Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ July '10 ~



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    I would like to join...I'm 5'1, but I'm not very fit yet..

    Hi Krissy, We are all committed to fitness and we talk about it a lot so if you are looking for motivation, support, and inspiration to get going on a fitness program, then this is a good thread for you.......the longest journey starts with a single step.....walking around the block is a perfect start to a fitness program. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Welcome Krissy! This is a good place to be if you want to get started on being more fit!

    I went for a good bike ride yesterday, I decided to start blogging more about my journey so I took some pics.

    I am excited about the weekend, I am going to the fusion festival tomorrow, they have foods from all different countries, they are small portions though so I will be able to try a few and not go over. I think I will take a break from logging tomorrow since it will be too tricky, but I have been logging very faithfully so I deserve a break, and I will not go crazy with it. Sunday we are taking my son to the beach, and maybe we will go for a hike too, there are good trails where we are going too.
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    Choco, sounds like you are having a great time in Boston!

    barbie, glad that your knee is starting to feel a little better.

    Krissy, welcome to the group! I just joined up recently too.

    Allibab, thanks for the link to your blog. I think I will start following it. Enjoy your day off from logging, I hope you have a good time at the festival.

    TGIF!! I am so glad the week is almost over and the weekend is on it's way! Unfotunately my hubby is leaving on Sunday night for a work training trip out of town and will be gone until very late Thursday (really, very early Wednesday). I am not looking forward to that one bit, it's hard enough to get through my day without him, I always count on him being here in the evening to help me with the kids. I am glad that I am focused on tracking what I'm eating now because I think if I wasn't I'd totally fall into comfort eating while he's away.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: Alli, I checked your blog about your bike sounds are really staying active......good luck going a day without logging your food.....if you're like me, you'll still be careful about what you eat :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Leah, take it one moment at a time and stay focused on your healthy goals and you'll get through this week of single parenting.......that sounds like a daunting job but I know you can do it.

    :flowerforyou: I am sitting with the ice pack on my knee.....this is the fourth time today......I've tried to stay seated more today to give my knee the rest it's so hard because I'm usually so active. This weekend is the lavender festival......we walked to it from the parking area and walked through the street fair......I had promised myself lavender ice cream so we ended up a local coffee/ice cream place called "The Buzz" and I had a kid size scoop of lemon lavender ice cream......My hubby had a regular scoop of honey lavender and a kid scoop of lavender cheesecake.......the walk burned enough calories to cover the ice cream, now the trick is to not dream about it and want to go back for more tomorrow :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    barbie, thanks for the encouragement. Lavander ice cream sounds interesting, I've never had anything like that.

    Hubby and I had to drive out to the 'big' city today (2 hour drive both ways) and we were good and did not stop anywhere to eat. That's always a killer for us because we get hungry and end up hitting fast food. But today we just waited until we got home. It helped that we both wanted to rush to get home because we left the kiddos with my inlaws. My inlaws are great with the kids but I always worry when I'm away for even a short time. Ahhh mommyhood. No working out this weekend, I don't usually 'work out' on the weekends because it is family time. But we do usually go for at least one long walk with the kiddos in the stroller so I will be burning something. I haven't figured out dinner yet though so I better get on soon or it'll be 5pm before I know it and we'll all be so hungry I'll be tempted to order take out.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening ladies, today has been another non stop running day. Since this is my last day at home I tried to see everyone I couldn't capture during the first 3 days and all I can say is I'm exhausted and ready to return to the Atl so I can relax. I have one more tentative trip to NYC in 6 weeks and after that i'm staying put until the summer of 2011. I absolutely love traveling but it wears you out.

    My high school girlfriends and I went to the Bell Biv Devoe concert last night and had an absolute blast. Since they are originally from Boston they saved the best for their hometown. One of my friends was chosen from the audience to dance on stage w/them for one of their songs and she did a great job. After the concert we had a girls night in and just talked and laughed like we did when we were in high school.

    I didn't have time to post on Saturday but I ran 2 miles around my girlfriend's subdivision. It was so hot that it was difficult to catch my breath at times but I was happy to have at least got the workout in before beginning my busy day.

    Since today is my designated rest day, I completed 40 minutes of stretching w/a huge focus being on my lower back since it has been bothering me all day. Now that I've eaten dinner I'm going for a leisure walk to my cousin's house. She resides about a mile away from here so walking there and back will total 2 miles.

    Ladies, let me share this quick story. I met my best friend's boyfriend Friday night for the 1st time and he brought along his male cousin. The four of us went out to dinner and had a great time laughing and joking and when they walked us to our car later the male cousin gave me a hug and said "it was nice to meet you" and in the process of the hug he felt my upper back and said "girl, have u felt your back, it is awesome, do u work out?". I told him I was doing P90X and he could do nothing but sing me praise for how awesome my body looked as a whole but my back/bicep definition in particular. I was wearin a really cute strapless shirt that showed of the upper body pretty well.

    While I can see the transformation my body has made it sure feels good for someone who doesn't even know me to notice it.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Barbie - Hang in there with the knee. I think the next few days will be the turning point.

    Choco - It sounds like you are having a great time in Boston. That is awesome that you had a friend to go to kickboxing with.

    Leah- That is cool and yet a big step that you changed an eating habit by not stopping for fast food on your trip. Every eating change is a step in the right direction.

    Welcome Krissy. MFP is a great site and this is good forum to join.

    Speaking of knees, my left knee is bothering me in spinning class. I can't stand and sprint or it buckles. I am sure it will bet stronger as I continue the class. I do like spinning it is fun and very competitive. We race between sides of the room and challenge each other to hooting and hollering as we sweat.

