Can Men and Women be JUST Friends?



  • shortmomma81
    Yes, as long as you have boundaries.
  • t1nk6
    t1nk6 Posts: 215
    I think men and women can be friends, my husband thinks otherwise and thinks every man wants me. Lucky for me he is not the jealous type.

    i would listen to your husband to be honest and be wary of the male friends he mentions, they usually can tell when it comes to other mens advances. Mine used to tell me and get jealous when we first met, not that he didnt trust me just he was protecting me, but i never listened, just thought he was jealous and sure enough they would in time make a pass :P
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    What makes these threads ridiculous is that people think sex is the only line of demarcation between "just friends" and "not just friends." The reality is that the only reason a lot of so-called "just friends" aren't sleeping with each other is because one of them isn't interested. If you want to sleep with your "friend," or if he/she wants to sleep with you, cut the crap. You are not just friends.

    It's particularly hilarious to me when women feign ignorance about the fact that their male "friend" wants to get it on. If you're attractive and he's single, he probably wants to sleep with you. He's a man. It's what they do.
  • _Krys10_
    _Krys10_ Posts: 1,234 Member
    I think men and women can be friends, my husband thinks otherwise and thinks every man wants me. Lucky for me he is not the jealous type.

    i would listen to your husband to be honest and be wary of the male friends he mentions, they usually can tell when it comes to other mens advances. Mine used to tell me and get jealous when we first met, not that he didnt trust me just he was protecting me, but i never listened, just thought he was jealous and sure enough they would in time make a pass :P

    A few of mine have made comments "oh if you weren't married" and such but to me its all fun and flirting, my husband doesn't care and he does his fair share of flirting, it doesn't bother me. It doesn't mean I am going to be more than just friends with the men. I hear what you are saying though.
  • jonasmluster
    jonasmluster Posts: 8 Member
    What makes these threads ridiculous is that people think sex is the only line of demarcation between "just friends" and "not just friends." The reality is that the only reason a lot of so-called "just friends" aren't sleeping with each other is because one of them isn't interested. If you want to sleep with your "friend," or if he/she wants to sleep with you, cut the crap. You are not just friends.

    Sex isn't a line of demarcation at all. You can have sex and just be friends. Partnership or romance is so much more than thirty minutes to a few hours in the hay.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    For years I had male friends who I thought were just friends but in the end they did have a thing for me. I still have a few male friends but we are not close - being married for 11 years has put a lot of distance in those relationships. I have male friends at work but those are situational friendships - not true friends that I would hang out with if I left the job. When I was younger it was more common- when I was not married with kids it was more common. Now - not so much.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    What makes these threads ridiculous is that people think sex is the only line of demarcation between "just friends" and "not just friends." The reality is that the only reason a lot of so-called "just friends" aren't sleeping with each other is because one of them isn't interested. If you want to sleep with your "friend," or if he/she wants to sleep with you, cut the crap. You are not just friends.

    It's particularly hilarious to me when women feign ignorance about the fact that their male "friend" wants to get it on. If you're attractive and he's single, he probably wants to sleep with you. He's a man. It's what they do.
    Brilliant and True
  • charlene1873
    charlene1873 Posts: 263
    They sure can! Ive got a few male friends and it won't ever be anything more
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    I think men and women can be friends, my husband thinks otherwise and thinks every man wants me. Lucky for me he is not the jealous type.

    i would listen to your husband to be honest and be wary of the male friends he mentions, they usually can tell when it comes to other mens advances. Mine used to tell me and get jealous when we first met, not that he didnt trust me just he was protecting me, but i never listened, just thought he was jealous and sure enough they would in time make a pass :P

    A few of mine have made comments "oh if you weren't married" and such but to me its all fun and flirting, my husband doesn't care and he does his fair share of flirting, it doesn't bother me. It doesn't mean I am going to be more than just friends with the men. I hear what you are saying though.

