Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ July '10 ~



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I hope this post finds everyone in good health and spirits. I procrastinated, procrastinated, procrastinated about getting this workout in today. I have to admit I really didn't feel like working out today, so, I convinced myself to only do 30 minutes of the P90X leg and Back routine AND THANKFULLY once I got going I found a second wind and was able to rock out the ENTIRE routine. I hope this is not going to happen all week. I leave for Boston Thursday morning so my plan is to continue w/the P90X workouts until then. Once I get to Boston I'll have to play everything by ear.

    Jam: I would love to go whitewater rafting. I can be adventurous at times and that's one of the things I would like to do
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    I hope you all had great weekends! I had a very good one exercise wise and pretty good eating wise as well. I got up very early yesterday and decided to drive to the beach and do a power walk. There is a bunch of stairs at one end of the beach (it is called 1001 steps but there are not that many) and I went up and down them twice. Then I headed out to the river since I had to pick up my bf and he was still sleeping and it was near his house, I sat in the car and relaxed for a while then got out and did another walk. Then my bf and I went out for our treat lunch, there is a brew pub that has half price pizza and pints on sundays, it is thin crust and I get BBQ chicken so it is not too too bad, and we go at the most every 2 weeks when my son is at his Dads. Then after dinner we sat in the sun for a while then went out for yet another walk. I love summer!

    Leah, I read above about some of your struggles, another way to get some calories in are protein bars, some of them are pretty affordable, you just have to read the label to make sure that they are not too high in sugar or fat. I went through a phase where I ate one for breakfast every day. Maybe you could take a road trip out to a walmart sometime and stock up on some health stuff. Otherwise avocados are a good one to eat as well as raw nuts. They are super healthy and have lots of good fats and healthy calories. I was a SAHM for 2 years and I lost 50 lbs back then as well, I would do lots in the house, yoga, dancing, hard core cleaning up, it all burns calories. I also did lots of crunches, squats and toning exercises. I kept a tally with a goal for the month and it really helps. Also lots of walks with the strollers!

    I hope you all have an excellent week! The weather here is crappy today but I am hoping that it gets better. My son is at day camp this week and they are supposed to be going to the waterslides tomorrow, cross your fingers for good weather!
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    Choco, good for you getting your workout in! I didn't feel like working out this morning either but managed to get my 20 minutes in. I pushed myself to jog longer (4 minutes at a time instead of 2) and it definitely got my heart rate up higher than usual. I'm looking forward to when I can jog at least 10 minutes of my 20 minute workout and of course eventually I hope to jog all of it!

    Allibaba, thanks for the tips! Sounds like you had a good time with your bf. :-)

    And now I must go get my 15 month old out of the pantry...he's pulling food off the shelves... *eye roll*
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: We're home from our trip and our pets are home from being boarded and life is back to was cold and windy today so my walk at the dog park was shorter than usual but the leash walk part was especially strenuous because the dogs were so excited about chasing birds that I got a full body workout just keeping them under control :laugh: .......I've been doing some work in the yard and my yoga in the morning and exercise bike after breakfast so I'm staying active.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I know it's a lot easier for me because I don't work full time and I don't have small children......Leah, I admire how well you're doing while parenting little ones at the same time......:drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Choco, good for you getting your workout in! I didn't feel like working out this morning either but managed to get my 20 minutes in. I pushed myself to jog longer (4 minutes at a time instead of 2) and it definitely got my heart rate up higher than usual. I'm looking forward to when I can jog at least 10 minutes of my 20 minute workout and of course eventually I hope to jog all of it!

    Allibaba, thanks for the tips! Sounds like you had a good time with your bf. :-)

    And now I must go get my 15 month old out of the pantry...he's pulling food off the shelves... *eye roll*

    You are doing exactly what's needed to eventually jog the entire 20 minutes and that's slowly and steadily increasing your time. While you don't want to overdue it keep pushing yourself and before you know it you'll be at 20 minutes and then onto increasing your speed. Keep up the great work.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just checking in and saying hello.

    Monday's are a long day for me and it is bed time.

    Glad to see that everyone is doing OK.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday! In two days I'll be among family and friends in Boston and I can't wait. It's been almost a year since I've been home so I'm super excited. I decided to switch up today's workout. Instead of completing the Plyometrics dvd from the P90X program I did Billy Blanks (Taebo instructor) Cardio Bootcamp and it was great. This workout "takes some of the most active moves from his cardio kickboxing routine and combines them with hard hitting interval training". Resistance bands are used for the majority of the workout and they really ramp up the routine and make you feel the burn. Since I had only done this routine one time everything was brand new and really fun. I may even take the dvd w/me to Boston so I complete it one more time while there (undecided as of now).
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Happy Tuesday to you all as well, I had such a busy day! I have done excellent nutrition wise today, I lowered my carbs goal a bit and I think that it is going to work well. I already eat good carbs but still, I think it was too high for me. I lost another 2 lbs this morning and I am now 179!!! I am pretty excited about that. I am going to leave here in just over an hour then I am going to the library, to the store then I am going to go for a bike ride, though I may have dinner first so that I have lots of energy to work out.

