day were like to today I'd gain five pounds in five weeks (and I'd be broke :laugh: ).....we had a great day at the Mariners game....they beat the Boston Red Sox.:bigsmile: I had garlic fries and a giant hot dog with sauerkraut and onions and a zillion grams of sodium, but no beer or soda, just's a big adventure for us....we drive 50 miles, park our car, walk onto the ferry, then walk about 15 minutes from the ferry to Safeco besides yoga and walking the dogs in the morning before we left, I did some walking at the was a nice vacation from healthy eating but I'll be glad to get back to my usual habits tomorrow

    :flowerforyou: the chiropractor said it would take six to eight weeks for knee to heal completely but I could walk less and more slowly than usual as it heals.........I'm putting ice on it a few times a day....since I walked so much today, I'll walk a lot less tomorrow

    :flowerforyou: Choco, I'm glad to hear that you are on a gradual road to're like me, it's hard to keep us down.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all, hope everyone is doing great. Yesterday turned out to be a good day of exercise. I walked all over up town where I live, checking out all kinds of venders. Today I did some brisk walking while at work. Just adding a little extra movement seemed to make the difference. Hopefully, I can get some more exercise in throughout the week, and not go over my calories. Boy does the counting make you more accountable for what ya eat! Thats a good thing tho. Hope everyone has a great week ahead :)
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Hi ladies I'd love to join you as well :smile: I started working out a few months ago with a friend at school and lost 10 lbs in about 2 months, but since the summer has started I've only lost about 4 and without my gym buddy I got a little off track. I just joined the gym at work and have been going with my mom, & I started the 30 day shred a couple days ago and I am excited for a new workout routine!

    I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday! Only 5 more days til the weekend! :happy: haha
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, I'm happy to announce that I'm almost back to 100%. The sneezing and bodyaches have subsided but the sniffling and slight headache still remain. I will continue taking medication in hopes of being 100% by later in the week. Today is day 1, week 12 of the P90X program and I rocked out the chest and back dvd. I found myself able to complete a lot more push ups than ever before so I'm super duper excited about it. My upper body strength still sucks so I still despise push ups but I am noticeably stronger so I guess something is working.

    Barbie: Glad you're finding a way to stay active w/o overdoing it. It sounds like you and hubby had a great time out and we're still friends despite your Mariners beating my Red Sox....LOL. I'm not a huge baseball fan but I'm originally from Boston so always showing support for the hometeam.

    Sereney: Great job staying active. Any amount of movement is better than no movement so u keep up the great work.

    Katlynx6: Welcome and the more the merrier. Please feel free to post your workouts, trials and tribulations as well as all your accomplishments.
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    Happy Monday ladies!

    barbie, glad you had fun meeting up with your MFP friend! I hear you about your 'off' day and all that food! That was me yesterday because we had a family reunion, pot luck style. I didn'tk now what half of it was, let alone what the calorie counts would be, so I didn't even record it. Kind of scared of the scale on Thursday but hoping one day didn't throw me off too badly.
    Choco, glad you are feeling better and that you had a good time at your friend's wedding.

    Sereney, welcome! Btw, I love the quote in your signature line. I repeat that a lot when I'm tempted by cake or cookies!
    Jam, good luck on going without coffee! I've been loosly trying to do that. I only make it about half the time. Doesn't help that I can't have coffee that isn't sweet, and by sweet I mean a full tablespoon of sugar.

    Katlyn, welcome to the group as well! 12 lbs lost so far is great!

    I'm going to have trouble staying active this week. My friend's little girl who comes over every morning to entertain my son is in vacation bible school this week. That also means no walking with my friend in the afternoon. I will need to go alone, I just really despise walking with the kids in the stroller by myself. It will be in the middle of the day but I'm kind a paranoid about being a woman walking alone. My son doesn't like it at all, he get so bored when my friend's kids don't come with us. Blarg. Sorry for whining! I know I just need to find ways to make it happen. Tomorrow I'm going to try sticking my son in his high chair and putting him in front of a movie (oy I'm such a bad parent!) so I can get on the treadmill.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Hey everyone and happy monday! I had an excellent weekend and I don't think I derailed too much from plan. I had a great time out on a canoe yesterday, it was such a great upper body workout and so much fresh air and nice scenery! I packed us a healthy pic nic lunch and my bf had a few beers :drinker: (I was driving) so he konked out and took a long break on the paddling so I got even more exercise! :happy:

    I didn't lose anything last week but I had my TOM so I am thinking that this week I will see a nice loss and finally get down into the overweight BMI. I am going to get out for a few bike rides, get in the pool a bit and watch the food intake. I am pumped!!!

    Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to take on this week!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :flowerforyou: Choco, there were so many Boston Red Sox fans at the game yesterday that there was equal cheering for both sides....most of my life I have been a NY Yankees fan because I was born in NYC but now that we live somewhere that allows us to actually go to the ball park and watch the game I've changed teams.....I'm glad to hear that you are continuing to recover....I'm not a big fan of pushups and rarely do them so I especially admire your continued efforts.

    :flowerforyou: Sereney, someone said "if you're moving you're losing"......every little bit counts and helps

    :flowerforyou: katlyn, glad to have you in our group.....we are active and love to share about our success and challenges in staying fit......let us know how you're doing at the gym

    :flowerforyou: Leah, the big thing I know about yesterday's detour into "naughty " eating is that all that sodium makes a huge difference.......I weighed about 3 pounds more today than I have in months....the other offender is beef that doesn't digest easily along with a much lower than usual consumption of fiber so I figure that the extra weight isn't really weight but just "full tanks" that should empty in the next few days with my return to healthy long as big family potlucks don't happen often, you'll stay right on track.......trying to be a good mom and stay fit sound like a huge put your son in front of a movie and get on the treadmill, it's not like you do that all day and don't spend time with him.......and what about listening to music when you walk, that keeps me entertained (and would drown out the whining from children who are bored :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: Allibaba, all your outdoor activities sound like so much fun.....TOM is a big liar like sodium that makes your body pretend it's fatter than it is....just keep on keeping on and don't let any of the detours discourage you.

    :flowerforyou: my knee was a little sore this morning after what was certainly too much walking yesterday so I scaled way back today with just walking the dogs, going to the grocery store and watering the garden......I did yoga and "Gut 'N' Butt" and will do some stuff with hand weights in awhile.....I suppose I could try some pushups :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We have perfect weather here for walking and I almost need a seatbelt to keep me in my chair instead of going out for a walk.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Thanks Barbie, I am trying not to let it get to me, but I am still not seeing what I want to on the scale, I need to step away from the scale until Saturday and see what happens. It must be tough not being able to be as active as you would like, hopefully the knee will be all better soon!

    I am starting the 200 situps challenge today, I was doing a lot of crunches when I started getting healthy back in the spring, but I have not been doing enough toning lately so I am giving it a go. My test put me in week 3 so I am starting tomorrow. I would like to see some inches come off my waist so we will see if this helps. I want to do bicycle crunches as well so I will incorporate them too.

    I went for a nice family bike ride yesterday, took my son to the library. Today I went for a walk with coworkers at lunch (I had to slow myself down since I was too fast for them) and after work I am going for a solo bike ride and I am going to give it all I've got! My bf is making me some fresh salmon for dinner, mmm!

    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :flowerforyou: Today was Level 1, Day 4 of the 30 Day Shred and I actually felt a difference today. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical for a warm up as well as some additional cardio. The Shred is a great strength workout for me since I've never had a great strength routine going, but it isn't really enough cardio for me. I left the gym feeling great today! I think I'm going to take my measurements because since I'm hoping to gain some muscle I don't want to be discouraged if the scale doesn't move, so I figure if I lose inches, I'll know I'm doing okay.

    Choco - I hope you're feeling even better today. That's awesome about being able to do more pushups, I know I hate them too!

    Leah - it amazing that you find any time to work out at all with kids! I wouldnt feel too bad about having your son watch a movie while you work out, after all I'm sure he wants a happy, healthy mom!

    Barbie - I'm with you on needing a seatbelt to stay in your chair, I was stuck in a cubicle all day & its also beautiful where I am! I hope your knee is feeling okay.

    Allibaba - Thats awesome about starting the 200 situps challenge. Bicycle crunches are intense but theyre really effective!
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