    "Oh, if you weren't married"

    MALE TRANSLATION - I completely could care less that you are married and would do you at any given moment, but I am saying it this way to "offiicially" let you know I am working it, but to come off as sensitive to your marriage. Let me repeat, I would do this NOW NOW NOW right in front of your husband and do not in any way care that you are married..... but if I said that I would sound creepy.
  • _Krys10_
    _Krys10_ Posts: 1,234 Member
    I think men and women can be friends, my husband thinks otherwise and thinks every man wants me. Lucky for me he is not the jealous type.

    i would listen to your husband to be honest and be wary of the male friends he mentions, they usually can tell when it comes to other mens advances. Mine used to tell me and get jealous when we first met, not that he didnt trust me just he was protecting me, but i never listened, just thought he was jealous and sure enough they would in time make a pass :P

    A few of mine have made comments "oh if you weren't married" and such but to me its all fun and flirting, my husband doesn't care and he does his fair share of flirting, it doesn't bother me. It doesn't mean I am going to be more than just friends with the men. I hear what you are saying though.

    "Oh, if you weren't married"

    MALE TRANSLATION - I completely could care less that you are married and would do you at any given moment, but I am saying it this way to "offiicially" let you know I am working it, but to come off as sensitive to your marriage. Let me repeat, I would do this NOW NOW NOW right in front of your husband and do not in any way care that you are married..... but if I said that I would sound creepy.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    When we got married we both had friends of the opposite sex. I still have some of mine. His happened to move away and lose touch. The ones we lost, we would have lost through the natural cycle of friendship anyway. One of my best male friends - still is - actually started coming over to see him! I said, wait a min, you are MY friend - we all thought it was funny. They have grease monkey stuff in common so they bonded over cars. Another of my male friends doesn't see him much, but they are happy to talk to each other - they are very like minded people. Would I "do" any of them - um, no. Have I had any hot enough to do - yes. Would I want to? No. Did they want to - never knew. Do his - well, one did. But I think she freaked him out a little - she was a strange bird so to say and he told me he was freaked out by her. I actually did not like her - she was selfcentered and overbearing piece of work. She thought I was jealous of her - DH and I found that pretty funny. Um, not jealous - it's just that hanging with you - makes me want to eat nails. She's one that just moved away. We both celebrated that one. She probably thinks we miss her to this day LOL

    I think, because we are in a solid supportive relationship without much jealousy it works fine. We are each others biggest cheerleaders and smallest critics. We've never even had a fight. If I saw him talking to a gorgeous woman somewhere that I didn't know I would assume he was trying to help her sell her car or some similar thing. So the lack of jealousy and high level of trust - makes all the difference in the world.

    And can I have male friends and not bang them - personally - um, yes. I know their bad sides and one of them is gay. So yes. I know them too well. And when I was younger it was the same way. Maybe I just don't have the wild gene - just the fun gene?
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    of course there are exceptions to every rule....but the real answer is NO....just NO and NO and always NO

    well, i would even wonder about the "exceptions"
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I'm bisexual. Does that mean I can't have any friends and I have to bang them all?

    Forever alone and a slut.
    HI!!! You wanna be my "friend"?
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    No. Heck even guys are tough to be friends with. I just wanna sleep with everyone.

  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
    Sure, as long as everyone concerned are secure enough in their own relationships and won't be jealous.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Hmmmmm. I'm gonna go with a rare possibility. But probly not
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Because the question starts with 'can', then the answer is yes.

    Now I'm going to break the question down. All else being equal:
    1. If a man finds you attractive and you're single, would friendship stop him from trying to get in your panties? No
    2. If a man finds you attractive and you're not single, would that stop him from trying to sleep with you? Depends
    3. If you simply want to remain friends despite his attraction, would he do it? Depends
    4. If a man doesn't find you attractive, would he stay to be your friend? Yes
  • katbirdinpa
    katbirdinpa Posts: 105
    of course men and women can have platonic friend relationships. I have a ton of them :laugh:
  • liormintz
    liormintz Posts: 150 Member
    Of course they can be just friends ...take me and my wife for example
  • pennelope515

    Almost all my friends are guys