    Have a great Sunday evening all,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: just a quick post to say that believe it or not, I actually avoided walking and all exercise today and put ice on my knee five times for 20 took huge self restraint to stay seated and not go work in the yard in the beautiful sunshine and not get on the exercise bike and not give in to the pleading dogs who wanted to go to the dog park, but my knee feels so much better......I will do the same step counter recorded barely 2000 steps----a new record low:laugh:
  • flems629
    flems629 Posts: 80 Member
    I would love to join, I am 5'2 and just joined here a few days ago.

    Leah--Im on April 10 moms with you :D Its so awesome to see you on here.

    Hope you all dont mind me tagging alone.
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    Choco, glad you are having a good time! And that is great you are staying focused, running 2 miles is awesome. How encouraging to get that compliment from your friend's boyfriend's cousin!

    Jam, I'm sorry your left knee is bothering you. Hope it starts getting stronger soon.

    barbie, good for you for taking care of your knee yesterday!

    flem, so glad to see you over here! I was excited to see you join. I think there are quite a few of us april 2010 mommies over here now. And I just got an IRL friend of mine to join up here yesterday. I think it's so important for us to have encouragement and support in our weight loss journey.

    I will say that last night's kiddo bedtime without my husband was torture and leave it at that. I gotta hand it to all single moms because this is something I can't do on my own very well at all. I was up a lot with my kids last night too, neither one of them slept very well, my son in particular. I think he's cutting more teeth. Because I'm so tired I have NO DESIRE AT ALL to get on my treadmill. If it wasn't for the fact that my friend sends over her little girl to entertain my son every morning, I probably wouldn't work out. But D coming over to play with my son helps keep me accountable, so that's nice. Just waiting for my workout clothes to finish drying then I'm off to workout.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Family is coming in today from out of state. They will only be here for 2 days and I have to work due to a project deadline. But, I will get off early and see them both days.

    I will catch up with the posts later on this week,

    Take care all,

  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I'm 5'-0". I'm in! :drinker:
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I'm 5'-0". I'm in! :drinker:
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Welcome to the new additions to the thread!

    I had a great weekend, I pretty much took sat and sun off logging, I still was careful with what I ate, I let loose a little bit, but then got right back on it yesterday. I am taking Vega whole food powder right now, it tastes a bit nasty but healthy and it makes me feel very energized!

    Choco, that is so cool that you got to see BBD, I loved them back in the day!

    Barbie, I am glad you are on the mend!

    Leah, I hope that you are able to get the kids into bed a bit easier tonight, I am a single mom but I just have the one boy and I have lots of family support (and now I have a live in bf to help too) it is rough when you are not used to doing everything solo.

    To anyone I missed, hope all is well and healthy!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I took the advice of many loving friends and considered getting my knee x rayed to see what was going on with it.....I went to the chiropractor and after his examination he said that he didn't think an x ray was necessary......there was some damage but it should heal in six to eight weeks.......i have to continue putting ice on it and limit my exercise for awhile, but I don't have to sit still, I can walk a little and ride the exercise bike a little
    no dancing for awhile----I am very excited at the news and willing to take it slow
    I'm so glad that it will heal itself and I don't have to sit still all the time to do it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Hey just checkin in. Havent lost any weight :frown: I dont know why I just cant do it...Just discouraged right now. I see everyone else droppin the pounds and I've been stuck at this weight since April. And since Oct. have only lost 8 lbs. I've lost all motivation to exercise. :yawn: Tryin not to give up tho. anyway enough complainin, noone to blame but me. :grumble: :huh:

    Barbie- Hope u are back 2 dancin in no time! :heart:

    Welcome to all the newbies on the thread, hope u keep posting with us!! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, I'm sorry I've not been very active on the boards lately but I've not been feeling very well at all. While my back pain has subsided for the most part I now believe i'm coming down with a cold b/c I have bodyaches, headaches, a scratchy throat and have been sneezing. I've been trying to combat it as best I can but it is slowly getting the best of me.

    I didn't even complete yesterday's workout until late in the day. I kept procrastinating and finally I pulled myself out of the bed and jogged for 30 minutes. I have no idea the distance I covered but I felt I was moving at a decent pace. I have not decided what I will do for today's workout but I hope to shake this feeling b/c I've not been on my game and I don't want all my hard work to fall by the wasteside. My eating hasn't been horribly but I've not been eating on a schedule like I normally do and my workouts havent been intense since last week and I don't want to lose the momentum.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers - I look forward to getting to know you all.

    My company has come and gone and I did OK with the calories while they were here. It was so good to see my cousin and her kids.

    JZ- I feel the same way about not loosing. I have only lost 1 pound since January and I am getting frustrated about how to get the scale moving again. I am hoping that the Spinning class I joined will start helping. Once the kids are back in school I plan to go twice a week.

    Allibaba - It sounds like you had a great weekend, good luck this week.

    Devilwhiterose - a very interesting sounding account name. I look forward to hearing from you again.

    Have a great day all,

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Interesting post on Yahoo today on weight loss (or the lack of it)

  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope the week is finding you all well.

    Jam, thanks for posting that article, I have read half and I will keep reading the rest (busy day!) I love the section about the organic veggies. My bf and I are trying to reduce our pesticides and it is good to know we are buying the right items organic, all we need to do is switch to buying organic bell peppers and stop buying organic avocados.

    I had a slip up last night but today I am back on track again, oh well, I just need to keep reading my quote down there.