    Shoot I should get going so that I can get my work done in time to go home.

    Hope you are all having a good day!
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    T.O.M = :devil: ...i hate it! lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: :sad: A big dog ran into me at the dog park and knocked me off my feet and now my knee hurts like heck :sad: :sad: I can walk and ride the exercise bike but I may have to cancel my line dance class tomorrow......I've been icing my knee and resting but that's tough for an "on the go all the time" person :laugh:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    :flowerforyou: :sad: A big dog ran into me at the dog park and knocked me off my feet and now my knee hurts like heck :sad: :sad: I can walk and ride the exercise bike but I may have to cancel my line dance class tomorrow......I've been icing my knee and resting but that's tough for an "on the go all the time" person :laugh:


    I hope your knee feels better in the morning. Are you taking any anti inflamatory stuff for it? I've heard if you take it around the clock for the first 3 days it will help.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: :sad: A big dog ran into me at the dog park and knocked me off my feet and now my knee hurts like heck :sad: :sad: I can walk and ride the exercise bike but I may have to cancel my line dance class tomorrow......I've been icing my knee and resting but that's tough for an "on the go all the time" person :laugh:


    I hope your knee feels better in the morning. Are you taking any anti inflamatory stuff for it? I've heard if you take it around the clock for the first 3 days it will help.


    Thanks for the suggestion :) I don't expect to recover in record time:laugh: :laugh: I canceled a meeting I'd planned to go to tonight and called my line dance teacher and told her I wouldn't be dancing tomorrow :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy hump day! I can't believe I'm on week 11 of the P90X program. There were definitely days when I didn't think I was going to make it but the light is definitely at the end of the tunnel now. Unfortunately, as of tomorrow I'll be out of town and unable to continue with the P90X dvds but will find a way to get some type of exercise in. Today I completed the back and bicep dvd and was really able to rock it out.

    Barbie: Sorry to learn of your little accident hopefully recovery will be swift. Its great you've decided to take it easy so you can fully recover.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: Choco, your exercise consistency is inspiring.......thank you for reporting your progress every day.

    :flowerforyou: I didn't sleep too well last night (feeling sorry for myself ?) but that allowed me to ice my knee twice and finish reading my book.......I am grateful that I didn't have all that extra weight to make my fall even worse and I'm grateful that it's my left knee so I'll be able to drive to the library this morning and return my book and get the one I want to read next......I've stayed home from line dance :sad: and will call my walking friend and cancel our walk and invite her over for a sit down went fine this morning except that I couldn't bend my leg as much for a couple of the poses.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    barbie, welcome back from your trip! I'm sorry you got knocked over at the dog park!! Hoping your knee feels better soon!

    Choco, have a great time in Boston! I agree with barbie that your exersize commitment is really inspiring!

    Allibaba, congrats on the 2 lb loss that is great!

    jzbaby, it's that TOM for me too. I'm sorry the evil witch showed up!

    Wishing you all a happy hump day! I'm soooo tired today and I don't know why. I got decent sleep last night. Both my kiddos are napping right the SAME TIME...holy cow. What do I do with myself? I got my morning workout in today and I'm going for a walk this afternoon with my neighbor. It's 80 degrees outside though, it's going to be a sticky walk. At least it's sunny, I shouldn't complain.
    Off to eat lunch!
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Afternoon everyone!

    Barbie, I hope your knee gets better soon, that is no fun :(

    I am having another busy day at work, but I think I am burning extra calories running around the office more.

    Anyhow today my bf is cooking fresh salmon for dinner then I am hoping for a bike ride and to finally wash the car!

    I had better run and get some work done! Hope you are all well!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm walking much better today but I skipped my line dance class and let DH take the dogs to the dog park.....I did yoga, "Gut 'N' Butt", exercise bike, and some puttering in the garden but my step counter is down around 5000 instead of its usual 10,000 - 14,000.......I am so grateful because it could have been worse.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening everyone. Im posting late b/c as you all know I am in my hometown of Boston visiting friends and family. I arrived at 10 am this morning and have yet to stop running. I was able to visit w/my grandmother, hang out w/a very good friend, have lunch w/high school friends, workout w/another high school friend, have dinner w/other friends and then spend time w/my cousin and her children.

    Despite how crazy my day has been I was still able to get in some good workouts. First, I started the morning with 1.5 miles of the Leslie Sansone workout (holding 3 lb weights), then instead of taking the train to my concourse I walked which was another mile and then I met a high school friend for a turbo kickboxing class at her local gym this evening. So, I really burned some calories.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Ladies, I'm sorry I didn't respond to any posts but I don't have much time on the computer and wanted to at least check in.
  • KrissyD70
    KrissyD70 Posts: 92
    I would like to join...I'm 5'1, but I'm not very fit yet..